"I don't care, anyway, from now on Thor will be Lord Kobayashi~!"

"..." Looking at the maid dragon whose tail was flapping faster than an electric fan, Kobayashi finally shrugged helplessly.

So, this should be considered HappyEnding, um, for Kobayashi, probably.

"Speaking of which, my wallet..."

After Emperor Yan left, everyone also returned to Tokyo, and then the other dragons living in Tokyo also came to Xiaolin's house one after another.

After all, Emperor Yan appeared in Tokyo, and it was impossible for Fafnir, Erkoya, and Eluma to not know.

It's just because of the idea of ​​"finding a solution for adults' matters", they didn't choose to come forward, and they really couldn't get involved in the conflict between the father and daughter.

However, this did not prevent the dragons from running over to congratulate after the successful conclusion of the matter.

Of course, by the way, let's hold a celebration party to be lively.

"Hehe~ my bank card~" Xiao Lin looked at the several evil dragons entrenched in the house, and looked at his bank account balance in despair.

However, she still gritted her teeth and covered all the expenses with a big wave of her hand.

The celebration would make everyone very satisfied, and everyone had a great time, especially Little Potato. When he was dragged away from Xiaolin's house by Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, he could barely walk with his stomach in his arms.

"Hmm~ I can't eat anymore~ But I still want to eat~"


A few more weeks have passed, and life has returned to peace.

And one weekend, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Little Potato went home for lunch.

After eating, Long Ma suddenly stood up from the chair and looked at everyone: "I'm going to work!"

"Huh?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Mrs. Kasumigaoka were stunned for a moment, then————

"Eh!!!? Part-time job!!!?"

The mother and daughter tacitly showed shocked expressions, as if they had heard something incredible.

Well, it's actually quite incredible. A dragon actually said that he was going to work! ?

Of course, although Elma also earns living expenses by working in human society, the question is, can Long Ma really work well?

Are you sure you won't screw things up accidentally?

"I know~!" Long Ma clenched her fists, and Shi Yu and Mrs. Xia Zhiqiu cast "don't worry" glances.

No, no, no, I see that you don't have any compulsion in your heart! Xiazhiqiu Shiyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

In any case, she would never believe that Long Ma could work well, just like she would never believe that Little Potato would not be mischievous one day.

But this time, Long Ma was unusually stubborn, and even if Mrs. Xia Zhiqiu persuaded her, she would not give up the idea of ​​working.

The mother and daughter could only helplessly glance at each other. Hope it doesn't happen~

"Speaking of which, why do you suddenly want to work? You shouldn't be short of money, right?"

Xiazhiqiu's father's salary is very high. Although there are a few more people in the family, it is still within the acceptable range. Mrs. Xiazhiqiu has not treated Long Ma badly, and Long Ma doesn't seem to have much money to spend on her own. Logically speaking There is no need to work and earn money.

And Long Ma did not answer the reason for going to work, it seemed that it was just a whim.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief, so it seems that it won't take long before this dragon will get tired of it.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I've already found a job, and they told me to go to work tomorrow."

This is too sudden~! Kasumi Hill Shiyu almost choked on saliva.

When did you go to the interview? I don't remember you writing a resume or anything. By the way, do you know what a resume is?

"Don't underestimate me~!"

Being underestimated by the second child, this made Long Ma a little dissatisfied. She flicked her slender tail and patted Shiyu of the Hill of Xia.

In the end, the Kasumigaoka mother and daughter were unable to stop Long Ma who was going to work, but out of concern, the Kasumigaoka mother and daughter decided to follow her to the working place.

It's not that I'm worried that Long Ma will be in danger, but... I'm worried that someone will kill this dragon!

Because they were afraid that they wouldn't be able to hold back if Long Ma got angry, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also brought a little potato.

At least if the dragon mother wants to mess up, the little potato can also temporarily entangle, and wait for the other dragons to help.

"I hope it won't become the Tokyo version of Godzilla vs. Kong..." Shiyu Kasumigaoka couldn't help but pray in her heart.

Then on the second day, after following Long Ma to her work place, the mother and daughter of Xia Zhiqiu looked at each other blankly.

It was a lively square. At this time, a stage had been set up in the center of the square, and people in work clothes were constantly running back and forth, as if they were about to hold an event.

Is Long Ma's part-time job just to help at the event? Just when the Kasumigaoka mother and daughter were puzzled, two men came over.

"Miss in white, you're here~!"

When the man walking in front saw Long Ma, he smiled and waved his hand, looking very happy.

No.284 Dragon Mom's Game

"Are you here at last, Miss White? The event is about to start~"

The two men approached each other.

One was a tall, thin, gray-haired man, and the other was a short, fat man. They were both wearing black suits and black hats.

They look very much like the two villains in a well-known anime "The President's Ten Thousand Ways to Die".

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at the two and raised her brows lightly.

Did they come to the studio of the Shinigami primary school students?

Seeing that the thin man walking in front greeted Long Ma very familiarly, Long Ma also nodded in response, and the mother and daughter of Xiazhiqiu were a little surprised.

It's really surprising that this dragon can actually take care of humans.

"You are......?"

After chatting, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Mrs. Kasumigaoka learned that the thin gray-haired man was the organizer of this live event, and the fat man was his secretary.

As for why this picture doesn't look like a good person at first glance, it's entirely because the boss is a fan of Shinigami's primary school students and likes the role of gin from the villain winery, and his family owns a local winery, so he dressed up like this. appearance.

By the way, he also made his secretary dress up as vodka.


It's almost impossible to complain. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

But how others like to dress up is someone else's business, and she doesn't say much.

"Miss in white, the competition is about to start, please go to the backstage to prepare!"

Hearing what the thin man said, Long Ma nodded and followed a staff member to the backstage of the stage.

Mother Long wants to participate in the competition? Isn't it meant to be a part-time job?

By the way, what kind of live event is going to be held here?

Seemingly seeing the doubts on the faces of the Kasumigaoka mother and daughter, the thin man on the side showed an unexpected expression: "Didn't you notice?"

"Notice what?"

The thin man smiled and raised his finger to point at himself: "My family owns a winery."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was stunned for a second.

The winery...the event organizer...Masaka! ?

At this moment, the competition began. A staff member led the participants onto the stage, and Long Ma was one of the dozen or so people.

Long Ma sat down on the table lined up on the stage, and a group of staff walked onto the stage with boxes at this time, and then piled up a high pile of beer on the table of each contestant. A mountain of beer stacked in cans.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked up at the stage. At this time, her eyes were fixed on Long Ma, who was shining slightly in the Beer Mountain in front of her, and she twitched the corners of her mouth.

Now pull Ma Long off the stage, can Tokyo still be saved~?


What kind of idiot would think of letting a dragon take part in a drinking competition?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Long Ma, who was holding a beer bottle and drinking "Gulu Gulu~" on the stage, and her heart collapsed.

A dragon came to participate in this kind of competition. If she was drunk, who could stop her?

If it's all right, it's fine, but if you get drunk and start drinking like crazy, the whole Tokyo might be blown away!

The thin man didn't seem to notice the collapsed expression on Shiyu's face at Kasumigaoka, and told Mrs. Kasumigaoka how he and Long Ma met with a smile.

He first met Long Ma at a party more than a month ago. At that time, Long Ma also attended the party because she happened to pass by. Because she was very beautiful and had a good figure, many men who attended the party went over to chat up. I want to invite Long Ma for a drink.

And Long Ma also refused to come, and then... there was no more. When the staff came to clean up the next morning, they found that all the people who attended the party were lying on the ground.

"Miss Baiyi is quite powerful. We met several times before, but she drank a dozen of us all by herself."

Isn't this a matter of course?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu doesn't know whether Long Ma's drinking is good or not, but no matter how bad the drinking is, it is still compared to other dragons.

If you want to get a dragon drunk, you need at least a few barrels of spirits.

"Afterwards, we met at several gatherings, and we got to know each other. Then this event was held, and I wanted to invite the lady in white to participate, to make the atmosphere lively."

A beautiful and good-looking royal sister participated in the drinking competition, and she was also very good at drinking, which can indeed liven up the atmosphere.

But the problem is that this is a head dragon. What is the difference between this and bringing a wolf into the house? Kasumigaoka Shiyu patted his forehead speechlessly.

Speaking of which, Mama Long ran out to drink, didn't you find out Mama? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned to look at Mrs Xia Zhiqiu, who was also surprised, and complained a little.

"It's not that you and Little Tudou are gone. At that time, my mind was full of looking for you, so I didn't have the mood to care about other things."

Mrs. Kasumigaoka shook her head with a wry smile.

The two months after her daughter and Little Tudou disappeared, she did notice that Long Ma would disappear occasionally, but since Little Tudou often slipped out to play, she would pay attention to it at first, but found that nothing happened. I didn't care after the trouble.

God knows that Long Ma would actually go to drink?

Just when the mother and daughter of Kasumigaoka were having a headache over the matter of Longma offstage, the competition on the stage was already in full swing.

Although Long Ma is really good at drinking, other people who participated in the competition are not bad. If they don't have the confidence to drink, they will not come to participate in such competitions.

The beer cans on everyone's table were decreasing at a rapid rate, and everyone was blushing because of the alcohol.

Only Long Ma still had a calm expression. She slowly picked up the beer can, and put the lakara ring to her mouth and drank it "gulugulu~".

While drinking, she did not forget to grab the appetizers at hand and threw them into her mouth.

The action looked slow, and it didn't look like he was here to participate in the competition, but the wine can disappeared much faster than the other contestants.

"How could you lose to a woman!"

"Even if I drink to death here today, I absolutely cannot lose!"

It seems that Long Ma's leisurely attitude made the other contestants feel their self-esteem setback. They began to speed up and poured the beer can into their mouths at the same time.

Although a lot of alcohol dripped out of his mouth, the referee didn't blow the whistle because it was still within the allowable range.

Gradually, the others caught up with Long Ma's progress.

"Hmm~?" Seeing that she seemed to be overtaken, Long Ma, who was drinking leisurely, narrowed her eyes slightly.

Glancing at the other contestants who were playing Shuangdao, she snorted lightly.

Then Long Ma picked up a beer can and threw it directly into her mouth. Long Ya bit the can and the alcohol inside dripped directly into her mouth.

Swallowing it together with the can, Long Ma threw a can of beer into her mouth.

This mouth-to-mouth gesture made everyone on and off the stage widen their eyes in astonishment.

It can still be like this...! ?

No.285 small potatoes, miserable

Watching Long Ma on the stage sip a can, the mother and daughter of Xia Zhiqiu couldn't help raising their hands and patted their foreheads.

Drinking in public is not a big problem as long as you don't get drunk and go crazy, but eating cans... this thing is not boozy chocolate.

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