Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 296: When a person is about to die, his words are also good!

Chapter 296: When a person is about to die, his words are also good!

"Wu Cuihua was found, but she was about to die. She was in the backyard of the Hou Mansion. The second child followed me to the Hou Mansion, and the fourth child went to find Jiaren. He said he was visiting his classmates at Lei's house in Ping'an Lane in the south of the city. Who is Wu Cuihua's mother? Come here quickly! Go to the four city gates to look for your brother and the others to see if they have left Xindu? But don’t worry if you can’t find them.”

"Okay, mother, I'll go right away." Li Laosi went out, took his horse and ran away without a trace.

Li Laoer couldn't tell what he looked like, but when he helped his mother out, he still tripped over the threshold.

 The old lady patted the back of her son's hand and sighed.

It's not like I haven't thought of Wu Cuihua in the past two years, but what she did before was so vicious and her disappearance was so disgraceful that even if I think about it, I don't want to think too much about it.

 I just thought that with her selfish temper, she would probably live a good life no matter where she was.

How did you know that the first time I heard about her, I actually went to see her for the last time...

The carriage of the Marquis Mansion is very large and spacious. It can accommodate three members of the Li family, including the housekeeper and Dongmei, without feeling crowded.

Old Mrs. Li hugged her granddaughter, thought for a while and then talked to the housekeeper about what happened that year.

After all, Jiayin is the eldest daughter of the Hou Mansion now, and Wu Cuihua is in the Hou Mansion. If the matter is not made clear, everyone in the Hou Mansion may think that the Li family has been mean to their daughter-in-law, which will be of no benefit to Jiayin.

 The housekeeper and Dongmei sighed from beginning to end.

Wu Cuihua's fate was her own fault, and she didn't blame others at all.

He who is unfilial to his mother-in-law, does not love his children, is selfish and lazy, and just devotes himself to supporting his mother's family.

He actually stole his infant niece out just to give his younger brother some luck and win more money in gambling.

Li Jiannian did not beat her to death for the sake of her two grandsons, nor did she abandon her, but just drove her out to work. This was really kind-hearted.

 But she actually ran away with others again!

 Dongmei and the housekeeper subconsciously looked at Li Laoer, then quickly lowered their heads.

 Mr. Er, such a good person, has such a miserable life!

Soon, the carriage entered the new capital and went all the way to the Marquis' Mansion.

 Following the precedent of Yuxue and several maids, no one in the Hou family dared to neglect the Li family.

 Every slave he met was greeted with courtesy and respect.

But the Li family didn't care anymore, and let the chief steward lead the way directly to the slave's yard.

Xu, a servant in the same courtyard, knew that Wu Cuihua was not going to die soon. He was standing at the door of the wing where she lived, talking in a low voice.

"Is Mrs. Wu going to survive? She is really able to survive. When she was first picked up, she looked like she would not survive. She refused to take medicine and was crazy. I didn't expect to live for another two years."

"Yes, this is the one who lives in our Marquis' Mansion, without signing a slave contract, and gets monthly money to give her food and drink, and to treat her illness. On weekdays, she helps us wash clothes, and she has to give us copper coins. If she is in someone else's house, I'm afraid He died early."

“The chief steward said, let us take care of it more and do good deeds.”

 “Where has the butler gone? Did he really go find her family members?”

"I see that the housekeeper's face has changed. Is she still a famous person in the family?"


As he was talking, the housekeeper invited the Li family over. Everyone was surprised and hurriedly bowed their heads and left.

Old Mrs. Li handed Fu Niu over to the housekeeper, "It's not good for children to come forward to such a matter. Please help the housekeeper to take care of Fu Niu."

"Don't worry, old lady." The steward quickly picked up Fu Niu and asked the servants to move tables and chairs and cover the screen. Then he hugged Fu Niu and sat in the courtyard, coaxing her to eat snacks.

Although Fu Niu didn't like Wu Cuihua, she still felt heavy when she thought that her two brothers were going to lose their mother. I can no longer eat my favorite snacks in the past.

Li Laoer took a deep breath and walked into the penthouse first, followed closely by the old lady.

This penthouse is not too big, with only one window, letting in a lot of skylight.

Wu Cuihua was lying under the window, staring blankly at the beam of light, mumbling something.

Perhaps hearing the noise, she slowly turned her head to look at the door, and tears suddenly flowed from her eyes.

Li Laoer and the old lady were also extremely shocked. In their impression, Wu Cuihua was the most gluttonous, and she would take several bites of the children's custard. She was also the fattest in the family.

It’s only been two years since we last met, and our appearance has completely changed. His originally fat figure was now so thin that he had almost no flesh. One side of his face was covered with scars, his face was sallow, his eye sockets were sunken, and his hair was half gray.

The quilt covering her body is quite new, but one of her bare legs is hanging out of the quilt in a weird posture, which shows that she is disabled!

There was a maid sitting on the bedside, holding a bowl of medicine. It seemed that she didn't expect so many family members of Wu Cuihua to arrive. She stood up in shock and explained in a low voice, "Aunt Wu doesn't want to take medicine, and I won't take it no matter how hard I try to persuade her."

 Old Mrs. Li nodded reluctantly. At this moment, she really had no intention of chatting.

The maid quickly put down the medicine bowl and retreated.

Wu Cuihua's originally cloudy eyes were washed away by tears and became a little brighter. She struggled to sit up, but she had no strength.

Old Mrs. Li stepped forward, helped her, and leaned against the pillow.

Wu Cuihua choked with sobs and her face turned dark red. The first thing she said was, "Mom, I...I was wrong!"

Mrs. Li's eyes were red, "Don't say this, it's a waste of energy. The fourth child has already gone to pick up Jiaren. He is studying in the academy now and is doing very well. He is very close to his classmates. We have made an appointment to play together today. Home Yi woke up early and went out with his uncle. I don’t know if I can catch him back. "

"Jiaren, son! Jiaren, Jiaren..." Wu Cuihua murmured, the light in her eyes getting brighter.

Li Laoer stepped forward, holding back the confusion in his heart and asked, "You are so sick, why don't you get treatment? Also, where is Ergou? Didn't you run away with him? The landlord said... that you and others You eloped, didn’t that person take care of you? "

Wu Cuihua shed tears again and shook her head like a madman, "No, no, I didn't run away with anyone! It's Er Gouzi. Er Gouzi wants me to be a mother-in-law and serve a pregnant woman to Kyoto, saying that she will make a lot of money and eat well. I didn’t elope, I didn’t elope with anyone!”

"Okay, okay, that doesn't matter anymore!" Seeing something was wrong with her, Mrs. Li quickly tried to persuade her, fearing that she wouldn't be able to lift her up in one breath and would die again.

“As long as you don’t elope, you can be buried in the Li family cemetery!”

Sure enough, these words were like a shot in the arm, making Wu Cuihua's face brighter and she woke up completely.

She grabbed the old lady’s hand and said, “Mother, mother! Can I really be buried in the Li family’s cemetery?”

The old lady sighed, "Although you have made many mistakes, the Li family did not divorce you before, and you did not elope to discredit the Li family. The Li family will not leave you without a burial place. After all, you gave birth to a family of family members." …”

“Woo, woo!” Wu Cuihua cried out in pain, and every tear was filled with regret.

"Mom, I was wrong. Ergouzi is just a beast. He was the one who killed my father! I worked as a cow or a horse for him, my legs were disabled and my face was ruined for him, but he abandoned me and ran away by himself. I waited for him on the road for more than ten days, drinking rainwater when I was thirsty, eating grass roots and bark when I was hungry, and the blood on my legs dried up! Mom, I was wrong, I wanted to go home, but I have no face!"

Even if Mrs. Li and Mr. Li have a thousand words, they don’t know what to say at this time.

Having lived under the same roof for more than ten years, Wu Cuihua has tried her best to persuade her many times, but Wu Cuihua just doesn’t listen.

 Now it’s too late to know that I was wrong.

At this time, Li Laosi finally arrived with Jiaren.

 Perhaps he disliked Jiaren's slow walking, so Li Laosi directly carried Jiaren in.

Jiaren finally stood firm, and when he saw his mother again, he was so shocked that he froze in place.


Wu Cuihua suddenly struggled and pulled the quilt hard to cover the stump of her leg and cover her ugly face.

Jiaren had seen it a long time ago and suddenly rushed towards him and burst into tears.

"Mom, didn't you... run away with someone? Why don't you have glory and wealth? Why don't you live a good life? Why is this like this?"

 There is no child in the world who does not love his mother!

Although Jiaren has complained about his mother countless times, hating her for being selfish and stupid, and hating her for bringing disgrace to the family, he even thought about getting a good name, honoring his family, and making his mother regret it one day.

 But he never thought that his mother would die! And it's so miserable!

Wu Cuihua’s skinny hands covered her face tightly, tears flowing down her fingers.

The old lady hugged her grandson and advised, "If your mother is dying, talk to her quickly. She was tricked by Er Gouzi into going to Kyoto to be a slave, but when the capital was moved, she hurt her face trying to save Er Gouzi. But Er Gouzi left her and ran away. The Marquis's motorcade passed by and rescued her. She might have felt sorry for her family, so she didn't go back even though she knew our home was nearby. "

Jiaren cried louder and louder, and was so angry that he didn't know what to do.

Wu Cuihua may have exhausted all her strength, and suddenly began to pant heavily. She reached under the pillow, trying her best to pull something out.

 (End of this chapter)

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