Doraemon: My Nobita! Join Chat Group

Doraemon: My Nobita! Join the chat group Chapter 200

So now Doraemon's heart is thinking about sending this monster back.

After listening to the monsters, he was also thinking hard, it is true that their time and space are really different from this time and space.

But he couldn't tell what kind of time and space their time and space were.

"Our time and space is called the Universal Time and Space!"

The monsters thought for a while, and finally remembered what the name of their time and space was called. In fact, the name of their time and space was called Universal Time and Space.

As for their time and space, he actually thinks it is very vast, but now he doesn't know if Doraemon and the others can find it.

This is actually not an embarrassment for Doraemon. In fact, even if this monster can't tell the name of his time and space, Doraemon can actually find it.

So now Doraemon didn't say anything after listening to it. After he pressed a few buttons on his time machine, in fact, he had already located it, and he searched the universe.

"I found it, I found this time and space, come and have a look, you can see their time and space on the screen!"

Doraemon took his own electronic screen and let Shizuka Naruto and Nobita see that they are all gathered around Doraemon now...  

In fact, the monster also wanted to see it, but he knew that Doraemon was actually for Shizuka Naruto and the others.

For him, he still doesn't look good, so it is not necessary for him to pass now.

So he knows that even if he wants to pass now, he can't pass it.

"This is the time and space of the universe, it seems to be far away from us, and their world is always bursting with starlight!"

Now the 0.7 screen of the electronic screen is actually black, and this black time and space is actually very surprising to them.

They don't like such a place without any light, this kind of place without any light, in fact, for them, it seems that they can't live.

So now for them, what they should do now is to protect themselves, that's all.

Chapter 395: Environment Creates People

As for the starlight that erupted, they actually knew what it was, and it should be the flames that erupted from the weapons of war.

That is indeed the flames that burst out of those wars, Doraemon, pointing to those flames that burst out.

Telling these people he pointed to the flames that erupted everywhere. In fact, he felt that the space-time around the universe was actually different from the space-time they were in.

Their time and space are still quiet and accelerated, but this time and space is indeed frequented by wars, no wonder the monsters are dissatisfied with their time and space.

"This is the weapon they sent out in the war. Have you seen the light wave? It's everywhere!"

Doraemon was also surprised that the time and space where these monsters are now actually looks like this.

In a world where wars break out everywhere, people are actually insecure, no wonder this monster actually doesn't like it.

In this high-temperature kiln, he can actually stay still, because it is very quiet and peaceful.

If it is said that he can be allowed to live in this world, in fact, this monster may want to live in this world.

But Doraemon knew that he could not let this monster live in this world.

"There is no way to survive in this world. You live in such a world, so you are so pitiful!"

Shizuka felt that the world was unimaginable. If it was said that he was allowed to survive in that world, it would not survive.

So now for him, he feels that if these monsters can survive in that world, in fact, those monsters seem to be very difficult.

So now for them, if they say that these monsters are allowed to live in this place, it actually seems to them that it is absolutely impossible for them.

So now for Doraemon, Doraemon thinks that these monsters should have gotten used to it.

But for Shizuka and the others, Shizuka and the others felt that it was impossible, because they could not survive in any world.

Shizuka is a girl who doesn't like fighting, and he doesn't like that kind of world.

"All of us live in this world, this is what the world is like, don't be surprised!"

For the world they live in, the monsters actually think that's what it is.

They really live in this world, and there is no way they can change it.

So now about listening to what Shizuka said, he actually felt that Shizuka and the others were not forced to live in that environment.

The environment actually creates people, and everyone in that world actually lives that way.

So now Shizuka feels that there is no way for them to live.

760 But for the monsters, they are used to that kind of life.

Even if the monster doesn't like it, in fact, in other worlds, although he likes it very much, he also knows that other worlds can't accommodate him.

So now for this monster, I think the monster is, although he now says he wants to stay in this world, but this world cannot accommodate him.

He has no choice but to leave this world now.

"Although this world is good, this world is not my world, it does not belong to me!"

Monsters are quite calm.

Chapter 396: Can't Let Time and Space Confuse

In fact, Shizuka Naruto and the others did not expect the calmness of this monster.

So now they actually sympathize with the monster, but they also know that it is not so easy for this monster to live.

"It's really not that easy to survive in this world, so you'd better go back to your world, don't let the time and space get confused!"

Seeing the time and space with frequent wars, Doraemon actually felt that the world in which the monsters lived was indeed quite pitiful.

But there is no way, there is no way they can help this monster. If it is said that there is no way for him, in fact, he is willing to help them.

The monster knows that Doraemon is right. If he doesn't like his world, he can change his world, but he can't stay in other people's world.

Although the monster said he liked this world, he felt that the world was still a long way from him.

The monster has big eyes and is actually very cute, but after all, he is still a monster.

He looks as huge as a very huge monster. In fact, for Nobita and Shizuka, they do have some horror.

But they know that this monster is actually very painful to live in this world.

Regarding income, it is actually normal to want to leave now, if it is to prevent this monster from leaving, and to prevent this monster from returning to its world.

In fact, they are meaningless in this place now, and now Doraemon is trying to figure out a way.

Regarding Doraemon, in fact, few of them can help, even Nobita can't help Doraemon.

"Yeah, I can't let this time and space get confused, I have to go back to my time and space, but now I can't go back, you have the ability to help me, otherwise I may be stuck here forever' "! "

The monster is trapped in that cave like a virtual person, and now Nobita and Shizuka can't do anything about it

This matter can only be counted on Doraemon. Doraemon has this ability.

For Doraemon's ability, in fact, they are very convinced.

So now for them, they know that Doraemon actually has the ability to help this monster.

In fact, the monster can actually live in the cave, because it can absorb a lot of energy tails.

But it is because it absorbs the energy in the kiln, so the porcelain is actually abnormal when it comes out.

Porcelain is abnormal, but it's not very obvious because monsters are not very greedy monsters.

Monsters are still more restrained, which is actually clear to Doraemon.

So now for Doraemon, Doraemon has to have his own ideas to help this monster.

"¨ˇDoraemon is busy trying to help you find a way now, so don't be in a hurry now (of King Zhao's)!"

Looking at Doraemon, A Meng was anxiously trying to figure out a way, looking at the monster looking a little sad.

In fact, Shizuka didn't know what to say. He actually knew that he should help these people.

But he was powerless. Shizuka was the one who was the most anxious. Looking at Shizuka's actions, he actually knew what Shizuka was thinking.

In fact, for Shizuka, Shizuka is actually a kind girl.

Chapter 397 The boss is here

If it weren't for these problems, Shizuka wouldn't have come to this place at all.

If it wasn't for Doraemon bringing Shizuka to this world, Shizuka would not have encountered so many problems at all.

But fortunately, Shizuka is relatively sober. When Shizuka is confused occasionally, Shizuka will never participate in many things.

In fact, Shizuka knows her own abilities.

If it is said that he is incompetent, he will definitely not follow behind to cause trouble, which Shizuka herself has done very well.

"Yeah, now everyone is trying to figure out a way, if there is anything I can do, you can just tell me now!"

Naruto now 760 has actually become a little different from what it was just now.

He has now heard what Nobita and Doraemon said, especially seeing Shizuka being so active and active as a girl.

In fact, he knows that many times, many things he does not do what he should do.

If it was said that he could do what he was supposed to do, it would never be the way he is now.

So now for him, the things he can do now are only these things now.

If he can help, he thinks it would be better for him to help Nobita and Doraemon more.

After all, Doraemon is very worried about getting that monster now. In fact, even after he gets it out, for Doraemon, Doraemon also feels that he must move the monster away as soon as possible.

If it is said that this monster is not moved away, in fact, for Doraemon, Doraemon knows that it will affect the life of this place.

Especially after this monster grows so tall, it will definitely affect the surrounding.

"Boss, you can see that this cave is well sealed now. In fact, we are doing very well everywhere. I don't know why there are always problems!"

Just when Doraemon and the others were trying to figure out a way, they were already looking forward to it. In fact, the boss and the uncle who burned the kiln came over now.

This porcelain (cgah) ware is actually fired by this uncle. Uncle thinks his ability is very powerful.

The reason why he dared to take this job is because he has a certain ability, so now he has taken this job.

But he didn't expect that he made many mistakes in succession in this place.

"Yeah, I also know that in fact, every step is very correct, but I just don't know why there is a problem!"

In fact, the boss is also very sad about things that always go wrong.

The boss and the others were talking all the way, and when they came over, Doraemon and the others heard it, and they hurriedly hid aside.

In fact, for them, they did not expect that the boss would come to this place.

The boss is actually coming to see his cave now. If there is a problem, he actually doesn't know if he can sustain it.

Because he has invested all his belongings, if there is a problem.

In fact, he seems to have been unable to hold on, and they themselves are very clear about this.

"If there is another problem with big brother, I may not be able to burn this cave any more, and I may have to lose all my belongings!"

The boss said it was very pitiful. When he came to the door of the cave, he looked around and found that there was no problem.

Chapter 398

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the boss, the harassing uncle actually understood the boss's thoughts.

In fact, for them, they are now saying that they want to help the boss.

In fact, there is no good way for him, he has tried his best.

If it is said that he did not work hard, in fact, there is a problem with this matter. He can still take care of it.

But he's done everything he can to get these problems - and they come up.

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