Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 9: recovery

Walking in this place made Yang Qixin feel a little depressed. However, she would not have engaged in any illegal activities.

What Miss Yang didn't like was actually the feeling of being suppressed. She wants to stand on high and become a true ruler.

Then control the fate of many, many people.

This feeling is very good. Well, it should be said that Yang Qixin only has ambitions, not ideals. A semi-finished state belonging to a hero.

Of course, most of those heroes in history actually had ideals first, then ambitions and means. Yang Qixin turned around.

At another recent party, Yang Qixin saw Ye Ruxue.

I don't know who made the rules, but the senior management always has to hold a cocktail party or something to communicate with each other. The sponsor usually invites a group of bigwigs to come over to do something.

This bad habit would have been criticized twenty years ago. There were few similar situations ten years ago, but now the People's Association is more or less extravagant.

Maybe it's because the generation that grew up in the peaceful era is already forty or fifty years old, has taken power, and has forgotten to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Yang Qixin got close to Ye Ruxue in a few minutes, and when Ye Ruxue started first, she had a long time with her. If you don't know them well, you probably won't see them fighting each other.

There are always a group of people around this eldest lady who fawn on her, helping each other behind. Invisible war ignited in the field.

Obviously, Ye Ruxue couldn't compare to Yang Qixin in terms of the number of younger brothers (sisters) or eloquence, and in the end, she could only tremble with anger. A group of young girls are chatting here, and unless there is a fight, the elders will not care.

Why should the weak fight? After bullying Ye Ruxue, Yang Qixin left happily.

She didn't know yet that every time she won, it was the reason why Ye Ruxue wanted to revenge herself in the safe zone in the future. Of course, Ye Ruxue was not a good person either. From the standpoint of a third party, the two of them would be called a dog bites a dog.

After the end of the world, Ye Ruxue joined the interest group behind the hallucinogen, and was almost silenced by Song Nianzu in the end.

However, Yang Qixin followed Li Le and gradually changed from an eldest lady who only played tricks and intrigues to a real queen of Eastern Europe.

It has to be said that people change, and you can’t just look at what a period looks like, you need a comprehensive record. Many people make similar mistakes when evaluating characters, summarizing them all in one period.

At this moment, Alice, who will be the first to reach the level of a demigod in the future, who can grab the most powerful position in human beings, is still lying in the center of her doll.

Since she was hiding from her parents, Alice stayed at her cousin's house. I have to say that my cousin's family treats her very well.

Alas, if I didn't lie to my parents when my cousin and the others called the police when I was a child, wouldn't the problems in the future not happen?

Alice sometimes blames herself and feels that she has done a lot of things wrong. Only the dolls around her were still with her.

As a girl who is only one year older than Xiaoyu and has just been in high school this year, the troubles she has now are beyond what this age group can bear. Some people use childhood to heal their whole life, but having such parents requires their whole life to heal their childhood.

She buried her head in the pile of dolls, kicked her legs outside her nightgown, and seemed to want to hide in the dream world and escape from reality.

But reality doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes and don't look.

Also in the New World, the only place in the world where casinos are legal. Arras, known as the city of casinos. A group of people are living their lives in the dark.

The God of Gamblers, George Dodge, hasn't shot for a long time, and now there are basically two apprentices sitting in the casino.

Tick, Ryan, Thomas, Marcus and others are all gamblers who have been in the casino for many years at this time. Just after the New Year's Day, a group of people staged all kinds of grievances and hatreds in the casino.

For professional gamblers, it is more or less the feeling that there is no tomorrow after today. Few like George Dodge can save enough to retire to open a casino or something.

Ten bets and nine loses are not just water fish. Few of these professional gamblers can win for a lifetime.

Regardless of how beautiful they are now, these people will actually be losers in the future. Either he died, or he was sealed into a piece of paper by Yang Qixin, who had no self-consciousness at all.

Well, it wasn't sealed by Yang Qixin, she just took advantage of Copperfield.

Copperfield had just reported to the Abnormal Affairs Bureau at this time. As a person who awakened his spiritual power at an early stage, his status is now quite high.

Newcomers in the same period include Mattson and Nie Yuan. However, as an ordinary person without awakened spiritual power, Nie Yuan's overall performance is not as good as the two of them.

The departments they joined were not purely combat posts like Guo Huaiyou and Bai. There's a lot of lurking and oversight and stuff like that. It should be said that the meaning of the existence of these people, Instructor Guo, is mainly to fight against monsters. And Nie Yuan Copperfield and others want to fight with people.

Human beings are very complicated, some are noble and some are despicable. The People's Federation can only say that the overall atmosphere is not bad, but there must be bad people. With the increase of extraordinary events, the bad guys who master this kind of power are bound to appear.

The main members of this post are drawn from the Ministry of Military Intelligence and the Intelligence Bureau. Things like secret agents and intelligence organizations have been pretty marginalized in the last two decades.

more marginal than the military. After all, even in peacetime, the army will carry out some earthquake relief and assist the police to eliminate large-scale underworld forces. The main function of the intelligence department is to spy on the enemy's situation and public opinion. The enemy has disappeared, what else can you do?

So after those intelligence officers who had nothing to do all day, just stay in case of emergency by the People's Federation government were pulled into this alien bureau group, one or two were quite happy.

Nie Yuan is happy that he can get development opportunities. Copperfield is happy to see a lot of fun things.

As for Mattson, his expression was not very pleasant.

This guy has no ambitions and spends all day fishing on the post to study magic and so on. But the results are still excellent. With a distressed expression after being pulled to a post that looked busy at first glance.

But Mattson still has a sense of responsibility and will not neglect his duties. Even his performance was stronger than the other two, and he received the code name Zi.

The code name is not only an honor, but also a responsibility.

Of course, Mattson, who has just received a wand now, has no idea how much he will hate this responsibility in the future.

He was just doing the job normally.

And the members of the Star Circus who hang out with Mattson in the future are still scattered all over the world at this time. Mainly around the Mediterranean, of course.

The clown is at sea as a sailor on a ship.

Ventriloquists build dolls in small cities in Western Europe.

Animal trainers play on their own ranch in Africa.

Acrobats work in West Asia.

Their lives are ordinary, and no one knows what will happen in the future, who will meet, and how they will die.

In January, monsters appear more and more frequently. Many people within the People's Federation had an ominous feeling. Zhang Mingyu, Lu Huaiyuan and other veterans in their fifties have taken over command at the regional level, and are ready to respond to possible chaos at any time.

On the whole, the people have always been in the realm of peace and security. But the People's Federation (this also needs to be harmonious?) always has the situation that the protection is not timely, and the casualties are increasing little by little.

The propaganda department said that at most half a year, these news will not be able to be suppressed, and it is recommended to release some news first so that the public can adapt in advance.

But the above said, you will delay for a while. Wait for our official superhuman's combat power to take shape and publicize it.

There are still the military in the current foreign bureau, and there are not enough manpower. In particular, there is a serious shortage of people who can awaken supernatural powers. The folks who have awakened a little bit of extraordinary ability have also brought in special training.

The chaos has begun to spread little by little. The corpses of gods appearing in various places are also gradually increasing.

But I don't know if it's human luck or what. Anyway, these corpses of gods didn't appear in the city directly from the beginning. The most dangerous one is also in the suburbs.

A little mist fell on the world.

In a certain city, everyone suddenly heard a sound from the clock tower that has become a cultural relic.

"Huh... It's really difficult. Now I have to start all over again." The future time-alterer, who had just woken up in this world at this time: "Maybe I brought that guy back with me... But it shouldn't be a problem. Big."

Going back to the early days of the apocalypse was not the plan for the Time Ones.

It can only be said that they were forced to retreat by the great sage and others. Well, if it wasn't for the guy Li Le who came over to make up for the knife, the time-unified person would still be able to survive.

After returning, you can use your familiarity with the future to do a lot of things.

Of course, the future prevents the future from exceeding its own expectations, and the time normalizer does not change much of the earlier events. It will patiently profit from it, and then turn the future in its desired direction when needed.

In the capital region, the second largest super city with a population of nearly 30 million in the administrative region is located in Linhai.

In an ordinary residential building.

Li Le opened his eyes, rolled over and got out of bed, looking around with a vigilant look. An incredible look gradually appeared in his eyes.

He first suspected that he had acquired some kind of illusion or time corridor skills. But after careful investigation, the reality of this world was determined.

Because illusion can't simulate details that you don't know, and the time corridor can't interact, everything is fixed.

There are still about two months left before the end of the world officially comes.

After ten years have passed, he doesn't remember very clearly these things before the end of the world. After searching the Internet unskilledly, Li Le decided what to do next, and began to buy a lot of materials with the inheritance left by his parents.

At this time, similar materials have already begun to rise in price. It seems that it is not only the reborn people who can find the problem.

After going downstairs to buy lollipops and Coke, Li Le sat down on the sofa and began to think about what to do next. His understanding of the early days of the apocalypse was actually a bit too one-sided.

**Today's update, there is still one chapter left in this episode.

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