Doomsday Hunter

Vol 4 Chapter 29: on the story of the fleet of life

On the sea, Liu Zelin and his tablemate began to play in the water. The tablemate put on a swimsuit and swam in an unskilled posture.

Liu Zelin is very good at swimming, and he doesn't know which historical figure this power originated from. Anyway, he definitely didn't learn it in reality.

Grandpa's books contain special powers that allow readers to gain a little bit of the power of the characters in the book. Liu Zelin can now open a small portal, distort reality in a small area, and create a small Great Wall.

Those abilities are not just extraordinary abilities. Liu Zelin read so many books, and also gained some commanding abilities of the generals in the story.

I don't know who the swimming ability came from, but this is a very common skill, and there is no need to delve into it.

He jumped into the sea and splashed water with his tablemate. If Liu Zelin was serious at the same table, he would definitely not be an opponent, after all, he was level 8, but now he is not as stupid as he was a few years ago, and it is impossible to really press his girlfriend into the water and soak it in something.

Suddenly, they received a message requesting to return to land. Because there are warships to be launched.

The navy of the Xinrenlian started relatively late. After all, their predecessor was a safe zone, a place inland. No coastline what navy.

Not Mongolia.

Therefore, it was only twenty years after the end of the world that they could be regarded as having a properly organized warship. After that, it took many years to build the navy, and it was a full 50 years behind the cheap restorer who picked up the Life Fleet next door.

Although the life fleet sank a lot when it fought against the great sage, it suffered heavy losses. But the crew still has a lot left, and the shipyard can start work quickly. Nature will soon recover.

The New People's Association is completely inferior to others in this regard. Many technologies are far inferior to those of the Restorers. Have to dig the Dawning's legacy everywhere to learn. Even now it is more than ten years behind them.

In the case of maintaining high-speed innovation, more than ten years have been far behind. Regardless of other factors, the New People's Alliance Navy has only a 20% chance of winning.

Although there will be no conflict with the recoverers in a short period of time, such a level obviously does not satisfy the Xinrenlian.

As the orthodox successors of the People's Federation, they must do everything best.

People's Union is a legend in today's historical evaluation.

Because it did not rot and fell by itself, but died because of an accident. And even after it died, it was broken into many pieces, and it was still maintaining order. Finally, in its legacy, the New People's Federation stood up again.

This thing, like Rome in the West, is destined to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even in the past one or two thousand years, there are still people who will fight for a legal system.

Shinra Green Luo Dongluo... Looking around, Europe before the liberation of the People's Federation also had a lot of relatives with Rome. It is true that Rome is really the only one in Europe.

And so does the People's Association. The Salvation Army Safe Zone was transformed by the internal forces of the People's Federation, and the slogan of the liberators next door is also liberate civilization. What period of civilization? Naturally, it is the period of the People's Union.

The founder of the Life Fleet, Captain Bess, was actually a naval officer during the Human League era.

Because most of them don't like to fight and kill, and they are naturally weaker. Women are relatively rare in the military, and they are mostly hygienists and literary soldiers. But although the base is small, there are always freaks like Captain Bass or Yang Qixin.

Compared with Yang Qixin's atypical soldier who switched between queen fan and green tea fan. Captain Bess is a genuine human alliance military origin. Before the end of the world, he had achieved the same position as Yang Qixin's father.

The fleet of life, from personnel to ships, can be said to be pulled up bit by bit by Captain Bess himself.

Of course, it's not enough to rely on her alone, and Arna's help is indispensable in this. The help of every crew member is also indispensable.

Many times, the crew members of the Life Fleet seem to be out of shape, and Captain Beth is like everyone's parent, watching these uneasy children every day.

Ginny, David, Rickon, Maudie, Lizzie, Vince...

After more than a hundred years, these names are like books soaked in seawater, somewhat vague. A large number of them have passed away.

Some were killed in battle, and if they were not killed in battle, they would die of old age. After all, they are not demigods, and it is impossible for them to live for hundreds of years.

The thing that Captain Beth hated most all these years was attending funerals. But it is impossible not to participate.

Saying goodbye to an old friend is always lonely.

Not to mention someone like her who always treats those guys like children.

After returning to Earth, Captain Beth happened to have another funeral. Lixi, the former second officer, who drank every day even when she was ill, finally couldn't stand it anymore and left.

Maybe Captain Bess being here watching her would keep this guy alive a little longer.

It's just that Lixi may wish to drink two more sips at the last moment of her life, right? That's bastard...


At the funeral, there was a young girl standing beside Beth, but if you look closely, you will find that there are mechanical traces on her body.

This is a robot puppet. It's also the body that Captain Beth built for Ginny. Others belonged to depleted souls and died of old age, while Ginny was an artificial soul whose fragments were picked up many years ago and made into the Ginny.

It's hard to say whether this is the same Ginny back then. Anyway, she thinks she is, so take it as it is.

Self-knowledge has always been an important part of determining one's identity. If a person thinks he is a and everyone else thinks he is a, then he is a.

This is a philosophical question. Beth occasionally thinks about it.

The puppet Ginny controlled stood next to Bess, not calling the captain a **** like many years ago. After all, after so many years, she still needs to mature a little bit.

"Captain, how are you and Li Le recently?"

"At close to the speed of light, we spent more than a month in space in total, and of course we didn't feel anything." Captain Beth smiled at her: "How about you? How have you been on Earth these past few years?"

"It doesn't feel very good... Now Lixi is dead too." Ginny was obviously sad.

"Yeah, they're all dead..." Captain Beth sighed.

For two long-lived people, watching the others die first is a necessity.

Time kills your old friends and turns your new friends into old ones. Then kill again.

This is true of every long-lived, sentient being. Either go crazy or go indifferent. But Captain Beth and Ginny haven't reached that level for the time being.

Life Fleet still has many of their acquaintances, but these acquaintances... are no longer members of the first batch. Like the ship of Theseus that sails on the sea, constantly changing parts. In the end, no part was the first, but it was still the same ship.

In addition to sigh, and miss. What can Captain Beth do? Let's fly out of the starry sky with Li Le. The earth doesn't need them anymore, and the kids are all grown up.

Just come back once in a while.

However, she couldn't help but start to recall the days when the fleet of life was just built.

"Bess, there are too many pirates in the Mediterranean now. Let's see if you can get some fleets out to protect our merchant ships." The great sage Arna said to Captain Bess: "Otherwise, this is not the way to go."

Captain Bes looked at his elder with bright eyes: "I'm already preparing. But for the ship, I need your help to find the materials. In addition, I'll show you the design drawings to see if there is anything that needs to be modified."

Arna: "Well, let me see."

This was the original creation of the Queen of Roses. It is also the beginning of the fleet of life.

The great sage was still very fast, and immediately brought out the Rose Queen for Captain Bess. With a battleship, things for the crew are relatively simple.

Because this Captain Bass has been preparing all the time. David, Modi, these are actually soldiers during the People's League. Just not necessarily the navy. Then all kinds of civilian sailors and armed personnel are recruited. After practice, they are at least better than pirates.

Pirates are very powerful in history. In the army's war, the advantage of the regular army against bandits is obvious.

The gap between pirates and regular navies is much smaller.

After all, in land warfare, discipline and will to fight may play a more important role than equipment. That's how the People's Federation got mixed up in the early days.

Naval warfare, the skill of the ship and crew is the key. It's fine after modern times. The ancient pirates may have better ships than regular soldiers, and their crews are more skilled. Therefore, the gap between the pirates and the regular army is not big, and even some pirates can chase after the regular army.

Pirates in the Mediterranean have not yet reached their peak.

Facing this group of guys who are no longer weak, Captain Beth's approach is to be more pirate than pirates.

Ordinary pirates rob merchant ships, and their fleets go to rob pirates. After defeating the most powerful pirate groups and pirate alliances several times in a row, Captain Beth's reputation spread in the Mediterranean.

She was also blind in one eye.

In fact, Captain Beth, who has changed to mechanical prosthetic eyes, will actually have many opportunities to grow his eyes back in the future. But Li Le never thought it was ugly, and she was completely used to having such a mechanical device in her eye socket.

But at the beginning, she still felt a little twisted about her organ.

"Captain Captain!" Little Sister Ginny followed behind her all day long: "The second ship is almost ready, are you going to check it out?"

Captain Beth touched the blindfold, and reluctantly touched the little girl's head: "Let's go."

Ginny is a very poor girl.

It's a pity that Captain Beth was a little slow when he went to rescue her. Her parents were already dead, and she was dying by a group of men.

After being rescued, Ginny took a shower several times a day. And always hiding in the room crying, only willing to go out in the company of Captain Bess.

It took a month for Ginny to calm down and follow Captain Bess every day. Like a child clinging to its mother, unwilling to be separated.

ps suddenly discovered that the story of the fleet of life is all about knives (contemplation)

But there is no way. There are too many characters to write, so I always have to kill a few, otherwise readers will ask where they went. And dead people can increase the tension of the plot.

Well, that's about it.

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