Doomsday Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 4: talk about the first

While the negotiations in the east eventually turned into armed conflicts, Usa and Yang Qixin in the west had a good conversation.

After all, the innocent people have a very high popularity in North Africa. Including the accelerated time in the land of sin, the people here have been ruled for more than ten years. Longer than the Demon Queen has been in Eastern Europe.

Regardless of whether the tyrant Grom or Usa, when ruling the people, they did their best to rule the people, and they did not use power for personal gain and did not make too many mistakes in decision-making. So the support rate is quite high.

After Yang Qixin asked them to join the recoverers, she would first give North Africa considerable autonomy.

As a person born in the post-United Nations unification period, Usa does not have such serious independent ideas. After all, joining the Restoration is not a loss of power and humiliation. Can only say mutual benefit.

The innocent are the basis for future control of the whole of Africa. So Yang Qixin is willing to cooperate with these people slowly, talk a little bit, and make concessions.

But the dark elves of Western Europe were not so lucky. The Dark Elves have been in chaos since the destruction of the Tree of Life and the Dark Sky. Next is the battle between the Dawn and the God Emperor and humans. This forgotten place is now home to hundreds or thousands of survivor camps scattered across cities.

The nature of these people is similar to the separatist forces that Cao Andong destroyed in various places. Many are half-bandits.

The werewolf and vampire families who had been silent for many years, and the demons who escaped from the Restorator's territory also occupied a lot of territory here. Coupled with the sea monsters that were originally next to Western Europe, and the rising giants, the dark blood nobles had a feeling of a hundred flowers blooming on the land of Western Europe.

Back then, after Yang Qixin destroyed the Dark Sky, he actually abducted a lot of high-end Dark Elf talents. These people still have a certain prestige in the local area. In the future, if Western Europe is to be completely ruled, Yang Qixin estimates that it will slowly grind.

In North Africa and Western Europe, two new legions need to be built. All in all, it's a water grind.

Yang Qixin and her successor will have only one task for the next few decades, and that is to digest the development site. Slowly operate around the Mediterranean Sea, North Africa, West Asia and Europe.

As long as a force can continue to open up new markets and construction areas, it can keep the economy developing. And economic development can hide most of the problems.

But once the development stagnates, the previous problems may appear.

But with such a large area, let's look at the population of the Restored. It is estimated that it will not reach that level in a hundred years, and after a hundred years, humans will be able to develop space. It can only be said that today's population is small and per capita resources are abundant, so although the ruins are full of dangers, development is only a matter of time.

The feeling that human beings could be destroyed at any time at the beginning of the apocalypse has vanished.

Li Le is very pleased with this, and he definitely has his own credit for this. Although he couldn't tell where the credit was.

Anyway, Yang Qixin and the others all said that they deserved a lot of credit.

But when Yongning asked the Devil Queen in private, Yang Qixin smiled and said that Li Le's greatest contribution was to save herself.

Needless to say, she's quite narcissistic. However, it seems to be right, because Li Le rescued Yang Qixin, and there is only today around the Mediterranean Sea.

The recoverers now have several regions in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, and Central Asia that can be developed, spanning three continents. This kind of foundation started when Li Le rescued the beautiful girl who was arrested in Suhu City.

In fact, his influence on the overall situation does not stop there. With his help, the safe zone war ended faster. Song Nianzu and other cancers also died thoroughly.

More importantly, Li Le killed an unknown number of **** corpses in a row, allowing more power to flow into human civilization. It caused a snowball-like chain reaction that made human demigods quadruple their previous life.

Today, the greatest threat to God's Corpse has been defeated. It is also the blessing of the God Emperor and the Dawn. It is said that human beings are good at infighting, but now it seems that the corpse of the gods is the real brain.

Li Le took the children and ran to the beach to play. This is Hai Duo's home court. When she was less than three years old, she dived into the water and almost couldn't find Li Le.

Changzhi watched his sister play in the water and wanted to go down, but rarely dared to go down. Sitting on the beach with Yongning and building sand castles.

He is not timid, but he feels that Hai Duo is too strong in the sea, and he is not an opponent. And Hai Duo also looked covetous to his younger brother.

Li Le is used to the days when these two little brats fight every day. After all, they have been grabbing milk and drinking since they were born. By now everyone is used to it.

Yong Ning can manage all these younger brothers and sisters well, and has the demeanor of a big sister.

She is different from Changzhidui's sand castle. The two people actually came up with the urban layout, and Changzhi also spit fire and burned some glass products as soldiers. That's how the original business strategy game started. The rules seem to be copied by Yongning from the Lin Yin game console.

Li Le looked at it, he didn't know much about the art of war, but Changzhi and Yongning played very childishly. After all, a three-year-old is less than a four-year-old. Playing this is a genius.

You must know that normal people can only remember things after the age of three. Yong Ning, who started to read at the age of one, has gone beyond the scope of precociousness and has reached the level of genetic mutation. This is somewhat of a transcendent factor. Changzhi is likely to be the second Yongning.

The two little guys were having fun, so Li Le stopped bothering and went to the sea to play with Hai Duo.

Both father and daughter can breathe in the sea, and Li Le can create air bubbles to help Hai Duo resist the air pressure, and the two sank all the way to the deep sea.

In the sea, those strangely-shaped creatures are floating, and they are strange.

Li Haiduo was not at all afraid of these giant creatures hidden in the deep sea, and followed his father to touch these big fish one by one. He also forced these sea creatures to be mounts and dragged him away.

With the support of demigods, these monsters, who are considered to be overlords in the sea, can only be obedient in front of the little girl.

Dare not to speak out.

Fortunately, Hai Duo soon had enough to play, she swam to her father and pointed to the sea to express her desire to go up. Li Le took his daughter in his arms and flew up.

If there is a chance, I should also bring my wives to the beach to play for a while.

The spiritual detection range of the demigods is very far. Li Le could sense the location of Yongning and Changzhi by the sea. So even if no one else is watching, you can rest assured.

The seaside in the last days is indeed dangerous, but this danger seems to be a fake before the demigods.

Hai Duo had a great time, but the game between Yongning and Changzhi on the beach was not over yet. Yongning's wisdom is far beyond Changzhi's, so he will often deliberately let Changzhi, so that the gap between the two is not too big.

Changzhi, on the other hand, didn't think too much about it, he just tried to win as much as possible.

He has a strong will to win, kind of like a motherfucker. Do everything first, and go all out as soon as you say what you want to do.

I don't know what will happen when I grow up.

According to Yang Qixin's plan, Changzhi will first study hard, then accumulate experience locally, and then go to the army to experience. It also takes this opportunity to gain prestige.

About thirty or forty years later, I can just take Isabella's class.

She thought so far, she was still in her prime, and all three generations had been chosen. But Li Le said that he was not sure what Changzhi would be willing to do when he grew up. Don't cause family conflicts at that time.

But Yang Qixin is very confident.

Her negotiations with the acquittal are largely complete. Next, we will unify the currency and jointly establish a parliament. And set up a new innocent legion, and the military expenses are uniformly distributed by the recoverers.

The story of the Innocence and the tyrant Grom will be an important part of the Restorator's history.

Dale followed Her Lady Queen and was very happy that the negotiation went smoothly. She and the locals of the Innocence have been fighting side by side for a long time, and it is really good to be happy that they can completely merge now.

However, Yang Qixin looked at the land of Africa in the south and sighed softly: "It's all about waste."

Not just Africa, not just the liberators, the whole world.

Good is the future, and now everyone has just ended the war and is moving towards the era of peace. The army will be rebuilt, the military industry will reduce production, the economy will gradually improve, and the supply of food, fuel and other livelihood support items will be restored.

But these all take time.

The economic system around the Mediterranean will allow them to recover quickly, but not in an instant.

Now is the end of the cold winter, everyone bear with it, spring is coming soon.

Spring is indeed coming. Not just a metaphor, but a fact at the same time. It's almost March now, and winter will soon be over.

In places like Africa, the weather is already warm or even hot. The dead line of the equator has disappeared, but it is not fake in the tropics that it is more than 30 degrees all year round.

In such weather, the body of the giant tree began to rot. Countless plants and fungi grow recklessly.

After all, it is the remains of a demigod, and even if these things are touched a little bit, they will have a huge change. And human beings can also mine this wood block full of magical power in the future.

In fact, the Alchemy Association has sent three batches of people to collect the corpse of the giant tree.

A giant existence spanning half a continent, I don't know how many years it can dig. Just like the gods who have decayed and died, their corpses will be enjoyed by humans for a long, long time.

The long dark night has only just begun, and human beings have already adapted. And start lighting up the world with your own lights.

This is man's own light.

Although not comparable to the sun, it is enough to illuminate the night.

Perhaps civilization will go backwards and fall into darkness. will be cornered. But as long as it doesn't perish completely, that one turns around, a brief moment in the life of the planet calculated in units of hundreds of millions of years.

These inconspicuous things will spread quickly like flames.

The mighty **** has died, and this time very thoroughly. After several cycles of reincarnation, history has indeed moved forward in a spiral. It seems that it has not changed, but in fact, it has already moved forward a lot.

From now on, human beings in this world will no longer have any checks and balances. They will go to the stars, to the universe. into their future.

**It's hard to top, none of them were seen at the beginning.

Well, signing should be fine, but now the editors may be demanding more from me.

I have to think again.

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