Noticing the smile on Yuzuru's face, Yekuya blushed instantly.

"No Road Race! What qualifications do you have, Xixian, to laugh at me!"

Yakuya stood up from the hot spring pool, and pointed at Yuzuru condescendingly: "Anyway, you are definitely not as good as me!"

"Prove it. Yugen proves to Yakuya that Yugen is better at serving than Yakuya."

Afterwards, Xi Xian turned her head and quietly looked at Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu originally didn't want to get involved in the duel between the twin elf sisters, but seeing this girl with a listless expression all the time, she rarely showed a serious expression, as if Xianyu finally wanted to turn over.

She was also interested, and planned to see how Xi Xian planned to serve.


The elf girl turned around and pulled out a sign from nowhere, with the words "Maid Cafe Opens" written on paper, with very cute graffiti attached.

Xixian held the sign, and then handed Shiyu Kasumigaoka a flyer-like piece of paper.

"Serve. Said from the maid cafe~"


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was silent, and a strong sense of cheating came to his heart.

I thought what would happen to you? Looking forward to it!

That's it? That's it?

Hold a sign and hand out flyers, do you think you are a coffee shop maid? Even the maid Rontor wouldn't do such a thing.

Meanwhile, another world.

Maid Dragon: "Ah~! Who is talking about me~? Ah~!? Could it be Mr. Kobayashi~!?"

"Pfft hahahahaha-"


Yakuya burst into laughter without image, then slipped his feet and plunged into the water.


A lot of bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, and then Yakuya stood up from the water, and then looked at Yuzuru with a smug smile.

"Humph! It seems that you are just like that, Xixian! What is this!? Do you think this is a service!?"

Because he was too happy, Yekuya changed the way he spoke that was full of Chuji's aura.

"I'm not happy. I just don't want to be told that by Yekuya."

"Humph! To each other!"


And while Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and others were happily soaking in the hot springs, Shiori Wuhe, who was at the foot of the mountain, was facing an unprecedented crisis————

Tohka is hungry!


A sound of stomach contraction sounded, which seemed very abrupt in this quiet mountain.

"Shori~!" Tohka pitifully turned her head to look at Shiori next to her.

"Wait a minute, I should be able to find it soon~!" Shiori was sweating coldly on her forehead, and she looked around with a flashlight.

Tohka knew from someone that there was a hot spring pool on the mountain, and the hot spring of the hotel was full of people, and Origami kept trying to get up to Shiori to go to the hot spring with her.

In order to avoid this fishy cat, Tohka secretly dragged Shiori and planned to take a bath in a hot spring in the mountains.

But just after walking halfway up the mountain, Tohka accidentally lost the bag she was carrying. It was full of snacks and drinks, which she planned to eat when she was in the hot spring.

Helpless, Shiori could only drag Tohka to find the bag, but after searching for a while, he couldn't find where the bag had fallen. Instead, because of the excessive amount of exercise up and down the mountain, Tohka, who had just eaten dinner, was hungry again.

"Why can't I find it~ It should be right here~" Shiori searched for a long time near where the bag fell, but still couldn't see any trace of the bag.

Shiori became a little anxious. Once Tohka was hungry, her mood would not be very good, and if she was in a bad mood, according to her sister Kotori's words, the spiritual power originally sealed in her body would flow back.

At that time, it is very likely that the force will get out of control and cause a space earthquake.

Ormei Island is not Tiangong City. Tiangong City has perfect refuge facilities because of frequent space earthquakes. However, the small island located in the sea has almost no preparations for space earthquakes because there are few elves.

If Tohka's spiritual power got out of control, Shiori could think of the consequences even with his toes.

"Shiori, I'm hungry~! I want to eat soy flour bread~!" Tohka shouted while stamping her feet.

Her own snacks were missing, and she was obviously in a very bad mood.

"I know, I know~! Tohka, calm down a little."

I don't know why, I couldn't get in touch with Ratatoskr and Kotori, and I couldn't get those unreliable supporters to send things immediately, so Shiori could only comfort Tohka as much as possible.

"Does Miss Yatokami want to eat?"

Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded in the woods next to her.

Suddenly, other people appeared in the deserted mountain, and both Shiori and Tohka subconsciously turned their heads and looked over.

"You are......"

Following the light of the flashlight, Shiori saw the figure standing not far from them: "Miss Eileen, why are you here?"

"I came here specifically for Miss Yato God."

Ai Lian looked at Tohka and smiled slightly: "If Miss Yato God is willing, I am willing to provide the best food and the best rest facilities, and guarantee the highest standard of treatment."

I don't know why, although Eileen had a smile on her face, Shiori always felt that this smile was very fake and deliberate.

It's not from the heart at all, it's very infiltrating.

"Why do you want to do this, Miss Aileen?"

"Why?" Eileen seemed a little surprised why Shiori asked, as if this kind of question was superfluous.

Then she said slowly: "Of course it's because 'Princess' is eligible to enjoy the respect of our DEM."

"DEM..." Shiori's eyes widened instantly upon hearing Aileen's words.

No.217 Funny intruders

"Shori, hurry up~!"

Yatogami Tohka quickly shuttled through the woods while anxiously urging Shiori, who was gasping for breath behind him.

Even if Tohka was pulling, Shiori was a little breathless running for a long time. Even a boy who exercised regularly couldn't stand running at full speed for a long time, and she was not the type with particularly good physical strength, not to mention This is still in the mountains.

Although his body kept warning that he needed to rest, Shiori did not dare to let Tohka stop. Because not far behind them, several figures were chasing after them.

Even on the rugged mountain road, these figures are still walking fast. In fact, if it wasn't for Tohka pulling her to change direction, they would have been caught up long ago.

But after all, there is a limit to escape. As Shiori's physical strength gradually exhausted, they were eventually caught up.

"It's really disappointing. The famous 'Princess' is just a coward who can't even draw a sword and can only flee like a rabbit?"

"When!?" Tohka and Shiori raised their heads in astonishment. Eren was standing in front of them at this time, and seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

As Shiori and the two stopped, the Bandersnatch troops who were chasing them also surrounded them.

"Cut! Can't escape?" Tohka stunned softly.

"If that's the case, then I'll knock you all down!"

Tohka clenched her hands tightly, with a serious expression.

She is not an elf like Yoshino who will take the initiative to avoid fighting, and will not fight back even if she is not attacked. If it wasn't to protect Shiori, Tohka would have attacked Eren who wanted to attack her long ago.

"That's decent, Princess! Then..."

The display device unfolded on Ai Lian's body. She pulled out a lightsaber from behind and pointed at Tohka: "Let me see how much the famous Princess weighs."

"Don't underestimate me!"

Facing Eileen's provocation, Tohka rushed forward as soon as her brain became hot, even if Shiori shouted loudly to tell her not to be impulsive.

This is a battle between swords and swords. Even among the elves, Tohka is considered to be the most powerful in power. Against Eren, who is the world's number one magician, who wins and who loses, it seems that the winner will be decided at this moment.


"Swish~!!! dong dong~!!!"

A violent movement made the three present subconsciously turn their heads to look at the mountain.

A shadow was driving towards them quickly along the mountain path that could be considered a road.

Like a football rolling uncontrollably along a slope, the shadow didn't stop until it hit a tree.

"Ah, it hurts..."

The silver-haired young dragon rolled on the ground with his head in his arms, while a painful groan came out of his mouth.

At this moment, a small bag appeared on his forehead, which was caused by hitting a stone when he rolled down from the top of the mountain.

It's just that the stone has now turned into a pool of fine powder.

The silver-haired young dragon stood up swayingly, and then sat on the ground with his eyes rolling.

"Ow~ Okay, so dizzy~"

Rolling all the way down from the top of the mountain, although he didn't suffer any substantial injuries, at this time his brain was like putting a blender in it, and the whole thing was a lump of paste.

Well, although that's pretty much the way it usually is.


Eren, Shiori, and Tohka, all three looked at the silver-haired young dragon who looked a little funny at this time with a strange expression.

Is this... to act funny?

To be honest, the unexpected person who came in such an unexpected way made the three of them unable to react, and the surrounding atmosphere became inexplicably awkward.

Especially Eren and Tohka, who faced each other with swords, had a strange doubt about "Why are they so serious?"

It was as if it was an epic showdown on the top of the Forbidden City, but suddenly a big inner spy climbed up on the roof and handcuffed all the showdowners and the audience.

Just when the three of them began to wonder why they worked so hard, Shiyu Kasumigaoka and the twin elf girl ran down the mountain.

Seeing the little potato who was sitting on the ground with some unclear mind, Shiyu Kasumigaoka hurriedly ran over: "Little potato, are you alright?"


Seeing that it was Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, Little Tudou let out a whimpering coquettish sound, and arched her head in her arms: "My head is so dizzy~ It hurts so much~"

Although Little Tudou looked aggrieved, knowing that he was fine, Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu felt relieved.

Then she rolled her eyes at the little guy who shrank in her arms: "Who told you to hug the tree and not let go~!"

After taking a bath, they planned to go back. After all, it was already so late. But Little Potato didn't seem to have had enough, and he kept playing.

And after being rejected by Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, this little guy simply hugged a tree and didn't let go, showing a stubborn look of "don't say anything today".

"Don't be fooled, I've been playing all day, and it's already night, there's nothing to play here!"


No matter what Shiyu of Kasumigaoka said, Little Tudou showed her resignation with a puffed face.

In the end, she simply started to pull the little potato, and the latter was holding the tree trunk hard.

The competition between strange power and strange power is obviously better than the little potato who is a dragon. Even if Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is now a strange girl, but it seems that it is almost impossible to compare the strength with the dragon, even if the little potato does not return to the form of a dragon. No exception.

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka couldn't pull the little potato off the tree he was holding, and even if he ripped off a hand, he would quickly break it off.

"You child..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was speechless.

However, although she couldn't help Little Potato, the tree trunk itself that was held by Little Potato made a sound of being overwhelmed.

Ormei Island is just a small island in the sea, with a small area and no rich natural resources. Naturally, it is impossible for towering trees to grow here.

Moreover, the trees in this mountain are not very old. The tree that the little potato is holding is actually a small sapling, and then the tree that bears the pressure that it should not bear at its age, when it reaches the limit, it is directly broken. Lost.

And the little potato holding the trunk rolled down the mountain, and then it became the current situation.

"Do it yourself~!" Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled and stretched out his finger to point at Little Potato's forehead, and happened to touch the bag that grew on his forehead.

"Ow~Ow~!" Little Potato burst into tears from the pain, and kept screaming.

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