Dream Life

Episode 47: Search

Oct. 10, around 4 p.m.

We were headed north to the woods to find the missing Quentin Worgman. I heard a 4 pm bell along the way but it's already pretty dark due to the black, thick rain clouds.

It's darker in the north woods, and the sight doesn't work.

As we could see from Quentin, we turned on the magic props of the lights and proceeded through the woods.

After about thirty minutes, I found traces like several people had passed by a few hours earlier. However, the rain had not yet fallen this morning and several adventurers were believed to be in the woods and could not tell if it was his. But the only clue we found was about that trail, and we had no choice but to follow it.

I went through the woods for about an hour and once I wanted to turn back, I heard a howl like a wild dog or a wolf.

Clarifying his ears further, the boy's screams are also faintly in the wind.

When the three of us meet each other in the face, we immediately run out in that direction.

Beatrice ran through the woods as supple as a wild animal as she stood her spear low. Me and Liddy are chasing after it, but it's finally time to stay put. Beatrice seemed to have already identified a destination, running without waving aside and without hesitation. I followed her desperately, admiring that I was just a veteran.

Two or three minutes, running through the woods, I could see a small human swinging a stick about thirty meters away. It was Quentin waving his wand in tears and trying to get rid of the wild dogs.

The clothes are worn out, but as far as his movements are concerned, he doesn't seem to be heavily injured.

But around him, five wild dogs are about to see a gap and fly away, without a moment's respite.

Me and Liddy will cast a quick spell as we run. Beatrice went even faster as she shouted like a roar.

Liddy unleashes a whirlwind blade (wind slash), a flame shell (fire cannon) - an improved version of the fireball that I made when I saw the professor's magic.

Liddy activates slightly faster, chopping off grass and slitting the neck of one wild dog who notices Beatrice and turns around.

My fire cannon activated shortly afterwards and flew away at high speeds, lighting the area brightly. And then he hit one wild dog and exploded, and that blast blew up one more. The blown wild dog crashed into the trunk of the tree and stopped moving as it was.

Where the Fire Cannon hit, the fallen leaves beneath the trees were lit by a tiny, tyrothic fire.

When our magic knocks down three wild dogs, the two remaining ones threaten to attack us. But when he saw Beatrice rushing through the woods like a real tiger, the two heads fled without resistance.

Beatrice was waiting for us, making sure three wild dogs who would fall in front of Quentin were dead, guarding their surroundings.

By that time, me and Liddy finally caught up.

I said, "Mr. Worgman! You're safe!" he said, checking Quentin's cheapness.

After our magic blew up the wild dog, he felt loose stranded, or he was going into the ground.

He said weakly, "Mr. Lockhart?," he asked, and there the thread was completely cut off by the tension, and he cried out in disgust.

I'm crying. I'll make sure of his body, but he didn't suffer any major injuries due to some abrasions and bruises. In the meantime, I put healing magic on the wound and forced him to stand.

"We're going home. Beatrice, I'm sorry, but can you carry this girl?"

Beatrice says, "Don't let the boy cry pippy," but he carried Quentin like he had no choice.

The area was completely surrounded by darkness, but we turned off the magic props of the lights and proceeded through the woods. To prevent demons from dropping by the lighted props.

Beatrice walks back and says to me, "You really see it," and then he talks to me.

"Still, what was the magic earlier? Besides, the magic of fire in the woods will never happen again."

"The magic earlier was an improved version of Fireball. It has increased fire and speed. And I had no choice but to use the magic of fire in the woods. The magic of wind attributes makes it hard for wild dogs to notice us. I wish I had the powerful magic of light attributes, but it was that flaming shell (Fire Cannon) that came to mind. If it rains, it won't be a fire, and if he sees magic standing alone, he'll realize that help is here."

Beatrice, as impressed, said, "Hmm," then

"You're thinking about it right. If you do have fire magic at that time, the area will be brighter all at once. This kid doesn't have any magic props for the lights, and he would have been anxious in the dark. I really don't get tired of being with you."

That's what I said and I was laughing.

We went through the woods when the 6 p.m. bell was heard from afar.

Big bats have attacked me along the way, but Liddy and I are beating everything down with our magic.

I'm going home and telling Senator Worgman's mansion that Quentin was safe.

The mansion has a large number of adventurers hired by deacon Stewart, who says he's going into the woods now.

Stewart thanked me many times when I told him I had secured Quentin. I told him I should end this commotion, and I told him I was bringing him back to the house.

Quentin, who regained some calm when he returned home, was drinking Sharon's cooked soup. The situation was being heard out by Liddy, who replaced and explained to me the still trembling Quentin.

Quentin leaves the house around 9: 00 in the morning and comes up to my house. But since I never came out, she thought I'd already gone into the woods and headed to the woods before 10: 00. When asked why she didn't check with Liddy or Sharon at home, she asked the neighbor who just came out because she called but no one came out.

Apparently, both Sharon and Liddy didn't realize when they were upstairs, because Quentin, who grew up even better, didn't call them out loud.

Mr. Littlef, next door, was a clerk at the college, and he said he spoke to him he knew. And when I asked him where I was, Mr. Littlef only told me he went out with Beatrice after eight.

Unfortunately, the only story I heard at Mr. Littlef's was that he went out with a weapon, and he didn't hear about which way he was headed. If he left with a weapon, he seemed to think briefly that he had gone to the woods.

Then, around ten o'clock, he went into the woods and walked in the woods for about an hour, but was lucky enough to knock down a horned rabbit (horn rabbit) he met along the way, and that got him on track.

After defeating the horned rabbit, there was a detached wild dog, which caused him to be wounded with an arrow of light (shining arrow) and tried to stab a stop. But he didn't seem to be able to make a big scratch, and the wild dog escaped. He went after that wild dog without thinking, and he got lost.

In the afternoon it started raining, so my vision in the woods was worse. As a result, I didn't even know which direction I came from, and even wandered through the woods.

It gradually darkened, and he had no food, and he sat under the tree in the cold beaten by hunger and rain. A wild dog led the herd there and attacked it.

Although it magically damaged several of them, it only resulted in buying the wrath of a wild dog, and he escaped the scene.

But it means we arrived when they were immediately cornered, swinging wands and trying to get rid of the wild dogs.

It was Beatrice's idea that he was lucky enough to be found because he was groping around the same place, and that it would appear to be more than one footprint because he was walking around the same place.

I finished asking what was going on, and I called out to Quentin.

"Mr. Stewart is worried. For once, I've kept in touch, but let's go home."

He shook his head sideways and began to pinch the waste "I don't want to go home". Apparently, I felt better about being scolded when I got home because my life was no longer in danger.

As I was trying to convince her, Liddy said to Beatrice, "I want to slow down. I'm sorry, but you won't take charge of it," he began.

Beatrice sounded grumpy, too.

"Right. This guy is annoying me. Besides, I won't say a word of thanks to Zach. I'm getting depressed, too."

Quentin blurted frightened at the words and stood up immediately.

Whatever Liddy is, Beatrice knows it's an act, but Quentin didn't seem to know.

I'm scared of Quentin.

"I'm not asking you to thank me, but thank Beatrice. She's the one who carried you out of the woods. And I don't have a stepdad to help you, but he went into the woods in the rain."

When I say that, Quentin finally realizes he's a child who's pinching his waste,

"Thank you, Miss Beatrice. Miss Lydiane. Miss Jakes."

He bowed his head loudly, "And Mr. Lockhart. Thank you so much..." he thanked me.

Beatrice is laughing niggardly, but I was tired, too, so I just sent him to the mansion.

In the end, it was after 8pm when I came home and all I had to do was shower without a bath. Beatrice's face at that time was such a disappointing look that it was about to erupt.

I thought it was just bad, and the next day was Professor Raspade's class day, so when I said I should come home, her expression brightened up like a flower blooming all the time. I couldn't stand to erupt as much as I wanted then.

October 11th the following day.

I went to the college to take Professor Raspade's lecture.

I look in the classroom once worried about Quentin, but he didn't come when it was starting time. Me and Sharon had no choice but to head to the professor's lab.

Homework from a professor about the generation of “dirt walls” - not making dirt from scratch, but thinking about how to produce it at high speeds - but I thought about it by myself and made a hypothesis.

The professor told me about my homework, so I'm going to explain my hypothesis.

"My idea was to use soil on the ground, but I have an idea how to use it."

The professor nodded satisfactorily, "How to use it...... um. Good, keep going," he urged. I nod back at it and keep explaining.

"I responded the other day that I would use dirt directly beneath or around the wall, but I'm probably sure of that. As for my question, that the surrounding soil has not diminished, I am wondering if I have moved a very small amount of soil from the surrounding area, or if I have tried to raise the soil from deep underground. As a result of my experiments, the latter seemed more efficient. I don't think I and my teacher imagine it differently, but I wonder if my teacher also raised the soil from deep underground"

The professor was excited to say, "Correct! I built a wall with the image of lifting dirt from the basement!" He nodded loudly.

"Think about it and you'll see, it's using dirt directly below to build the walls that weakens the ground in the foundation area. There will be no problem with a first aid wall, but if you use it for a castle wall, that is inconvenient. So didn't they build walls with the image of the ground rising?"

The professor nodded loudly and said, "Exactly,"

"These ideas are good for application. If the magic of using large quantities of water is also used as an image to draw it from a water source, the water can be made easier than the image generated from scratch. Same with trees. It takes a lot of magic to stretch a tree branch, and most importantly, it grows slowly. But other tree branches, roots, etc. can be used to rapidly stretch and restrain tree branches and attack them."

I realized that when I was making the water in the case the professor mentioned. When I'm putting water up in the bath, I make water with the image of pumping up groundwater. Thinking about my homework, when I strained the water, I suddenly flashed wondering if it was the same thing I was doing right now.

If you go right out into the garden and create a dirt column, the dirt grows like bamboo seeds. As for the image, it's a lava dome thriving under the pressure of an underground magma, but this worked.

At this time, I realized that the magic of rock spears (rock spears) - the magic of pointy rock columns about 10 cm thick protruding from the ground - was this application. Using Rockspeare's magic to try it out, the rock began to grow a few more times faster with a fraction of the magic it had ever had. Until now, it only stretches about thirty cm per second and is easily avoided, so there was only enough use to install it at the bottom of the pit. But this time it stretched more than a metre per second, to exactly the level it could be used as a spear.

After that, the chat-mixed questions continued, just like the last one.

I'll try to get back to class at lunchtime, but Quentin's still not here. There was Elliot Wentworth with Quentin the other day, so I asked him.

"Mr. Worgman says he's off duty. Yesterday, your teacher said it was because you couldn't. You know why, don't you?

When I asked him, "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Worgman said he was going to the woods with you. You came yesterday to ask if the butler of the Worgman family knew where to go to me. He was with you."

He seems to be the one who told Stewart, the butler, that Quentin might have gone to the woods and that he thinks he's going into the woods with me to get hurt and rest.

"Ask the person for more information. But don't you know why I suddenly started telling you I was going into the woods?

Elliot looked grumpy,

"When I went to Raspade, they told me I couldn't talk about it on my own. Even I have experience in action. [M] That's what I said, but you didn't even try to listen to me at all. Worgman said the same thing about me."

As soon as I said that, I turned my heel back and walked away feeling like a puy.

Apparently, he's been hurt in pride and in a grumpy mood.

(If Elliot is right, I know why Quentin was in a hurry. Still, I wasn't hurt enough to rest... a guy called a mental shock... I guess I'll show my face after school...)

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