Doomsday Hunter

Vol 4 Chapter 3: Xiang Luo's story

"Colonel Xiang Luo, I have a task for you next."

Han Gongcheng, a young major general who once studied under Cao Andong and later went to Lu Huaiyuan's tent, told Xiang Luo in the command room.

"Please order." Xiang Luo looked serious and calm.

Han Gongcheng is a very talented person, at least in the military, his commanding ability is on a par with Andoran, and is regarded by Lu Huaiyuan as the best successor after Yang Yun.

Of course, his ending is the same as Yang Yun. Die before you grow up. History's evaluation of the two is not only regretful but also regretful.

The job he handed over to Xiang Luo was to raid the front line, and the target was quite clear, that is, the group of Yin soldiers entrenched between Chuanshuzhou and Beihuazhou.

That is the historical image left over here during the First World War of the People's Union. A group of guys who have used weapons from decades ago, but have always maintained first-class tactics and military discipline. He fought against the West Route Army led by Lu Huaiyuan, the Yin soldiers of Daqin, and the Mongolian cavalry for many times in this place where civilizations meet.

It looks like this will be the first one out. Because they will also be attacked by the immortal alliance in the south.

Li Shanyang, who broke through to the ninth level at almost the same time as the great sage, killed the strongest target among the Yin soldiers with one sword. Although the Yin Soldier is not like some Hollywood villains, the boss will die and the whole gg, but it is still a very serious blow.

This may be the underworld soldier of the first expenditure bureau. No need, they were indeed the first to be wiped out. It's still a small test point in the history books.

Xiang Luo didn't say much after receiving the order, and after saluting, he led the team off.

He has been silent since he joined the army. Sometimes Xiang Luo thinks of Li Le who didn't say goodbye to him before leaving - probably Li Le didn't know how to talk to Xiang Luo, who had just killed his father by himself.

The two are true comrades-in-arms, fighting together for the same philosophy. It's a pity that among the enemies standing on the opposite side, there is his own father.

Well, Xiang Luo is fighting for ideas and justice, and Li Le is simply because he has hatred with those people.

Putting on the military cap, Xiang Luo stopped thinking about other things and concentrated on preparing for the battle. Only the thought is pure enough to guarantee that you will not die casually in the battle with the enemy.

Military vehicles are heading to the battlefield.

Liu Zelin finally woke up from his dream. It seemed that he was too fascinated by reading last night. Dreaming at night is all about Xiang Luo.

"History seems to be interesting." Liu Zelin looked at the time and found that it was a little late, so he hurriedly set off and went to school with a piece of bread in his mouth.

The Liu family's family style is relatively simple, even Liu Wanghai, the direct descendant of the demigod, does not have a big fish or a bunch of housekeepers and servants. It was completely different from the Xu family who went out next door without three or five bodyguards and a dozen servants.

Over the years, the earth's population has grown to four billion. It is far from the theoretical saturation of 10 billion. But it also forced the recoverers and the New People's Union to develop southward, and there were some disputes in Central Asia, North Asia, or the New World.

After Lan's death, the Salvation Army faction within the New People's Federation gradually lost its influence, and finally became a complete villain in history textbooks.

Xiang Tianqi, who colluded with them, finally became the object of criticism in history class.

Instead, the biography written by Liu Wanghai is more objective. Well, every history book he writes is objective. But Liu Wanghai took it as his lifelong ideal. It is estimated that no one is willing to record the dark history of the demigod after he is dead.

Old Liu has no successor. Although the current family style of the Liu family is clean, it is also local, and there are many forces in the central business and political circles. The kind that suffices to manipulate elections. As for those who really devote themselves to recording history, there is no one at present.

"How is it, does it look good?" The same desk asked Liu Zelin as he lent his homework to him while he was writing.

"Not bad." Liu Zelin nodded: "It's very interesting. I didn't know my great-grandfather was so good at writing books before."

The same table was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "That's right, your surname is Liu Lai."

And this school, if the grades are not very good, the family must be the privileged class to enter. For example, Xiao Xu, the sophomore tyrant in the next class.

Looking at Liu Zelin's way of copying homework and sleeping in class all day, he knew that she definitely didn't come to this school on the basis of grades. Considering the surname Liu, it is certain that he is somewhat related to Liu Wanghai.

After all, there were only three surnames Liu in the security zone back then. Liu Wangshan and Liu Wanghai are brothers, and if you have relatives with one, you must have with the other.

As for Liu Lie, his descendants are dead. One of the most accomplished ones died in the same incident as Xiang Luo, and it has not been decrypted yet, and outsiders don't know what happened.

Anyway, on that day, many demigods took action, several people in the Xu family died, and then they were depressed for a while.

But after a few decades, with the huge commercial benefits brought by Xu Xiaoxing, a space demigod, they returned to their peak state.

Such a family may resemble the nobility and aristocracy of ancient Europe or the capital region. Change the dynasty, but you can't change the person above your head. Aristocratic families and noble families are famous for their surnames. They change their skins and shells, but they can't change their bones. outlived the dynasty itself.

Later, it was only by virtue of the imperial examinations that the nobles disappeared, and there were still clans in the future, but they couldn't last as long as before.

In the future, if a family has a demigod, it is estimated that it will not be defeated for a long time.

Liu Zelin was sleeping during class, so he dreamed of Xiang Luo again.

Following Han Gongcheng and Lu Huaiyuan's southern and northern wars for many years, they finally defeated all the enemies in Beihuazhou, and then as Han Gongcheng's deputy, they went to Cao Andong's command to attack the rangers in Mengwuzhou.

At this time, Xiang Luo has become a very qualified officer. As Han Gongcheng's deputy, there is no problem at all.

When Cao Andong went to the north to support the snowfield front, Xiang Luo and Han Gongcheng were responsible for replacing his old man's original defense area. It can be said that Xiang Luo at this time is completely on the same level as Liu Lie in terms of position.

His cooperation with Han Gongcheng has also become a nightmare for many enemies.

However, the good times did not last long.

Probably in the eighth year of the end of the world, Han Gongcheng returned to the safe area to award honors, and Xiang Luo was responsible for leading the troops to repair them outside. In fact, many of these troops were adapted from the "Yang Family Army" under the command of Yang Zhenguo. Now he is under the account of the enemy's son.

It is even difficult for some people to accept it.

However, you can hardly blame Xiang Luo for the evil that Xiang Tianqi made.

I heard the name of Han Gongcheng and Han Gongcheng. Many people may be able to think of something. That's right, it was the part where the Dawning took over the world's computer and launched an attack.

The light lit up in the sky, and it could be seen from Xiangluo, who was far away.

That attack was launched by Xu Xiaoxing. But at that time, Xu Xiaoxing was controlled by the Dawn, and it was just a tool to open the portal.

So Xiang Luo never thought about revenge on Xu Xiaoxing.

He later died at the hands of the Xu family, entirely because of something else.

In the war with the Dawn and the God Emperor Turkas, as well as in the pioneering battle for the next ten years, Xiang Luo has made considerable contributions. And these are remembered by history and people.

With the end of the pioneering period, Xiang Luo chose to leave the military and come to the public security department.

After Lu Liu retired, he finally became the biggest police officer of the New People's Federation.

Unlike in those stories, Xiang Luo was not like his father, who began to decay because of his high position. He has always maintained his original intention and maintained justice, and was even criticized for disregarding the overall situation.

If not for the unforgivable and upright judgment, and the secret support of Cao Andong and Liu Lie. Xiang Luo is estimated to have been knocked down by someone who was throwing dirty water and stinking.

Being a good person will stand in the way of many people.

The last time Xiang Luo was so angry was when his two police colleagues were killed by a car, and the witness and the prisoner were released by Lu Liu.

He looked at several police corpses covered with white cloths, and closed his eyes: "How arrogant?"

It's not really arrogant. It's just that those people were cornered by Xiang Luo and could only give up. After Lan died, Xu Xiaoxing's family dominated in space ability, and his son became the top leader of the third New People's Federation (the first Liu Lie, the second Wang Sheng, the third Xu Xiaoxing's son). The Xu family has grown into a towering tree that is difficult to cut down.

This thing is mixed with various industries such as the logistics of Xinrenlian, and cutting it is equivalent to making people associate with the Great Depression. Nobody would do that.

Even Xiang Luo can only do some subtle work of pruning.

It's been fifty years, and I still can't change anything? Xiang Luo sat in the office chair and closed his eyes.

He is not young anymore, seventy is considered middle age for a ninth grader.

But Xiang Luo is still the same as when he was young.

It’s okay to say that you are passionate, or that you don’t care about the overall situation. It is estimated that this life will not change until death.

"Let's arrest all these crazy idiots." Xiang Luo said to the police: "Assassination is the most intense activity, and every assassination will leave a lot of traces, don't be afraid, I will give you the bottom line-- Go and ask the justices to protect us."

The morale of the police was immediately high, and they had the same hatred and no worries. Naturally, they would not show mercy. I don't know how many criminals who were implicated in the Xu family were killed.

The fierce confrontation between the two sides has caused turmoil in the new urban area of ​​Xijing. In the end, Liu Wanghai stood up to maintain order.

As for the unforgiveness, it was in a very depressed time at this time. He is about to reach the level of a god, but his consciousness is about to dissipate and be washed into a blank space.

So he couldn't shelter Xiang Luo and the police at all.

Instead, Liu Lie's eldest son, Professor Liu Mo, who teaches at Xijing University, was invited by Xiang Luo to deal with possible enemies.

With Cao Andong and Liu Lie present, Xiang Luo felt that it was impossible to dispatch a demigod on the opposite side, so two ninth-level ones, one of which was at the peak of ninth-level, cooperated with the heroic spirits beside him... In theory, it was enough.

However, the enemies he faced were far beyond his imagination.

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