Who is she in Otto’s mouth, but everyone who has seen the second collapse of this world knows who else but Karin.

“It seems that I in another world, his lover is also Kalien.”

Void Manzo glanced at it and sneered, “But you in that world seem to have been relieved of Kalien’s death long ago, compared to you, on the road to fighting Honkai, you can be described as dedicated and dedicated.” ”

“Hehe, Void Wanzang, you have a deep opinion of me. For me, resurrecting Karen is the first one, and as for destroying Honkai, where is Karen more important? ”

Thinking back to that warm afternoon, Otto’s heart was full of nostalgia and tenderness.

“Great inventor, join me in protecting the world~” Void Wanzang said these words appropriately, making Otto’s face instantly unhappy.

After hanging the villain of the Void, Otto’s mood improved a lot.

Carefully commenting on the gap between the two granddaughters.

“Sure enough, I still protected my little Teresa too well.”

“Delisa in another world looks smart and decisive, if my little Teresa can also have the same mentality as her, the position of the bishop of Destiny is almost certain, and I don’t have to worry about it at all.”

Void Wanzang snorted coldly, “Having said that, even if she is as stupid as before, the position of the Heavenly Mandate Bishop is a certainty. ”

“That’s not stupid, it’s just kindness.” Otto defended his granddaughter.

“Untimely kindness can only be stupidity.” Void Manzo retorted.

In the promised land of the past, in the laboratory of Mebius——

Mebius frowned, really getting more and more uncomfortable with the person of Otto.

Although smart, he is extremely conceited and arrogant.

Honkai never belongs to humans, and how can humans guess how an unknown thing will think with human thinking.

What else does it say to be close to the soul of God?

Mebius’ assessment of Otto from another world is only two words, “Ridiculous! ”

“However, in terms of decisiveness and ruthlessness, it really surpasses too many people.”

“But the weaknesses are also obvious…”

Even Mebius, who was born to know, did not dare to say that he knew everything in the world and understood everything.

And in the cognition of Honkai, it is all a fantasy constructed by human beings themselves.

Mebius could only carefully explore step by step, and then explore the infinite path.

“Although Siegfried and Cecilia’s weapons are almost identical in appearance, they are only ordinary weapons, and the body is also the body of an ordinary person, and there is no trace of fusion warriors.”

“Combined with the other world’s understanding of the lawyers, that is, after the destruction of the previous civilization, there is not even any information left?”

“No, the fact that Walter the First Lawyer of the other world survives proves that knowledge and materials can indeed be circulated, but it seems that the other world designated the so-called reincarnation thing, and did not pass down the study of the Honkai and the Lawyer.”

With his hands clasped to his chest, Mebius couldn’t understand what the first reincarnation civilization was thinking.

It doesn’t feel like a committed anti-collapse person.

It can only be said that Mebius is the truth, and the maker of the stigmata terminal that caused the phenomenon of reincarnation was originally a guy who was extremely disgusted with humans and wished that humans would become extinct immediately.

And this person is Dr. MEI of the era of Zero in the Collapsed World.

[Cecilia fights Celine, who is out of control.

Shiyukiro and the rest of the Valkyries are at war with the judgment-level Avalanche Beast Kukulkan, while Cecilia directly confronts the Void Lawyer.

But Cecilia in this world is just an ordinary S-class Valkyrie, although she has a stigmata, her weapon is just an ordinary riding spear, not some god’s key.

The battle with Celin, who controls the power of imaginary space, is dominated by Celin’s comprehensive suppression.

When Cecilia wanted to use Celine’s spatial distortion as a portal to get close to Celine, the space-distorted door became a subspatial fault.

Just when Cecilia was about to disappear into endless time and space, an unexpected person appeared on this battlefield and saved Cecilia.

This person is none other than Walter.

Valkyrie squad member: “Report to Lord Teresa!” Communication from the Snow Wolf Squad is still unreachable! The interference of Avalanche Energy is too strong!”

Teresa: “Abominable… Cecilia, you must be safe…”

Zigfei: “You crumbling scum! Turn Lao Tzu into ashes! Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor!”

“Cecilia….. You wait! I’ll be at your side soon! Be sure to hold on!”

Teresa: “Siegfried stop!” With your strength alone, you can’t break through the encirclement of the Broken Beast!”

Siegfried: “Teresa! Cecilia is now fighting the Lawyers! Her situation is much more dangerous than ours! I can’t leave her alone!”

Teresa: “That’s why you should hold this position even more!” If even you sacrifice who to ensure Cecilia’s way back!”

“I know you’re in a hurry right now, and I’m in the same mood as you.. But it’s precisely because of these moments that we should trust each other more!”

“Believe me, Cecilia will surely triumph with the glory of destiny as usual, and as the person she loves the most, you should stand behind her and guard her!”

Sincerity was a big killer for Kaslanna, and Ziggy let out a long sigh to calm himself down, “Sorry.. Teresa, you’re right, I have to make sure her evacuation route so that she can get home safely, even if only these troops must hold here!”

Just when Ziegfried forcibly calmed down and stopped thinking of rushing up to kill a way to Cecilia’s side.

The communication from Otto resounded.

Otto had a teasing smile on his face, “Teresa… When the time came, it seems that our Lord Saint has not succeeded in creating miracles. ”

Teresa: “Lord Bishop! Please wait a minute!”

The request from Teresa was naturally ignored by Otto, he only did what he wanted, and Delisa could not stop Otto.

“Heroes of Destiny who fought valiantly on the battlefield, the following is the highest order from the Bishop of Destiny, Otto Apocalis.”

“In this Siberian collapse operation, the Destiny suffered heavy losses, and the collapse is still raging on the battlefield, in order to preserve the Destiny against the fire of the collapse, the headquarters is about to release the regional strike weapon Collapse fission missile.”

“The strike of a fission missile will destroy this beautiful land, and even make this area a forbidden area for human civilization that can no longer be suitable for human habitation, but it will also be the most efficient strike against the broken creatures that endanger human beings.”

“The missile will be launched in ten minutes, please evacuate the Valkyries who received the communication immediately, and the destiny of those soldiers who are trapped in the battlefield and cannot escape will always remember your names and achievements!”

“History will remember our struggles today! Civilization will remember our sacrifice today! Fight for the eternal survival of mankind!”

Ziegfried questioned Teresa in disbelief, under the other party’s broken appearance, where did he not understand that Cecilia was treated as an outcast by Otto.

Directly lost his previous calm, and rushed towards where Cecilia was. 】

In the dormitory of St. Freya’s College, Kiana Silin was almost numb.

“No, come ——! again”

Seeing that Otto wanted to launch the Honkai fission bomb again, Kiana gritted her teeth, this guy picks this critical time to make trouble every time, every time he uses the same trick, and every time he is affected is his mother Cecilia.

This feud, she Kiana wrote down!!!

And the Void Law in the consciousness space looked at Cyrene stunned.

“Celine in another world, another me . Honkai, tell me……. How can the sins of mankind be eliminated…”

Honkai: I don’t know how to eliminate the sins of mankind, but I can destroy humanity.

Hell jokes jpg.

[Using the power of the black hole, Walter successfully rescued Ms. Cecilia, who almost died.

“Second Lawyer, although it is not the first time I have met you, let’s introduce myself first.”

“My name is Walter… The first lawyer born of Honkai. ”

Cecilia looked at the strange man in front of her, with doubts in her heart.

Cecilia: “First Lawyer: Are you the one in the collapse of Berlin…”

Walter: “Ms. Cecilia, it doesn’t really matter who I am, I just want you to understand that our interests are aligned. ”

Walter: “If you don’t defeat the Second Lawyer, you will die here, history will repeat itself again, and everything will become meaningless, so I hereby propose that we join forces to change that wrong future.” ”

Cecilia: “The wrong future… I don’t understand what you’re saying, and I can’t believe what you’re saying if you’re also a lawyer. “】

“In a sense, Cecilia in another world is also quite double-standard.”

The corner of Wendy’s eyes twitched, how good Cecilia’s attitude towards Cyrene was before, and she believed everything she said.

Replaced by Walter, an old forced man watching the fire from the other side, in a word, you are a lawyer, I don’t trust you.

[But Walter did not dwell on whether Cecilia trusted herself or not, but only said the current situation.

“Whether you believe it or not, it won’t be long before the missiles of Destiny will destroy you along with the Lawyers, and cooperating with me will be your only way out, look at the Valkyries who are fighting for Destiny at the cost of their lives, do you want them to be buried here with you?”

Cecilia: “As the Valkyrie of Destiny, we have long been prepared to fight Honkai to the death, and if we can destroy Honkai, then our sacrifice will not be worthless!”


I admire her loyalty to destiny, but have you ever wondered what kind of childhood your daughter will have when you die?

Walter: “Ms. Cecilia, even for your daughter, please trust me once.” ”

The daughter is Cecilia’s only weakness.

Celine: “What whispering secretly, since you are not my companion, then disappear with these humans!”

Just when Celine wanted to attack, the sudden gravity made Celine a little dazed.

Celine: “Goo… The body is so heavy …. What’s going on….”

Walter: “Lady Cecilia, I will do my best to limit Celine’s actions, and use your saintly power to control the collapse energy of the core of the lawyer, only in this way can I defeat her, and you have no choice else.” ”

Cecilia: “… Well, I see”

The gaze shifted to Celine, who was suppressed by gravity, and after a brief entanglement, Cecilia took up the weapon again.

“You guy, don’t think that this little trick can trap me!”

Celine, who was suppressed by gravity, said stubbornly, constantly struggling to get back up.

Walter increased the output of power and imprisoned the second lawyer.

Cecilia stepped forward and touched Celine’s body with both hands.

Feeling the continuous loss of strength in her body, Celine struggled in panic.

Celine: “Let go!” You let me go! Because of the malice of you people, my mother will not be seen, because of you, because of you!”

Cecilia: “No… Under the influence of the power of the Holy Daughter, the collapse in her body is fiercely expelling herself…. If you continue to use the power of the Lawyer, your body will also be killed by the power of Collapse!”

“Celine! Try to control your consciousness! Don’t let Honkai erode your mind! I’ll find a way to save you!”

Celine: “Get out of here!” I don’t need your mercy!!”

Cecilia hugged Cyrene and pleaded, “… Celine! Please stop using your power! If it goes on like this.”

Boom rumble -!!!

Walter: “This voice… Cecilia, the Honkai fission missile launched by Otto is already flying towards here! We’re running out of time!”

Celine: “I can’t die like this yet… Mom.. The wonderful world you told Celine: Celine hasn’t seen it yet….. Celine doesn’t want to die just like that…”

“Don’t: Please don’t take away my power… It is the light that makes my eyes see again, and as long as I have it, it will definitely reunite me with my mother! Give me back this power!”

Cecilia: “… Sure enough, your eyes remind me of how my daughter Kiana looked when she was coquettish… If it weren’t for Honkai, you would actually be a child who misses his mother. ”

Cecilia:: Kiana is the same, whenever I go out on a mission, she always looks at me with a sad expression, and she must be afraid that I will never go back like this…”

Cecilia: “I’m sorry. Celine, I didn’t understand your heart…. Please stop this fight, I can help you get rid of the control of Honkai Energy and return to the words of ordinary people…”

Cecilia: “In your mother’s heart, Celine must be a gentle and kind child, and it must be because of this that you will learn a beautiful world from her mouth…. As a mother, I know very well…”

Celine: “I….. I…”

“The beautiful world will definitely meet you, because Celine is such a kind child.”

Celine: “This embrace…. What a sense of familiarity….. It’s the same as mom …. Warm taste. ”

Celine: “Mom…. It turns out that you have always been by my side…”

While Cecilia and Celine were enjoying a short and warm mother-daughter time together, Walter not far away looked at the Avalanche Energy Fission Bomb that was getting closer and closer in the sky, and his heart was anxious.

“Abominable: No time.. Did Cecilia still fail… Sure enough, history still can’t be changed so easily….. In that case, use my own power…”

Celine: “Mom: That flash in the sky, is it something that hurts my mother…”

Cecilia: “Sorry, it seems that it is still too late.. Celine, I will be by your side, you can sleep quietly, and when you wake up again, you will definitely see that beautiful world. ”

Celine: “Mom, that kind of thing doesn’t matter anymore…. For Celine to come… My mother is my best vision in the world…”

“I’m sorry Mom…. Celine can’t see the wonderful world you yearn to tell…”

Celine: “The power of the collapse in my body, you can hear my voice….. This light is as warm as your mother, please be sure to protect her…”

Cecilia: “Celine!?”

“This is my last wish…”

The power of the lawyer moved at will, Cecilia looked at Celine’s clear smile, and with a flash in front of her, Celine sank in imaginary space from in front of her with the Collapse Energy Fission Bomb that was about to explode.

The collapse of Siberia, which broke out in 2000, ended with a crushing victory for destiny.

In the bloody battle of the Mandate of Heaven, nearly eighty percent of the warriors fell into the ice and snow of Siberia, and they defended mankind with their bodies, strangling the raging collapse on the frozen snowfield. 】

ps: Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for rewards. Let’s look forward to the appearance of Emperor Wen Tian in the next chapter!

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