Time is like running water, without stopping for a moment. In the blink of an eye, one year passed.

   Tang Chen is still Tang Chen. In this year, he has become accustomed to his own Saitama hairstyle. Now, he can see the strange eyes of others.

   Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Tang Chen's ability has changed drastically since a year ago.

   Unlike Tang San, Tang Chen’s practice was not restricted by the world at all. During this year, Tang Chen broke through bottlenecks one after another, but the laws of the world did not restrict him, so...

   At the back mountain, Tang Chen sitting cross-legged on the mountainside gently raised his hand, and a golden **** the size of a baby's fist was printed on the top of his palm and swirled steadily. Compared to the small as a dust a year ago, this **** is not known how much stronger it is now.

   The power in Tang Chen's body was surging and fluctuating like a river. He could feel that the **** in his hand could easily flatten the hill by one layer.

  Soul Saint? Contra?

   Tang Chen didn't know exactly what stage he had reached, he only knew that his old man was no longer unpredictably powerful.

   At least, from the bottom of the bottom, you can see the deepest scene.

   scattered the Buddha seal in his hand, Tang Chen opened his eyes and looked at the large number of animals crawling in front of him listening to his teaching, a little bit dumbfounded. Now his Dharma is more sophisticated, compared to a year ago, even the number of animals he attracted has increased a lot, and he even saw a few soul beasts.

After the sound of    lecture stopped, the animals gathered around Tang Chen also opened their eyes one after another. They seemed to bow their heads to Tang Chen wisely, and then slowly dispersed.

   They will still come together when they give lectures the next day.

   When Tang Chen stood up and was about to go up the mountain, a plump chicken whirled in the air and fell in front of Tang Chen. There was a long and narrow wound on its neck, which seemed to be scratched by something sharp.

This was made by a "student" of Tang Chen. It was a century-old golden bird and soul beast. Since Tang Chen had not learned the knowledge of soul beasts, he did not know its name, so he always called it "Peng". ".

   When Peng came here for the first time half a year ago, Tang Chen was obsessed with cultivation and couldn't extricate himself. A golden, fluffy bird suddenly fell from the sky and stood on Tang Chen's shoulders.

   I don't know what happened. From then on, this little bird quickly broke through the threshold one after another just like eating Jin Kela and became a hundred-year-old soul beast.

   And Tang Chen, every morning after he finishes his cultivation, he will get a prey that he hunted.

   As for monks and monks, they can’t eat meat...the natural selection of things, the survival of the fittest, the poor monks just to speed up the carbon cycle in nature, Amitabha, good is good.

   Tang Chen pretended to recite two Buddha's names, and as the black light surged in his hand, he swallowed the hair and blood of the chicken in his hand.

   Anyway, the inheritance in his mind does not limit whether he can eat meat, so he chooses himself.

   Thinking of this, Tang Chen went up the mountain to find Tang San while carrying the chicken.


   On the top of the mountain, Tang San stared at the purple in the horizon, and silently operated the Xuan Tian Gong, absorbing the purple qi from the horizon.

   Over the past year, the mysterious heavenly power in his body is still at the first level, and he has never been able to break through. Even the purple magic pupil has reached the limit of [Overview], but it still needs a wedge machine to break through.

   But practicing is not impatient. Tang San's mind has also become indestructible after decades of polishing in his previous life. He is only now laying the foundation for the future.

   Besides, the Wuhun awakening ceremony is about to begin.

   "Mistress, let's go, let's go."

   Tang Chen's voice awakened Tang San from his contemplation. He turned his head and saw that his brother was holding a fat chicken and walking up the mountain slowly.

   Tang San blinked. Recently, my brother's ability seems to be playing very steadily, at least...Finally, there are no rabbits!

   "Go, go, I'm hungry."

   Tang Chen dragged Tang San, grabbing Tang San in his hand as if he was lifting a chicken, and ran down the mountain quickly despite Tang San's resistance.

   Since eight months ago, Tang San has not had the slightest resistance in Tang Chen's hands. This shocked Tang San once.

   There is no reason! Obviously, it is me who has been working hard to cultivate, but why is this so. This guy who has never worked hard will become so strong.

   Tang San gave up resistance weakly, looking at the sky speechlessly in Tang Chen's hands.

   Back home, this time it was Tang Chen cooking. To be precise, Tang Chen had been cooking since a few months ago.

   All of this must start from a thought of Tang San.

  Tang Sect, the most important thing is not mental method, not skill, but the many hidden weapons that make Tang Sect stand for thousands of years! Tang San in his previous life was a true hidden weapon master, even the supreme hidden weapon [Buddha's Fury Tang Lian], which was lost to Tang Sect for hundreds of years, was manufactured.

   Now that his cultivation is ineffective, Tang San naturally thought of his biggest reliance-hidden weapon!

   Of course, this world is not the Tang Sect of the previous life, and there are not countless materials and parts to squander. Therefore, everything can only depend on oneself. And all of this must start with iron strikes.

   Ironing is a job that tests stamina. The hot environment and long-term uninterrupted percussion are enough to persuade most people. When Tang San asked for iron strikes, Tang Hao refused at first, because he didn't think Tang San could stick to it.

   But Tang San's mental determination was far beyond Tang Hao's imagination. The task he assigned was perfectly completed by Tang San, and even exceeded it. At this point, Tang San began his daily routine of iron strikes.

   Tang Chen knew why Tang San did this. Seeing that Tang San's arm became swollen due to long-time ironing, Tang Chen said that he deserved it, but he still took away the work of cooking. As for persuading Tang San not to fight iron... Tang Chen felt that since Tang San had already decided, he should stop talking too much.

  Family, just need to understand each other.

  Except the old man.

   The chicken was unloaded swiftly. Tang Chen separated the bones and meats of the two chicken legs, and then cut them into diced chickens. After a simple copy, they mixed with the scallops sealed in a jar and served them to the table.

   This dish was Tang Chen's past life when he was too idle to go to school with Hong Lou Meng. The taste is definitely the best among the side dishes he has ever eaten. The remaining chicken was marinated by Tang Chen long ago, ready to be barbecued at night.

When Tang Chen brought the porridge to the table, Tang Hao was almost hungry and stretched his chopsticks towards the eggplant on the plate. In the past few months, Tang Hao almost refreshed his worldview. He had never thought about why. The combination of a few simple things makes it so delicious.

   Tang San initially disagreed with Tang Chen's cooking, but since he had eaten Tang Chen's meal, he decisively shut up. Although he can cook, he is considered to be able to eat, but eating the food cooked by Tang Chen is completely enjoyable.

   After eating like this, the Tang family's breakfast is over.



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