Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 461: First the villain, then the gentleman!

Chapter 461: First the villain, then the gentleman!

Li Laosan said: "The college originally had a canteen, but the food was too unpalatable and the students didn't like it. What Zhou Shanchang meant was that the tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans in the canteen were all given to our family for a price of one hundred two.

“Of course, from now on, our family will purchase rice, flour, grains, oils, vegetables, meat and eggs by ourselves, and we must ensure that students are well-fed, but the food prices cannot be too high.

“After all, it is a place for teaching and educating people, not a business street for making money, and many students are not from wealthy families. Chief Zhou Shan does not want to burden the students.”

Mrs. Li nodded, thought for a while and said, "Zhou Shanchang still takes care of our family. There are so many things that I can't buy for a hundred taels.

“The most important thing is that we don’t have to open a shop at home, and we save a lot of money. All the students stay at the college for lunch at noon, which guarantees half of the daily business..."

"Yes, mother." Li Laosan said, "I also felt that I had taken advantage of it, but I was a little hesitant, otherwise I would have agreed at that time."

Zhao Yuru is a woman, careful and timid, so she interjected at this moment, "Also, mother, our family has taken over the academy canteen, and the business of all the food shops outside will definitely be affected. I'm afraid that someone will Jealousy, secretly holding back.

“Not to mention that our family bought 30 acres of land and a yard, we just said that several children are in the academy. If anything happens to the children, no amount of money can make up for it.”

Mrs. Li frowned. The third daughter-in-law's worries were justified. She couldn't think of any good ideas at the moment, so she said, "You guys can stay at home tonight. When your eldest brother and the others come back, we will discuss it together."

Jiayin ate snacks, listened to the elders talking, and pondered in her heart.

 College cafeteria, this is similar to the university cafeteria in the previous life.

 It’s just that there are thousands of people in universities and only a few hundred in academies.

If he takes it over, the thirty acres of land bought by Sanbo will be enough to grow vegetables directly, which will be enough for self-production and sales.

 Rice, flour, grains and oils can also be purchased together to reduce costs.

As for the style of the meals, we still refer to the set meal model of the original shop, which facilitates daily arrangement of work, saves manpower, and allows students to choose freely.

If there are not enough manpower, you can also recruit some from students and work-study.

As for how to arrange the rest of the colleagues, of course we should let them open a small window.

If the students want to change the taste, they can just buy it. However, if the food they make tastes bad and the students don’t like it, it has nothing to do with the Li family.

Furthermore, opening a small kitchen window in their canteen is not free, they have to pay rent, which can be considered an additional income for the Li family...

The more she thought about it, she simply took the snack box and ran to the west room where her second uncle lived. She found the four treasures of the study and started writing while eating.

Mrs. Li was afraid that her granddaughter would get into trouble again and stay closed for a few days, so she quietly leaned on the door and took a few glances, guessing that her granddaughter had a good idea, so she felt relieved.

Sure enough, Jiayin called Sanbo in very quickly, and they murmured for half an hour.

 Finally, when Li Laosan came out, he held a few pieces of paper in his hand and was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear...

 At dusk, Mr. Li, Mr. Li and Tao Hongying all came back.

During the day, Li Laosan passed by the city and visited Cyclamen, so everyone knew that they were at home.

Everyone was sitting around, and they all smiled when they saw Jiayin holding her special small bowl and eating with a greasy mouth.

Fat girl is the treasure of the family, Pistachio. She has not been seen these days, and everyone is having a hard time eating and sleeping well.

 But they tried many ways, whether it was giving money or buying delicious food and fun things, but it was of no use. Unexpectedly, when the third son and his wife came back, the fat girl actually recovered as before.

Everyone was very happy. Pork ribs on one side and meatballs on the other side. In the blink of an eye, the small bowl of good news was filled to the brim.

Mrs. Li was afraid that her granddaughter would be full, so she quickly started talking, "Jiayi and Liu Yang have been away for more than a month, isn't it time to come back?"

 Ever since the two boys brought back several boats of seafood a year ago, they can no longer trap them.

Years later, the fleet went to Quanzhou again. They ran away again on the pretext that they wanted to deal with Zhang Jin.

Li Zhensheng counted the days and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, mother. They should be back in seven or eight days."

Li Laosan got a lot of good advice from his niece. He was so excited that he couldn't hide his words. He smiled and said to Tao Hongying: "Brothers and sisters, after dinner, help me and your sister-in-law think about the menu. We want to contract the canteen of the academy." Come down!"

Tao Hongying was surprised when she heard this, and she was even more happy for her brother and sister-in-law. She quickly responded: "Okay, third brother, let's talk about it after dinner."

Li Lao Er was also happy for his younger brother and joked: "The business of our third Lao Li has become bigger. If we really take over the college canteen, wouldn't there be hundreds of people eating there every day? If you think about it, it's more expensive than Cyclamen." lively."

Li Zhensheng laughed when he heard this, "Isn't that right? I open my restaurant cautiously every day, just for fear of ruining its reputation and no one coming to support it.

“Lao San’s cafeteria is different. Whether it’s delicious or not, students have to eat there, otherwise they’ll go hungry. This business is really great!”

But after saying this, he gave his younger brother a few more words, "However, the third child still has to be careful. The academy is full of students. It would rather taste worse, but it must be clean to prevent others from eating it." Stomach, delaying studies.

“In addition, we should give away more profits. After all, we are in an academy. It is not good to have a reputation of being greedy for money. In the future, the children at home will have to take scientific examinations. These classmates in the academy are all well-connected.

"Of course, you have to work hard and make money. In this way, I will give you five hundred taels every year from now on..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Laosan and Zhao Yuru quickly waved their hands to stop him.

Li Laosan hurriedly said: "No, brother, we don't want your money. We bought thirty acres of land and grew vegetables at home. We have already saved a lot of money. Even if the profit of the canteen is lower, it is enough."

Zhao Yuru also said: "Yes, and there are many people in the academy, so we can make small profits but quick turnover, so it won't be too bad."

Li Zhensheng nodded and said nothing more, but he had a plan in mind.

Since the younger brother doesn’t need money, he can send fish, shrimps and dried seafood to the academy to add some new dishes to the students, which can also save costs...

Everyone ate while talking. When they were full and full, the table was removed, and Li Laoer took a pen and paper to help copy.

Li Zhensheng, Tao Hongying, and Li Laosan talked to each other and had a lively discussion.

 Soon, most of the menu was ordered.

As for the matter of inviting food shops outside the academy to open small kitchen windows in the academy canteen, Li Zhensheng gave some suggestions.

 The rental price should be higher than other places, but the monthly payment can be made.

 This gives those colleagues the opportunity to try. Whether it succeeds or fails in the future, they have no reason to complain about the Li family.

 Also, these people must be supervised when entering the canteen.

If they refuse to use genuine materials, or pass off inferior materials, or if the students have a problem, the Li family is qualified to kick them out.

 In short, be a villain first and then a gentleman, set the binding regulations first, and you will be invincible if any problems arise!

 (End of this chapter)

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