Dreams of the Fragrant River

: One hundred and sixty-eight [soft and hard]

Kang Jianfei couldn't help but slap him again, "papapapa". [;Starting]

Guan Zhilin cried even more. At first, she tried to break free, but Kang Jianfei pressed her to death. She tried many times and failed. In the end, she just lay on the bed and didn't move, just crying sadly.

Kang Jianfei was deadlocked for a while, and Kang Jianfei slapped it again and asked, "Come on, tell me, did you do anything wrong!"

After some senseless resistance, Guan Zhilin was exhausted and powerless, and now she has cried enough.

Guan Zhilin originally loved Kang Jianfei very much, not only for his people, but also for his money. In Guan Zhilin's view of love, a man without money is not worthy of love, and Kang Jianfei, who is rich and talented, is naturally the best man in her mind.

But now, Kang Jianfei's actions made Guan Zhilin feel scared and wronged. She thought there was nothing wrong with what she was doing. Peter wanted to get close to her by giving gifts, so he accepted the gifts and didn't let him take advantage of them.

"Is it wrong, is it wrong!" Kang Jianfei spanked Guan Zhilin's **** again and again.

There was a burst of heart-piercing pain in her buttocks, Guan Zhilin was really scared, and even thought that she would be beaten to death by Kang Jianfei if it went on like this, she finally couldn't help sobbing and confessed her mistake: "Brother Fei, I was wrong, please do not hit me."

Kang Jianfei stopped and asked, "What did you do wrong?"

Guan Zhilin cried: "I shouldn't have received Peter's stuff."

Kang Jianfei asked, "Why shouldn't you accept it?"

Guan Zhilin said aggrievedly: "Because Fei Ge doesn't like me doing this."

"No, we have to fight!" Kang Jianfei slapped him again.

There were tears in Guan Zhilin's eyes, and she begged for mercy very pitifully: "It's my fault, I won't dare in the future."

Kang Jianfei asked, "Don't you dare?"

Guan Zhilin said: "I dare not eat with other men, and I dare not accept what they send."

Kang Jianfei said angrily, "You stupid woman. Do you think I'm angry because you ate with other men and received gifts from others?"

Guan Zhilin begged for mercy several times but was not forgiven. She finally got up again and asked with resentment: "Then why are you angry? I'm right, I'm right, you can kill me!"

Kang Jianfei saw that corporal punishment was useless. Had to change to soft. He let go of Guan Zhilin, stroked her back and said softly, "Jiahui, don't blame Brother Fei for being cruel. Brother Fei loves you so much that he is so angry."

As soon as Guan Zhilin was free, she immediately struggled, but the pain in her hip made her lie down on the bed again, crying and scolding: "Bastard, why did you hit me, why did you hit me..."

Kang Jianfei leaned down, kissed the tears on her face and said, "Jiahui. You are an adult. You have your own friends and your own life. Brother Fei does not interfere with your freedom. You can make friends of the opposite sex, but Those men who have made it clear that they want to pick you up, you should clearly reject them. By accepting gifts from others like this, you are implying that you are not disgusted by others. Sometimes you play with fire, and maybe someday a man will get you drunk. To bully you. Brother Fei is not only angry, but worried about you."

The caring words of "dig your heart out", coupled with Kang Jianfei's gentle actions, made Guan Zhilin feel a little better, and she actually forgave Kang Jianfei's "severe beating" just now.

This is a big stick and a sweet date strategy. The corporal punishment of the spanking just now made Guan Zhilin angry, aggrieved and fearful. After hitting her to a certain extent, Kang Jianfei came back to show his tender concern. This kind of concern will be multiplied in Guan Zhilin's heart.

Of course, this has to be mastered to a certain degree. If you really play it, you deserve it.

Kang Jianfei wiped Guan Zhilin's tears and said affectionately: "Jiahui, love is deeply responsible. You don't know how much Brother Fei loves you, for fear that you will be hurt a little. God, what if he bullied you? You are so beautiful, as beautiful as a fairy, there will definitely be more Wen Peters who will give you ideas in the future. If you accept gifts from everyone, you will suffer a lot. "

Guan Zhilin raised her face, asked Kang Jianfei to wipe her tears, and said aggrievedly: "But you can't hit me, you hit me so hard."

Kang Jianfei was lying on the head of the bed, picked up Guan Zhilin and put it in his arms to lie on his stomach, and explained: "I care about you when I beat you. Those women on the street, begging me to beat me are too lazy to do it. Do you know that Brother Fei beats you? When I saw you crying, I felt so bad. Jiahui, did you remember this lesson?"

"Yeah." Guan Zhilin responded, but didn't say much. Although she forgave Kang Jianfei a little in her heart, she still resented Kang Jianfei's actions.

Kang Jianfei patted her shoulder and said, "Dear brother, tell Fei brother, did you remember the lesson?"

Guan Zhilin pouted and kept her mouth shut, and Kang Jianfei lowered his head to kiss her forehead, her crying eyes and small mouth. After a long kiss, Kang Jianfei pressed him again, and Guan Zhilin's grievance was eased, and she said angrily, "Remember, don't say any more."

Kang Jianfei smiled and said, "What lesson did you remember?"

Guan Zhilin couldn't survive him, so she had to say: "Next time I meet other men chasing me, I must reject them and not accept their precious gifts."

"So good," Kang Jianfei asked, kissing her cheek with a smile, "what if I do it again next time?"

Guan Zhilin said impatiently: "Are you still finished? People don't want to talk about it."

Kang Jianfei suddenly straightened his face and said solemnly, "It seems that you still haven't learned your lesson."

"Ah!" Guan Zhilin suddenly cried out in pain, but Kang Jianfei deliberately pinched her injured buttocks, and said quickly, "It hurts, Brother Fei, don't touch there."

Kang Jianfei said, "Then tell me quickly, what should I do next time?"

Guan Zhilin replied reluctantly, "The next time I commit a crime, I will spank."

"Hmph," Kang Jianfei snorted coldly, squeezed Guan Zhilin's cheeks with big hands, forcibly lifted her face up, and said arrogantly, "It's not that simple, you are my woman. If you dare to talk to other men next time Let's break things off, and if you want me to hit you, I don't even bother to do it."

Kang Jianfei's actions were rude and his tone was domineering. But perhaps it was because of the hard-and-soft measures in the previous episode that Guan Zhilin was definitely not angry at this time. Instead, she felt that Kang Jianfei was very manly, and she really loved her, so she nodded obediently and said, "I see."

Seeing that Guan Zhilin's clothes softened, Kang Jianfei said, "Come on, let me see what Jiahui's little **** looks like."

bring this up. Guan Zhilin became sad and cried: "You also said that you were beaten so hard, you are necrotic!"

Kang Jianfei let Guan Zhilin lie down on the bed, went around behind her and carefully pulled down Guan Zhilin's pants.

"Oh, take it easy, it hurts!" Guan Zhilin raised her hips and cooperated with Kang Jianfei to take off her pants.

Kang Jianfei only saw his "masterpiece" after taking off Guan Zhilin's pants.

The beautiful buttocks, which were originally white, tender and smooth, were now blue and purple. No wonder Guan Zhilin screamed so miserably before.

"Jiahui. You lie down here and don't move. I'll be up right away." After Kang Jianfei finished speaking, he ran downstairs and came up with a bottle of medicinal wine from the trunk of the car. This is the medicinal wine he helped Lin Qingxia prepare some time ago. A few bottles were thrown in the car.

Guan Zhilin looked at the bottle in his hand. asked, "What is that?"

Kang Jianfei said: "After wiping the medicinal wine, the pain will be gone tomorrow."

At this time, Guan Zhilin started to be petty again, and said with a pouting: "People want to tell Dad that you bullied me."

"Jiahui is good, it's not good for Brother Fei. As long as you can be a woman of Brother Fei in the future, I will love you for the rest of my life, and I will never hit you again." She kissed her bruised buttocks, and from time to time she stuck out her tongue to lick it.

Kang Jianfei's movements were very gentle. The hot and humid tongue slid back and forth on the injured buttocks, with Guan Zhilin's strange stimulation, not only did not feel pain, but also very comfortable. When Kang Jianfei opened her legs, he licked his tongue in the Taoyuan Valley. Guan Zhilin finally couldn't help groaning.

In the past, Guan Zhilin knelt down to help Kang Jianfei lick that ugly little friend. At this time, Kang Jianfei's move to kiss her private parts moved Guan Zhilin very much. She felt that Brother Fei really loved her and was willing to kiss even that kind of place. She really shouldn't make Brother Fei angry.

Kang Jianfei only licked for a while and then stopped, then poured out the medicinal wine and began to massage and rub on her buttocks.

Guan Zhilin was being played comfortably by Kang Jianfei's tongue when she suddenly stopped, feeling empty in her heart, and embarrassed to ask Kang Jianfei to continue licking her, so she had to twist her beautiful buttocks in a twisted courtship while Kang Jianfei helped her rub the medicinal wine.

But Kang Jianfei ignored her, and only rubbed the medicinal wine for her wholeheartedly. Those big hands rubbed around on her buttocks, making Guan Zhilin even more itchy.

"Brother Fei..." After Kang Jianfei finished wiping off the medicinal wine, Guan Zhilin Xiafei turned her cheeks back and looked at Kang Jianfei with affectionate eyes.

Kang Jianfei just pretended not to see it, took out the script he brought, and said, "Jiahui, didn't Brother Fei promise to write the script for you last time? Look at what this is."

Guan Zhilin didn't care about the itching below, she grabbed the script and read it and asked, "Am I the heroine?"

Kang Jianfei said with a smile: "Of course~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My Jiahui must play the heroine if she wants to play. I put a lot of thought into this script, and I specially wrote Lin Qingxia to play the opposite role with you, so that you It was only through her fame that she became popular."

"Am I playing opposite Lin Qingxia?" Guan Zhilin asked in surprise.

Kang Jianfei nodded and said, "Yeah, I want to make Jiahui a big star, and of course there must be another big star to lead the show."

Guan Zhilin said worriedly: "But I haven't made a movie. If I act with Lin Qingxia, everyone will only look at her and not me."

Kang Jianfei said with a smile: "Fool, Fei, I have put a lot of thought into highlighting your role. I specially asked Lin Qingxia to cut her hair and pretend to be a man in the film, so as to highlight your beauty and cuteness. And with Lin Qingxia Starring, this film will definitely be watched by many people, and your attention will increase by then."

After Kang Jianfei's analysis, Guan Zhilin felt at ease. Thinking that Brother Fei put so much thought into writing the script for herself, Guan Zhilin said moved: "Brother Fei, you are so kind to me, I promise to ignore those men with bad thoughts in the future, I only like you."

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