Chapter 615 A ​​large-scale embarrassing scene!

The weeping old and young women were forced out with long knives before they could react.

Whether they were scolding or scolding, the soldiers always had dark faces and were not willing to be accommodating at all.

As for the young masters from various families who were mourning their heirs, they were pushed to one place, registered quickly, and then organized into formations to set off.

Originally, Li Laosi found dozens of carriages, thinking of registering a batch and sending a batch to the dock military camp.

 But he was also annoyed by the situation in front of him.

Why don't you use a carriage to send people off? Just walk on foot and give these young men a hard blow.

 Otherwise, if you want to put this mud on the wall in the future, it may be harder than climbing to the sky!

Sure enough, everyone gave up when they heard that they had to walk to the dock, a journey of fifty or sixty miles.

 Not to mention the family members who were crying loudly, there was even a young man who was lying on the ground and refused to get up.

 “Let me die, I can’t leave at all!”

"This is murder! We are not allowed to sit in the carriage and have to walk. This is killing us!"

 “I want to file a complaint!”

 “Help, grandma, help! Mother, help!”

The soldiers stepped forward, kicked and beat them with their scabbards, but they still couldn't make these mangy dogs obey.

 After Li Laosi and Li Yong discussed in a low voice, Li Yong went to find a lot of ropes.

Any young master who refused to obey had his wrists tied, tied behind a horse, and all were forcibly taken away.

They walked to the dock as long as they could keep up.

 Those who can’t keep up will be dragged behind the horses!

As for whether your skin will be torn apart, whether you live or die, it all depends on you!

Everyone originally had the intention of not punishing the public, but as a result, after seeing a few unlucky young men being dragged behind horses and made into human brooms, no one dared to question them anymore.

Even with wiping away tears and shaking their legs, the young men lined up honestly and started to set off for the pier.

 In less than half an hour, everything fell silent at the city gate.

The things prepared by each family were thrown in a mess on the floor.

 The old and young women wanted to follow the children with all their hearts. They were crying, their makeup was stained, and they were more embarrassed than beggars.

Some people couldn't help but ask: "What's the name of the general who leads this team? Whose family does he come from? This is too cruel!"

"Yeah, I really don't save any face. These are children from different families, how can they be like animals..." Others also complained, wanting to scold but afraid of spreading the word, which in turn made the children suffer even more.

 Someone specially sent a servant to inquire about it.

 The clerks in the Ministry of War were dismantling thatched huts, and of course they were happy to have such a good opportunity to make money.

So they took the hard-earned money and started talking.

“The general leading the team is called Li Qiusheng, the fourth master of the Li family in Broken Gold Beach, who is also the father of Princess Kangle!”

“Don’t think that he is the father of the princess. This general is obtained through connections. That’s not true!

“General Li followed Xintinghou in two northern expeditions, killed more than 200 enemies, and made outstanding achievements many times. He earned this generalship by himself!”

"Yes, I heard that he is born with supernatural powers and is very brave. The Marquis relies on him very much, and he is even famous in front of the emperor!"

"I just saw it with my own eyes. The wooden pole that Sun San'er and I were holding fell down, and General Li raised his hand." "That's right, that's right, and he was still smiling and didn't dislike it at all. We are useless."

What was originally a good inquiring about the details ended up turning into a praise meeting for the petty officials.

 Every family was even more breathless after receiving the news.

Although the Li family has a title and is also a newly wealthy person, they really didn't take it seriously before.

After all, none of their families has accumulated a hundred years of accumulation, and it is not comparable to the family background of the Li family!

As a result, their precious pimple fell into the hands of others, and they had no choice but to be kneaded and treated... It was really a turn of events!

 Do they still want to curry favor with the Li family and make friends with the Li family? !

 It doesn’t matter whether these people have their own thoughts, whether they are happy or angry.

 It is only said that Li Laosi took the soldiers and drove these new recruits, and they walked for a full day and a night before they arrived at the dock.

It’s only over fifty miles, and this speed is comparable to that of a turtle!

Li Laosi's face turned black with anger, and Li Yong and the soldiers looked even more exhausted.

Even though they were allowed to beat and scold them, they did not relent, but these young men were so tired that they could not be beheaded to death one by one...

On the contrary, they have to help guard in the middle of the night to prevent wild beasts, insects and snakes from eating these wastes lying in the wild as snacks.

After hearing the news, the Marquis took Jiang Cheng to the entrance of the camp and waited. When he saw the embarrassment of Li Laosi, Li Yong and others, they all laughed.

Master Hou asked angrily: "Didn't I tell you that you can beat and scold you at will without mercy?"

Li Laosi waved his hands weakly and replied: "The main reason is that these lazy idiots would rather be whipped than walk. I can't beat them all to death!"

Li Yong also stared and complained: "I have learned a lot! This is just walking, it is like killing them. If they go to the battlefield, without food or drink, and there are strong enemies outside, they are afraid that they will be the first to Scared yourself to death?"

Jiang Cheng sneered, "They are bullying people, and we are determined that we cannot kill them. When we actually arrived on the battlefield, there were barbarians chasing behind us with sabers. I am afraid they could run faster than anyone else! I only wish my parents didn't have eight legs." "

"That makes sense!" Mr. Hou nodded and ordered: "Let them change their clothes, eat a meal, and sleep. Normal training will begin tomorrow. If anyone refuses to obey the discipline, just follow the marching law and kill them when necessary!" I will bear any consequences!”

 “Yes, Lord Marquis.” Everyone responded in unison.

At this time, the Li family's carriage also arrived at the gate of the camp. It turned out that Li Zhensheng came to unload the boat and brought his little niece over to play.

Jiayin was very happy just now after seeing the fruit seedlings, medicinal materials and spices brought back by her brothers. She couldn't help but jump over and hugged the arms of the Marquis and her father, showing off: "Father! Dad! My brother found fruit seedlings for me. This time next year, I’ll treat you to new fruits!”

"Okay, just have fun." Mr. Hou rubbed the little girl's hair.

Li Laosi sighed, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to deal with these losers for a while. You should be obedient at home."

Jiayin looked at the recruits who were almost paralyzed on the ground from a distance and laughed: "They are really bad, they can't even compare to their brothers!"

 “That’s right!” Li Yongyang flicked his whip, “Jiaxi and Jiaan are much better than them!”

After saying a few more words, Li Zhensheng took his niece back to Xindu. The Marquis also went with him in the car when he came to the palace for business.

 Leaving Li Laosi, Li Yong and Jiang Cheng to continue to have headaches over these new recruits...

 The season now is truly autumn.

 In the fields, there are hard-working farmers everywhere harvesting the harvest of the year.

Men wielded sickles, women pushed carts to transport the goods, and the elderly and children brought water and food, watched them dry and picked through them.

Even babies who have just learned to walk are tied to big trees in the fields, babbling and joining in the fun.

The Li family's carriage was moving very fast, and Li Fu had been guarding the small courtyard in the west of the city. It was a rare opportunity for his master to come back, and he was very happy to be useful again. The whip in his hand crackled from time to time!

 (End of this chapter)

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