“Because I’m also a Saiyan.” Reg smiled, and while saying this, his hand was not very honest, and he scratched at Kalifra’s place again.

“Wow whoa! me off, me off! Kalifra was now hugged tightly by Reg, unable to exert her strength, and after a loud scold, she bit Reg the shoulder.

Reg, of course, wouldn’t be bitten by her, and immediately pushed his hands lightly on Kalifra’s chest.


Suddenly, Calyfra’s body flew towards the rear.

“Play here today, you practice kung fu well, and then I will accompany you to have fun.” Reg smiled and waved at Califra, then glanced at Buck and the others.

These guys had long been leaning hand in hand, and they were all terrified, especially when they saw Califra’s furious appearance, and they couldn’t wait to leave immediately.

It’s just that Buck and the others know very well that with their current ability, it is better to obediently stay with Mr. Regg, in case they leave this area, it is not for them to have the final say.

“Want to run? Give me a stop! As Califra said this, her body was still sliding backwards.


Immediately afterwards, layers of golden light burst out of Kalifra’s body, gritted her teeth, and stopped her body steadily.

After a short pause, Kalifra looked like a golden cannonball and sped straight towards Reg.

It’s just that Reg has played enough and feels that although this girl looks good, the place is too small.

And this time Reg came over, just to get the Dragon Ball, not to play with women.

Of course, it would be a pity to let Reg kill Calyvra with his own hands.

Women are used to hurt.

If this woman is doing too much, it will be better to hurt her, no, to make her hurt and happy.

The premise is that this woman must be good-looking.


Reg teleported and came to Buck and the others in a flash.

Reg put his hand on one of them.


Immediately afterwards, Reg took more than two hundred Saiyans and disappeared all of a sudden.

Califra looked around, not coming to her senses for a long time.

“What about people? Where’s it going? Kalyphra muttered.

“Kalyfra… Are you Kalifra? ”

At this moment, accompanied by a voice, Gabe appeared nearby.

“Gabe, did you see that hateful guy?” Calyfra asked through gritted teeth.

“Are you really Calyfra? How did you become a Super Saiyan? Gabe was stunned and asked curiously.

“What Super Saiyan? I ask you, did you see that guy? “Califra hated that her teeth itched, scratched her own place, and ran away, this man is also too hateful.

“Do you mean Mr. Regg?” Gabe seemed to understand, and quickly asked.

“Is his name Reg?” Califra narrowed her eyes.

“Mr. Reg came to our planet once seven years ago, when he fought Hit, but you seem to be asleep… By the time you wake up, he’s gone. Gabe hurriedly explained.

“Seven years ago… Fought with Hitt…” Kalyfra’s body trembled slightly, and her face was full of shock, “What you said… Are you talking about the witch doctor? ”

“Yes.” Gabe nodded.

“So… My change is Super Saiyan now? Kalyfra looked at her golden body and seemed to understand something.

“Kalifra, how did you become a Super Saiyan? The Saiyan royal family has also been studying this change over the years, but unfortunately, it has not succeeded. Gabe asked with some curiosity.

“No comment.” Kalifra smiled gently, and the golden light on her body suddenly dissipated, and then threatened Gabe, “You listen to me, don’t tell anyone about my transformation, understand?” ”

“Yes, yes, yes… Understand, understand. Gabe nodded vigorously.

Zivre Star.

King and Prince Zivr and the three of Frost were whispering.

At this moment, Reg suddenly appeared with Buck and other Saiyans.

The three of Babe were so frightened that they trembled all over and wanted to run away immediately.

“How’s it going, is my spaceship okay?” Reg asked with a smile.

“Okay, it’s already good!” King Ziffr hurriedly answered.

“Then don’t you hurry up and take the spaceship out?” Reg smiled softly and looked at Frost again, with a smile in his eyes.

“I, I, I… I’m just supervising the king and telling him to quickly tidy up the spacecraft so that there are no accidents. Frost almost fell to his knees.

“Well, I hope you don’t lie to me.” Reg smiled disapprovingly.

As for Buck and the others, they already regard Reg as their boss, after all, even Kalifra dares to tease the man, Reg is the first person.

Therefore, when Reg did not issue an order, Buck and the others were still very honest, and they all obediently held hands together.

It didn’t take long for the Zvres to drive the spaceship over and stop at Reg’s side.

This spaceship is not very large, and it is not bad to carry a dozen people at most.

“Your Highness Reg, this is the spaceship, but the spaceship with the fastest speed in the universe will take two months to complete, although this spaceship is not the fastest in the universe, but it is also the top three in the speed rankings at present.” King Zivr explained to Reg.

“Okay, let’s make do with this spaceship first.” Reg nodded.

King Ziffr and Prince Babe saw Reg walking towards the spaceship, and an imperceptible smile flashed in their eyes.

It just so happened that this smile was captured by Buck.

“Mr. Regg… Are you leaving in a spaceship? Buck hurriedly leaned over and asked.

“Yes, this planet is similar to the planet Sharada, you guys will live here in the future.” Reg smiled slightly, and then whispered, “When the time is right, it is also possible to wipe out the natives of this planet, or let them become your slaves.” ”

After Buck heard this, his body trembled violently, and his face was also full of excitement.

If it is not our people, their hearts will be different, and if they are not our people, their sex will be evil!

Anyway, in the eyes of the Ziffers and others, there is no emotion at all, but Reg’s proposal made him very interested, and even unconsciously, the blood in his body was a little surging.

“However, the technology of the Ziffr people is relatively developed, and now you have to deal with it carefully.” Reg smiled slightly and patted Buck on the shoulder.

PS: There is another one more in the evening, don’t forget to watch, ask for a tip!

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