Chen Luobai has been trying to manipulate the formation through that fourth-order puppet.

He studied this formation for a long time in advance, and even consulted Boss Lu who has a lot of research on formation.

Naihe formation is not very compatible with the existing extraordinary system.

Even for him who has studied here for a long time, he feels very jerky in manipulating this formation.

Originally, Chen Luobai didn't think there was any problem with this.

After all, his manipulation of formations is awkward, and those trapped inside are even less good at breaking formations.

In theory, the advantage is always on his side.

However, the situation in front of him made him feel very bad.

He watched Su Mo touch the past one by one, and he just gathered a large team.

Let him manipulate the formation to greet the opponent vigorously, but this guy is alive and kicking, as if nothing happened.

This made Chen Luobai couldn't help wondering if there was something wrong with his manipulation of the formation?

Otherwise, why can a little guy of Tier 2 escape all these formations?

This is simply unreasonable!

Before he could figure it out, he saw Zhao Shouzhuo go on a rampage and use his strength to overcome cleverness, knocking out many extraordinary people.

Immediately afterwards, after he met Su Mo, his eyes suddenly passed through many formations and fell on him.

Chen Luobai's heart sank suddenly.

He finally realized that there must be something wrong with the formation!

"This broken formation is really unreliable!"

"In this case, it can only be activated in advance!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Luobai directly advanced the plan.

Manipulating the puppet to spit out a crystal orb from its mouth.

at the same time.

After Su Mo informed Zhao Shouzhuo of the situation, he did not sit still.

He said directly to Xue Qiaoqiao who was holding her hand:

"Message to the past, act according to my instructions later, and break the formation together."

The news was passed on one by one in the team.

Soon, Su Mo indicated the direction one by one according to the prompts on the panel.

Everyone launched an attack according to the position he guided.

For a moment, countless sources of light shone.

The forbidden runes were wiped out one after another.

Everyone's bodies suddenly felt lighter.

This is the gravity array is broken!

Realizing this, everyone was shocked and looked forward to Su Mo's lead.

"Come again!"

Su Mo pointed to the second phantom formation.

After the phantom formation was broken.

Then came the mist again.

And when the fog formation was broken on the spot.

Everyone's eyes suddenly became clear.

The thick mist that had been lingering all around drifted away one after another.

The clear scene returned to everyone's field of vision.

Although there are still two formations that have not yet been broken.

But those two formations were no longer enough to make everyone feel intimidated.

All of a sudden, many admiring and grateful eyes looked at Su Mo.

Among them are even captains from other extraordinary teams.

Su Mo was also full of confidence, loudly commanding everyone to break through the last two formations.

However, this time, it has not waited for everyone to make a move.

Two terrifying flames suddenly erupted, burning most of the worn out runes.

In an instant, the last two formations were instantly dispelled.

Everyone looked at Xu Liushuang who shot.

He looked at Su Mo with a smile, and said in an appreciative tone:

"When I go back this time, if I don't say anything, I will invite you a second-class meritorious service!"

Hearing this promise, everyone couldn't help but look at Su Mo with envy.

But at the same time, I can understand this reward.

If it wasn't for Su Mo, how could they have escaped so quickly?

The second-class work can be said to be worthy of the name.

And just when everyone was planning to wake up their companions on the ground.

The fourth-order puppet, who was crushed and beaten by Zhao Shouzhuo in the distance, couldn't help but let out a sharp roar.

He detonated the last magical weapon on his body, forcing Zhao Shouzhuo back.

Looking at the people who had already broken the formation, his face became extremely ugly for a moment.

Chen Luobai never expected that everyone would break the formation so quickly.

This completely disrupted his follow-up plan.

But fortunately, the charging of the orb has ended.

The middle-aged puppet picked up the orb that was gradually emitting light.

A drop of dark black liquid that previously existed within.

At this moment, it has turned into a dense black mist.

Looking at the fog, he grinned slightly.

In the next second, under his control, the dark mist suddenly overflowed from the orb.

As soon as the dark mist touched the air, it immediately swelled from small to large, turning into a huge pale black mist, and rushed towards the people in front.

Xu Liushuang looked at the mist, seemed to think of something, his face changed suddenly, and he shouted anxiously:

"This is the mist derived from the water of the Shang River. You can't get a trace of it. Everyone back away immediately!"

Shang River water? !

When Su Mo heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Not long after the Demon Tribulation descended on the source world, the entire source world experienced a large-scale extinction.

At the same time, the magic robbery has also caused extremely serious pollution to the environment.

It even permanently changed some ecology, leaving indelible traces.

Among them, the most terrifying one is [Three Disasters and Nine Disasters].

They refer to twelve extremely terrifying source world disasters.

The so-called [Three Disasters], even saints whose life level has undergone a qualitative change have to retreat far away.

The [Nine Difficulties], second only to the [Three Disasters], are not that terrifying, but even saints cannot stay in them for a long time.

【Shanghe River】is one of the 【Nine Difficulties】.

It is rumored that it is a seemingly endless black river.

There are countless corpses and horrible monsters floating in the river.

And every drop of river water contains strong pollution.

Even high-level extraordinary people may be alienated and crazy because of it.

Therefore, after hearing Xu Liushuang's roar.

Without any hesitation, the transcendents present immediately wrapped up their unconscious companions nearby and fled to the distance.

Under Chen Luobai's control, the mist came at a faster speed.

Soon he caught up with a transcendent who lacked foot strength.

All he could hear was a shrill scream.

In the next second, the whole person suddenly inflated as if inflated with air.

The skin is as transparent as a film, and the facial features are so distorted that they can't see their true colors.

Then there was a loud "pop".

He really exploded like a balloon on the spot.

Seeing that terrifying scene, everyone only hated themselves for not having two legs.

Seeing that the fog was approaching faster and faster.

Xu Liushuang uttered a sharp roar, his whole body flickered with the aura activated by the magic weapon, and crashed into the mist on the spot, directly taking the fourth-order loss of manipulating the mist.

The speed of the fog slowed down a bit, but everyone still didn't dare to stop, and fled forward desperately.

It wasn't until they avoided the fog far away and came outside the city that everyone felt a little relieved.

Listening to the sounds coming from inside from time to time, it is obvious that the battle is still going on.

Almost another minute passed.

Accompanied by a loud bang, a golden meteor shot out from the city, piercing through the purple sky in an instant.

In the next second, a thumb-sized crack in the sky extended in all directions.

In just a moment, the entire sky is like a cracked ice surface, which will collapse at any time.

Xu Liushuang, with a pale face, ran out of the city.

Looking at the people waiting not far away, he said hurriedly:

"This piece of space debris is about to burst, let's go!"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand with only the last ring left, and the light on the ring shone slightly.

In the next second, everyone disappeared from where they were.

Immediately afterwards, it appeared in the huge magic weapon outside.

Seeing everyone appearing, Wei Peidong and others who stayed outside couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then, I saw that the spatial rift emitting colorful rays of light gradually began to close.

The fragment of the source world on the opposite side of the crack is rapidly collapsing, falling into the endless void.

Seeing this scene, everyone finally felt relieved.

At least the pieces didn't fall into the real world.

However, just as everyone was relieved, they heard Wei Peidong's anxious cry:

"Old Xu, what's wrong with you?!"

Xu Liushuang closed his eyes tightly, staggered and fell to the ground.

at the same time.

An express hotel not far from the ruins.

In a double room near the east side, Chen Luobai suddenly reached out and grabbed the life bead that appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the life bead exuding crystal luster, Chen Luobai couldn't help sighing:

"It is truly worthy of being the treasure bestowed by the Demon Emperor.

If it weren't for this, how could He De, a mere Tier 5 puppet master like me, be able to manipulate puppets across borders?

It literally got me hooked on the feeling. "

"Do well for Lord Demon Emperor, maybe one day you will get this Life Orb."

A middle-aged man with an expressionless face next to him said sternly.

Chen Luobai smiled slightly, handed the life pearl back to his hand, and said with a smile:

"Although I can't compare to the master-student friendship between you and Lord Demon Emperor.

But every time I do things, I am serious and never slack off.

Take this mission as an example, I still suggest to you to use life beads to collect the magic thoughts of those extraordinary people.

By the way, test the impact of source world fragments on the real world.

It now appears that we have achieved both goals.

We can start the plan of [Yuhuaxian] as scheduled.

With these evil thoughts, the Demon Emperor can recover earlier.

And my sacrifice is also not So I won't talk about a hidden source world fragment after it's completely tossed.

It took me three years to accumulate a large number of puppets with great difficulty.

It's all folded in there.

You must know that most of those puppets were saved by me secretly.

The Dawn Society's management is so strict, can you imagine how difficult it is to gather all these puppets?

Now, once I return to before liberation, my combat power has almost lost 80%.

How much does this have to be compensated for? "

Chen Luobai rubbed his hands together, his fiery eyes glanced at the life bead from time to time.

Xu Fengye, who held the life bead in his hand, flatly refused:

"You don't need to think about it, unless you can make Lord Demon Emperor recover immediately, there is only a slight possibility.

In addition, don't forget who helped you escape to Qingyang Mansion three years ago.

If the Lord Demon Emperor didn't take action, do you think that your hasty approach can block the pursuit of the saint?

But for the sake of your sacrifice this time, I will definitely ask Lord Demon Emperor for your credit later.

With the generosity of Lord Demon Emperor, he will definitely not be stingy with rewards.

I suggest that you still assist me to realize the plan of [Yuhuaxian].

The greater the credit, the greater the reward. "

"It's natural."

Chen Luobai looked in the direction of the ruins, and said with a smile:

"Hopefully I can meet those guys again next time.

I'm looking forward to that Tier 2 little sword master who has repeatedly broken my plans.

I am really looking forward to refining him into my newest puppet! "

"Level 2 Juggernaut?"

Xu Fengye muttered to himself, holding the saber at his waist.

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