Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 112: Arrogance and Greed

The cemetery in the south is a place shrouded in black mist. If you want to reach this cemetery, you must pass through the heart of Jingsi.

As evil spirits continued to die around them, a strong fishy smell soon filled the air.

But these days, Baiwu and Wujiu experienced various ways of death, including having their faces smeared with disgusting mucus.

So the two of them didn't have much feeling about the smell.

On the way, Wujiu saw that Bai Wu was in a rare depressed mood and said:

"History is like this. Heroes will die. Maybe one second he was thinking about saving the world, but the next second he slipped and died in a latrine."

Bai Wu frowned:

"Captain, these are not words that a person like you should say."

Wujiu said:

"The gangsters at the bottom all aspire to be heroes, because heroes are powerful enough. But the history I know is like this. Very few heroes can die spectacularly."

Walking on the ruins and the huge evil corpse, Wujiu stopped and said seriously:

"If you feel regretful and unwilling, then always remember those who died and inherit their will to live."

Bai Wu smiled and felt much better:

"This is exactly what the captain said."

At the end of the war, although we experienced the heavy incident of killing Tao Xingzhi, it was always easy after the rain and the weather cleared up.

Baiwu cheered up quickly, but Wujiu became serious:

"In these days, I have gained a lot of strength. Not from fighting, but from Li Mata."

Baiwu is also envious of this imba's ability.

Although the power of the origin level is very powerful, no matter how you control something like distortion, there will always be great variables.

And it consumes too much.

You can't just use secrets as soon as you encounter a battle. If possible, Baiwu would also like to have more combat methods.

Of course, Wujiu’s purpose was not Versailles. He said seriously:

"This means that Li has experienced a lot of battles again. Is it possible that... the scene you saw in the revelation is happening now?"

Baiwu's expression became solemn:

"You mean, the monsters on the farm started attacking the tower?"


Wujiu was worried, but he could only sense Li You when Li You sensed him.

When Liyou cut off his perception, they were unable to communicate with each other.

Bai Wu nodded:

"It's really not impossible."

"Aren't you worried?" Wujiu looked at Bai Wu.

Baiwu observed the captain and was sure that he must have some kind of anxiety and guilt inside.

The tower was a place he cared about very much, even though the place was once in a state of decay.

But that was Wujiu's original intention. Bai Wu knew that if the tower was destroyed... he must hope that he could stick to the side of the tower.

"Of course I'm worried, but what I say next may be cruel."

Baiwu walked in front of Wujiu, then turned around and looked at Wujiu.

During this period, the two of them lived and died together more than a thousand times, and naturally there was no secret left in their hearts.

"what do you want to say?"

"We are not gods, and there is no god in this world. We may save many people, but we cannot save everyone."

"I know……"

Bai Wu shook his head and said:

"Lin Wurou, Shang Xiaoyi, Wang Shi, Qin Lin... these former lords may be fighting bloody battles at this moment. They may have been swallowed up and torn apart by the tide of evil."

At the mention of these familiar names, Wujiu's expression changed.

"When I say this, it doesn't mean that I don't care about them, but I experienced a revelation that made me realize one thing. Maybe what we try to avoid is inevitable after all."

"What's the meaning"

Bai Wu turned around and saw that the captain was still in a stable mood. He said as he walked:

“It literally means that when we make certain choices, it means we also give up certain choices.

If we have to beat ourselves up for the choices we gave up, we will never be able to make the choice in the future. "

"The revelation may not be completely correct, but at least it points the direction. We are heading to the tower now. What we may be able to do is to let a few subordinates... die a little later. But nothing can be changed."

"I don't know if the tower has been attacked, but I know that the tower will definitely have that day."

"Before the distortion concentration reaches a certain level and the tower disappears again, the farmer Jing Yi will definitely attack the tower crazily."

"If I were allowed to live in the same era as Jing and fight against each other for seven hundred years, I might be able to avoid this scene."

"But Jing Yi and I are not on the same starting line. I believe that this opponent who is worthy of being feared in Bai Yuan's mouth must have accomplished more than Jing Liu in these seven hundred years."

"If we can prevent the tower from being destroyed just by relying on us now... I believe that the being who gave me the inspiration will not use such a covert method."

"I also believe... Bai Yuan, the first generation, the enemies they face will not be stopped by us so easily. We need to have more trump cards."

Wujiu looked at Bai Wu's back, feeling a little strange:

"So if you were given a choice, even if the tower was attacked, even if your former companions would face death, you would still choose to come to Denglin City?"

Bai Wu didn't respond to this sentence, but the decisiveness in his steps made Wujiu already know the answer.

Wujiu said:

"Does this make you feel calm?"

Bai Wu turned around again:

"What I said is not to calm me down, but to you, captain. I am very grateful to you, captain, for coming to Denglin City alone for me."

"When I joined the farm, knowing that the captain would be burdened with a heavy future, I also vowed to change this future."

"My friends who are worthy of my efforts are also willing to fight for me, which is good."

"But the captain and I are two different people. To me, the trolley problem is the simplest problem in the world. I can easily make a choice between saving the few and saving the many, but you, captain, are different."

Baiwu continued:

"Captain, you are the kind of person who, no matter what choice you make, will blame yourself for giving up the other choice."

Wujiu didn't like this, but he also knew very well that Bai Wu's approach was right.

"With the seven deadly sins, we are truly qualified to compete with the people on the farm. Maybe if we show up too late, it will lead to a tragic situation. But it is better than a complete failure."

The two fell into silence.

It wasn't until he reached the cemetery that Wujiu said:

"I can't do this to you. If I had known in advance that Wurou and the others would be in danger, I might not have come to Denglin City."

Bai Wu thought that the captain might not be able to get around this problem, but what he said next made him feel warm:

"I can't make the trade-off between human life and human life, but I believe that the choice you give must be the best choice."

Bai Wu nodded:

"I'm not a businessman who can weigh the pros and cons with human life. If I could, I would let the captain never experience a dilemma. But I also hope that the captain... can understand that if someone dies one day, it is not your responsibility. "

After the words fell, the two people put away their serious expressions, smiled at each other, and stopped talking about this topic.

Their eyes soon fell on the most conspicuous tombstone in the cemetery.

It's not that the shape of the tombstone is conspicuous, but that its position is more conspicuous, especially the aura exuded by the two weapons, which Wujiu and Bai Wu couldn't help but notice.

There is no inscription on the tombstone, but Bai Wu can still observe the information on the tombstone through his eyes.

[A tombstone is used to commemorate two close friends of a certain lunatic, one whose name he knows and the other whose name he does not know.

Of course, leading a crazy person is no longer so crazy. 】

The one who leads the madman is naturally Jing Si. The one who knows his name is Professor Tao, and the one who doesn't know his name is the first generation.

Wujiu knew that the next identification work would have to be left to Bai Wu.

He said nothing and waited patiently.

Bai Wu was slightly absent-minded. From Wujiu's perspective, he probably saw some news that moved him.

Indeed, when he saw the information on this tombstone, Bai Wu suddenly thought of how cold it was at high places.

Jing Si's powerful combat power was difficult to control, making him a monster in everyone's eyes.

Such a monster, every scientist is afraid of him.

But until his death, Professor Tao believed that Jing Si's nature was kind.

In the end, the first generation, although seriously injured by Jing Si, also forgave Jing Si.

Bai Wu gradually understood what Professor Tao said before he died, that Jing Si was not the savior.

"This tombstone was erected by Jing Si for Professor Tao and the first generation."

Baiwu talked to himself:

"Jing Si's power is too strong. If he goes berserk, catastrophe will come. From time to time, he will go crazy and go crazy. No one can control him."

"The great power also made Jing Si pay some price. He has no friends. Only Professor Tao and the first generation regard him as a friend."

"In the first generation and Professor Tao, one looks very wild and the other looks very serious. But they are actually the same kind of people."

Wujiu asked:


"Those who don't waver, don't change, and don't look back, face Jing Si and remain the same until their death. They never regret their choices."

"The same goes for Professor Tao. The scientists at the Denglin City Science and Technology Building are worthy of respect. It is not shameful for them to be defeated by reality, but reality did not defeat Professor Tao. When he died, Professor Tao only had peace in his eyes."

"These two people are really can be said that they both died for Jing Si."

Bai Wu had some doubts on his face:

"They are the existence closest to the savior, although their efforts are in different directions."

"Jing Si... was really deceived by a prophecy. He was waiting for the savior, but he killed the savior with his own hands time and time again."

"Professor Tao told me before he died that Jing Si was not the savior. Only now do I understand that both the first generation and Professor Tao had such expectations for Jing Si."

Wujiu understood:

"It's just that Professor Tao finally... saw it clearly?"

"Well, I don't blame Professor Tao. When I learned that Jing Si's power might be able to shake the monsters in the tower, I also thought that Jing Si might be the savior."

Bai Wu slowly shook his head and said:

"But now I am very sure that he is just a monster with power. Maybe he also has a kind heart, but that's it. I will no longer have expectations for him."

Wujiu nodded and said:

"Change the topic and talk about these two weapons."

Bai Wu nodded and began to explain the properties of the two weapons based on the notes.

"These are two genuine pieces that are almost indestructible."

"This knight's sword is the arrogance among the seven sins, and this short sword is the greed among the seven sins."

The proud sword hilt can have the pattern of the sun and the moon. The short sword is greedy, and the blade seems to be covered with a layer of scales.

The authentic version of the Seven Deadly Sins.

One is Jing Si's weapon, and the other is the first-generation weapon.

When Jing Si created the pseudo Seven Sins weapon, his reference was the real Seven Sins weapon, arrogance.

The short sword Greed was found by the first generation after the seven-day catastrophe in Baichuan City through revelation.

When the first generation left Jing Si, Professor Tao was dragged deep underground by Jing Si's heart and disappeared without a trace. Jing Si used a stone tablet and two weapons to build a tombstone for his best friend.

Bai Wu was not surprised by the lengthy description of the Eye of Prell, nor was he surprised by the powerful magical powers of the two weapons.

What surprised him was...the materials of these two weapons were actually the same as the pieces of the doomsday puzzle.

[When I am about to discuss the performance of the two weapons, as a tolerant weapon consultant, I must tell you that the biggest difference between the real thing and the imitation is the material——

They are made of doomsday puzzle pieces. You can think of two weapons as an aggregation of fragments. 】

Doomsday fragments alone already have powerful abilities, and the aggregate of the fragments has naturally stronger abilities.

However, the introduction to Prell's Eye is quite simple -

[A greedy person will ask for too much, and his heart will not be enough for a snake to swallow an elephant. 】

Each attack has a probability of absorbing part of the opponent's power. These powers can be the opponent's basic combat values ​​or some special abilities.

It is worth mentioning that everyone has a tolerance limit. Once a certain limit is exceeded, excessive intake will cause backlash.

It's like a python devouring a stag and finally being strangled to death by its horns.

Therefore, the ability gained from greed needs to be "digested", otherwise it will cause fire.

The ability of greed is very similar to the Wanxiang Dharmakaya. When he saw the ability of this weapon, Bai Wu felt the power of the weapon.

This is almost a top ten sequence.

The introduction of another weapon, Arrogance, is also very special——

[Arrogant people are self-willed and helpless. 】

After reading the detailed description, Bai Wu knew what was special about this weapon.

Extreme arrogance makes it impossible to cooperate with others. Once used, it will leave oneself alone and helpless.

When the realm of arrogance unfolds, all attack methods other than one's own will bring benefits to the opponent.

However, the effects of all self-attacks will be greatly improved.

In other words, if Arrogance is used, then when friends deal with enemies, it will bring beneficial effects to the enemies.

But if you have no friends and are helpless, arrogance will bring about a huge increase in strength.

The two Seven Sins weapons have distinct characteristics. Bai Wu is very curious about what abilities laziness, lust, gluttony, and rage are.

Baiwu didn't think much about the things he couldn't understand. He was about to give the dagger to Wujiu, but Wujiu refused.

"When you find the real thing of Jealousy, you can give me the imitation you have, but before that, you can just keep these weapons with you.

The scattered seven deadly sins may not be terrible. Although these abilities are indeed very powerful from what you said, they are not enough to save the world. Maybe they have other secrets hidden in them.

Until this secret is revealed, you should carry these weapons alone. "

Bai Wu was not too polite to Wujiu and agreed. However, Bai Wu had not yet thought of the method of using three weapons at the same time.

Wujiu said:

"Next, we should go back to the tower to take a look. We have been here for more than twenty days. We must at least find out what is happening outside."

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