Dream Master of Realms

Chapter 75: Entry point

Three days passed quickly.

During that time, Li Mu went back and forth, and read "Swordsman and Lake" three times, and then she knew the plot of the characters inside.

There are so many characters in Swordsman, covering a wide range of territories. Li Mu saw a lot of headaches. He took countless time periods as the starting point and made countless deduction plans. In the end, they were not satisfactory.

Suffice it to say, in the end, we have to adapt.

The only thing Li Mu knows is that it is impossible for Sunflower's mission to be determined quickly!


He-nan, Songshan, a pine forest more than ten miles away, Li Mu and Mu Xing entered the world of "Swordsman" on time.

Inside the transparent protective cover.

Customer Mu Xing once again opened his eyes to Li Mu.

She dressed as a ball.

The outermost layer is a military cotton coat. The coat is a windbreaker, the windbreaker is a leather coat, the leather coat is a sweater, and the sweater is still a sweater ...

Inside three layers and outside three layers, Mu Xing didn't know how many pieces of clothing he was wearing.

Looking at her breathing hard, Li Mu was really worried that she would choke to death in the next second!

Li Mu was speechless.

The dead shepherd has thoroughly studied the rules of the system, as many holes as he can drill!

Except for carry-on clothing, customers can only carry items within one kilogram.

This guy is good, and he has at least forty or fifty pieces of clothing.

Jin Nima has never seen such a calculation!

Li Mu could not help but taunted, "Why don't you put a whole set of exoskeleton armor on?"

"Do you think I haven't thought about it?" Mu Xing gasped, "The **** is a military product ..."


Li Mu was speechless.

Mu Xing struggled for help: "Li Xiaobai, don't look silly! Help me take it off!"

Li Mu glanced up and down, poked her mouth, and took a step back: "Men and women are unacceptable, Miss Mu, please take care of yourself!"

"..." Mu Xing couldn't help but widen his eyes and screamed, "The men and women who went to Nima were unacceptable, Li Xiaobai, I'm your client, what kind of service attitude do you have, I will complain to you!"


Li Mule said: "Just complain!"

Seeing Mu Mu's unpretentious attitude, Mu Xing took a moment, and his breath softened suddenly: "Little brother, I'm wrong, help me, I'm about to die!"

Li Mu took a step back again: "Miss Mu, you can come by yourself, it is easier to take off than to wear, and I am afraid you will sue me for harassment!"

"You ..." Mu Xing was anxious, pointing at Li Xiaobai speechless.

"Muxing, you better take off quickly, otherwise, you may be my first strangled client!" Li Mu looked at her lightly.


Really helped her off, Li Mu turned back and chopped her hands.

Besides, when did he get used to this stinking problem of the client, he is a dream master and not a nanny!

Li Mu made it clear that she would not help.

As a last resort, Mu Xing could only scold himself for undressing!

Li Mu was impatient: "Mu Xing, you better be respectful, otherwise I will throw you among the group of people outside and I will not do the task!"

Mu Xing looked out subconsciously.

It is Hirano outside the pine forest.

On Hirano, a sparse group of rivers and lakes with guns and knives and various attitudes stood. In the middle of Hirano, a gazebo was faintly seen, and a white man was sitting in the gazebo.

Mu Xing Yiyi: "Where is this?"

Li Mu stared outside and said, "Songshan, Linghu Chong and Xiang Wentian met at the beginning. After a while, Linghu Chong is expected to appear!"

"Where did Linghu Chong and Xiang Wentian meet?" Mu Xing cried again. "Why not the beginning of the novel?"

"Why did the novel begin?" Li Mu asked.

"There is the Lin family!" Mu Xing's eyes widened, and he even forgot to take off his clothes, panting, "There is a ready-made" Evil Sword Spectrum "to pick it up!"

"What you want is" Sunflower Collection ", not" Evil Sword Spectrum "!" Li Mu glanced at her and said.

"Obtaining the" Evil Sword Spectrum "first will also give me some strength to protect myself!" Mu Xing said madly.

"Mu Xing, The Dream Master only serves the client's ultimate dream." Li Mu gave him a meaningful look. "If your dream is the" Sword of Elimination of Evil ", the point of entry I choose must be the Fuwei Dart Bureau, but unfortunately , You chose "Sunflower Collection", then this is the best entry point! "

"That's the" Book of Evil Swords "!" Mu Xing was going crazy. "If you don't take it from the beginning and fall into the hands of Yue Buqun, do you know how difficult it is to get it?"

"Just don't get it." Li Mu laughed.

Mu Xing glared at Li Mu angrily and continued to take off his clothes: "Li Xiaobai, can't we be safe! Take the" Book of Evil Swords ", go to Huashan to worship Yue Buqun, and then go to the cliff to learn Break through the five-yue swordsmanship. If possible, get "Dokugo Nine Swords" in hand, then kill yourself, win the "Star Sucking Dafa", and then go to Shaolin to win the "Yi Jin Jing" to eliminate the star sucking Dafa. Hidden danger, finally killing Heimuya, killing the undefeated East, and received the "Sunflower Collection" ... "

Want to fart!

An extremely greedy shameless man!

Li Mu listened to the magnificent blueprint drawn by Mu Xing, and he couldn't help exulting: "Mu Xing, let's not say if you can get these martial arts cheats, let me tell you how difficult it is to get you these things. In Fujian, Huashan in Shaanxi and West, Ren Woxing was held in Hangzhou, Shaolin Temple in He-South, and Heimuya in He-North. There are no high-speed rails and no planes. You know that you need to turn around in this circle. How many miles? How long will it take? "

Mu Xing froze.

Li Mu glanced at her and shook her head: "Aren't you here to fulfill your wish, you came to Xitian to learn from it!"

Mu Xing retorts resolutely: "At least it is safer than your way!"

Li Mu: "Hehe!"

Mu Xing felt that his IQ was insulted, and he became angry and angry: "Hurry up, why don't you go to Heimuya directly, join the Sun and Moon theology, climb up step by step, and kill the undefeated East. You can get it in the fastest way. The Book of Sunflowers ... "

Li Muyou said: "I'm afraid the East will be undefeated to feed you the three dead brains!"

in fact.

Mu Xing's method Li Mu also considered that if he still had the ability to be taken empty-handed, he would really do that!

But now, Blackwood Cliff is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The sun and moon gods have a large number of worshippers. The East is undefeated and has unpredictable skills. He is going to kill him alone.

One hangs up!

Still chasing the plot, united Linghu Chong and asked Wentian to rescue Ren Wuxing, and then killed Heimuya and killed the undefeated East.

At most, when it is pushed to BOSS, it ran away after grabbing the loot!

There is a centimeter floating technique, jumping directly to the black wooden cliff, it is estimated that no one can catch up!

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