Doomsday Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Vested interests

If someone asks who is the most powerful family in the world, the answer must not be a dark blood family or a political family and a military family in the safe zone.

Instead, there are seven demigods, the Li Le family.

Although it seems that such a small number of people is not a real family, it will spread from generation to generation in the future, coupled with the expansion of the family, it will inevitably be neglected in management. Maybe Li Le and his family will become the biggest cancer here in the future.

If there is a time, Li Le and Yang Qixin will not know what to do, right?

It was because of thinking of that situation that Yang Qixin consciously started to decentralize and was interested in Li Le's actions to explore the starry sky. At the same time, Changzhi is no longer required to grow up according to his own ideas.

Only when these demigods leave, will the class solidification that may be formed by the recoverers in the future have a chance to be overthrown.

But that's all for the future.

Now, Yang Qixin just watched her son silently from behind to see what he would do.

Li Changzhi's thoughts were completely unobstructed in front of his mother. What's more, the Demon Queen has the ability to control the stage. The entire Restorator's territory is under her control.

When Lin Yin came to inform, Yang Qixin was lying in Li Le's arms. I don't know what the two of them are playing, anyway, Yang Qixin is meowing meow.

As for Lin Yin's whistleblower, she just said that she knew.

Immediately, the rabbit felt that this matter was boring and was caught by Li Le and Yang Qixin, and was forced to meow together.


As I said before, in school, Changzhi's academic performance is the first. But he actually has a very strong competitor. In appearance, family, grades are comparable to him.

Although Changzhi's total score is always the first, in terms of subject scores, he has lost several times since he was a child.

This person is his third sister, Li Haiduo.

Compared to Changzhi, who had a lofty ideal, Hai Duo, who was only less than two months older than him, studied hard from childhood to adulthood, and all her efforts were aimed at surpassing her younger brother.

Although it is said that Li Le's family takes great care of every child. Don't favor a child just because he has better grades.

But these two people started to grab milk and drink from a young age, and competition has completely become a habit. Hai Duo loses more and wins less, and is still not convinced. Therefore, he has been competing with Changzhi all the time.

Changzhi said that he and his sister are no longer in the same realm.

He no longer sticks to ordinary school activities, but intends to move towards the real stage. Although arrogant in his heart, Changzhi also knew that he was inexperienced and needed the help of some truly capable people.

Of course, the classmates in the school all have potential, but these people are not much different from me. have no experience.

Experienced people have to find them from those old guys in their twenties and thirties... um, does this count as digging mother's corners?

Try contacting a few teachers from the school.

Among these teachers are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. After all, those who have recovered are in a period of crazy development these years, and intellectuals are scarce. One or two in class can tell their past deeds.

Some are bragging, but some are true.

Changzhi has been picking people since he started this plan, and one of the teachers was quickly targeted by him.

This is when he was a high-ranking official in the dark elves. In the end, due to various reasons, he could only come to the school to teach, and now he is also an economics elective teacher in his 40s.

The dark elf marquis-level powerhouse, the old-fashioned Mastolo was quickly persuaded by his student.

"We will go to Western Europe in the name of a construction company. Then we will carry out urban construction work there. So we must first acquire such a company. At that time, I will ask the teacher to help you check it out." Changzhi said.

"You should have already picked it, right?" The teacher yawned: "The construction company, plus the security team. Go to the ruins of the cities that have not been ruled by the recoverers, train troops and build. When you need it, you can directly show your own. Background. After the operation is completed, I will directly take this achievement on the stage. Is that so?"

The teacher saw through Changzhi's thoughts almost at a glance. Of course, this is not difficult. People at the same level can guess based on your behavior.

It's one thing to propose, it's another to see through. This kind of thing can be said by many old men chatting in the village.

The key is in the execution process.

The main level of strategic capability lies in the splitting step. Breaking down a big goal into several easy-to-implement steps is the real planning ability.

For example, in grand strategy, I want to dominate the world. Anyone can think of it.

But to complete this step, you must first separate **** places, unite **** allies, eliminate xx, and then eliminate xx, take advantage of what area, and what is the reason for uniting this person to eliminate that person...

Many people may understand it after it is proposed, but the first thing that comes to mind is the real strategic talent.

The level of Changzhi is still a little immature, but it is already a beginner.

After all, it is an existence that has been learned from the Demon Queen since childhood. The standard in this regard is not bad. Of course, it is also because he knows enough information.

It is precisely because there is enough information that Changzhi has the confidence to do these things. The essence of strategy is basically relying on information, either by actively creating information gaps, or by operating on information that only a few people know about.

"There can be no real hereditary system in this era. If I really want to inherit my mother's position, I must make real achievements." Changzhi separated from his teacher and looked into the distance.

In the twenty-eighth year of the end of the world, the issue of succession gradually began to emerge within the various forces.

It was precisely because Liu Lie could not take over smoothly that Cao Andong revised the rules and reluctantly re-elected one more section. But now, the time has come.

Cao Andong did not plan to continue his re-election. After sixteen years as district head, he was also tired.

After recovering the entire capital region, plus parts of Southeast Asia, Ross, and Central Asia, the security zone is planning to change its name to the New People's Federation. But that will probably be postponed until this year's election.

Liu Lie is relatively unsatisfactory, and after more than ten years, he has not reached the level of a demigod. Otherwise, in this competition, he must have stabilized Wang Sheng.

The consequences of taking over the line of the Salvation Army are now revealed. Xu Xiaoxing, Lan, two demigods, plus Chairman Mo and other members of the Salvation Army who have also occupied important positions in the safety zone over the years, and Zhang Haiwangsheng, two generals of the new era.

Together, these people became a considerable force.

Of course, behind Cao Andong are most of the military members and the original government officials in the security zone. As well as a large number of production-oriented Xianmeng gangs that have been supported and expanded by him.

There are also the people who were rescued by him back then, and the many heroic spirits who gradually integrated into the safe zone.

Combined, these forces are much stronger than the so-called opposition. If you really want to force yourself to continue to control the power, the only obstacle is to insist on the unforgiveness of the law.

Wang Sheng's ability... may be more outstanding than Liu Lie in many respects. But Cao Andong didn't like this guy very much.

Because this person has no idea of ​​leading the people forward, only the ambition of personal achievement. Having the latter is not a problem, but not having the former is the biggest problem.

The position of the head of the safety zone is related to tens of millions of people, if you are not really prepared to be responsible for it. It may be able to continue to develop reluctantly in peacetime, but it will definitely leave various hidden dangers.

Now is far from the time to sit back and relax. Liu Lie will represent the interests of the entire safety zone, but Wang Sheng represents the interests of the ruling class in the safety zone.

It can be said that the former is idealistic and the latter is realistic.

The realists will win in the end, and the ideal is something that takes everyone forward. But not everyone is as willing to move forward as Li Le is. When reaching the destination, people will stop involuntarily.

Just like a nomadic tribe, when you find a place with lush water and grass, you stop. Wait until Huo Huo is gone before continuing.

Cao Andong only hopes that the idealists can stay in position for a longer time.

In any case, idealists are people who sincerely serve the common people. Under the same ability, it can play a much stronger effect than the realist.


"Do you want to come again at the end?" Cao Andong sighed, remembering that time more than 20 years ago.

Not just twenty years ago, similar things happened countless times in history, so many that human beings feel a little bored. Either it is a battle between idealists and realists, or in the end the idealists choose to compromise and become part of the realists.

Cao Andong can compromise, the big deal is that everyone enjoys happiness together as a ruler.

But as the true inheritor of the spirit of the People's Union, Cao Andong, now 68, is unwilling to do so. He still has to hand over the position of the district head to a more reliable person.

Liu Lie stood on the city wall.

Now the role of the city wall has been greatly reduced, and many places have been demolished because it affects commercial activities.

But it is true that the human heart is the real Great Wall. After most of the monsters in the wild have been cleaned up, the meaning of the city wall itself is not great. All that remains are tourist attractions.

The walls are full of traces of battle and years. In fact, with the hardness of this wall, unless it is a powerhouse of level 8 or above, it cannot leave any traces at all.

So Liu Lie can even remember the origin of some of the scars. This is the corpse of the **** riding on a bull-headed skeleton, and it was a group of shadow soldiers hitting it...

It's been too long, and even the details are a little blurry.

Liu Lie took a deep breath. The general with a white robe and a silver spear appeared behind him: "Young Master, Duke Cao, please come over and talk."

"Okay." Liu Lie, who was almost fifty years old, turned around and walked down the city wall. The heroic spirit Zhao Yun next to him followed, just as he had been with Liu Bei for decades.

Zhao Yun often serves as a guard (why is this illegal), but he is not just a guard. At the same time, he is also responsible for some intelligence, recruiting and other activities. In the later period, the family was rich (the rich were defeated again in two years), and he once led his troops to make a great name in the battle of Hanshui.

As long as Liu Bei recognized Liu Lie, the bunch of heroic spirits from Shu Han also recognized him. Just as Cao Cao recognized Cao Andong back then.

Except for Zhuge Liang, none of the Shu Han reached the top level. But they're all pretty good heroes. After gathering, they helped Liu Lie a lot. It's just that Liu Lie still didn't become a demigod with the help of these people, which made him quite sad.

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