Eagle’s Glory

Chapter 72: 72, confession

After storing the notes written by Aegron, Teresa walked back to her desk and looked at the moonlit night outside the window.

The cold moonlight was falling on the ground at this time, and the garden outside the window was so lonely, as if an elves were hiding in it.

Teresa opened the window, then took a deep breath, calming her excitement a little.

In all fairness, the story written by that Highness is a little immature, and of course it cannot be compared with her favorite Byron and Goethe, but he is still young after all, and it is rare to have such talent - Goethe wrote "The Sorrows of Young Werther" Isn't it the same when it's time?

With the talent he shows now, he definitely deserves the evaluation of "the future is promising".

"It would be too much of a pity if such a good story is so unknown and only circulated by two or three people." Teresa suddenly sighed again.

Even he himself, because of fate's tricks, had to sneak here?

What a pity.

For a moment, Teresa saw the smile of a young man flashing outside the window.

She also doesn't know what kind of feelings she has for that Highness, whether it is pity for his unfortunate situation, admiration for his outstanding civility and martial arts, or a mixture of admiration for his handsome appearance?

Maybe both.

No doubt he was troubled and resentful. But it would have been very different if I had been there - Tereza thought to herself with a little chivalry.

If I can help him get out of the mud, help him gain a foothold and even thrive in a country that was once hostile to him, isn't that also writing a legendary story? And he can even exist as the heroine in the story.

She recalled the scene of the two dancing in the splendid palace, until he wrapped his arms around his waist to prevent him from falling, and the two looked at each other.

Teresa blushed slightly, and she would never admit to anyone else that she had made up her mind at that moment.

What a fairy tale ending at that moment, the prince and princess lived happily together.

It's a pity... It seems that someone is bewitching behind the scenes, disturbing the prince's mind, making him hesitate, and ruining the proper ending of the story.

However, that will only be a small twist in the story after all - after all, a story has to have twists and turns to be interesting.

She blinked again, the night was too late, it was time to rest.

Then Teresa closed the window again.


Aigron didn't know how much of a stir his gift would cause in Archduke Karl's family, but he was sure Teresa would be satisfied with it.

The teachers and high-ranking counselors surrounding him were very hard-hearted to persuade him to act in his own interests; and Metternich himself had told him unequivocally that if he did not accept the kindness bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor, He would then prove disloyal and no longer deserve better treatment.

Therefore, in order to reassure the people around him, and in order to temporarily maintain his mobility during this period of time, he could only show his attentiveness to Teresa first.

But he knew that after all, the core interests in his eyes were different from those of the teachers, so he could only pretend to be diligent and perfunctory.

He knew that what he did was extremely unfair to Teresa, and I was sorry for the girl who had always been very friendly to him, but the current situation forced him to do so.

In order to relieve the depression in his heart, he changed his indifferent attitude and actively devoted himself to his own creation. Princess Sophie was also very attentive. Although she couldn't go to the theater from time to time, she always kept close monitoring of the screenplay. .

On this day, they came to the box of the theater together again, watching the rehearsal of the script.

This is also the last rehearsal before the release.

While holding Princess Sophie's hand, Agron seriously admired the performance on the stage. Now Chanel is on stage. Although she is only playing a small supporting role, it can be seen that she is very hardworking and doesn't want to let her at all. The owner was disappointed, so the show was very engaged.

"Aigron, seeing your hard work become a reality, you must have a sense of accomplishment, right?" Princess Sophie asked with a smile.

Now she is very accustomed to the feeling of two people holding hands, and there is no discomfort.

"There is a point." Aegron nodded. "Because of this, I am very grateful to you... Without you, all this would be impossible."

"Don't say that, it's a rare opportunity to be able to spend money on something you like." Princess Sophie smiled very happily, "This is a treasure shared by our sister and brother Meimingen, I'll spend the money to go there. Buy it, it won't hurt at all."

"It's really strange... Originally, I just thought that as long as it was released, it would be my wish, but now I really hope that it will become popular and let more people watch it." Aegron suddenly smiled bitterly, "Humanity probably all Can't get rid of this vanity, it's always difficult to be satisfied."

"No, this is not vanity, but the pride in your heart! You have set a standard for yourself in your heart, and you are afraid that you will not be able to achieve it, which will shake your confidence in yourself." Princess Sophie used the other hand to caress He touched the boy's cheek, "But, Aigron, don't worry... From my point of view, this work is already pretty good, and the actors are working very hard, even if it is not completely popular after the release, it will definitely become a It's a one-time hit, and I'm sure the audience will like it."

Then, she winked one eye playfully, "Don't worry, I hope you can succeed more than anyone else, because then I can get my investment back, right?"

Seeing Princess Sophie's playful smile, Aigron couldn't help but stare blankly.

Her heart seemed to be revived, finding her younger self again.

No, she is also very young now, only in her early twenties... It's just that the girlhood was taken away by the indifferent court.

"I have an even bigger pride." He stared at Princess Sophie and blurted out. "That is, let you find fun."

Looking at the young man's beast-like gaze for a moment, Princess Sophie gave a small exclamation, and then wanted to withdraw her hand to escape, but how could her half-hearted struggle be against the strength of the young man? In the blink of an eye, she fell into Aegron's arms again, and the two kissed again.

Without making any sound, the two just kissed like this. Sophie seemed to have gotten used to the new way of getting along with them, and all the conflicts were just symbolic.

Habits, habits are really scary, no matter how shocking and unbearable things are, once people start to get used to them, it's not surprising that they will eventually become commonplace...

After a long time, the two talents separated again, and Sophie soon returned to normal.

Not even a single complaint, as if nothing had happened just now.

"I heard that Archduke Karl took you out to run?" She turned her eyes back to the stage and asked inadvertently.

"Yeah." Agron nodded. "He took me to the veterans' party."

"He really cares about you." Sophie laughed sarcastically, "Did you put yourself in the role of father-in-law in advance?"

This is indeed the truth, but of course Aegron could not admit it himself, so he had to remain silent.

"Aigron, you must remember what you promised me..." Sophie's tone became a little troubled, "I'm not saying you can never get married, I just want you not to get yourself into a hole so early, stay with me first By my side... I will help you find a more suitable candidate in the future..."

"I remember my promise." Agron nodded, "but I still don't understand, why are you so hostile to Teresa? If you have contact with her, you will understand, she is a very good person ."

"That's why you can ask the question." Sophie turned her head and looked at him with a frown.

How could the young man in front of him understand her true thoughts?

She liked this young man more than it appeared on the surface, so it became more and more difficult for her to accept him leaving her. But she knew in her heart that as the boy grew up, he would eventually get married and have children, and the continuation of the Bonaparte family bloodline was his destiny - so, she wanted to delay it for a while, and then find a family for him in the future. A noble but submissive wife, so that no one will interfere with the future exchanges between the two.

She felt that this kind of thinking was very immoral, how could she be willing to say it? But in any case, this is what she made up her mind to do.

From this point of view, Teresa is absolutely inappropriate. Although the two have never communicated before, she has already seen it from the first conversation. Teresa is by no means a silly girl who can swallow her anger. On the contrary, she is very special. Opinion, so...especially not.

If the nightmare really came true, she would have lost all the fun she had managed to gain.

In addition, all the conditions she has are so suitable for young people, and it brings Sophie even more disgust.

Originally, she thought that everything had ended with His Majesty's trip, but she didn't expect that the girl was still haunted, and she even urged her father to continue to build momentum for the engagement.

However, there is not much she can do to stop it, after all, this is the will of His Majesty the Emperor - and she can command anyone in a bossy manner, but she can't command Archduke Karl anyway.

The thought of this made her a little upset.

In the end, she could only pin her hopes on the young people keeping their promises.

She couldn't say these considerations, and in the end she could only stubbornly insist on her own opinion.

She stretched out her hand and pinched the clothes on the young man's chest, "I have done so much for you, and I will do everything possible to please you. If you have the heart, obey me this time."

"Okay... I promise you." Looking at Sophie's expectant gaze, Aigron finally nodded. Anyway, he really didn't want to stay in Austria and marry Teresa, so it's not a lie." I will never grant the wishes of His Majesty the Emperor and Metternich."

"Since it was you who said it, then I believe you." Sophie nodded her head in delight, and then she took the initiative to kiss the boy's forehead, "If you are willing to resist their arrangement for me, I will never Will make you sacrifice your future in vain, no matter what they do, I will do everything I can to help you... Aegron, I love you."

Joy and fear were intertwined, breaking the boundaries of reason, and Sophie finally said the words that had been lingering in her heart but never said.

Finally got to this point.

The young man smiled, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and responded with the same joy. "I love you too."

What is the price of this sweet moment? When will it end? He didn't know, but he had long known that everything must have an end—

How will you face that day?

He has no time to think about it, at least enjoy the moment.

They stick together again, each other a little confused.

"I'm looking forward to the carnival in the near future." Sophie, leaning on his shoulder, said suddenly, "At that time, we will change our clothes, forget our original identities, and walk around like ordinary citizens... Aigron, then you Just take me, run anywhere, and it's good to let you decide occasionally, so that I will feel pleasantly surprised."

Aegron was a little surprised, but nodded quickly.

"I'm also looking forward to that day."

For a moment, he suddenly thought, what if he escaped, or took Sophie with him?

The idea was so seductive that he was instantly tempted.

But soon, reason poured cold water on passion and let him dismiss the idea.

Although it was a change of clothes, it was definitely impossible for two people to run into the street like this, and the person responsible for guarding and monitoring was still there. Even if he really ran with Sophie, it was absolutely impossible to escape the search.

Moreover, is she really willing to give up all her reputation, status, and bear all the infamy for herself? Even if she wanted to, he couldn't possibly want to.

He owes her too much, so he can only make up for it later, instead of dragging her into the abyss for his momentary delusions.

So, don't have any illusions, silly boy... All costs can be compensated for later success. He said silently in his heart.

However, although he was controlled by reason, Aegron felt incomparable resentment in his heart. The feeling that he couldn't do what he wanted to do really made him feel arrogant and uncomfortable.

Just make up for this resentment with a carnival.

Just have a real carnival at the carnival...

He looked at Sophie, then made up his mind.

Although the two people are so close, there is still one last step that has not been realized. He must reach the end point. Only in this way can he make up for his wish.

So what did Sophie think? No matter how delusional he was in his heart, if Sophie didn't want to, he would never force it.

"Occasionally it's good to let you decide, so that I will feel pleasantly surprised"... He recalled this sentence again.

Enough is enough.


He silently made up his mind.

Before I knew it, the rehearsal came to an end, and Aigron followed Sophie down the stairs, ready to leave.

In the gap, Chanel walked up to him and handed him a small bag.

"Your Highness, this is the money I got from going to the pawnshop to **** the gems for you." Chanel whispered, "I'm going to change my clothes, so I'll give it to you first."

"Okay, you've worked hard, Chanel." Aigron nodded with a smile, encouraging his loyal followers.

Yes, that's what he wants to do.

No matter how warm and lingering, he could not shake his will. Since the plan has already begun, it must be completed.

And what's left is...while the good things are still lingering.

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