Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter I. Cave 3. Into the Cave Again

Get ready and head back to the cave. There was something I had a hunch about, so this time I'll take slightly more food and water, and more variety. The goal is to find out where we found the slime last time.

Things in the cave don't seem the same as the last time I came. The last time we reached the point, we proceeded in a bit of a hurry and slowly resumed our exploration from there. Slime is with us, by the way. I shook my body for a moment when I caved in, but then I was relieved that nothing seemed to happen.

Come to think of it, it's not Earth that has a cave because there's enough slime. I guess we should worry about unknown bacteria and immunization, but for some reason I don't care at all. Reason complains of danger, but there is something like certainty at the bottom of your mind.

Moving a little further from the last slime point, this time I saw a lizard and a creature that looked a little bigger - called a pheasant - than a dandruff or a walrus. Is the lizard about twenty centimeters from head to tail tip and the pheasant about ten centimeters? I try to get closer slowly, but I'm not running away. I'm looking over here.

Something happened to the last slime, so I put a little water in the edge of the ground and I'm drinking it closer. When I tore a little of the sausage I brought and put it on the ground, it was a breeze that had been smelling for a while, but eventually we both started eating hard. I'm sure he was hungry because this cave doesn't seem to have anything bait. I can't seem to wait to put it on the ground either, and at the end of the day I started eating straight out of my hands. No, Mr. Slime, I'll give it to you properly, too, so calm down.

Water and sausage on the three with added slime, then bananas and I am happy to eat them. I glanced at the end of the cave as I watched how it was, and I saw the light shining through the gap. I'll leave my obsessed face on the spot for a meal and move on to the light shooter.

The light is shooting in is a small crack in the rock wall. It is about thirty centimeters long up and down, but about five centimeters wide at most. The Slimes must have dived into the cave from here, but it seems impossible for me to leave.

When I glanced at the ground, I saw something like a half-dried mushroom mycelium. When I sprinkle the water on the water bottle, it starts to swell as if I had inhaled the water. Looking closely, the mycelium flows towards the water. A creature like an amoeber, not a mycelium, or, no, a guy called a mucus fungus. Then I put the rest of the sausage and banana by my side, and the mycelium that came by to flow a little bit eventually covered the surface. I guess I'll absorb it over time.

Return to the slimes by leaving the resurrected sticky fungus on the spot. Seemed to have eaten already, and all three of them looked this way and waited. I want to take you back to your room, but in case something happens to me, you should still leave it in this cave. Instead, we'll bring food and water every few days.

"I'm a little sorry to hear that, but will you wait here? I'll bring the food again in a couple of days. I promise."

I'm sure you didn't get my word for it, but the three slimes, after remnantly looking over here, each dived into a gap in the wall. I left the cave feeling a little lonely, listening and delightful.

Next time I come, I'll have to get some bait for the three of us and some fertilizer for the sticky fungus or something.

... What the hell do you eat sticky fungus?

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