Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 727: There is a fat man who has made meritorious deeds!

Chapter 727: There is a fat man who has made meritorious deeds!

Unlike Bao Lei’s sobriety, the eldest princess’s yard was also dug up and inspected.

The eldest princess was only wearing a nightgown and was **** and thrown to the ground. She was still cursing crazily.

 “How dare you, these killers, offend me, the eldest princess!”

 What a pity, no one paid attention to her!

Jiang Cheng was looking through some account books that he had found when a soldier came to report.

“General, we found the jade box, the tobacco rod and other items, and there is also a roster!”

Jiang Cheng was overjoyed and immediately ordered: "Put everything in boxes, seal them, and guard them closely!

“Everyone, master or servant, is arrested and thrown into prison!”

 “Yes, General!” The soldiers acted quickly.

The eldest princess finally knew that she was going to be in trouble!

"No, it's impossible!" She rolled to Jiang Cheng's feet like crazy and shouted loudly: "How do you know about the fairy ointment? It's not us, it's not us, it's Yaochi, Yaochi!"

Jiang Cheng kicked her away and cursed: "Whether it's fairy ointment or hibiscus ointment, they are both harmful things!

“Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all there, how do you still want to deny it?

 “You idiot who is working for the tiger, luckily you are still the eldest princess of Tianwu, just wait to be beheaded!”

As he spoke, Jiang Cheng personally dragged her out and threw her out.

The huge princess mansion was thoroughly searched. More than a hundred masters and servants were tied into rice dumplings and thrown outside the door.

At a nearby door, someone was lying on the crack of the door, taking a clear look, and then ran back to report the news to his master.

The early morning in late winter is the coldest time of the day, and the old guard dogs huddle in their dens and refuse to come out.

In Xindu, with the faint white fish belly on the horizon, green smoke is rising everywhere in the Yaochi, and the broken arm is very embarrassing. Occasionally, there is blood in one place.

 Obviously, the arrest last night was very intense and dangerous.

The Marquis stood in a courtyard and watched with his own eyes as the soldiers carried out several boxes from the darkroom of a house.

 A box was filled with hibiscus paste the size of square bricks, tightly wrapped in oil paper.

The remaining boxes contained gold, silver, various jewelry, jade ornaments and other items. It was obvious that people who bought hibiscus paste had used their home belongings as collateral if they had no money.

 It can be seen how crazy these people have been for hibiscus cream!

 In the yard outside the house, dozens of tightly tied human-shaped rice dumplings are kneeling side by side.

One of the middle-aged fat men, his eyes rolling around, and his hands behind his back somehow managed to untie the rope.

While the guards were not paying attention, he suddenly jumped up and ran towards the wall.

Unfortunately, as soon as he climbed up the wall, he was cut down with a knife and fell on his back at the base of the wall.

Immediately, a soldier came forward, tied him up again, and simply strangled the wound to prevent him from bleeding to death. Then he called the brother in charge of recording and ordered: "There is another escapee here. Write it down and focus on interrogation!"

Fatty was stabbed in the shoulder and was in so much pain that he was about to be interrogated. He couldn't hold on any longer and began to cry.

“I’m just a cook, I’m not a bad person, woo hoo, I want to make meritorious deeds!”

“Our chief steward also has a hiding place, which is behind the cabinet in the kitchen. I accidentally saw it that day!”

 A soldier immediately picked him up and asked, "Are you a cook? Then what were you running for just now? Are you the boss here?"

“No, it’s not! It hurts, it hurts!” The fat man cherished his life and shouted while avoiding the wound.

"I just wanted to see what was hidden behind the cabinet? Our manager discovered it, and he wanted to kill me." "I was hiding behind the grain bag, and you suddenly broke in."

"If I don't run away and you lock me up with others, our chief manager will definitely find a way to kill me!"

“Woo, I don’t want to die, my mother has been arrested by the boss!

“I also want to find out the reason for the big manager, so I can replace my mother and get out of here as soon as possible!”

The fat man cried with snot and tears, and he didn't look like he was lying.

The Marquis walked up to him, looked at him carefully, and said, "Since you are a thoughtful person and want to get rid of Yaochi's control, you must have discovered something else.

“I’m asking someone to help you treat your injury. Tell me everything you know and see!

"As long as you don't kill anyone and are not the mastermind, I will keep you safe!"

"Really?" The fat man went crazy with joy. He didn't care about his wounds and begged over and over again, "Master Marquis, please be merciful and rescue my mother. Wuwu, my mother is in trouble, and I can't live anymore." !”

The Marquis nodded, "We need to find the place where they hide people first!"

“I know, I know!” The fat man shouted immediately, “A few days ago, they asked me to cook two barrels of sorghum porridge. They said something collapsed and made it difficult to cook, so they asked me to do a temporary job!

“But there is no collapse here in Yaochi. I suspect they used tunnels to deliver the porridge!

“Master Hou just needs to check around here. If any house has collapsed, it should be their secret place to hide people!”

As soon as the Marquis waved his hand, soldiers immediately ran to find Jiang Cheng, and a large-scale search began.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Jiang Cheng sent someone to report that more than thirty people were hiding in a small courtyard. They also found the tunnel entrance, and there were seven or eight watchers who had not had time to escape...

 At this moment, the sky is completely bright.

The Marquis took the list, compared the account books with each other, copied more than 30 names in his own hand, and then handed it over.

 So, a new round of arrests began.

In a certain house in the southern city, the concierge yawned and just opened the side door, complaining to his companions in a low voice.

“This night has been really tiring, and I don’t know what’s going on outside. Fortunately it was dawn, otherwise I would have been so sleepy that I would have bumped into the wall!”

“Me too, I don’t know if there are any white-flour buns in the kitchen this morning. I want to eat two more!” My companion also rubbed his eyes and complained together.

The concierge who spoke earlier sneered, looked around and saw no one, and then said disdainfully: "You still want to eat white flour steamed buns, you are really overthinking it!

“I went to the back yesterday and heard our master and his wife arguing. The wife was so angry that she smashed the tea bowl!

“It seems that the master did something, spent a lot of money, and there was not enough money in the public account, so he forced his wife to pay the dowry!

“I asked, why is our food getting worse and worse? Before, we only had one meat dish a day, but now we can’t see it even once every three to five days!”

 Another concierge said: "Yes, the cabbage and radish I eat every day has made my belt loosen. If you didn't tell me, I really didn't pay attention!"

"However, our wife's natal family is not bad. I usually rely on my in-laws and treat my wife well. Why did I suddenly go crazy this time? Are I not afraid that my wife will go back to her natal family to complain?"

“Then I don’t know!” The companion curled his lips, and when he was about to speak, he saw a group of soldiers galloping towards him in the distance.

The two of them were surprised. They both lay at the door and watched the excitement, thinking that someone had committed some crime.

Unexpectedly, the troops and horses suddenly dismounted as they approached.

 They wanted to ask, but they were kicked to the ground!

  The third update~ Dear treasures, the more words there are, the more details there are. Huahua sometimes misses them. Thank you to the treasures for picking them out for Huahua. Regarding Jiayi and Liu Yang, Chapter 647 has been revised, allowing them to go south with the ship, and the subsequent plot will go smoothly. Huahua must cheer up and try not to have any more bugs! Come on, give us a group hug!

 (End of this chapter)

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