Dreams of the Fragrant River

: Six hundred and seventy-eight [good news frequently]

In the 1988 Hong Kong Film Summer Festival, surprisingly no outstanding films were released. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable) @!.. The films released by several major film companies should be in line with the festive festival of Christmas, and they are nothing more than market comedies, urban comedies and romantic comedies.

Since "My Sassy Girl", Hong Kong's romantic comedies have no brains to follow suit. Although a large number of follow-up movies have died, they have made a lot of money, so that the Christmas romance movies released now are more or less like "My Sassy Girl".

After the Christmas stall was over, everyone discovered that this year's Christmas box office was particularly low. The box office champion was actually a market comedy "The King of Money" shot by Zeng Zhiwei after he joined Vientiane Pictures.

"The King of Money" is a new movie in this time and space. Kang Jianfei has never heard of it before. It is written by Huang Baiming and directed by Zeng Zhiwei, and both of them are the main actors. Although this film won the Christmas box office champion, in fact, the box office was only 21.56 million. It is conceivable how miserable this year's Christmas is. Other movies generally only have a box office of over 10 million.

Although the box office of individual films has dropped, the overall box office of this Christmas Hong Kong film is on the rise, because there are so many films released during the holiday season. Moreover, because Kang Jianfei, Wang Jing, Hong Jinbao, Cheng Long, Wu Yusen, Xu Ke, Gao Zhisen and other big directors did not have their works released, the audience was divided into 10 large and small films, which led to the box office of a single film. be diluted.

On the contrary, the Korean movie "Very Anchor" starring Zhou Runfa, Cui Zhenzhen, Li Ming, and Jiang Xuanzhen set a record for the box office of a Korean movie. After the number of local moviegoers exceeded 2 million, it is still in the hot screening. It will take two to three months to release the film.

In another time and space, this film is the sixth-highest domestic film box office in South Korea over the years, with more than 8.2 million viewers.

The plot of the film given by Kang Jianfei has been slightly changed. The male protagonist Zhou Runfa is a middle-aged singer who has moved from the stage to behind the scenes to be a radio anchor. There has been a slight improvement this year, and he has his own exclusive radio program.

One day, Cui Zhenzhen, who was 14 years younger than Zhou Runfa, suddenly appeared and said with certainty that it was his biological daughter. It is Zhou Runfa's third grade of junior high school who secretly tasted the flesh and blood left behind. Not only that, but Cui Zhenzhen is also a young unmarried mother with a few-year-old son by her side, who is Zhou Runfa's biological grandson.

Zhou Runfa couldn't figure out the truth of the matter, and he was afraid that this scandal would damage his reputation. He was busy working with his daughter and grandson all day.

Li Ming is Kang Jianfei's newly added character in the film. His identity is a newspaper reporter and Cui Zhen's suitor. As a reporter, Zhou Runfa made every effort to cover up that he had a daughter, but Li Ming misunderstood Zhou Runfa and Cui Zhenzhen. Accidents that are ridiculous over and over again.

Kang Jianfei only provided the outline of the story, and the details of the script were completed by a screenwriter from DreamWorks in cooperation with a screenwriter from South Korea. The director is Kim Yoo-jin, who graduated from the film major of Chung-Ang University in South Korea. This person directed the unique black humor movie "Hero Yeonge" two years ago, although he is still under 30 years old. But he was still invited by Kang Jianfei Xiangzhong to be the director of "Very Anchor"-now Korea has spoofs and humor, and there are too few directors who can make good movies.

The actor who is a few years old and cute little Zhengtai in the film is called Jiang Xuanzhen. He is the nephew of director Jin Yuzhen. Although there were many troubles during the filming, he was eventually transferred. He was taught.

South Korea is now a dumping market for Hong Kong films. In the off-season, the hospital has introduced a lot of Eastern European films in order to save the cost of purchasing films. Korean local movies are a tragedy.

Although the male lead and male lead of "Very Anchor" are both Hong Kong stars, the director is Korean, and Koreans also participated in the screenwriting. Two or three months before the film was released, the publicity department of Oriental Entertainment (Korea) Group Corporation began to use the gimmick of "local Korean commercial blockbuster" as a selling point, saying that director Jin Yuzhen wanted to make this Korean commercial blockbuster well. He also went to Hong Kong to invite two stars, Zhou Runfa and Li Ming.

The gimmicks of South Korean domestic commercial blockbusters are still very attractive. Coupled with the popular Zhou Runfa as the male protagonist, this "Very Anchor" has been highly anticipated as soon as the filming started.

Then, during the filming of the movie. The heroine of "Very Anchor" was also "unintentionally" exposed, and it was discovered that the actress who played the female No. 1 actually debuted at the beginning of the year, and Cui Zhen, the "national queen" who became a hit with a TV role.

The combination of the popular Hong Kong star Zhou Runfa and the Korean national queen Cui Zhen, coupled with the handsome Li Ming and the cute little Zhengtai Jiang Xuanzhen, this movie is enough to attract the attention of any Korean audience. Not to mention the lighthearted, humorous and spoofed plot, which is scarce in Korean domestic films at this stage. Director Kim Yu-jin also has his own dark humor style. This film is more interesting than parallel time and space.

After the release of "Extraordinary Anchor", Zhou Runfa's popularity rose again. Not to mention, Cui Zhen actually surpassed the three major Korean actresses Lee Mi-sook, Lee Bo-hee and Won Mi-kyung in one fell swoop, becoming the highest paid actress in South Korea, and was also known as "the most fashionable in Korea". attractive woman". As for why there is the title at the back, it is actually very simple, because the makeup artist in "Very Anchor" was sent by Hong Kong, and Cui Zhen is full of Hong Kong flavor from head to toe on the screen, and her hairstyle and dress are Korean Women compete to imitate.

In addition, Li Ming, who plays the male supporting role, is also prosperous. His handsome and sunny appearance is very popular among sad female audiences. After the movie was released for half a month, he received several invitations for Korean advertisements.

Finally, there is director Kim Yu-jin, who has been dubbed "Korea's No. 1 Commercial Director", "Young Film Genius", and "Leader of the Young Heroes of Korean Films". Although many traditional directors scoff at his films, it is undeniable that this fellow is in Korea. The film industry is truly amazing.

It can be said that a "Very Anchor" has won a lot of people in South Korea, and even some small supporting roles have begun to receive attention.

However, for Kang Jianfei, it is not the point of how much the box office earns, the point is that this film has gained a firm foothold in South Korea. As for the Korean directors, starring actors, and screenwriters of the film, they naturally signed a contract with the Oriental Culture and Entertainment Group (South Korea) company, and the company continued to package and promote them.

The easiest to fire is the director and heroine. Jin Yuzhen has been fired as a leader among young Korean directors, and it is almost impossible to be said to be the hope of the rise of Korean movies.

The tragic childhood experience of the heroine Cui Zhen has also been revealed. She is so poor that she can't afford to eat, and she comes to work in Seoul to make money for her younger brother to go to school. Anyway, how miserable it is.

In contrast to Cui Zhen's tragic childhood, it was her fortune after she came to Seoul. First, he worked as a small worker on a TV station silently. Because there was a shortage of people during the filming of a certain series of historical drama "500 Years of the Joseon Dynasty", the director cast him as the heroine of the episode in the eyes of the crew, and became a big star in an instant. , and then was selected by director Jin Yuzhen to play the heroine of "Very Anchor" and became the most expensive female star in Korea.

This is simply the inspirational story of the ugly duckling turning into a white swan and Cinderella turning into Snow White. Cui Zhen has attracted a large number of loyal followers based on her life experience and successful experience.

The box office hit is not only in South Korea. The Paramount film "Pretty Woman", written by Kang Jianfei, was also released in North America during the Christmas period.

This film, which received nearly 180 million US dollars at the North American box office in the original time and space, although the heroine was replaced by Sophie Marceau, the market reaction has not weakened. The French charm of Sophie Marceau gave this film a different flavor, which made North American audiences like it more.

The entire Christmas season in North America this year is dominated by Paramount's "Pretty Woman" and Universal Pictures' "Dragon Brothers and Mouse Brothers".

However, "Pretty Woman in the Moon and the Moon" has always been in the lead. When the two films were released, the North American box office of "Pretty Woman in the Moon and the Moon" was more than 172 million US dollars, while "Dragon Brother and Mouse" only got 100 million US dollars. Over $11 million at the box office.

"Fang Fang," directed by Kang Jianfei, was a box-office hit in North America. Sophie Marceau was not well-known in the United States. And after the "Pretty Beauty" was released, Sophie Marceau was directly promoted to the ranks of A-level actresses.

"The Hollywood Reporter" added a sentence after evaluating the film: "At the beginning of last year, there was a lot of news about Paramount's decline. The reason was that the company's second largest shareholder was an Asian, and The president of the company is still a woman. The box office of "Pretty Woman" has delivered a perfect answer, and Paramount has returned to the top of Hollywood with this annual box-office film..."

On the other hand in Taiwan, Kang Jianfei's old film "Love Saint" was released in the summer. This film was pirated a few years ago in Taiwan, but it still sold more than NT$15 million at the box office, second only to the box office. The 16 million-plus "Police Story" sequel.

You may be surprised, why a few years ago Kang Jianfei's film was released in Taiwan and sold for tens of millions, but now it can only sell for more than 10 million?

There is only one reason ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is too much piracy. "Love Saint" is an old film a few years ago, not to mention that the sequel to Cheng Long's "Police Story" premiered in Hong Kong half a year ago. Only more than 16 million Taiwan dollars.

How much influence piracy has on the box office, you can see the box office champion of the movie released in Taiwan this year. The box office of "The Last Emperor" is more than 100 million Taiwan dollars.

The Taiwanese box office difference between the sequel of "Police Story" and "The Last Emperor" is 10 times, not because Taiwanese audiences don't like Cheng Long, but because the piracy of "The Last Emperor" is not easy, but the piracy of the sequel of "Police Story" is very easy Get it. The movie has not been released yet, and Hong Kong audiences have already seen the pirated version, so at least 80% of the audience will not go to the movie to watch it again.

But in any case, the films of Kang Jianfei's company have been a good news this Christmas, and it's hard to count the money.


Yesterday, I went to watch Du Qifeng's "Single Men and Women 2" and found that what the director and screenwriter wanted to express is: No matter whether you are tall, rich and handsome, being a warm man can only be used as a spare tire for a generation. No matter how bad the man is, no matter how many women sleep, no matter how deeply the goddess is hurt, as long as you play romantically at the critical moment, you can still hook the goddess in the end.

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