Ye Xin Lake.

This is one of the largest lakes in Tianmu City.

Looking down from a high altitude, the whole looks like a heart-shaped leaf.

On the shore of the lake, there are various kinds of flowers and trees.

From time to time, several viewing platforms with cornices and corners are built.

There are many tourists here on weekdays.

People often go boating on the lake.

But today, maybe the sun is too vicious.

The entire Yexin Lake was empty.

There were only two or three small boats paddling feebly and slowly in the scalding lake.

Suddenly, a ray of red light flew from the sky.

Seeing that ray of red light, the couples on board immediately became excited:

"what is that?"

"Is it a shooting star?"

"Where is the **** shooting star coming from?"

"No matter, make a wish first!"

"What's so good about it!"

"May we be reunited for a hundred years together—"

Before the words were finished, the red light suddenly came to the front.

In the next second, the lovers on several small boats died suddenly.

The blood all over his body suddenly flew into the sky and merged into the **** figure.

Without waiting for him to digest, a sword light suddenly struck through the air behind him.

Shen Qing staggered to dodge, his body was still cut by the sword light, spilling dark red blood.

Looking at the hard-to-heal wound, his face couldn't help but become extremely ugly.

Looking at the two figures that were chasing after him quickly, he gritted his teeth, used the blood escape again, and swept forward.

In just two or three seconds, Xu Changfeng and Luo Sheng chased to Ye Xinhu.

Seeing the silent boat, the veins on Luo Sheng's forehead couldn't help twitching:

"This **** dares to slaughter ordinary people recklessly. If he is caught today, he will be torn to pieces!"

"Taking shots at ordinary people just shows that he can't hold on anymore."

Xu Changfeng said calmly:

"In the past three days, he has used the blood escape and the concealment magic weapon one after another, no matter whether it is the source power or the blood in his body, he is almost completely exhausted.

Now he doesn't even let go of ordinary people's blood that doesn't have extraordinary characteristics, just to increase the battery life a little bit, which just shows that he is coming to the end of the road. "

"Thanks to the fact that we have been driving him to the suburbs, otherwise, if he is in the city center, I don't know how many people will die."

Luo Sheng swallowed a elixir, got up and chased after him, and continued to ask:

"How far is it from the scheduled ambush point?"

"Soon," Xu Changfeng said calmly, "A forest sea ten kilometers away will be the burial place we prepared for him."

The two of them were like lightning, and continued to chase forward, locking onto the blood shadow not far ahead, whose speed had slowed down a lot.

The distance to the destination is getting closer.

eight kilometers.

seven kilometers.

six kilometers.

Then, when the distance was five kilometers away, the figures of the two suddenly froze.

A gap was suddenly opened in the void in front of him, and a figure walked out from it.

He was wearing an antique costume of the Republic of China, and his attire was full of bookishness, just like someone who walked out of history.

Seeing this figure, Xu Changfeng and Luo Sheng's eyes became very serious:

"Lu Chuan!"

Lu Chuan smiled faintly at the two of them:

"Long time no see, Xu Zhenshou, and Deputy Luo from the military department.

It's a pity that now is not the time to have a good conversation, otherwise I would definitely make a pot of tea with the two of you and have a good chat. "

As he spoke, he popped a blood pill to Shen Qing beside him.

Shen Qing glanced at him gratefully, and immediately swallowed the blood pill.

Seeing this, Luo Sheng's expression became ruthless, and he immediately stepped forward to fight.

Xu Changfeng also waved his hand and shot a hundred sword lights, aiming at the seriously injured Shen Qing.

"You two don't need to be so excited."

As he said that, Lu Chuan waved his sleeve robe, and a faint wisp of black smoke appeared in front of him, split into two strands as if consciously, one strand turned into a human form, and met Luo Sheng, while the other strand blocked Shen Qing's body , directly engulfed the many sword lights.

It wasn't until the first round of attack that Lu Chuan said:

"I know you'd love to take the heads off both of us.

Even if you can't take it off, it's a good thing to hold on for a while.

After all, wait a minute or two at most, and more support will come and kill us.

This is the style of your Shuguang Club.

To be honest, this approach is really enviable.

If it weren't for me being an evil professional, I really want to join you. "

"If you really want to join, it's still too late.

As long as you tell us where the Demon Emperor is sleeping.

Presumably the ruler above will not hesitate to accept you. "

Anyway, to delay the time, Xu Changfeng simply stopped attacking and said it face to face.

"It's quite difficult."

Lu Chuan said distressedly:

"If it wasn't for Lord Demon Emperor, I'm afraid I would have died under your hands ten years ago.

Although I'm an evil professional, that's because of the profession itself, and it doesn't mean that I'm a person with no faith or righteousness.

Since Lord Demon Emperor saved me and provided me with so many resources for cultivation, I can't betray me at this time due to emotion or reason.

So I can only say that your request cannot be fulfilled. "

Having said that, he paused, and continued:

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that I came here today to save people.

But he is not the only one to be saved, there are many more people waiting for my rescue. "

Lu Chuan took out a round pill, raised his hand and shot it forward.

Xu Changfeng's eyes flashed, and he shot out two sword qi with his fingers, trapping him not far in front of him like a cage without making contact.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chuan smiled slightly, and continued:

"Although I understand your cautious attitude towards dark wizards.

But if you accidentally destroy this elixir, there will be no second one.

Let me tell you the truth, I found this elixir in a ruin in the source world, and it is an antidote.

It was discovered together with another elixir called Qushen San, which was a poison.

That poison works well with one of my curse abilities.

So not long ago, in order to conduct further experiments, I specially threw the poison on an extraordinary person.

That Transcendent is a member of a team under your command and is going to a rally.

Considering the contagiousness and dissemination of Qushen powder, I am afraid that many people have already been recruited.

If you hurry back in time, give them the antidote.

Maybe you, the guard, will be a polished commander for a while. "

When Luo Sheng and Xu Changfeng heard this, their expressions changed immediately.

Xu Changfeng immediately took out his mobile phone and pressed a call button.

After a brief questioning, his face immediately became extremely ugly.

Lu Chuan shrugged and said jokingly:

"Then are you going to save people next? Or are you spending time with me here?"

"you wanna die!"

Xu Changfeng was furious instantly, raised his hand and slashed with thousands of sword lights.

Lu Chuan said with a long smile:

"We are destined to meet again!"

As soon as the words fell, he and Shen Qing immediately fell into a space vortex and disappeared.

"Zhang Lie, this beast, really deserves to die!"

"Okay, let's go back quickly."

Luo Sheng glanced at the countless grass branches that had been cut off on the ground, and said solemnly:

"If it's what he says it is, the real big trouble is next.

The poison of the source world, combined with the skills of the curse system.

I'm afraid that even if there is this antidote, it may not be able to solve it well.

There may be a deeper conspiracy hidden behind this. "

Xu Changfeng's eyes were heavy, he took a deep breath and said:

"If the problem is really difficult to solve, I will issue a guard order!"

Luo Sheng was suddenly shocked.

at the same time.

Cang area.

Asang Public Security Department.

Su Mo just got off the No. 330 bus.

This is not the first time he has come to the Cang Cang District.

The fragments of the source world that appeared last time are in this old city.

But it was his first visit to the Public Security Department here.

Of course, his destination is not the Public Security Bureau, but the Qiancang Branch established here by the Shuguang Society.

Xue Qiaoqiao called to ask for help, so he naturally didn't hesitate too much.

But since even her third-level white wizard can't handle the disease.

He doubted how much he could do.

Nevertheless, he still came.

Qian Tao, who has always been lazy, also followed him.

He said he came to check on the situation, but Su Mo understood that it was more to protect him, the wounded.

Otherwise, with his lazy personality, he would definitely not interfere in such a boring matter.

Step forward, skip the newly renovated Public Security Department, and come to a small building with a yellowish-brown exterior wall nearby.

As soon as I came in, I saw those logistics personnel shuttling back and forth, everyone had a dignified look on their faces, and the atmosphere seemed very depressing.

After asking, they all knew where they were going next.

They all took the elevator to the first floor.

As soon as I arrived at the first floor, there was a loud noise coming from the front.

Before Su Mo had time to look at it, Xue Qiaoqiao who was waiting at the side stretched out his hand and greeted him:

"Don't say anything, put on the protective clothing first."

Looking at Xue Qiaoqiao who was wrapped in white protective clothing.

Su Mo and Qian Tao couldn't help but feel strange.

But they didn't hesitate too much, and quickly took off the appropriate protective clothing and put it on for themselves.

After putting them on, Xue Qiaoqiao led them inside, and said while walking:

"You all already know the specific situation, yesterday I was invited to come here to treat people.

I thought it was just a small problem, but after using many skills and treatments, there was no way to cure him.

Even later, his condition worsened, and people around him who had been in contact with him contracted symptoms one after another.

In the end, they had to be transported to the first floor of the basement, where they were concentrated and isolated for treatment. "

Su Mo glanced at the temporary isolation room not far away, his eyes slightly dignified.

It seems that there are at least forty or fifty rooms. Are there so many infected people?

On the side, Xue Qiaoqiao said worriedly:

"This disease is more difficult than I imagined, because it affects not only superhumans, but also many ordinary people.

Most of the wards here, except for the extraordinary team in the Cang Cang District, are used to isolate ordinary people who are ill.

In comparison, the symptoms of ordinary people are slightly milder, and the symptoms of superhumans are more serious.

It can also be seen from this that this disease has a great relationship with extraordinary characteristics or source power.

Moreover, I also discovered during the treatment that there seemed to be traces of a curse in it.

It's just that the trace is too faint, even now I can't be sure. "

Having said that, Xue Qiaoqiao looked up at Su Mo and apologized:

"You were still recuperating, so I shouldn't have called you over.

But in order to find out the cause and save them, I have to call you over. "

"It's okay. Anyway, I'm idle over there. It would be great if I can come in handy here."

Su Mo smiled and didn't take it seriously.

At this time, the elevator door not far away suddenly opened again.

Immediately afterwards, several patients with red faces and eyes closed were carried to a ward not far away by staff wearing protective clothing.

Soon, the door of another elevator next to it also opened, and a group of supernatural beings walked out from inside.

Through the game panel, Su Mo easily learned that they were all professionals in the healing department, and they were all high-level.

The lowest level is 4th level, and the highest level can even reach 6th level.

After entering, they quickly took off the protective clothing from the side and put it on.

Then, under the guidance of the staff on the side, he walked quickly into the ward to diagnose and treat the patients.

Su Mo was about to follow him for a look, when he caught a glimpse of an acquaintance next to him.

It was Deacon Wei Peidong who was also wearing protective clothing.

Compared with some time ago, he looks very serious now, with a trace of unresolved melancholy between his brows.

Seeing Su Mo and others at this moment, he seemed to recall, and said:

"This place is a bit dangerous now, if you're okay, you should go up."

"I was brought here by Qiaoqiao to help." After a pause, Su Mo continued, "In addition to [Jugmaster], I also awakened the profession of [Priest]."

Qian Tao who was next to him was stunned when he heard this.

Breaking through to Tier 3 in a month is not over yet?

You **** are still a dual-line professional?

Wei Peidong was also slightly surprised when he heard this.

But now he is more troubled by this illness, but he doesn't think too much.

He nodded and replied:

"Then it's time to work."

Su Mo took the opportunity to ask:

"About this disease, I have already heard the general situation from Qiaoqiao.

But there is a question I would like to know, how did Zhang Xuejian, the one who got the disease first, get the disease? "

Wei Peidong hesitated for a moment, and replied:

"Actually, Xiao Zhang is not the one who got sick at first."


Everyone was surprised.

Wei Peidong continued:

"I just learned that it's not just the Asang Cang District that got sick, it also includes teams from the other three districts.

Some of them have a good relationship in private, and they often go to drink parties together.

Xiao Zhang suddenly fell ill yesterday, I invited Ms. Xue I didn't think too much about anything else.

But just now, I have received news from other places that someone is suffering from the same disease.

After investigation, it was discovered that the guys who got sick at the beginning had just had a party the night before.

Calculated according to the time of onset, Xiao Zhang can only be ranked fifth.

Ranked first was a Tier 3 Warlock named Zhao Wentian.

I have already contacted there and asked them to send all the patients here for centralized diagnosis and treatment. "

As soon as Wei Peidong finished speaking, the phone rang immediately.

He answered the phone, and after listening to the narration on the other side, his color changed instantly, and he said in disbelief:

"What did you say? Zhao Wentian just died on the road??"


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