Doomsday Hunter

Vol 4 Chapter 18: Copperfield's story

Xu Xiaoxing's trump card is another demigod.

Not his wife Guan Ping, not those recovering fellows or the centrist members of the New People's Federation.

It's even more impossible to say what spies were buried on Cao Andong's side. If there were really a spy, it would definitely be against the water at this time. As long as there is no firm belief in a spy, it is the easiest to turn against the water and betray. Or rather, it's part of their job itself.

Xu Xiaoxing's trump card comes from a guy who has long been forgotten by everyone.

In fact, he communicated with this demigod who was still alive very early. But he never dared to really pull him out, because this would mean being an enemy of some people Xu Xiaoxing couldn't afford to offend.

That's right, this demigod was Copperfield who was killed by Alice several times before dying, and finally sealed and shredded into thousands of pieces.

In fact, Xu Xiaoxing has been collecting Copperfield's fragments all these years. It's just that those fragments are all being monitored by Alice, and he can only secretly mark the space. But now that she is about to die, and Alice is not on Earth, Xu Xiaoxing will naturally not have any scruples.

Space teleportation was activated, and countless fragments were gathered on the sea.

Copperfield, who had been sealed for over a hundred years, opened his eyes. Countless fragments of consciousness and broken memories are slowly recovering.

He is back.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Copperfield's emotions were obviously a little excited and crazy, and he was obviously weaker just after the unblocking: "Finally... I'm finally back!"

"Alice, your seal can't be eternal!"

As soon as he appeared, he was stabbed straight by a spear from Xue Weizhi, and his body almost shattered again, but he was still laughing wildly.

It seems that the split and loneliness of this century of consciousness has really driven Copperfield crazy.


Liu Zelin has been promoted to the eighth level, proving that his understanding of the essence of history has surpassed that of most people.

He started trying to use the power of those historical figures. Most are very faint and don't make much sense. But the mirror jump from the **** of death and the will-warping reality from Hesa ​​played some role in his hands.

This shows that he has a preliminary understanding of the images of the two historical figures, and gained a little resonance with the historical traces they left.

So Liu Zelin once again had the illusion that I was the protagonist. But anyway, having motivation is a good thing.

During the second day of training, the instructor was quite surprised at the improvement of Liu Zelin's strength. Then he looked at Liu Zelin's background information... Liu Wanghai's great-grandson felt that his position was absolutely reliable and his strength was no problem. Now this situation is quite short of manpower, why don't you just pull over to work?

No, forget it.

The strength is indeed no problem, but the combat experience is too poor. Just keep training. There will definitely be some use for him later.

The instructor held back some anxiety and began to continue training Liu Zelin.

There is a lot of knowledge to master on the battlefield. And the discipline requirements are high. Simply relying on one's own combat power to rush and fight, will be out of touch with other people and lose cover.

After a day of training, it was not too tiring for Liu Zelin. The physical strength of the eighth level is not covered.

But Liu Zelin couldn't understand the specific theories taught by the instructors. I have to say, he's really not very smart.

He started refurbishing the book after he went back.

This is the biography of Copperfield.

A character who has been characterized as a complete villain. Among the many defectors of the Salvation Army, others basically disagree with the Salvation Army's philosophy and cannot stand the failure of the Salvation Army.

Copperfield is completely, after Nie Yuan died, no one could control him, and he jumped directly.

This is a freewheeling guy. I don't care about other people, I just do things for my own pleasure. People like this are naturally villains.

The so-called plays he directs often use the suffering of others as the raw material and call them art.

Art is, in the final analysis, for people to see. Used to evoke emotions in people. But that doesn't mean anything that makes people angry or sad is art.

What Copperfield did should be characterized as scam and vandalism.

Do anything for fun.

People like this who ignore moral and social norms and only care about their own happiness will definitely not be a positive character. Liu Wanghai is very critical in the book.

In the earliest days, Copperfield, Nie Yuan, and Mattson were colleagues.

Among them, Nie Yuan and Mattson are both from the intelligence department. Mattson came to the intelligence department simply to fish. And Nie Yuan was keenly aware of a little abnormality in the society, so he entered the intelligence department to collect information.

As for Copperfield, he was a director before supernatural powers appeared.

The director's performance is relatively average. Copperfield attributed the reasons to his lack of money to invest in good actors and poor taste in audiences.

To be honest, his directing level is actually not too bad, but his personal taste is too far from the public.

So maybe in another era, Copperfield can really gain fame and fortune.

But during the People's Federation period, the public didn't like to watch his films with serious petty bourgeoisie and rich literary meaning. So Copperfield has always been underappreciated.

There are many people like this in the world. But later Copperfield had a powerful ability. Hypnosis, illusion, these abilities are tailor-made for Copperfield, and many people are forced to become pawns in his performances.

The two big plays in Nightmare City and Utopia are just routine for Copperfield.

Father and son cannibalize each other, brothers turn against each other, and the beloved kills each other in order to survive in starvation. These are things he got tired of playing very early on.

Copperfield was a member of the Salvation Army at the time. Of course, he never took the Salvation Army code seriously.

Save all mankind? This idea and story is too old-fashioned. It almost made Copperfield want to doze off. But Nie Yuan can provide some intelligence support for the drama he usually arranges, so it's okay to help them do something.

Just get rid of them when you're bored.

Liu Zelin shook his head, feeling that this article was a bit boring, perhaps Liu Wanghai wrote it on purpose to avoid someone imitating Copperfield.

What if it was so funny that people liked Copperfield's way of doing things and ended up imitating it?

People who write history inevitably have some inclinations of their own values. For example, Sima Qian, he did not like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, nor did he like Wei Qing Huo Qu Bing under his command. So the biographies of these two people are basically records. Today they did **** and defeated xx, and tomorrow they did **** and defeated xx.

And his favorite Xiang Yu, Li Guang and so on can be very legendary.

Of course, Sima Qian is still worth learning, because even if he has his own values ​​​​inclination, he will record all the positive contents of the objects he does not like. Moreover, people are eunuchs, and books are not too much.

Things are true, but the description angle and emphasis are different, the results are very different.

In Spring and Autumn Brushwork, an event can be interpreted from several angles. Therefore, when reading history, you must find several different books for comparison. Liu Zelin is not just reading the history books of the great-grandfather's family. Also look at the records of the recoverers, as well as some media interpretations.

It seems that if you look around, you will find that your grandfather is the most objective.

Meanwhile, at sea.

The illusion created by Copperfield was destroyed by Cao Andong with the power of history.

And he and Xu Xiaoxing successfully distanced themselves by teleportation.

"Go inland, they dare not fight us in densely populated places!" Xu Xiaoxing shouted to Copperfield.

The hypnotist seemed to be much calmer than before, as if he had been completely freed from the seal of more than 100 years: "So... let's go."

The two quickly teleported, and Xu Xiaoxing's original image was teleported directly to Xijing. But it was blocked by some inexplicable force and fell into a mountain.

"You really came here." Wu Jianheng, Li Shanyang's eldest apprentice, sat here quietly: "That is to say, as Mr. Cao and the others judged, when you are desperate, you will definitely take the people in the city as hostages."

Xu Xiaoxing was silent.

In fact, going to Xijing is not only for this purpose, but taking the people as hostages must be one of the purposes.

Now it seems that Cao Andong and the others are well prepared.

Copperfield looked to the east: "Ah, it seems that my illusion has been broken by them."

Wu Jianheng drew his sword, obviously ready for battle. Countless large formations rose into the air here, isolating the space, making Xu Xiaoxing completely unable to teleport.

The mountain in front of him is the trap left by Cao Andong and others for Xu Xiaoxing. As long as he wants to go back to Xijing, he will definitely fall into it.

Wu Jianheng only needs to delay for a few minutes, Cao Andong and others will come and give Xu Xiaoxing a fatal blow.

And in the city, Mengbu Forgiveness will also complete the trial of the Xu family. Cao Andong is ready to deal with the turmoil caused by the elimination of Xu Xiaoxing in a few years.

After the vested interests are eliminated, it often causes some social unrest. So this has also become an excuse for many people not to do it.

But really, it's all bullshit. Surgery to remove a tumor can leave a person in bed for a long time, but isn't that the reason for not doing it? Of course, later surgery may indeed lead to early death, but the result of no surgery is inevitable death.

Therefore, the tumor should be removed as soon as possible, and the internal tumor should be removed as soon as possible.

Now that Cao Andong and others have been preparing for so long, they can minimize the impact of the operation.

Xu Xiaoxing found himself in a desperate situation.

Copperfield suddenly laughed again:

"This play is very exciting. If you caused social unrest because of killing Xu Xiaoxing, it would be even more exciting if the arrival of aliens caused the destruction of mankind."

"Alien?" Hesa ​​came from a distance with the figure of water droplets, and threw a piece of broken copper and iron on the ground: "You said this?"

Li Shanyang fell beside the eldest apprentice.

Reaper silently aimed his pistol at Copperfield's head.

**Today's update. **Ask for collection and subscription. A new book will be released next month, probably there will be manuscripts in the archives, maybe a hundred chapters more. Then the first two are on the shelves, and the last three are even better.

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