It seems that he has been burying his closest relatives all his life.

There are two more tombs among the broken walls, the setting sun spreads to the distance, and the ground is covered with red petals from the other side.

Ming Tian knelt quietly beside the two graves in front of him, and there were also many people gathered behind him. They all lowered their heads, with silent expressions on their faces, mourning for someone.

"Don't worry, this war will pass, I will not let anyone's sacrifice go to waste..."

He lowered his head and said quietly, then stood up slowly, and looked at the people behind him, who were all the elites and absolute powerhouses on the mainland.

"Where are we going next? The army of undead has been resolved, but the inland army of Zerg spirit beasts still exists."

"Wait, I think someone will come to tell us the latest battle report."

Ming Tian said lightly, as if he had expected it a long time ago, and sure enough, a scout rushed towards them at high speed, and when he arrived at their side, he quickly reported:

"A large number of Zerg soul beasts have appeared in Xingluo territory. According to the news from Jialing Pass, some of the soul beast army has penetrated into Xingluo from the Mizong Grand Canyon. Exterminate the spirit beasts in the territory, and move to the northern entrance of the Mizong Grand Canyon, intending to block the northern entrance of the Mizong Grand Canyon and prevent the Zerg army from entering again!"

"Misty Grand Canyon?!"

All the people present were surprised, they didn't expect that the soul beasts had such a shocking plan, they even thought of crossing the Lost Canyon and entering Xingluo.

"Who noticed?"

"It's Yu Xiaogang!"

"Yu Xiaogang..."

Ming Tian read the name thoughtfully, seemed to remember it, and said:

"So it was him? The current number one mastermind in the mainland..."

"Okay, I see."

"Excuse me!"

After the scout finished speaking, he went to inform elsewhere without stopping.

Ming Tian looked at the crowd and said:

"The decisive battle in the inland area will eventually be at Jialing Pass. I think since there are most of the rebels from all over the country, the soul masters will go to the mouth of the northern valley of the Misty Grand Canyon, and the soul beasts that sneaked into the Xingxing Luo territory will almost be wiped out. Also meet at the mouth of the northern valley."



Soul beasts can think of a trick like passing through the Lost Canyon, so for them, this should be more than one place..."

Liu Wen felt something was wrong, but he couldn't think of another route for the soul beast, so he went to the northern Taniguchi with everyone, and was ready to meet up.




The sky is full of yellow sand, and the Gobi is desolate.

The dry climate is very unsuitable for human habitation, so few people come and go here, and it is a restricted area for humans.

It seems that there is nothing to do in the arid desert area. After all, there is nothing here and it is not attractive.

Few people set foot on this land in the western part of the continent, except for some earth-type and defense-type soul masters who need soul rings and occasionally come here to obtain soul rings.

And they are generally on the edge, and even fewer go deeper.

A few days ago, a thin figure entered the western border alone, no one knew who she was, it was a red-haired woman.

A place that is inaccessible and inaccessible does not mean that there is nothing. On the contrary, the more such a place is, the easier it is to hide secrets and unknowns.

Mingxue traveled in the desert for three days before reaching the central area.

Sure enough, the more deserted the place, the more surprises there will be after the investigation.

In this vast desert and endless desolation, there is actually a hidden city.

A city made of mud looks like an ancient lost civilization, those glorious pasts have been eroded by the years and buried by wind and sand.

At night, a silvery-white crescent will hang from the sky, and people will appear in the city, and it will become extremely prosperous, like a terrifying dream.

Ordinary people would have been scared to run away long ago, but Mingxue was not afraid. She walked in the city at night, doing the same thing with the people in the city, and she found that these people were indeed people from the ancient times, and their way of life was still drinking blood. Generally, they are not entities, but phantoms.

Just when Mingxue thought these were phantoms, projections from nothingness, she unexpectedly met a real little girl.

The ancient city in the desert, the prosperity of the night, the projection of the ancients, and a real human little girl, how weird it is.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

The girl had never seen such a beautiful person as Mingxue, and she was a little stunned for a moment, blushing and said her name was Yata

The origin of Yatta is a mystery, and Mingxue came to find the most powerful totem soul seal, the ten-million-year-level totem soul beast Nuwa. She inevitably thought that the girl might be connected with Nuwa's soul seal, so stay With a mind.

Soon, she found an ancient sacrificial totem in the city. It was carved on the city wall. It had a snake body and a woman with soft lines. A few lines were simply drawn behind her head, indicating that she had long hair.

The sculpture seems to be telling a story, a story that has been passed down for a long time. The little girl said that she could understand the writing on the wall, so she told Mingxue this story.

Legend has it that Nuwa created man, then repaired the sky, and became the mother god. Later, someone built a temple to worship and worship. People with Nuwa's blood have been guarding this secret and Nuwa's soul seal.

Yatta said that he had seen the Nuwa Temple, and there was a huge statue of Nuwa in the temple.

Mingxue quickly deduced that it was Nuwa's soul seal.

So she began to search for the whereabouts of the temple, but found nothing. There was only this city in the whole desert, and there was no Nuwa temple in the city.

There are also some strange sand-type soul beasts that appear around the city. They will try to enter the city at night, as if they are guarding or looking for something.

Yatta said that it was a female snake beast, a soul beast with Nuwa's blood, very powerful, they are the most powerful group in the desert, and there are even female snake beasts of the tens of millions of years level.

Mingxue frowned when she heard this. Judging from the clues she had, it was quite difficult to find Nuwa's soul seal.

During the day, the city returned to its barren appearance, and there was no one there, but Yata seemed to have lost his memory and could not remember what happened at night.

Things became more and more strange, so Mingxue caught a 100,000-year-old female snake beast to understand the situation

The 100,000-year-old female snake beast said that the city was Houtu City, which was once built by the people of Nuwa's bloodline. They also built the Nuwa Temple, multiplied into a huge ethnic group, and created a new one in the desert for a long time. civilization.

But later, the Nuwa tribe wasted resources excessively, resulting in more and more sandy soil, and the wind and sand eroded the civilization of the past, and finally disappeared in the desert.

And their female snake beasts are the only soul beast race with Nuwa's blood on the mainland, and they have been looking for the Nuwa Temple. The temple seems to have always existed in the city, but they have not found it.

As for Yata, she is a child born of the female snake beast and the descendant of Nuwa's bloodline. The fusion of the two bloodlines makes her very close to the divinity of Nuwa.

After hearing what the female snake beast said, Mingxue was thoughtful, and she proposed to meet their leader, so she met the supreme ruler of the Nuwa bloodline soul beast, the Heavenly Queen Snake.

The Heavenly Court Queen Snake was surprised by Mingxue's cultivation. She did not expect that there would be a god-level powerhouse on the mainland. When she heard Mingxue's intention, she said coldly:

"Please go back. Nuwa's soul seal, including the female snake clan, will not leave the western border. The crisis in the mainland has nothing to do with us."

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