If it were two men, they would never take it lightly so quickly.

Well, it's so real~!

However, Machida Yuanzi didn't care about other people's thoughts at all, and instead kept complaining to Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "I'm almost thirty, and my family is constantly urging me to find someone to marry, and I often attend sorority meetings, but why are there so many? Good man, but I can't catch a single one~!"

"Sa, maybe fate hasn't arrived yet." As a ten-year-old high school student who already has a fiancé, Kasumigaoka Shiyu really has a hard time understanding Machida Yuanko's unrequited distress, she can only shrug her shoulders to comfort her. .

"Fate? I feel like I'll never meet in this life~!"

I don't know if she gave up on herself or not, Machida Yuanzi took Kasugaoka Shiyu's hand and said eagerly, "In that case, Xiaoshi, we should just form a non-marriage alliance."

"This is..." Kasumi Hill Shiyu smiled dryly.

It is impossible to join this non-marriage alliance, Machida Yuanzi said that she would not get married, maybe one day she would fill out the form with the speed of light when she met the right person.

Although the relationship is good, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is sure that if he really wants to meet that time, Machida Yuanzi will definitely not hesitate to stab him in the back.

And what about not getting married? After finally waiting for the little potato to grow up and not get married after it is not a crime, do you still wait for other people to take care of the Chinese cabbage that you raised?

In short, this alliance is absolutely not allowed to participate.

Then he touched the ring finger of his left hand with his right hand.

Looking at her deliberately reminded little gesture, Machida Yuanko finally noticed the decoration on Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hand.

"Xiao Shi~ You...!"

Machida Yuanko's eyes widened, shocked.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't look away, feeling a little embarrassed about his stabbing, especially in this situation: "Well, it's probably what you think."


Machida Yuanzi was silent for a few seconds, then hugged his head sadly: "It's unreasonable~!"

No.330 Little dwarf, don't run

Near the snowfield forest, Bai Feng and the editor girl were trudging through the knee-length snow with one foot deep and one shallow.

Snowflakes kept falling from the sky, and when the breeze blew, a cold air wrapped the snowflakes and poured into their clothes.

"It's so cold~!"

In this extremely cold weather, the physical strength was very fast, and the two had to stop to find a cave that was unknown whether it was an ice jackal or Bobo to rest.

Bai Feng opened the cork and poured the red hot drink into his stomach.

Using hot peppers grown in extremely cold regions, the hot drinks made can effectively maintain their body temperature and prevent the body from frostbite.

"It's too cold here, it's completely different from the climate in the New World."

"But this is also the charm of nature. The ecological environment is completely different from the New World. How many ingredients are there that have not been discovered?"

The tyrannosaurus girl threw the firewood into the fire, and sat beside the fire and stretched out her hands to roast her cold hands and feet.

"You really don't have any sense of crisis at all, so don't run around this time."

Seeing the expectant look of her partner girl, Bai Feng shrugged helplessly.

I really hope that this guy who is always holding back his legs can be really honest after coming to this strange environment.

This kind of bad weather, coupled with the bad geographical environment, if encountering a large monster that is specialized in the survivability of such a place, even Bai Feng may not be able to guarantee the safety of the partner girl.

To be honest, if it wasn't for her stubborn request to come together, Bai Feng would not want to take her to explore this newly discovered ice field.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the ice field.

The wind and snow passed from the sky, and the fat penguins lined up in a row and staggered to the edge of an ice bridge made of solid ice.

Leaping down, using her chubby belly as a skateboard, she slid off the ice bridge, like a child playing a slide in the park.

"Wuhu~!" Seeing this, the silver-haired baby dragon following the fat-clothed penguin team slid down the ice bridge imitating the fat-clothed penguin's behavior.

She rolled around in the snow for several times, and finally, under the helpless gaze of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, she opened up the snow that covered her, and happily climbed out of the snow.

"Stop playing, let's find a warm place to rest first~!" Seeing that Little Tudou seemed to want to climb up the heights again, Shiyu Kasumigaoka quickly grabbed this playful little guy.

He was having a good time, but she was about to freeze into a silly roe deer now.

In the extremely cold weather of minus tens of degrees, even drinking hot drinks and wearing thick thermal clothes is not a problem.

She is not a little potato. Not only does she not feel uncomfortable in this low temperature weather, but she feels like a duck in water.

"Shi~Are you cold~?" Seeing that Shiyu of the Hill of Xia was shivering from the cold, Little Potato also stopped playing.

He tilted his head to look at Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, thought for a while, then took the initiative to lean over, and threw himself into the arms of Shiyu of the Hill of Xia.

"The potatoes will warm you up~!"

"Although I'm glad you did this, but forget it, it's even colder~!"

Little Tudou took the initiative to give her a hug. Under normal circumstances, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was too happy to be happy, so how could she refuse.

It's a pity that at this time, she really can't enjoy the feeling of being in her arms with the person she likes.

The body temperature of the steel dragon is much lower than that of humans. For Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who needs the temperature now, holding him is like holding a mass of ice.

Not only does it fail to warm, but it gets even colder.

Realizing that he didn't seem to be able to help, but was rejected, Little Tudou lowered his head in disappointment.

He didn't want to continue playing, and he took Shiyu of Kasumigaoka to find a place where he could temporarily rest.

"Poetry~There is a hot spring~!"

After walking for a while, Little Tudou raised his finger and pointed not far away.

There is a thin layer of mist in the sky not far away. If you listen carefully, you can also hear the sound of "gurgling~" water.

"Great~!" At such a time, there is nothing happier than having a warm hot spring to soak in.

Even if that hot spring is not suitable for humans, at least the surrounding temperature will be relatively warm.

"Gulugulu~" After arriving at the hot spring with Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Little Tudou couldn't wait to take off his clothes and jump into the hot spring pool.

The temperature is very good, and the young dragons who like to take hot baths even lie flat on the water, floating with the current.

Around the hot spring pool, a group of hot spring silver monkeys are also enjoying the hard-won temperature in the cold weather.

At first, when Little Tudou and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka arrived, these hot spring silver monkeys who had never seen humans fled in fear.

Some daring hot spring silver monkeys even jumped on the belly of the little potato, squatted and put their feet into the hot spring pool. Those who didn't know it thought they were in the foot washing city.

"Ow~?" Little Tudou looked at the little monkeys suspiciously.

He won't eat hot spring silver monkeys. First, because these hot spring silver monkeys are small and lack fat, they are meat residues that are not enough to fit between the teeth, so they are too lazy to eat them.

In addition, in the impression of little potatoes, there are no delicious types of primates, either stinky and scary, or the meat is pitiful, or stinky and sour, in short, it is hard to eat.

Second, because of the relationship with humans, the young dragon was accustomed to the proximity of these primates. As for the behavior of the hot spring silver monkey jumping on his stomach, he just waved his hand to drive the monkeys away.

The hot spring silver monkey who was driven out was neither angry nor afraid, but surrounded the little potato with great interest, imitating his actions to relax and float on the water.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu just took off her clothes and was about to take a bath in the hot spring pool when she saw a large piece of "corpses" floating in the hot spring pool.

"What are you doing!?" She shook her head with a bitter smile.

"Hoo~ Bliss Bliss~!" Let the body soak in the hot spring, and the originally cold body gradually warmed up.

Leaning on the stone next to him, Kasumigaoka Shiyu let out a long sigh.

"Poetry~ Do you have anything to eat? Potatoes are hungry~!"

At this moment, Little Potato swam over in a dog-planing posture, staring at Kasumigaoka Shiyu with wide eyes.

"There is jerky in the bag, you can take it yourself... But don't finish eating it~!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu waved his hand, and lazily sent the little potato to the bag by the hot spring pool to find something to eat.

"Oh~!" The young dragon nodded, then stood up from the hot spring and ran to the place where the clothes were placed.

Then, he saw that the clothes and bags that were originally there were no longer in place. Not far away, three or five odd-faced people wearing strange masks were dragging their clothes and bags, planning to take advantage of them when they were not paying attention. Sneak away from here.

"Hey~! Little dwarf~! Don't run~!"

Seeing that his belongings were stolen, Little Potato's eyes widened, then he picked up an ice stick about the size of his waist and chased after him.

No.331 The house girl of ice and snow

Looking at the little potatoes who rushed over with a popsicle that was enough to knock them into flesh, the odd-faced people living in the icefield hurriedly dropped the stolen clothes and packages.

Or they got into a cave dug out of a nearby rock wall, or they dug a hole in situ and hid in the snow.

Unlike the odd-faced tribes living in various regions of the New World, because of the unique geographical environment of the icefield and the lack of food, the monsters that can survive here are much stronger than those in the New World.

As a result, the odd-faced people here cannot easily hunt monsters through coordinated operations like their relatives in the New World. In order to survive, they are better at stealing.

The odd-faced tribe, who are good at digging with homemade tools, can find the warehouse where the monsters hide and store food, and then steal the food.

But if they were chased by their masters, the odd-faced clan who lacked combat power could only flee in embarrassment.

It's also thanks to the fact that Little Potato is not as good at digging the ground like a ceratopsian, otherwise he wouldn't mind taking these little dwarfs who stole his things out of the ground one by one and slapped them into patties.

Although he won't eat these little primates, it doesn't mean he doesn't hate these little dwarfs who steal his own things.

After chasing the odd-faced clan for a long distance, Little Tudou reluctantly gave up after finding that he couldn't catch these slippery little guys.

Fortunately, things have been recovered.

The young dragon was about to return to the hot spring pool, dragging the clothes and parcels he chased back, but on the way, Little Tudou saw a very interesting picture————

An ancient dragon with a slender body and covered with ice and snow carapace was lying on the rock wall, slowly gnawing at the exposed mineral veins in the rock formation.

Although most of the monsters will eat a small amount of ores, to obtain trace metal elements that cannot be obtained in ordinary food, to strengthen the carapace, teeth and bones.

But the only people who would eat a lot of ore in the new world were the steel dragon family and the old lava dragon who had been driven to the sea by the hunters to die.

At most, there is a rich woman who lives in the depths of the leylines and walks around in golden armor.

So it was the first time that the young dragon saw that there were other ancient dragons who could eat stones just like him, so he cautiously walked over curiously.

Because an ancient dragon woke up from a deep sleep, the geological structure of the ice field has become unstable recently. In order to prevent its house from collapsing, the ice curse dragon needs to collect some building materials for reinforcement.

The Ice Cursed Dragon didn't notice a crowd of melon eaters squatting beside him. It was happily crunching the mineral veins exposed from the rock formation with its teeth and swallowing them whole into its stomach.


"Is it delicious?" Little Potato pointed his finger at the ancient dragon he had never seen before.


The Ice Cursed Dragon turned around and looked at it blankly, and then the whole dragon became a little stiff.

It's like secretly doing piston exercises in your own room, only to find someone watching from behind you halfway through.

The Ice Cursed Dragon was stunned for a while.

The Ice Curse Dragon does not need to eat a lot of ore, but just like the Steel Dragon likes to polish its carapace, this house dragon who lives alone in the depths of the icy and snowy icy island also has his own unique interest————

Decorate your own lair.

The ice curse dragon will eat ore, remove the impurities in the ore through the stomach bag, form a translucent fluid, and then spit it out to cool it to form its favorite decoration.

Near the lair of the Ice Cursed Dragon, there are all such translucent crystalline decorations made of ore. In order to build this flashy decoration, it often takes the Ice Cursed Dragon to spend hundreds of years, or even several generations of dragons.

Just like human women, they decorate their boudoirs with cute decorations, but the problem is that the way the ice-curse dragon makes decorations, to a certain extent, seems to be————

Eat soil.

It's as if the goddess would pick her feet and put it in front of her nose to smell it. When someone discovered this kind of shameful thing, it was a shame for the Ice Curse Dragon.

Therefore, every time the Ice Spell Dragon draws materials, it either chooses a place where there are no other creatures, or drives other creatures away in advance.

After all, it is a house dragon who has lived in the depths of the ice and snow for hundreds of years, and his sense of shame seems to be much more subtle than other similar ones.

And Little Potato or Long Ma wouldn't mind eating rocks in front of other creatures, after all, for them, it's just a meal, not shabby~!

However, the Ice Curse Dragon is not so generous.


The Ice Cursed Dragon who reacted to it let out a low roar, as if it was because she had seen something ashamed, she threw out her ice-covered tail in annoyance.

The Ice Curse Dragon, which can freely manipulate the power of ice and snow, can cover its entire body with a layer of solid ice, which not only provides defense, but also makes attacks more dangerous.

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