
Chapter 44: pipe

There is no doubt that the smoking pipe is still alive.

Gao Yuan This is not an old knowledge encountered in another country, but it is at the end, and he heard the voice of a friend.

Nowadays, Gao Yuan's sense of happiness is much stronger than that in other places.

"Alive, he is alive, the pipe is alive!"

Gao Yuan turned around and said only one sentence, Xiang Weiguo had to say aloud: "I know he is alive, but where is he!"

After taking a long breath and forcing himself to calm down, Gao Yuan shook his head and said, "I don't know where he is, but it is definitely not far away! Oh no, he is in his hometown, about a hundred kilometers from here."

I just finished speaking not far, Gao Yuan suddenly realized that the concept of distance is not the same as before.

It turned out that it wasn't too far away within 500 kilometers. Trains and cars would definitely arrive within half a day. Even thousands of kilometers away, it would only take two hours to fly.

But now, most of the time I can only walk on two legs, and the more prosperous the area before, the more so the distance from the pipe to the pipe is only 100 kilometers, but I want to walk past, I do n’t have two or three days. impossible.

Wu Gaoyuan repeated the conversation he had just had with the pipe. After he finished speaking, he frowned to Weiguo and said, "I have a radio station that can communicate with the outside world, but I'm stuck ..."

Luo Luo Xingyu then hurriedly said, "Is it controlled by the bad guys?"

Wu Gaoyuan said helplessly: "Sure, he made it very clear, otherwise he would not say that he was in a dangerous situation, and emphasized not to call him all the time."

情况 This situation is really complicated. If you can contact the pipe and ask again, then naturally many things can be easily solved, but the pipe also specifically emphasized not to call him all the time.

He groaned for Wei Guo for a moment, and said, "His last conversation was obviously addressed to others. That means there are other people around him. In this case, it is obvious that he is controlled. But who controls him? Xiaoyuan, who is your friend? "

Gao Yuan thought for a moment, then he was embarrassed and said, "It's a **** ..."



Wu Xiangwei and Luo Xingyu were puzzled, Gao Yuan spread his hands, and said, "I owe it and love to play. In short, it is not a good thing, but it is a good person."

Wu Xiangwei said frowningly, "What does it mean to be a good man?"

"Although he is a jerk, he doesn't make mistakes in principle, but he has a bad temper."

Wu Xiangwei still frowned: "You describe ... still people can't make an accurate judgement, I wonder if he has done something bad, and people will catch it."

Gao Yuan immediately said very firmly: "That's impossible, I said. Although this boy is a bitch, he definitely won't do bad things. I'm sure of that."

Luo Luo Xingyu immediately said: "Then let's save him?"

高 For Gao Yuan, no matter what happened to the pipe, he absolutely must see the pipe. If the pipe is really controlled by the bad guy, then he must save the pipe.

The smoking pipe is Gao Yuan's only remaining friend in this world. The two were originally a relationship between the dead party, and this relationship seems particularly precious in the end.

As for whether to drag Xiang Weiguo and Luo Xingyu together to save the pipe, Gao Yuan only made a decision in his heart for a moment.

In terms of the relationship between Gao Yuan, Luo Xingyu, and Wei Guo, if they were left alone, the matter of the pipe itself would be fine, it would seem overly insincere and hypocritical, and it would be impossible for them to part with this relationship. what.

Gao Yuan said without hesitation: "Yes, I must have saved him."

Wu Xiangwei Guo Shen said: "To save people, we must save them, just to see where the pipe is. It's not good to know the specific location. He said that he is in his hometown, then where is his hometown."

"Nangang County, but I know he is from Nangang County, I don't really know exactly where it is."

"This range is too big, haven't you been to his house?"

"I have n’t been there. I have met on the Internet. Although I have a good relationship and have been together, I have never been to his house. I only know the name of the community, but I only know the name of the community. I do n’t know the specific location and where I am. I don't think he is still in the county. "

He sighed to Weiguo and said, "You can't say that, even if it is more dangerous in the county seat, you can't say that there must be no survivors in the county seat."

Gao Yuan shook his head and said, "No, I know him. As a survivalist, he will definitely find a way to leave the densely populated area. He said that he would go home to see and come to this camp again, but I lost after I separated Contact, I think, he is more likely to be trapped halfway here. "

"How confident are you? You know what he plans to do, but do you know what happened to him, if he is trapped in the community and can't get out? As a survivalist, does he store a lot of food and water at home, So for months after the disaster, he can still survive at home? "

Gao Yuan frowned. "You make sense, but if he is at home, he is unlikely to be controlled by others ~ ~ He will always try to contact me."

"You haven't said in detail the friends who built this camp with you before, I don't know them well, so now there is a question, where did his radio come from?"

Gao Yuan was silent for a moment and whispered, "When the disaster just happened, the three of us ran from Jicheng to our hometown. The ham broke out halfway. I chopped the ham, and the ham was playing radio. His escape was There is a small radio in the bag. "

Taking a breath, Gao Yuan continued to sing: "I had too many things at the time, I could n’t get another escape bag, and the pipe had fewer things, plus ham was a rich man. His escape bag was all It was a very good material. It was a pity to lose it, so the pipe took the ham escape bag, so he had a radio station, and the pipe taught us how to use the radio station, so both of us would simply use the radio station. "

Xiang Weiguo nodded: "That is to say, you agreed to meet here, but he didn't come, so I don't think so well. If he is controlled, why can he still use the radio? Being controlled, there are limits. "

"Yes, and although the pipe owes a man, he is not the kind of fake that offends people with a mouth. This guy is just cheap, so I do n’t think it ’s too bad, even if he ’s bad, There must be a chance to contact me again on the radio. "

He gave Weigu a start, and said, "What else is there to say, keep on the radio, just wait for him to call again and ask clearly."

At this moment, Luo Xingyu curiously asked, "Brother Yuan, what is the name of the pipe?"

Gao Yuan laughed: "His name is Yu Shunzhou, and Shunzhou, who pushes the boat along the water, is a very strong and flexible fat man."

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