[Teresa came to the place where the Moonlight Throne crashed.

Looking at the huge battleship that had been destroyed, it was full of hostility.

With a boom, two figures were thrown to the ground with the aftermath of the explosion.

Limitless Tower Himeko: “Is it the remnants of anti-entropy!?” Start attacking!”

The immeasurable Tajizi, who was about to attack subconsciously, was quickly pulled by Teresa.

“Wait! That’s the Reloaded Bunny!”

Bronia: “Sister Bud… You’re not hurt, are you?”

Bud Yi shook his head, “Hmm… It’s okay, thanks to Bronia’s protection …. Kiana! Where is Kiana?”

Looking up at the ruins of the Moonlight Throne, Raiden Bud Yi stood up, his tone anxious, and his face full of worry.

Bronia lowered her head in silence, “Kiana… She rushed to the furnace and did not return, and Bronia only saw Sister Bud fall from the furnace. ”

“Kiana…. Why! She pushed me out at the end….. Why do this kind of thing! Didn’t we say we were going to be together!”

Tears flowed uncontrollably, and Raiden Bud Yi cried in despair.

“Principal Teresa….. I’m sorry….. It’s all my fault…”

Bud covered her cheeks, sadness hitting her like a river, telling her that Kiana might be dead.

Teresa stretched out her hand to hold the shaky thunderbolt bud coat, “No, you’re not wrong… If I were Kiana, I would do the same, she’s such a silly child…”

Teresa turned her head and said to Jiko of the Infinite Tower, “Himeko….. Keep searching, be sure to find Kiana!”

The kind that lives to see people, and dies to see corpses.

Nha Yi: “Hmm…. Please let me join me too… She must still be alive… At least let me see her again….”

Looking at the persistent lightning bud clothes, Teresa nodded silently.

Bronia supported her weak body beside the bud and followed the steps of Teresa and the others.

Infinite Tower Himeko: “Principal Teresa, further ahead is the core area where the collapse can gush out. ”

Teresa: “Dogma Zone… Is that really the case… Order the Valkyries to be fully armed! What follows may be our final battle….”

Stephen Himeko: “Headmaster… What exactly is preceded by this…..”

Looking at the dogmatic area ahead that was hit by the moonlight throne and turned into ruins, Infinity Tower Himeko wondered in her heart.

Bud Yi looked at Limitless Tarjiko and told him the information he had obtained from Kokolia.

“We said on the battleship of anti-entropy: Is it true that there is a second law buried under the cathedral?”

Teresa did not deny it, “……….. Although these are extremely secret matters, there is no need to hide them until now.

“That’s right, buried here is the remains of the lawyer born in the second collapse, the second lawyer…”

Remembering the second collapse that year, Teresa looked embarrassed.

In the second collapse, the sacrifice paid by Destiny was too great.

No one wants to recall the terrible war again.

Bud Yi: “Is it true that the resurrection of the Second Law is true!?”

Teresa: “It’s not certain yet, because no one has done this, and the only experiment that Destiny has ever conducted has failed. We are still studying the information of the lawyer, and the resurrection of the lawyer is only a theoretical conjecture. ”

Bronia: “You mean, Destiny also thought about resurrecting the Lawyers?”

“What!? Resurrectionist! Why would Destiny do such a thing! Isn’t our mission to destroy Honkai and its products!”

Himeko’s eyes widened in disbelief.

The Mandate of Heaven, which has always been responsible for destroying Honkai, actually wants to resurrect the Broken Lawyer.

Teresa lowered her brows and explained with a heavy heart, “The Lord of the Law is to fight the Honkai more effectively, and if the ability of the Lawyer can be used to fight the Honkai, then mankind will have the hope of a new life.” ”

But Limitless Himeko doesn’t agree with this view.

After all, the lawyer is a natural disaster that destroys mankind and is the enemy of mankind.

“Hope for a new life? Isn’t Valkyrie just hope! Why rely on lawyers! They are the root of destruction of humanity!?”

Teresa looked deeply at her subordinates and said seriously, “Himeko, if there was no information from the lawyers, there would be no current Saint Freya Academy. ”

Limitless Tower Himeko had a bad guess, “Could it be the Valkyrie…..”

Delisa let out a long sigh, “Originally, the Valkyrie was only qualified to become a three-family line and a very small number of high-Honkai qualifiers, because she had very strict requirements for the adaptability of Honkai, and it was precisely because of the study of the second law after the Second Avalanche that the application of Honkai energy soared. ”

“That’s why St. Freya Academy has become a base that can recruit and train Valkyries and train more Valkyries…”

Infinite Tower Jiko nodded thoughtfully, “Is this really the case…”

“Since the study of the lawyer has progressed, why resurrect the lawyer?” Bud Yi asked puzzled.

Teresa: “The reason is simple… In order to fight the next lawyer, which is you, Raiden Bud Yi… And there will be more lawyers. ”

Teresa: “The frenzy of collapse has never stopped, the scars left by the fight against the Second Law are still burning in the glacier, and we have paid too much, and without decisive strength, it is difficult to defeat the strong enemy that appears behind.” ”

Teresa: “And the best weapon against the lawyer is the lawyer.” ”

In any case, this is a fact.

The strength of human beings on their own is simply not enough to fight Honkai.

That’s why the Valkyries appeared.

That’s why the idea that Destiny once wanted to resurrect the Lawbreaker appeared. 】


“That’s right, only Honkai can defeat Honkai.”

“Human beings, after all, have limits——!”

Otto nodded approvingly, having no opinion on this statement.

Human hearts and emotions may be able to create miracles, but what you can’t really do can’t do no matter how hard you try.

It’s like a normal human weapon, and a specialized counter-Honkai weapon.

While people fear collapse, they have to use the power of collapse to fight it.

“Huh~ In the end, it is not so much that humans defeat Honkai, but that Honkai assimilates humans.”

Otto snorted coldly, his turquoise eyes were full of interest, he wanted to know what method was used to fight Honkai in the other world’s destiny?

Kokolia of the other world says that the Mandate of Heaven seals Honkai.

Rubbing his chin, Otto muttered, his head spinning.

– St. Freya College –

“No wonder Miss Ben will become a lawyer in the future.” Kiana nodded thoughtfully, “Human beings have limits after all, and only by becoming a lawyer can Miss Ben defeat Honkai!” ”

Clenching her fists, Kiana seemed to have received some wrong understanding.

Teresa raised the vow of Judas, and the hand on Kiana’s shoulder clenched sharply.

“There is a stigmata, there is the key of God! Why do you want to be a lawyer so much! ”

Teresa looked at Kiana suspiciously.

Kiana grinned, “But after becoming a lawyer, you can fly, and you look very handsome, and more importantly, the lawyer is very powerful!” ”

“If Miss Ben becomes a lawyer like the Future Ultimate Lawyer, she will definitely be better able to fight for mankind, and then destroy the collapse in three strikes and five by two!”

As a member of the Kaslana family, Kiana thought incomparably.

“Didn’t you think that before you fought for humanity, you would be imprisoned by the researchers of Destiny to dissect and then slice and study?”

Bronia said threateningly from the side.

“Hey—little man, don’t scare me, Miss Ben doesn’t want to be tied to the operating table and sliced for study!”

Throwing herself in Bud’s arms, Kiana looked so scared, and then rubbed around in Bud’s arms.

Infinite Tower Himeko lowered her eyes and looked at Kiana’s innocent and stupid face, without saying anything more.

On the other side, Fu Hua sat upright, and his serious face was a little more solemn.

Another Destiny who wants to resurrect the Law of Emptiness, why not the Destiny of his own world.

Otherwise, the K423 would not have been built.

Moreover, Kiana of these two worlds has become the final lawyer.

Is there really such a coincidence?

Frowning, Fu Hua Shangxian tried to figure out the reason.


[The closer you get to the dogma zone, the more intense the collapse energy in the air.]

“Ahem! The concentration of Honkai is getting higher and higher…. Even Changkong City has never encountered such a thing…..”

Limitless Tajiko gasped and coughed a little uncomfortably twice.

Teresa: “If you go further, ordinary Valkyries can no longer resist the erosion of Honkai, Himeko, you take the others and evacuate first.” ”

Limitless Tower Himeko: “No! At least let me follow you! This is my only request! And… Kiana is also my student, and I am obliged to bring her back!”

Teresa: “Hmm… All right. ”

Bud Yi: “Is the opponent we will fight in a while really the second law… If even the Mandate of Heaven has not resurrected the lawyers, the reverse entropy will really be…”

Teresa: “In the present situation, the destiny is not the inability to resurrect, but one of the elements needed by the resurrection law has been taken away by reverse entropy. ”

Bronia: “The core of the lawyer…”

Teresa: “That’s right. After the Second Great Collapse, the power of Destiny was greatly weakened, and at this time a mysterious organization appeared that asked us to hand over the remains of the Lawyers, that is, anti-entropy. ”

Teresa: “And the bargaining chip of anti-entropy at that time was their leader, the guy Walter, who was known as the first lawyer. ”

Bronia: “Walter….. The founder of anti-entropy, but Bronia has never seen it, as if it were just a virtual character. ”

Teresa: “But it was indeed this First Law who showed his power to the Mandate of Heaven at that time… Destiny, who had just experienced the second Honkai battle, was powerless to fight the other Lawyer, and could only grant their request: But we didn’t drag it all out. ”

Teresa: “Although the remains of the lawyer handed over to the anti-entropy are the most important lawyer core, we have secretly kept the other elements of the resurrection lawyer and secretly hidden it in the dogma area, so the purpose of the anti-entropy this time is to combine the core with other fragments.” ”

Bud Yi: “Is this kind of thing really done….. The Resurrection Law or something….”

Raiden Bud Yi is still a little unbelievable, after all, even if it is a lawyer, resurrection from the dead is enough to be crowned a miracle.

Teresa: “But this is only a theoretical report, I hope this is not the final result.” ”

“Let’s hurry! The dogmatic zone is ahead, and in any case, there will be incalculable dangers in our way. ”

Leading the Valkyries of St. Freya Academy, a sense of urgency rose in Teresa’s heart.

As Teresa led a group of Valkyries towards the central area, Kiana, who had fallen into the Collapsed Furnace, opened her eyes.

Kiana looked around blankly, confused.

Touched his body and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, the body is still there, and he is not dead.

“Mom… Where are you….”

“Uh… What is this voice? I remember rushing to the furnace just now, and then…”

Kiana covered her head and tried to recall.

“Mom… Is that you? Did you come to pick me up….”

When the unknown voice heard Kiana’s words, there was a little happiness and anticipation in his tone.

Kiana was a little dazed in her heart, but she still shook her head honestly.

She is still a beautiful girl of wonderful age, and she doesn’t want to have a daughter yet.

“Nope….. I think you should have recognized the wrong person, I am not your mother…. My name is Kiana. ”

“It’s not: Mom: But you have the same taste as your mother, the same warm taste as the sun…”

The voice was a little dazed, but a little nostalgic.

Kiana: “Ahahaha~ That’s really a prize~ Who are you?” Can you tell me where this is? ”

“I’m Sirin… This is my world…”

“Your world? It looks quite desolate here, except for some broken copper and iron remains, it seems that there is nothing, are you not lonely?”

Looking at the desolate ruins around her, Kiana couldn’t stop twitching the corners of her eyes.

Anyway, she can’t stay in this broken place.

“What does loneliness mean? I’m waiting for mom here….. Because my mother said she would come and pick me up…”

Kiana: “Really? Are you also waiting for someone important, but just waiting will not lead to results, you still have to stretch out your hand to hold the palm of the other party~”

Kiana persuaded the unknown girl.

“Myself… Reach out?”

Kiana nodded, “That’s right~ let my sister take you to the outside world!” Your mother must be there waiting for you too~”

Kiana stretched out her hand, her azure eyes full of kindness.

“……. Hmm!”

After a brief silence, the girl grabbed Kiana’s hand.

The moment he held it in both hands, a dark purple spatial crack appeared at Kiana’s feet. 】

– Inverse Entropy Headquarters ——

Tesla propped his chin and looked proud.

“Gouotto, now you know how powerful our anti-entropy is!”

Hands crossed at the waist, but she is broken!

“Wake up, Dr. Tesla, that’s another world thing.”

“What’s wrong with the other world, sooner or later in this world, Dr. Ben will also have to punch Otto in the face!” Tesla waved his fist triumphantly.

“It’s just that who’s Walter from another world?”

Tesla wrinkled his brows and said in confusion.

Einstein did not answer, but simply shifted the topic in another direction.

“Since Kiana has seen the consciousness of the Void Law, does that mean that this resurrection plan is half successful?”

With worried eyes, Einstein couldn’t help but think of K423, which was their biggest worry.

K423 has two consciousnesses, and the other is the Void Lawyer who hates humanity.

Tesla grinded his teeth and apparently thought about it as well.

“I see that the Void Lawyer of another world is so well-behaved, why is the Void Lawyer of our world so arrogant and arrogant.”

“Dr. Tesla, is there a possibility that she was also a well-behaved child before the Void Law was brought to the Tower of Babylon.”

Einstein’s words silenced Tesla.

Yes, although the lawyer is the enemy of mankind, the second lawyer has indeed brought irreparable tragedy to mankind.

But the reason is that everything is the result of human self-inflicted evil.

But Tesla still has a word to say.

“It’s all Otto’s fault!”

Tesla said unpleasantly.

ps: Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for rewards.

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