Not only that, the young dragon also tried to climb onto Emperor Yan's body, forcibly went over to bite his head, and pulled his hair and beard.

If a little guy rides on his face and bites, pulls his hair and beard, it will be a laugh at the word.

Di Yandi's face was ashen, he tried to rip the little potato off his tail, but because he was worried that he would hurt the young dragon with too much strength, he had no choice but to give up in the end.

"Enough! I'll pay you! Hurry up and get down!"

No.280 Spicy Eyes

Although he was one of the strongest in the dragon clan, Emperor Yan unexpectedly had no choice but to take the little potato that he was holding on to and bit his tail.

You can't beat an immature child like you would with other adult dragons, right?

After all, he finally let Little Tudou let go of his tail, and Emperor Yan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

He felt that dealing with this little child was more troublesome than coordinating with other arguing types.

"Wow~ something to pay for the potatoes~" Little Tudou stood in front of Emperor Zhan, muttering incessantly.

At the same time, he stared at the dragon vigilantly, pulling his cloak, for fear that he would run away.


Being alerted by the young dragon that he would run away, Emperor Yan was silent for a while.

Is the young dragon asking too much? Not to mention that among humans, compensation should be paid for breaking other people's things, even among dragons, this is a matter of course.

Of course, if your fist is big enough, you don't have to pay.

But even the most shameless dragon would not be shameless enough to deceive a cub who, according to the dragon clan's standards, just came out of the egg and said nothing.

I just said that, but where will Emperor Yan go to find something to compensate this little guy for a while!

Although the only thing that was damaged by Emperor Yan was a rope that changed in length according to the size of the wearer, it was also a magic tool.

It is also very troublesome to repair it after it is broken, not to mention that dragons are not a race that is good at making magic items like dwarves or elves.

And more importantly, Emperor Yan did not have any materials that could be used to repair this rope.

Originally, it was just to bring his daughter home, so Emperor Yan naturally wouldn't carry anything useless with him.

After all, who knew he would encounter such a situation? Emperor Yan couldn't see the future, and if he really could, he wouldn't come looking for this little guy.

"If you don't pay for the potato, the potato will hit you~!" Emperor Yan seemed a little embarrassed, the young dragon didn't give the top dragon any face, and showed a gesture of holding his tail again.

As a result, Emperor Yan quickly pulled on his cloak, covered his tail, and wiped off the traces of saliva left on it.

"Wait, let me think about it."

"If you want to fix it, you just need to get the materials. Where can you find it?"

The problem is that even if Emperor Yan wanted to find materials, the young dragon might not be willing to let him go.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Yan looked down at Little Tudou and said in a negotiating tone, "How about you wait here and I'll find the wire first and then fix it for you?"

"Line~?" Little Tudou tilted his head and looked up at Emperor Yan's long silver-gray beard.

Isn't it there~? Don't try to lie to the potatoes, they won't let you go~!

Little Tudou jumped up on the spot, grabbed the beard and pulled it down, and then the young dragon spread out his hand and handed the torn beard to Emperor Yan.

"For you~"


Emperor Yan looked at the young dragon with a simple expression. At this moment, 10,000 grass and mud horses galloped past in his heart, but he couldn't say anything. This sense of suffocation made the dragon clan boss very uncomfortable.


Xiaolin promised to fly away with her, which made the maid Long very excited.

If it wasn't for the wrong time and place, she would have just stripped naked and rushed to give her all.

And since he had decided to flee, although he didn't know how long he would be able to escape under Emperor Yan's pursuit, it was not too late, and the maid Long immediately decided to set off.

He went back to pack up the gold and silver and ran away, but the maid Long suddenly found out that his father was very close, and he was nearby, but he didn't come to her directly, but stopped not far away.

"Lord Thor, where did Little Potato go to buy something just now~!" Kona raised her finger and pointed to the location of Emperor Yan Emperor she sensed.

"Little Potato~!?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Why did my father go looking for Little Potato~!?" the maid Long said in a panic.

But in any case, now is not the time to run away. The plan to run away was temporarily terminated, leaving Kang Na and Cai Chuan to stay where they were. Kobayashi, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and Maid Dragon hurriedly ran in the direction where Little Potato disappeared.

Soon, everyone found the little potato, and then... everyone was stunned.

They saw an old man wearing a dark red cloak who was suspected to be Emperor Yan, who was crouching on the ground at this time, um... as a tailor?

Emperor Yan skillfully twisted his beard into a thin thread, holding a wooden needle made from a branch in his hand, and threading it on a silver-gray thread.

Sew the broken rope as skillfully as a skilled tailor.

And the young dragon that everyone was worried about, was like a general who stabilized the morale of the army on the battlefield, and the old **** was standing by leaning on a branch.

OvO? ? ?

This feeling is like seeing a terrifying underworld elder brother with tattoos all over his body, a chopped pinky finger, and three scars on his face. At this moment, he is standing on the stage, wearing magical girl clothes and dancing in the house that children like. Just like the dance, the style of painting has become very strange. Hey!

At this time, the three of them had black question marks on their faces, especially the maid Long, whose three views were all broken, and their jaws could not close together.


Little Tudou waved the branch in his hand towards Emperor Yan, as if the head teacher was holding on to the students who hadn't finished their summer homework.

Hurry up~! Turtles are more capable than you~!

"You..." Being so despised and urged by a young dragon, Emperor Yan was so angry that he was speechless for a while.

He was too embarrassed to quit his job. In the end, he could only bury his head depressed and continue to mend the rope.

The dignified end of Emperor Yan, to have reached such a level, is truly shocking.

"That...father?" The maid Long tried to shout, wanting to see if the old man who was squatting on the ground as a tailor and who was very similar to his own father was his own father.

To be honest, although both the figure and the aura he exudes are the same as the father in memory, the maid dragon still dare not confirm it at this time.


Hearing the familiar voice, Emperor Yan froze all over and slowly raised his head.

"Thor, Thor!?"

Watching the old man call out his name, the maid Long confirmed that it was indeed his father.

Although he couldn't believe that this person with a peculiar style of painting was the head of his own dragon clan who was always full of majesty, the maid Long had to admit that he was still too young.

"Father, do you still have such a hobby~?" The maid Long looked at Emperor Yan with a strange expression.

"Wait, Thor, it's not what you think~"

Like Erkang, Emperor Yan stretched out his hand and tried to explain all this, but the maid Long just shook his head.

"Don't worry, father, although it's a bit irritating, I respect your personal preferences and won't talk nonsense everywhere."

No.281 Thor's Awakening

What should I do when my daughter sees that she, who has always been serious and serious, is secretly working as a home cook? Urgent~!

Looking at his daughter, Emperor Yan had 10,001 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

To be honest, this scene was embarrassing. It was like watching a small movie secretly in the room, then taking off my pants, and suddenly my mother pushed the door and came in.

However, Emperor Yan is not a loser, he is Emperor Yan, and his age in ten thousand is not for nothing, so he quickly calmed down.

Then he looked at Thor with a stern face and pretended to be a stern father.

"Thor, since you came by yourself, it's just right, go back with me now!"

To be honest, judging from his appearance, Emperor Yan in human form is the kind of person who does not speak his mind. Even if he just stands there, his mature and serious expression is enough to scare many people.

However, this is of no use to young dragons.

"Don't run~!" Little Tudou picked up the branch in his hand and waved it in front of Emperor Yan.

"Hurry up and fix the potato thing~! Or I'll hit you~!"

Emperor Yan twitched the corners of his mouth and nodded dejectedly: "I see~"

Although she is not afraid of the sky and the earth, the maid Long, who dares to fight even in the face of gods, is actually very afraid of her father.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have hurriedly wanted to take Xiao Lin away without her father coming to the door.

But now, the maid dragon suddenly felt that her fear of her father seemed unnecessary.

Well, seeing that her family has always been a serious and serious-faced father, at this time, she can't feel much fear in the appearance of this good man at home.

Originally, when she came here, she was in a mood similar to going to the execution ground, but now, the maid Long has the consciousness of being sunk in Tokyo Bay to meet the underworld boss, and then she found the underworld boss as soon as she entered the door. The feeling of holding a doll to coax a child.

Father, can you put down the needle and thread in your hand before saying those serious words? It's really hard for me to talk to you normally like this~!


"Father, your technique is wrong. The seam is unstable and easily broken."

Di Yan was stunned subconsciously, and looked down at the needlework in his hand: "Eh!? Obviously your mother taught me this before..."


The scene suddenly became more embarrassing, and everyone fell silent.

Feeling, this is not the first time you have done needlework, right? Seems quite experienced?

Maid Long raised his hand and patted his forehead.

She suddenly felt that she didn't know her father at all. She never imagined that his father would have such an experience in private.

To be honest, the three views are a bit bursting.

Even Xiao Lin on the side was confused. When she saw the maid Long talking about her father, she had a serious and frightened expression. She thought Thor's father was terrible, but now...

"I said, does Thor's father feel a little, um..."

Obviously grow up to look like this, but unexpectedly a bit cute~

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka also nodded in disbelief. Thor's father was actually held by Little Potato and yelled at the branches. It really made people not know what to say.

Should it be said that he is indeed the father of the maid dragon? Both father and daughter have little resistance to this little guy.

"But you kid, you are really brave."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu poked Little Potato in the forehead with her finger.

Facing the maid dragon's father, this child actually dared to command him like this, and even threatened to beat him with a branch. Are you really afraid that this dragon, who is even afraid of maid dragons, would get angry and bite him to death?


After finally getting things done for Little Potato, watching the young dragon re-attach the necklace to his neck with satisfaction, and then jumped to Shiyu's side in the Hill of Xia, finally Emperor Yan slowly let out a sigh of relief.

I finally got this young dragon, so next—

"Thor, go back with me. According to the rules, we cannot interfere in this world."

"Don't~!" The maid Long refused her father's order without hesitation.

"This is not something that your will can decide."

"I don't care, I just want to live with Xiaolin in this world."

If it was before, the maid Long would not dare to contradict her father like this, but after knowing that Xiao Lin was willing to elope with her, she finally made up her mind, no matter what, she would resist her father this time.

Even if you don't hesitate to use force!

Dragon scales appeared on the hand of the maid dragon, and the dragon's eyes narrowed into a slit, staring at Emperor Yan.

Seeing the firmness in his daughter's eyes and his readiness to resist, Emperor Yan also understood that words alone could not persuade Thor.

"Stupid daughter! You actually want to stay by the side of humans whose lifespan is less than a hundred years."

"Stupid or stupid, in short, this is my own decision!"

It's useless to say anything next.

If that's the case, let's use the communication method between dragons to solve it.

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