She was not worried that Bai Feng, who had left, would leave without saying goodbye, and the commission fee had been paid in advance, and the rest was to wait for the other party to come to the appointment.

Because when she came out, she didn't bring any money needed by humans, so the girl in black ripped off a scale from her body and threw it to Bai Feng.

However, even if there is no reward, the Hunter Guild will not refuse this request.

For the Hunter Guild, being entrusted by Gu Long to beat Gu Long, there is no need to worry about accidentally annoying the other party and getting revenge, but it is a very rare opportunity.

After all, the one who sent the invitation was herself, and when she was satisfied, the girl in black naturally wouldn't turn her face around afterwards.

She turned her face and didn't recognize anyone as soon as she was finished. If this kind of thing spreads out, the girl in black can think of how other relatives will laugh at her when they know about it.

"It's almost time to go back after dancing." The girl in black muttered softly.

She came to this ancient dragon cemetery just to beat up some idiot who made a funeral phone call for her. After she had completed the first goal of this trip, she no longer needed to stay here.

No.271 is a bit fierce

Little Potato lurks in the underground river, quietly waiting for the prey to come to the door.

In order to protect the eyes, the steel dragon's eye has transparent eyelids, which allows the young dragon to see clearly even under water.

A group of blind fish passed by leisurely in front of the young dragon. The fish with poor eyesight due to the dark underground environment did not find the predators lurking nearby.

Little Potato relaxed and let the river push him out, getting closer to the carefree school of fish.

Then, after the fish school entered the attack range, the young dragon stretched out its claws and grabbed the largest fish in the school.

The blind fish didn't seem to realize the danger until it was held in the mouth by the young dragon, and struggled alive and kicking, and then it was useless, it was just telling the little potato that he was very healthy and delicious.

If the blind fish pretended to be dead motionless, maybe the young dragon with a weak mind would still struggle whether to eat this unhealthy looking fish.

In the case of lack of food or hunger, little potatoes are not very picky eaters, but since the river is full of big fish that are easy to catch, and he is almost full, the young dragon will probably give up this feeling of eating. If you have prey that might get sick, turn your head to catch others.

He climbed up the river bank with the big fish caught in his mouth. Little Potato sat on a stone by the river bank, kicked the water with his drooping legs, and bit off the head of the fish.

Then, when he chewed and eaten the big fish together with the bones three or two times, and was about to go to catch fish, Little Potato suddenly found that the big fish that could be seen everywhere were gone.


What about the fish~? What about fish with potatoes?

The young dragon put his head into the water and tried to find his prey, but he couldn't find it for a long time. He finally found a hunting ground where he could eat casually, but the prey disappeared, which made the little potato very hard.

"Wow~!" The young dragon slapped the water surface unhappily, causing bursts of splashes.

But true gourmets won't give up easily. Little Potato decided to look for more along the river, maybe he could find the missing prey.

Because there was no clear goal, the young dragon floated in the water and let the river push him along, just like a boat drifting with the current.


Just as the black-clothed girl was quietly waiting for Bai Feng's return, some drastic changes were taking place in the new continent.

Monsters in various regions began to riot, and even the timid Jackal Dragons began to swarm to attack the higher-level monsters such as the Manjaw Dragon.

Bloody battles and slaughter were staged all over the New World at the same time. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and there were cold corpses everywhere.

This is not for eating, nor for mating rights, it seems that it is just for fighting.

Even the ancient dragons living in the land of dragon crystals were forced to be involved in the battle at this time, facing the siege of monsters like crazy.

And all of this is just because the girl in black gave up her breath.

The existence of forbidden monsters has caused the entire New World creatures to fall into absolute panic, and the girl in black has no idea of ​​the impact she has caused, or even if she does, she will not care.

She has already planned to pat her **** and leave after dancing. Naturally, she doesn't care whether it will cause damage to the ecology of the New World.

When the black-clothed girl first came to the New World, she would take the initiative to restrain her breath, but it was because she was worried that the idiot who called her would run away early when she knew she was coming.

And now that the beating is over, naturally there is no need to continue to hide.

"Again, that guy is weak enough." The girl in black mercilessly despised her previous opponent.

Originally, she had expected how strong the guy who dared to harass her and challenged the taboo authority, but only after the real fight did she realize that it was simply a weak one.

The black-clothed girl even got serious, but the opponent was beaten to the ground in three or two strokes.

Although the fully evolved King of Ancient Dragons has the qualification to challenge taboos, the problem is that it has not completely transformed.

And at that time, Ming Denglong consumed a lot of energy in the battle with Long Ma, and was kicked at the door before he had time to rest.

In this case, if you can win, there will be ghosts.

"Huh?" The black-clothed girl who was in a daze suddenly came to her senses, and she felt the breath of an ancient dragon approaching rapidly.

"At this time, who is going to take part?"

She didn't invite anyone else to attend this dance, so in order to avoid being disturbed, the girl in black decided to drive the uninvited guest away.

She jumped off the dragon crystal and landed lightly on the ground. The girl in black walked in the direction the breath came from.

Then she saw the half-round little head emerging from the underground river, and the pair of dragon eyes that exuded the light of "wisdom".



Not far from the original lair of the lantern dragon, near the riverbed, a large number of boxes were stacked on the simple dock.

The hunters who went underground first planned to set up an outpost here to facilitate support and supplies for the hunters who were investigating.

However, because of the invitation of the black-clothed girl, Bai Feng had already evacuated the hunters temporarily, but the camp and various supplies that were half-established were left behind because it was too late to withdraw.

"Hahahaha~" Little Potato sat on the box, his cheeks as round as a hamster kept wriggling.

The black-clothed girl stretched out a finger and poked lightly. The behavior of disturbing eating caused the young dragon to be somewhat dissatisfied.

He raised his claws and patted the black-clothed girl's hand, then moved his position and turned to look like he "doesn't want to pay attention to her".

The black-clothed girl was not annoyed, but instead walked around to the young dragon with great interest, and continued to repeat what happened just now.

Because it was no longer hidden, the girl in black exuded a forbidden aura, and the young dragon who was closest was the first to feel it.

However, the young dragon has always been unaware of danger. Although the girl in black gave Little Potato a very terrifying feeling, since she had eaten before, the little Potato had a good influence on her.

Well, if I want to say it, the general impression is "Although it looks a little scary, but it is actually a good dragon", so Little Potato did not panic and panic like other monsters who sensed the forbidden atmosphere.

After just looking at it for a while, he was attracted by the supplies left by the hunter.

It's a good impression, but it's not forgivable to interrupt eating. Even if Shiyu of Kasumigaoka did this, Little Potato would take a bite to express his dissatisfaction.

"This child is a bit fierce~!"

The black-clothed girl withdrew her almost bitten finger, smiled and narrowed her eyes.

No.272 The Wisdom of Potatoes

Because she was worried that her breath would frighten the silly little guy in front of her, the girl in black took the initiative to restrain herself.

After all, in the hunter's camp last time, this little guy slammed his head on a rock because he was afraid that she wanted to run away.

Although they were only distant relatives in terms of blood, the girl in black also felt very lost.

And as the deterrence of the taboo disappeared, the fish that were hiding in the underground river also reappeared, and they continued to forage or swim leisurely as if nothing had happened.

"Wow~!" A fleshy little hand plunged into the water quickly and grabbed a blind fish that wasn't too small or too small. The young dragon gave a disappointed look, but out of the principle of "not wasting food", he Sitting on the bank of the river holding the catch he just caught.

Vigilantly glanced at the black-clothed girl who was trying to touch her head, for fear that the other party would grab the same as her, Little Tudou took a bite of the fish, and the fish disappeared in an instant, "O~O".

After trying to touch this fleshy little guy, and after being constantly disliked, the girl in black did not continue to tease the little potato.

"Little guy, this is not the place you should be."

The black-clothed girl doesn't want unrelated people at her dance party, that is to say, this is a young dragon, otherwise she would have beaten the outsiders who had not been invited to the ground.

However, this little guy can't be allowed to stay here. After all, this dance scene is quite dangerous, and a cub that hasn't grown up can't join the dance.

When the girl in black doesn't want to dance by herself, she has to be distracted and concerned about whether this little guy is involved. She is expanding the ranks, not bringing a baby.

This is obviously what the little guy's mother should do!

"Don't~!" Little Potato shook his head and refused.

With such a good hunting ground, the young dragon definitely doesn't want to leave until it has eaten enough.

Moreover, Little Tudou was even more dissatisfied with the behavior of the black-clothed girl driving him away.

This is not your territory, so why don't you allow me to stay?

Because she didn't plan to stay in the old continent for too long, the girl in black did not leave her mark after robbing the dragon's lair, and as the breath of the dragon gradually dissipated, in the eyes of other creatures, this was the A borderless piece of land abandoned by its original owner.

That being the case, as long as there is no new owner, anyone can come here to hunt.

What's more, young dragons are not interested in things like the territory that adult dragons care about. They only care about eating, drinking and playing. Even if there is a real owner in a certain place, the little potatoes will probably continue to hunt fish without caring. group.

Until he was beaten up by the territorial master who came and drove him away.

"..." The black-clothed girl felt that she might have chosen the wrong way of negotiating. Facing an idiot who only had food in her head, she even tried to make the other party obey through dialogue.

For dragons, the best way to communicate with ignorant children is—

Beat up!

After beating a young dragon, you know what to do and what not to do.

However, for a child who is purely ignorant, the girl in black is of course embarrassed to bully the child, and if she really wants to beat the child, it will be troublesome for the mother of the other party to come and take revenge.

Although she didn't think she could beat her, before she finished dancing with Bai Feng, the girl in black didn't want to waste too much energy.

The girl in black pondered for about a second, and tentatively took out a piece of raw meat from somewhere she didn't know.

"O~O?" Little Potato looked curiously at the strange piece of meat while chewing the fish in his mouth.

It's not ordinary meat, but a translucent, blind-fish-like stuff that looks a bit like jelly.

"Is it for me~?" Little Potato showed a longing expression, and the meat in the black-clothed girl's hand gave him a very delicious feeling.

The dragon cells and dragon attribute energy in the body were excited, as if they had found something good.

"As long as you leave here, it's yours."

Little Potato hesitated for a while, and finally said that he wanted to inspect the goods first. He had to taste the food from the dissatisfied source first, and then decide whether to go or not.

The girl in black just agreed, and then saw the young dragon swallow the meat into his mouth, "Ah~O~O"

"That's right~!" Little Potato's eyes began to light up. Although it was raw meat that had not been cooked, it was no less delicious than the best human food he had ever eaten.

Seeing that the young dragon seemed very satisfied, the girl in black smiled and nodded.

The meat of a cologne that is about to approach the taboo, can it be delicious?

During the battle between the black-clothed girl and Ming Lantern Dragon, a lot of body tissue was torn off from the opponent. Although it has been a long time since the end of the battle, the flesh of Ming Lan Long actually showed no signs of corruption.

This is all thanks to the life energy in the dragon's body, even if it is separated from the body, the dragon's cells still maintain a considerable degree of activity.

It's like tissue cells in a petri dish.

And such abundant life energy is an excellent meal for any creature that needs to eat.

Because the girl in black has crossed a certain level, she is not just a simple creature to a certain extent, so although she can eat, it is not necessary.

She is also not interested in raw meat and the like. If the food is carefully cooked by humans, she might be able to enjoy it.

So, the girl in black barely touched the meat, most of it was thrown into the river, only a small piece was left as a trophy, and now it's all given to Little Potato.

"Since you have eaten, then you should go too~!" Seeing that the young dragon had finished eating the meat, the girl in black was ready to start driving the dragon.

However, beyond her expectations, Little Tudou repented at this time—


"Ha!?" The black-clothed girl raised her eyebrows, and wanted to go back after eating something from my mother?

In response, Little Potato said, "I don't eat any meat for potatoes~?"

The young dragon swallowed the chewed meat in his mouth, wiped his mouth, and looked at the girl in black innocently.

Well, he started to be rude~ No, it should be said to be the embodiment of wisdom.

Anyway, the meat has been eaten, and there is no evidence of death, what can you do to me~?

This is the wisdom of potatoes~!


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