Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 33 Chapter 672: Passing through 100,000 years


These two chapters have buried a lot of pits. Look carefully. Don't miss it.


For the first time, Longchen used this wish to see the last golden door.

For him, the difference between the desire and the destiny is nothing more than the difference between the right eye and the left eye.

When his right eye opened, it was a white fire of desire. The fire of desire burned on the golden door. It really turned and slowly turned until there was a snowy white space in front of him.

Long Chen and so on have been waiting too long.

Of course, all the dragon warriors in the Kingdom of God are also looking forward to it. They used to have misunderstandings about the eternal dragon, but when they saw the height of Longchen, they also understood the true height of the eternal dragon.

What Long Qinglan has done is absolutely unprecedented.

Without the eternal dragon Emperor has been pointing out the direction for Longchen in the invisible place, there is no Longchen today.

From the inheritance of the five inheritance of blood, it can be fully seen.

Almost every kind of inheritance of blood is related to the instructions of Long Qingying.

Nowadays, the dragon sacrifices the mainland's trillions of people who are facing a new situation.

It’s time for him to tell himself who he really is, what happened to the Dragon Festival in the mainland before an era!

What is their hometown now?

Long Chen’s heart is full of excitement, he is more excited than anyone else.

All the way to kill and kill, finally arrived at this moment!

He did not say anything, striding into the golden gate, and the time around that moment changed dramatically. Distorted, dissipated, mysterious, even if Longchen is familiar with the rules of time, he still can't figure out what kind of time rule it is.

He didn't have time to think.

After passing through time, his eyes brightened and finally saw the surrounding. This is a familiar but strange place. Longchen thought for a long time and finally remembered where it was.

"It is Baiyang Town, Yang Family, the father's residence..."

Long Qinglan has not lived with Yang Xueqing for a long time. In memory, this is a place full of alcohol. His father stayed here alone, no one took care of him, drunk all day, drunk and dreamed of death.

But now it is not the case, although it is still the room, but it is very clean, there is warm sunlight shining outside the window, as if laying a layer of silver powder on the floor, so the radiant light Long Chen has not seen for a long time. He was very excited, and he came to this room, and his heart suddenly felt peaceful.

Next to the window, a green shirt man stood back. When Long Chen pushed the door in, he turned and saw Longchen at a glance.

This may be in the heart of Long Chen, he is enough to remember the vision of a lifetime.

I didn't even know how long it was, he looked at his father like this, and even forgot to say it. In memory, I have never looked at him like this.

He also looked at his own eyes, and the smile of peace and peace was like the sunshine behind him, which made Long Chen's heart more stable. He is not in a hurry. Presumably, it is time for Long Qing to tell him everything, to build for him in an instant, to indicate the future road.

"come on."

Long Qingyi waved him.

Long Chen went up and stayed at the window with him. The window of the Yang family was outside the window. There are several old trees.

Long Qingyi sighed softly and said: "I am so lucky, I can see you in this countless future."

Long Chen is confused, what does he mean?

In fact, Long Chen now wants to ask, is he really a dragon waiter?


Before he finished, Long Qingyi said: "You should not understand it for the time being. Actually, I don't exist here. I came from 50,000 years ago. In other words, I crossed the time 100,000 years ago. In the future, I came here to talk to you."


Long Chen stared at him. He certainly could perceive the existence of Long Qingyu. Although he was somewhat different from other dragon waiters, other dragon waiters still looked like gods. He looked very mysterious, but Longchen could never think of it. He would tell himself that he came from 100,000 years ago.

Long Chen carefully condensed the god, he waited for Long Qingyi to tell it all about himself, he is ready. Even if it is incredible, it is normal.

Long Qing looked at the sunlight outside the window and said: "First tell you, who am I? I was born in an era, even before the two eras. It is too emptory to create me. You should guess Yes, I am the dragon waiter of the Taixu Zhoulong."

Therefore, the other few are also the Dragon Dragon of Zulong.

In that era, they must be terrible, because even the Supreme Dragon can not have the rules of Zulong, but they can display, and each ancestral dragon has only one dragon, so their true status is likely to More than no gods. And they must have another identity, that is the ancestor of the Terran.

Of course, it is the ancestor of the dragon family on the mainland.

Long Chen waited for him to continue.

"There are five outsiders, and they are also dragon dragons of Zulong. In the era of Shenlong, we serve Zulong, on strength, can surpass the supreme dragon, on status, and with the supreme dragon. After all, we are not real In addition, the guy in the curse world is also the dragon dragon of Zulong. It is the seventh-ranked Zulong, who is in charge of 'day robbery and disaster'."

In this way, from the third to the ninth, they are all together. Only the first, second and tenth are missing. From here, Long Qingying should be the leader of the dragon palace of this origin, but he said that he came from 100,000 years ago, it is really difficult to understand.

"In the time rule of Taixu Zhoulong, the deepest one, including through time and space, to the future. I finally completed this rule 100,000 years ago, so I came to the present. I talked with you. But you have to know, The future is not destined. Do you know how many possibilities I saw when I came to this time?"

Long Chen is thinking about what he said, and it is really difficult to understand when it comes to crossing time. He came from 100,000 years ago, where is the time for the dragon waiter?

"How much?"

There are many different people in the future of their destiny. Then the future that Long Qingyi sees should be the same.

Long Qingying smiled lightly and said: "There are countless kinds, every moment, you can make hundreds of millions of kinds, every moment, you can also disappear hundreds of millions of kinds, without a fixed number, so in so many futures Among them, find the future with you, you can know how difficult it is? Time crossing is the most supreme one in the time rule, and it is just like this, it will be so hard. My limit is exactly 100,000 years. ”

"What I faced at the beginning was countless rooms. In almost all futures, this room is non-existent, and even there is no such room, because it has been destroyed. You may not be able to imagine, my place. Countless futures that can be seen, at this time when you are here, the dragon festival continents are actually beginning to be destroyed, or destroyed, and all beings are dead, and the inheritance of the dragons is completely broken. I have seen too many of them. Picture..."

The time rule, ranked third, is profound and profound.

Crossing time and coming to the future, at least for the current Longchen, this is incredible.

He couldn't imagine the picture that Long Qinglan faced, how great and how sad it was.

But no way.

Just listening to him said that Long Chen is even more blurred. Why did he see himself after 100,000 years, what will happen next? In addition, how is the dragon destroyed?

When Long Qingyi saw him confused, he smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, we still have a good time to talk. I will tell you about our dragon festival continent, dragon festival world from an era. In the end, what kind of vicissitudes have gone through, and what kind of hatred we have on us."

In this way, Long Chen is much easier.

Otherwise, he will tell him how to cross the future and see the possibility of billions of dollars.

Every conversation in these days may be long after Long Chen will not forget. Because this is his fate, but also his struggle, it is the expectation of so many people.

Long Qingyi began to tell.

"In fact, before an era, the Wansang at that time was more closely connected than the current Wanjie. In the most primitive stage, the top ten ancestors were born, and the top ten ancestors created the dragon festival world, and then the world Innumerable years have been born, the ten ancestors have not only formulated the rules of the dragon festival world, but also formulated the rules of the entire world. The respective controllers of Wanjie then formulate small rules belonging to each sector. In the endless years, even in countless eras, this is the case. The top ten ancestors are not only the peak of the dragon festival, but also the peak of Wanjie, and the ten largest control among the Wanjie."

Longchen knows that before the era, the dragon festival was extremely large, and it was the most extensive place among the Wanjie. It was the first in Wanjie, but he did not expect that the influence of the top ten ancestors spread all over Wanfang, even they Ten are the supreme of the Wanjie, and even more than all the other creators of Wanjie.

It seems that he still underestimated Zu Long.

Obviously, he now lacks the most important dragon of origin, but it has also increased so rapidly. This is the tyrannical aspect of Zulong's blood.

"Yes, that is a glorious flourishing world. Even our ten dragons are in the realm of half-step ancestors. And the whole world, the creators of every world, are ancestral environments. And the ten ancestors are The peak of the ancestral world. Many worlds may have two or three creators, but we sacrifice the mainland, a total of ten, and our rules, sweeping the world, is the rule of the entire world. Other creation ancestors, too They can only enforce their small rules to a certain extent."

Long Qinglan brought Longchen a great world before Wanyuan.

That vast world has continued for countless eras.

Even the dragon waiters appeared only one or two years ago. Then the history of the ten ancestral dragons should be more long-lasting.

That is the world that opened in heaven and earth!


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