Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 797: Don’t underestimate the Li family!

Chapter 797 Don’t underestimate the Li family!

  When the courtyard was first built, the courtyards of the Li family and the Marquis shared the middle courtyard wall.

However, the Wen family left a five-foot-wide open space in the middle in case there were no more people to live in and they added more houses.

Now the Wen family only has one more baby, Yue Yaer, but the Li family really can’t live in it anymore...

Therefore, Tao Hongying planned to occupy this area and build a row of west-facing huts, which could be divided into at least a dozen rooms, enough to accommodate new people.

 Mrs. Wen treated the Li family like her husband's family. How could she care about such a trivial matter? She agreed immediately.

  Even if Tao Hongying wanted to give her two hundred taels of silver, she refused to accept it.

 After all, the Li family helped build their yard, and the open space was also set aside by the Li family.

 At this point, the matter is settled.

At this time, all the fruits in the mountains have been picked, and the radishes and cabbages in the fields can still last for half a month.

The village chief and Uncle Zhao heard that the Li family was going to build an additional house, so they took the villagers into action quickly.

The villagers of Dawangzhuang, Xiaowangzhuang and Dahuaishu Village heard about it and wanted to send people to help, but the village chief politely refused.

There are still people outside who are eyeing the Li family. If bad guys sneak in, the gains will outweigh the losses.

Not to mention that the Li family has started vigorous infrastructure construction again, but that in the study room in the front yard of the Wang family, Wang Zechen was sitting at the table drinking tea, his brows furrowed like iron knots.

 He picked up the tea bowl several times and put it down again, feeling extremely restless.

Opposite him sat a thin man in gray clothes and a quilted gown. His whole body was like a shadow. Even if the late autumn sun set, he couldn't help but walk around...

Wang Zechen couldn't hold his breath and asked in a low voice: "Second brother, the Wu family's first attack was unsuccessful. When do you think they will make a second attack?"

 Yes, this thin man in gray is none other than Wang Zekun, the second master of the Wang family.

He smiled faintly and said with a cold expression: "Brother, why are you so anxious? Sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight, you can't be impatient."

Wang Zechen dislikes his brother's appearance the most, as if everyone is stupid and only he is superior and in control of everything.

He was impatient to get angry again, and kindly reminded him: "I know you always think that I am clumsy and can't fight against those idiots from the Li family.

“But I still want to remind you that the Li family’s transformation from refugees fleeing famine to becoming a wealthy family is definitely not all due to luck.

“Don’t underestimate the Li family. You think you have a chance to win, only to be tricked by others in the end.”

Wang Zekun still replied in a nonchalant manner, "Don't worry, brother, your example is before me, how could I not be careful?!"

 “You!” Wang Zechen’s head was filled with smoke.

He wanted to say something else, but a senior attendant knocked on the door and hurriedly delivered an official document, "Sir, the official document from the Ministry of Personnel has been delivered to the house."

  Official documents from the Ministry of Personnel?

Wang Zechen and Wang Zekun stopped arguing, with doubts in their eyes.

Wang Zechen has done a good job and can't find any faults. Naturally, it is impossible for him to be suddenly transferred or dismissed from office.

Wang Zekun even asked for sick leave. If he didn’t cancel the leave and use human relations, there would be no new errands...

The two brothers quickly opened the official document. After reading it, Wang Zekun's face turned dark.

Although Wang Zechen also frowned, seeing his brother's appearance, he actually felt happy in his heart, so he said: "The Li family should never be underestimated. You don't believe it. Do you understand this time?

“I’ve forced you from the dark to the bright side with one move. You don’t have to hide anymore. You can go out at will.”

Wang Zekun threw away the official document and spread it out on the table.

There was no need to cancel the leave or use any favors. He had a new official position. He was a doctor under the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry. From now on, he would lead the craftsmen to study new farm tools... His mind quickly started to spin, and he quickly figured it out. He sneered: " I have to say that the Li family is indeed very capable.

“Unexpectedly, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Works were able to move at the same time and pinned me down in a small government office where nothing could be done!

“But why is the eldest brother so happy? I am from the Wang family, and I have made every possible effort to avenge the third child and to support the Wang family!

  "If my plan fails, then there will be no benefit to the eldest brother, the eldest son of the prince, right?"

Wang Zechen was choked and finally closed his mouth.

Wang Zechenkun snorted coldly, poured himself another cup of tea, and said: "The Li family's first move is to dig me out, instead of sending people to kill me, they plan to fight head-on.

"That's fine, because the Wu family and the queen are in front of me, and I still have time to rearrange, but it's just a dark move that becomes an open move!"

Wang Zechen saw that his brother had become his original appearance again, and he couldn't bear to listen any more, so he made an excuse and left.

Wang Zekun was left silent for a long time, and smashed the tea bowl in his hand.

 The transition from darkness to light was not as light as what he just said, and it almost ruined all his subsequent arrangements.

But thinking about a certain helper, he gained a little more confidence...

Three or four days passed in the blink of an eye. At the small construction site east of the Li family, all the young and old men in the village gathered together.

 The weather in early September of the lunar calendar is cold in the mornings and evenings, but still somewhat warm during the day.

Especially when doing work, it gets even hotter.

Therefore, many men took off their jackets and wore only their undershirts, carrying wood and stones back and forth in full swing.

Seeing that the sun was reaching above the head, the village chief waved the pipe and shouted to everyone, "Everyone, take a rest and wash your hands. We will eat soon."

Hearing the sound, everyone quickly gathered up their work, put on their jackets, and gathered together talking and laughing.

 Having grown up, he had already carried hot water and put it into a temporary grass shed.

The village chief greeted several invited masters, washed his hands first, and then sat at the table to drink tea.

After the rest of the villagers also washed their hands, the maids and boys came over with large pottery basins.

 In the earthenware basin are two main dishes: chicken stewed with mushrooms and braised pork stewed with potatoes. The staple food is white flour steamed buns.

The villagers each had a large set of bowls to fill with vegetables and a few white-flour steamed buns, and soon their mouths were full of oil.

There are six dishes and a basin of white rice placed on the wooden table.

The village chief and several masters also started eating!

There was a master who liked to joke and said: "Brother Wu, what we look forward to most is to work for your village.

“If nothing else, we all get along well and don’t find faults, so we have a comfortable job.

“The most important thing is that the food is so good. It’s only been a few days, and my mother-in-law says I’ve gained a lot of weight.”

 The other masters also agreed one after another.

“Yes, Brother Wu, if there is work in the village from now on, we will definitely be called upon. We don’t need wages, just food.”

“After eating our food, when I get home I feel that my wife’s cooking skills are only worthy of feeding pigs.”

The village chief was coaxed into laughing and asked everyone to eat more.

“Haha, you guys can eat more if you like. Speaking of which, I really have plans to ask you to make two more trips to our village in the future.

“The year before last, the young people in our village had five or six children, and now they have another family, and they still have to marry wives!

“But every house is no longer habitable. Next spring, I’m afraid many more houses will be built in the village!”

 (End of this chapter)

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