Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 513: :color

Li Le smashed Du Cong's head with one shot, then picked up Jack and prepared to take him back to be tortured by everyone.

The Salvation Army should offer to buy him back. A ninth level is always valuable, but Jack's status after going back must be much lower.

He was unlucky when he met Li Le and Krundy.

Krendi's action was sudden. Fortunately, the polar bear corps was already in series, and recently the grassroots soldiers have become more and more aware of the situation. After getting the order, I just got confused for a while and started to do it.

In the previous cleaning, he opened the door many times. A large number of officers who are devoted to polar bears have been retained.

"Is it going to take a long time just to clear out the officers who have joined the Salvation Army?" Krundy muttered to himself, then walked to Li Le's side: "Hello, I'm Krundy, the acting commander of the First Polar Bear Division. ."

Even people like Li Le are afraid of such ruthless people after knowing what Krendi has done.

Be ruthless to enemies, ruthless to comrades, and ruthless to yourself.

In order to disguise, his hands were already stained with the blood of his companions. The war is still going on, and everyone will ignore this for the time being, but when the war is over, what Krendi has done will be remembered.

At that time, he estimated that the only way to apologize is to die.

But obviously, at this time, Krendi didn't care anymore. He just wanted to quickly defeat the Salvation Army, then head north, preferably to die in Storm City.

Death is the destination of everyone. If you can choose where and how to die, many people will not die like they are now.

Died in Storm City, the head of the chief felt a little regretful, but he was not unwilling, but more relieved.

This is his fate.

The same should be true of the other Polar Bear Legionnaires who died in the snow.

But the soldiers who died in the south had only two words in their hearts - suffocation. Unprecedented frustration.

Regardless of the reasoning used by the Salvation Army, they would not endorse such behavior.

"Transfer troops?" Doss received Qing's request, and began to scold on the spot: "Transfer you *ah.*!"

He also thought about relying on these troops to carry out a counter-offensive against the snowfields in June. But it seems that this year's counter-offensive plan is in vain.

What an asshole.

Admiral Doss's mouth was fragrant, which made the surrounding staff a little unbearable. It's all the committee and Marshal Zhang who are scolding, who dares to take over?

But after the scolding, the supreme commander of the North Wind Army still gave instructions on the document, allowing 50,000 troops to be sent south to support the City of Light.

That piece supports half of the logistics of the North Wind Army. It must be suffered, but Doss felt that the enemy would not aggressively attack the territory of the City of Light. Qing Tiaobing should be just in case.

If Doss does not agree, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will start an investigation of him. It is symbolic, of course, and no one will cut off this pillar that has always supported the northern line of defense of the Salvation Army.

Even if the world says that Admiral Doss has a thirty percent chance of defecting.

Thirty is already high, close to a third.

The top commander of the front army has a one-third probability of defecting, which makes many high-level officials who have permission to read the world analysis report shake their heads.

At the earliest, the probability of Doss defecting was against one percent, but it has been rising steadily in recent months.

Obviously, his old man was very dissatisfied with what the Salvation Army had done recently. It is true that if you take the initiative to start a war, you will lose such a situation, and if you replace it with a democratic government, you will most likely have to step down.

But there is no real democratic government in the apocalypse. Even in the safe zone, Zhao Shiming seems to have to work for more than ten years before giving way.

Of course, the reasons are also very good. The safe zone can be re-elected for up to three consecutive terms, with a term of four years. After Zhao Shiming is in his sixties, it is time to retire and enjoy. At that time, Cao Andong, who was almost fifty years old, just came to power and served three more terms.

The safe zone that has been developing steadily for more than 20 years will definitely control the entire capital region by that time.

It's the real kind of control, not the joining and eroding mode of the Salvation Army. The infrastructure has to be rebuilt, and the city ruins are cleaned up one by one.

Pull away.

At the same time that Admiral Doss scolded the street, a chase began in the city of light.

"Damn it, we kindly help them maintain law and order in the city, but the Governor's Palace is so merciless!" said the animal trainer angrily.

Mattson sighed: "Stop talking nonsense and run."

The clown said with a gloomy face, "Now there are no ninth levels in the city, only one or two eighth levels, we just go out and forget it."

"The damage to the city by the eighth-level war is too serious, and maybe we have to get in a few." Mattson rejected the Joker's radical idea.

So just run.

The circus leader tapped his wand in his hand, and a road appeared in front of him.

The officials of the City of Light, who had already determined that they were spies of the enemy army, pursued them desperately. They had already forced them to their train of thought, but they saw Mattson perform a magic trick through the wall in public and lead the whole group out of the city.

But just happened to bump into the blue and purple sent back from the battlefield.


A few minutes ago, on the battlefield.

Dracula always felt a sense of disaster and doom hovering over his forehead, almost materialized.

Blood is flowing in the body.

As the Vampire Prince, he could feel the blood flowing in everyone in the room.

But there are some things he can't control.

Before me, your blood is not your blood.

At least not quite.

Suddenly, the polar bear legionnaires, dark elves, Salvation Army soldiers, and werewolf soldiers who were fighting on the ground felt their hearts beating faster and faster.

Even the eighth level Sun Ling and Xiaoyu felt a little palpitated.

The vampire prince who felt death was approaching was going mad.




One after another blood flowers bloomed on this black land where most of the ice and snow had melted.

Whether it is an enemy or a friendly army, at this moment, it can only be turned into a mummified corpse in the screams. Countless blood turned into weapons and gathered around Dracula to form blood-colored bat wings.

The prince reached out and grabbed the blood-turned spear in the air.

If there is time to sit down and chat, Dracula should name the gun, Blood and Doom.

In the last few years, he has matured a lot, but he is still a middle-aged person.

Thunder light, artillery fire, ice, all were blocked by blood wings. A few attacks hit Dracula, and the damage caused can be healed by taking two sips of blood.

Dracula suddenly became arrogant and everyone present didn't seem to have thought of it. But Lan's portal has been opened, and the enemy's offensive has been blocked, so he can retreat now.

A holy light lit up.

Yang Qixin felt a little uncomfortable with the light on her face.

The great sage chuckled: "You have a new breakthrough in the ninth level, and we can also have it."

Catherine struck with a sword and landed in front of Dracula: "Morady! In the name of the Lord, today is your day of death!"

"Call me Dracula!" said the Vampire Prince coldly.

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