
Vol 2 Chapter 687: Too childish

It was too random, and the way the Ark suddenly appeared was too ridiculous.

In this way, a spindle-shaped spaceship emerged from the ground, and it emerged from the hot lava. This way of appearance is full of dreams and unreal colors.

But the appearance of Ark is not over yet.

This is in the cave. First there is a horizontal lava tube, then a vertical pit. Now the ark emerges from the shaft. The upper end has touched the top of the cave, but the lower end is still in the shaft.

The length of the ark is about sixty or seventy meters, and its diameter is about six or seven meters. Compared with the spaceship of the serpent man, the ark is really not that big.

The ark did not stop. When the top of the cave touched the top of the cave, the rock on the top of the cave began to melt rapidly, turning into magma and dripping downward, and then large masses of lava began to fall downward like rain.

"Get out of here!"

The temperature in the cave began to soar, but just as the ram yelled to leave here, the temperature began to drop sharply.

Suddenly hot and cold, the rock above my head turned into lava and fell, then fell on the ark, and then quickly turned into rock, rolled down the ark, and then fell directly into the deep shaft.

It looked scary, but it didn't seem to be dangerous, because no matter it was magma, high temperature, or low temperature, it did not harm the people in the cave at all.

The appearance of Ark is very dramatic and looks exaggerated, but it can definitely guarantee the safety of human beings.

"what is this!"

Gao Yuan couldn't help but asked Xinghe beside him, and Xinghe said with a pious expression: "Accurate control, directly acting on particles, allowing objects to transform freely in high temperature melting and low temperature condensation, which can be completed in a short moment. The highest degree of influence of particles, do you know absolute zero? Knowing the concept of absolute zero, you know how great the free manipulation of the temperature of an object is!"

Gao Yuan knew that absolute zero was taught in junior high school textbooks, but he really didn't know the relationship between turning a rock into magma and then immediately back to a solid and absolute zero.

Humans cannot imagine, and the phenomena that most people cannot understand are still within the scope of physical knowledge, but the extent to which the Ark can do is indeed more like a miracle in the eyes of humans.

"Then what should I do next?"

Gao Yuan asked Xinghe, and the ram looked at Xinghe, and then the ram said loudly, "What should I think? I rely on!"

When the ram screamed in panic, the Ark had already completed the penetration of the top of the cave. Then, the Ark suddenly disappeared, immediately before Gao Yuan's eyes.

Just because it flew away too fast, the high-distance eyes caught a glimmer of light left by the ark when it left, but in a flash, the ark was gone, disappeared, and flew away.

Sunlight poured down from the big skylight that had just opened, and a group of people stared at the empty hole in a daze, and then couldn't help but look at the ram.

The Ram was at a loss, his panic expression made him look like a kid who had done something wrong and was caught by his parents.

"What do you think?"

Now people just want to know what the Ram is thinking, and the Ram said blankly: "Just now I thought that if the Ark could wipe out all the serpent people, it would be fine. Then, I felt like there was a voice, no, no. The sound, it's like another person in my mind is thinking whether to confirm the destruction of the Orochiman spaceship, I just want to confirm, and then, and that's it."

After everyone was silent for a while, Gao Yuan suddenly said, "Quickly go out and have a look!"

While talking, Gao Yuan directly approached and took off.

The top of the cave was originally 20 to 30 meters high, and there was another 20 to 30 meters thick rock formation on it, but Gaoyuan jumped directly onto the smooth rock wall that had just melted, and then jumped in the opposite direction, directly to the ground.

Looking high into the sky, he did not see the ark, nor the spaceship of the serpent man, but when he looked down, he saw two triangle spacecraft of the serpent man had fallen to the ground.

There was no explosion, no smoke, but the two delta spaceships fell into shape.

Gao Yuan could see the strangeness of the triangular spacecraft at a glance, because the two spacecrafts were only 50 meters away from him, and the closest one was only ten meters away.

It was the first time that Gao Yuan came into contact with the Orochiman's spacecraft so close. He even felt that he could open the door of the spacecraft and go in to see if there was any Orochiman inside.

There is no doubt that the delta spacecraft crash of the Orochi is a masterpiece of the Ark, and the dimensionality reduction strikes that are more than one level higher will not even cause the explosions familiar to the people on earth.

An explosion is actually a very simple manifestation of devastating consequences. The explosion in the understanding of the earth people is destruction, but it is actually very backward.

The destruction of the serpent man is not an explosion, but annihilation.

But the destructive methods of heaven and humans can even keep the target to be destroyed intact.

Therefore, everything that is happening now is beyond the range of lofty cognition, he can't even imagine, can't believe what happened.

If the big snake man were eliminated in this way, it would be too... too childish, even if it was a dimensionality reduction attack, it shouldn't be so childish.

Gao Yuan jumped directly, and Xinghe also jumped up, but the others couldn't learn from the two of them, they could only run out of the cave desperately.

There was no flash, no sound, no ark, but the mothership, which was as large as a mountain, still floating in the air.

But when Gao Yuan and Xinghe were watching the mothership, Gao Yuan found that the clouds around the mothership had changed.

The clouds surrounding the Orochiman mother ship suddenly began to drift, and then within less than two seconds, the blossoming white clouds disappeared. Under the clear sky, the Orochiman mothership was clearly identifiable, but the Ochigoman mothership was there. Decrease slowly, and the speed of landing is getting faster and faster.

"The mothership was shot down?"

Gao Yuan couldn’t help asking Xinghe, but Xinghe was equally confused and said: “From now on, don’t ask me what don’t ask me what to do, because I don’t know, I and You are just as ignorant."

The descent speed of the mothership began to become dangerous. Gao Yuan couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if the mothership exploded, so he couldn't help but said, "Should we hide?"

Xinghe said in a daze: "If it causes devastating consequences, where to hide, if the mothership of the Orochiman explodes, half of the earth will be destroyed, where to hide..."

When the people in the cave finally ran out, what they saw was the falling of the mothership like the sky.

There was no light, no sound, the mothership in the air fell to the ground, and the distance of more than one thousand kilometers made it impossible for everyone to see what happened after the mothership fell with the naked eye, but one thing is certain, That is, the mothership of the Orochiman did not explode, and when the Ark shot down the mothership of the Orochiman, it did not create an additional damage effect that could destroy the earth.

Accurate, controllable, and no accidental injury, this is the standard that Ark should have.

Yang Yi saw the last shadow of the mothership, and then he looked at the ram, and said: "Now do you know what happened? If you don't know, I suggest you don't think about it!"

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