More navies did not express their opinions, and they became more and more confused!

It has previously shown the dark side of the world government!

What if the world government still feeds on the chaotic desires of human beings?

Then if they work for the World Government, what is the difference between what they do and what pirates do?

But what the World Government said made many generals hesitate.

If there is no world government, who else in this world can allow order to exist in this ocean.

It seems not, and in the case of pirates, it is hard to say whether the record of losers is really true!

They didn’t know what to do for a moment! !

But one thing is undeniable, even if they are not rebelling now!

But recognition of world government has reached an all-time low! !

There may be swords against the World Government at any time, and this is what the World Government is most worried about.

Of course, many pirates do not have this in mind, because they are pirates!

There is no need to consider complicated matters such as loyalty to the world government and betrayal of the world government!

They are also concerned about what Sauro mentioned in the video just now about Rafdru!

【Blackbeard No. 2: Thief hahaha! ! Now it’s absolutely certain! Rafdru’s Great Secret Treasure is the treasure left by the ancient kingdom to revive mankind, and it is real! ! How wonderful! ! !】

【Kidd No. 2: If you want to revive the entire world, you must have weapons, you must have wealth, and you must have things that can enhance people’s strength! ! This is indeed the great secret treasure that has everything! !】

【Kaido No. 2: What’s strange is, didn’t Roger arrive at Rafdru before? Why didn’t he take any of this treasure? Maybe even put a few more in Ravdru!】

【Roger No. 2: As a person who is destined not to live long, what is the use of these things? ! Anyway, there will be newcomers who will surpass me! ! Of course I will leave it to those who can surpass me! !】

【Blackbeard No. 2: Such a great secret treasure belongs to me! !】

【Whitebeard No. 2: You’re thinking shit! ! ]

Video No. 2 continues to play.

After Luffy and the others blurted out Ravdru, Sauro nodded.

“Are future predictions really completely reliable? Is Straw Hat the Child of Prophecy? “Becca Punk asked in surprise!

“I don’t know, but among human desires, the desire to see the future is very strong. The Devil Fruit born in this way may really have such an ability, but I personally think that the future that can be seen is just a lot of The most likely one in the future, but it shouldn’t be the only one! “Sauro expressed his opinion。

“Unexpectedly, the true identity of the World Government would be like this. In this way, it would be impossible for them to truly coexist with any intelligent race on the sea, because most people on the sea long for peace! And they crave chaos! ! “Robin said with emotion.

This is indeed a secret that can seriously threaten the foundation of the World Government’s rule!

No wonder for so many years, anyone who knows this secret, even if it is only a part of the people!

Will be hunted down by the World Government, even if they are Geniuses like Becca Punk are no exception!

As long as they don’t understand everything after research, they will be hunted down! Because

they know that with Becca Punk’s IQ, they can really study the blank one hundred years of history!

It can be researched! So they must kill Becca Punk!

“They have been fighting for a hundred years, all to satisfy the desires of the World Government. So many people have died. They are really a bunch of bad people! “Lu

“So like Wano Country, Fish-Man Island, and even Giant Island, their current situations should also be changes made in order to survive the war that lasted for nearly a hundred years. “Robin felt that everything was clear!

Why did Fishman Island lift the island and hide 10,000 meters below the sea? Combined with Joey Boy’s apology letter!

They knew that in the blank history, Fishman Island was on the side of the Ancient Kingdom. Strength, and the King of the Sea at the time, the Princess of Fish-Man Island! She

also entered into a marriage relationship with the Ancient Kingdom. In order to avoid being liquidated by the New World Government!

They had to flee to the relative safety of the 10,000-meter deep sea!

And Wano Country was also the ancient kingdom at the time. The Kingdom’s very important ally, the situation is over!

In order to prevent the country from being destroyed, and in order to concentrate its final strength, Wano Country began to isolate itself! It barely survived! The

Giant King’s Court was probably built in order to avoid the liquidation of the New World Government! The underground city!

Of course… After the New World Government was almost liquidated, it did not really completely eradicate the roots!

At least not for these subordinate countries! After all, they still need to keep the leek roots!

In order to have a good harvest every hundred years! The more population, the better For the World Government,!

Because that way, it will be easier to be confused and the desire will be more abundant!

After waiting for a while, the Sand Crocodile and others outside saw Luffy and others coming out of the room!

But even Luffy, at this time I didn’t tell them this secret!

Because this secret is indeed accompanied by unimaginable crises!

Once you know it and accidentally leak it, you will be in big trouble!

“’How do we get out of here now? “Combined with the approximate location given by Sauro, after gathering Robin to find the location behind the historical article, they can basically get a more accurate route if they look at the historical article again! This way, the probability of finding

Rafdru It will also be higher!!

It is not difficult to find the location of this historical article!

What is difficult is how to safely set sail from Elbaf under the search of so many forces!

Now even the sand crocodile has been exposed! Even the cover Neither one nor two could be done.

After hearing the words, everyone was deep in thought, and suddenly a wall of the room moved away!

“coming! “Becca Punk smiled, and the Giant King Groot appeared in front of everyone (Nono’s)!

“Becca Punk, are you okay? Are you not injured? ! “Groot asked with a worried look on his face!

“I’m fine! “The two met happily and hugged each other. Although they were very different in size, their feelings were the same!

After learning about each other’s situation, Groot said enthusiastically and generously: “The place where the historical text is stored is our giant. It’s a secret place in the country, but since you are a friend recognized by Beka Punk, I will take you to see it from a secret passage! As for the pursuers, I will also have people spread false news in the country, and you will take the opportunity to leave when the time comes! !”

“Uncle! ! Thank you so much! ! “Luffy said happily. Unexpectedly, the problem was solved immediately!

“Now let’s read the historical article……”Although we already know the general history of Blank, we still need to know the details of some important events! Sauro’s deciphering though

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