Doomsday I Have a Super Survival System

Chapter 272: Old grudges and new enemies

The battle came abruptly, but it was entirely reasonable.

In fact, the actions of Kent and others can't be hidden from others. Basically, most of the survivors in Herto are aware of the existence of Ankai Shelter.

The difference is that some shelters already know this very clearly. For example, several large shelters, especially the three major shelters that directly sent people to chase and kill Master. Of course, Otto shelters are now well-known. It doesn't exist, it's actually in a dead state, but the two shelters of Farman and Durut still exist.

They caught Master’s little tail and sent people to chase and kill, but there was no news. Then there was a team of hundreds of people moving towards the west of the city, and finally disappeared in the underground passage... Seeing that there is a problem, there is no doubt that the initial conflict between them must have been caused by this group. And this group of people also used their power to eliminate Odo and transferred most of the property and population of Odo Refuge.

In fact, Farman and Durut were very reluctant to see this scene. They wanted to stop An Kai and others, but it was too late when they noticed something was wrong. Durut, who reacted quickly at the time The shelter quickly sent a two-hundred-man combat team to stop Kent and them. This was also all the combat power that Durut's shelter could bring out without affecting the frontline battle situation and the stability of his own home.

But after all, it turned out to be a step slower. The people brought out of the Otto Sanctuary smoothly disappeared in the depths of the underground passage, and the three trucks, with full power, drove away from Herto rumblingly.

It wasn't that Durut didn't want to stop, but couldn't stop it at all.

First of all, let’s talk about the fleet. Although the three cars are full of materials and their mobility has been reduced, cars are cars, especially such large trucks, which are still very powerful. Kent was also familiar with the way home, and as he drove all the way, Durut couldn't stop him even though he wanted to stop. Of course, he also has cars, but it takes time to organize manpower, and this kind of pursuit is bound to be unsustainable.

Because they don't know the roots and feet of this group, and they don't know whether this group will set up an ambush on the road.

As their home, Herto can still suppress the danger to a certain extent, but once he leaves Herto and basically has a dark eye on the outside world, if he is beaten and ambushed, the loss will be too great. NS. Just for the three trucks and some supplies, to be honest, this risk is not worth taking.

What's more, compared to other people, Durut knows something about An Kai and his group, after all, they have traded before.

Dulut is actually not sure that this group of people are the ones who traded with them before, but it is okay to make some simple guesses or estimates. Before that, Durut had sent a team of twenty people out of the city to inquire about the other party's intelligence, and search for the other party's location based on the traces of the wheels passing by. In the end, there was no audio.

What does this show?

At the very least, it explained that the people who traded with them had good armed forces, otherwise it would be impossible for a team of twenty people to escape alone. Outside, it's basically as if you can't see your fingers. As long as you hide and move carefully, it is always easy to run away one or two people.

As a result, no one came back, which clearly shows that the opponent has strong firepower and equipment such as night vision devices. Only in this way can everyone stay behind.

At present, it is not certain that the target of the transaction and the person behind the scenes are the same group, but considering that the other party is so familiar with Herto, it can accurately pull down their large shelters at the same time, and can also take so many people and materials away so quickly, Obviously, almost all of them are the same group.

Then it is even more impossible to chase rashly, even better than Durut can not afford such a loss.

So what about the survivors who went underground?

It's also not desirable.

Not to mention the tacit understanding between large shelters and scattered people.

Just to mention the complicated terrain of the underground passage with twists and turns is prohibitive.

If there is no such judgment, then maybe Durut still has the courage to take risks, but once the two are combined, fools know what it means.

This means that the other party must still have arrangements in the underground passage. This kind of confined space is more convenient for sneak attacks and ambushes. If nothing else, a batch of bombs is enough to easily bury hundreds of people alive. If it were more ruthless and get some incendiary bombs or gas bombs, there would be one person who pursued them, and they all belonged to the end of life.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is still one sentence, the benefits and costs are not proportional.

Even if everything goes well and the income is full, it will only be a few hundred people, and a batch of food weapons and equipment. At most, there can be more research and development personnel. If you want to say that the income is large, it is actually quite large.

But the price is also too great.

Aside from other things, the other party can transfer so many people, it's certainly not bad in every respect. Durut wants to beat the opponent—not to say whether it can be done, assuming it can be done—how much will it cost? You know, Herto's situation is gradually deteriorating, and Otto's bones are still not cold. If the loss in this matter is too heavy, then Durut will be the next one to die.

In terms of population, neither party is short, but if a large number of combatants are directly lost for such a group of survivors who have little combat effectiveness, it is indeed not worth the loss.

food? Well, there is one thing to say, everyone is really short of food and drink in the Doomsday Era.

But the lack of it does not mean it is gone.

Let’s talk about drinking first. Drinking is definitely available, and it’s definitely not pure water or mineral water, but real groundwater. Otherwise, with the size of the hundreds of thousands of people in the Durut Sanctuary, all of them would have died of thirst if they only depended on pure water. They have no shortage of water sources.

Food? Lacking, but not so lacking. Food and meat, as well as vegetables and fruits, certainly don't think about it, but you can always grow mushrooms in underground spaces. For meat, pigs, cows and sheep are impossible to get, so can mice get it? Rats are also meat. The mice in nature carry various germs that are very dangerous and cannot be eaten, but what if they are raised by themselves? As long as you overcome psychological difficulties, mice are also good food.

So in the final analysis, for these populations and food, it is not worth the risk. As for the R&D personnel, well, this thing has always been the best, and there is no existence of people who will starve to death. Now and in a peaceful age that is not a competition between great powers, a large number of researchers are needed to realize the strength and potential of a country. Now is the era of devastated wasteland. It is a nuclear winter when the outside world is ten degrees below zero with radioactive dust everywhere. Survival is the most important, followed by other aspects.

Therefore, after considering all the factors and weighing the benefits and costs, Durut decisively gave up the pursuit, and instead set his sights on the legacy of the Otto Sanctuary.

As for Yuman, to be honest, if Faman is placed in Durut's position, she will definitely send someone to chase him down, after all, Faman has no shortage of people in his hands.

It's a pity that Farman was too far away. When he reacted, he had already run away, and it was impossible to chase him.

So Farman can only focus on Otto's legacy.

In this way, the two sides collided together at the Otto Sanctuary.

What is the purpose of fighting this battle?

At first, Durut was out of anger, and for the sake of face, he couldn't stop the car in the middle stage. When it came to the later stage, it goes without saying that it was for the site and resources, as well as Otto's legacy.

For Farman, the goal from the beginning was the legacy of Otto Sanctuary.

The goals of the two sides are the same, and they did not use the Otto Sanctuary as a lubricant to ease the situation. The two sides are now directly facing each other with guns and guns. Naturally, there is no unnecessary nonsense, and they just start fighting.

Besides, the two originally had old grievances.

This is what Master told An Kai.

Before the end of the day, Herto’s political arena consisted of three major forces.

One, and the biggest strength, is the old school led by the mining group. Their purpose is to mine, and everything else has to stay on the sidelines. Durut belongs to this faction, and his purpose is very simple, that is, to continue to sit on the big ship of the mining group, and follow to make money, making more and more money.

The second is the reformers led by the military. Their purpose is to develop new energy sources. Of course, mining is also very important, but on the basis of mining, it is necessary to develop more efficient, clean, environmentally friendly and cheap energy. For example, gas, such as natural gas, such as solar and wind power, etc. However, such reform measures are tantamount to touching the cake of conservatives. Of course, the former is unwilling to see this scene. This faction is strong, because their power is not limited to Herto. However, in Herto, they belong to the faction without roots. Therefore, after the end of the day, almost no members of this faction can be in Heerto. Alto stood still.

All the high-levels have already evacuated, and those who cannot be evacuated are probably finished.

And the third, the last row, is an environmental protection organization, but in fact it is a clumsy centrist. They do not have a clear political orientation, or that their political aspirations are to get more rights. Farman belongs to this faction, dominated by emerging capital groups.

This kind of person is actually the most disgusting, because whether it is crazy mining or paying more attention to environmental protection, the first two factions do not discuss right or wrong, they at least have clear goals.

The people of the third faction are too chaotic.

They can attack the mining group in order to gain more rights, and at the same time they can turn their heads and attack the military.

Basically, they belong to the kind of people who hate ghosts and are not accepted by the first two factions. At the same time, the first two factions want to defeat their opponents in the local council, but they need the help of this third party.

However, according to Master, in the four or five years before the end of the day, the military's power in Herto has been greatly reduced, which is why there is no military shelter here after the end. The third faction, the wall-to-head faction, has been leaning towards mining groups in two consecutive elections. Fighting the military forces in the parliament, while helping the mining group win more votes, squeezed the military's living space here in an attempt to replace it.

It stands to reason that in this situation, Farman and Durut should be regarded as a nominal political alliance.

However, it is not.

The faction is too big, anyone can put it in.

Although he is dependent on the mining group in Herto, Durut actually has no achievements in mineral contracting. On the contrary, his industry is more concentrated in the downstream ore processing industry, that is, metallurgy, forging and machinery production. aspect. It happens that Farman, a new member of Congress, his family business is mainly concentrated in this field. It stands to reason that the market scale of such an industry is actually not small, and Herto is also a super large industrial city, which cannot accommodate such two people at all.

But in fact, even companies within the same industry of metallurgical forging and machinery production have different focuses.

Durut and Farman happen to belong to the kind of situation where even specific sub-industries collide.

This is not so good.

At the same time, Farman is also a very aggressive and tough woman. After getting the status of a member of Parliament, she started firing at Durut as soon as possible.

Of course, Durut did not eat dry food, and would inevitably choose to fight back.

Ever since, the two of them had been in conflict for several years before the end. It's just that in peaceful times, everyone is not suitable to use methods other than rules, and can only attack each other from the commercial and political fields. However, the end is coming, the order collapses, the previous rules of light and dark are meaningless, whoever has the big fist has the right to speak.

There was an Otto in the middle before Although Otto and Farman have a tendency to alliance, and the relationship with Durut is not very good. But after all, it's not like between Durut and Farman, which is almost an enemy of life and death, so it can barely maintain a fragile peace. But now, with Otto's complete defeat, the final buffer between the two has finally disappeared.

What is the specific situation?

In front of the Otto Sanctuary, Farman finally won.

Her subordinates are crazier, and the number of them is relatively larger. Of course, the disadvantage is that the equipment is not good.

The equipment on Durut's side is good, but the number of people is not dominant, and after breaking through the defense line, the fighters on Durut's side rushed too fast, causing a gap between the front and rear teams. So when he was blocked by the people of Farman, he couldn't even wait for effective support. The result was that more than 30 people from the forward team were directly killed. When the follow-up support team arrived, Farman's people were ready.

The two sides opened fire frantically, and then each left a few more corpses before they had to stop.

The fight still needs to be fought, but now the two sides are not fully prepared. They have assembled their teams and are only waiting for a larger and more comprehensive war in the near future.

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