Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 64: Yewangchuan

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The smoke and water on the river are full, and the shadow of Chuo Chuo can see the green mountains in the mist, like a delicate ink painting.

"This is like a picture for you ghosts from the mortal world, but for those of us who have lighted the ghost lamp for thousands of years, this is a place of life and death. When the ancient gods fought, the corpses were slaughtered. This Wangchuan water is full." The ghost chaser untied the rope that hung the stern of the boat. "You follow the boat and you will see the Naihe Bridge soon."

Yan Dan quietly looked at the ghosts around him. Everyone looked sluggish. They didn't know the personnel, and they did what the ghost said. Although she was not beaten into the Tao of Samsara, she lost her immortal status. According to the rules of the underworld, it would not be easy for her to leave casually. Could it be that she would spend the night with such a mortal ghost in the Forget River, and then be a human again?

She remembered the mortal world that Ying Yuanjun had told her about. Mortals only have a short life span of a hundred years, but during these hundred years, some people will live comfortably while others suffer. There is no choice in the process, so you can always choose the way, whether you are smiling or crying.

Yan Dan followed those ghosts, slowly wandering down Yewangchuan. Beside it is a ghost boat, with a dilapidated soul-attracting lamp hung on the bow, the light is dizzy and yellow, and it slowly jumps.

If you forget the river for the night, you will forget the past. From now on, the old things have nothing to do with her.

Even though she can cut off love, she can't cut off miss. Unless she completely forgets, she will still remember her first thoughts, those persistent feelings.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, and her body slowly became numb in the cold Wangchuan water, but the mortals around her gradually moved away. She was desperately chasing and unable to catch up-it seemed that she was just closing her eyes. When did the few figures that were drifting away disappear. At the junction of the water and the sky, there was a void, and she was the only one left in the endless Yewangchuan. Yan Dan watched the sun moving from the east to the west water, and finally disappeared slowly. Those shattered sparkling waves swayed and lost their luster.

This world is so quiet that it has always been empty here, except for the small wind, there has been nothing. In this world, it seems that she was the only one in the first place. Those people, familiar faces, those things, laughed or cried, but they were all beautiful, and when they reached out to touch them, they suddenly disappeared completely. .

Those phantoms were shattered inadvertently.

Yan Dan walked slowly in the water, Wangchuan was very deep, but she had always walked without touching. She didn't know how long it would take to cross the Naihe Bridge, there was only a vast river in front of her. Maybe she went wrong, but no one passed by for so long, telling her where she should go.

After a long time, a group of souls finally passed by her, almost in the blink of an eye, those people disappeared, and she was the only one left.

She didn't go wrong, as long as she walked along the Wangchuan water, she could find where she was going.

She is not alone in this world, she walks too slowly, and she will definitely be left behind.

Just wait and wait a while, and others will pass by. She repeatedly told herself that there would be such a day in the end. She could go to another place with others, but it was a little slower.

The sunset in Yewangchuan is beautiful and lonely, like a touch of red on the cheeks of a beauty, but how splendid the sunset is to soak the vast and boundless river water to slightly bright red?

Yan Dan could not remember exactly how many mortals came up from behind him, and finally disappeared. She only heard the ghost sighing when he was rowing away, and she said that she was such an idiot, and she did not want to forget the past.

Are you reluctant to forget it?

Yan Dan's body was so cold that he lost consciousness, and was getting tired, but he couldn't see the shadow of Naihe Bridge.

She thought wearily, how long did she stay in Wangchuan Water? How many years, more than ten years, or decades?

She didn't know that, day after day, the sunset is also gorgeous.

Ghost chauffeurs would still row by, lighting soul lanterns, and sometimes pass by. Each of them sighed and shook their heads at her, and then went away.

But her appearance has not changed a bit, and she doesn't know how long it has been.

The last time, the ghost chaser stopped, sighed and said, do you know how many years you have been walking in Yewangchuan?

Yan Dan shook his head blankly.

The ghost is worse than a gesture.

Has it been 80 years since then?

It's been more than 800 years, and if you continue like this, you will become pieces of ghosts and corpses under the river, you can't reincarnate, you will only be ignorant for a lifetime.

Eight hundred years. In a blink of an eye, there was an instant blooming.

Yan Dan smiled faintly.

She raised her eyes and looked ahead. On the Yanbo River, the setting sun was like blood, like a crack, cutting the world apart forcibly.

The person I saw was sitting at the table, reaching out his hand and groping carefully, slowly carving out the shape of an agarwood, and when he heard her footsteps, he turned his head and mouth slightly with a smile.

Yan Dan did not become a ghost, nor did he lose his soul.

She slowly opened her eyes, and moved her body, which was slightly aching from the wooden bed underneath. This is a very simple room, the table and chair panes are a bit old, glowing with a touch of brown luster.

Yan Dan just sat up when he heard the door creak open. She looked up and saw a man in plain clothes standing at the door. He was holding a bowl of steaming soup in his hand, and his brows were indistinctly trapped in it.

"Are you awake? Then drink this bowl of soup and medicine." The man got closer and raised his hand to pass the medicine bowl over. He has a pair of weak hands with smooth nails, like those specializing in writing.

Yan Dan took the medicine bowl and took a few sips. He felt bitter and frowned. She knows a lot of magic methods used to heal injuries, but she doesn't know anything about the pulse of mortal herbs. What's more, although she didn't have a fairy book, with her body blood, ordinary herbs were useless. It's just that the other party may be his own savior, and he is not as embarrassed to refuse the drug that the other party has worked hard.

When the man saw her frown, he suddenly smiled: "You are still afraid of hardship, but at last you didn't make you reluctant to take medicine like you did before."

Yan Dan gave a thump in her heart, and paused in her hand holding the medicine bowl. There seemed to be something wrong with it, but it was just that she couldn't figure it out right away when something happened suddenly. While the other party turned around, she leaned over and poured most of the remaining bowl of soup medicine into a plate of bluegrass on the bedside table, and then continued to hold the bowl with only some medicine residue left.

The man walked to the table, opened a porcelain jar, poured something into the porcelain bowl, and walked over with him: "After drinking the medicine, take a few more sips of white fungus and lotus seed soup, you won't feel bitter anymore."

Yan Dan looked at the porcelain bowl he was holding in his hand warily. She was shocked. She would not drink the white fungus and lotus seed soup, even if she was killed: "...please give me a glass of water, thank you."

The man smiled, turned around and poured a glass of water, but instead of handing it to her, he approached her lips: "Why are you so polite?"

Yan Dan put the medicine bowl aside, took the tea cup in his hand, took a sip to moisturize his dry throat, and suddenly his whole body froze: What did he just say? Why is Madam so polite... Madam? !

Although she has never been to the mortal world, she still saw it in the book. Madam should mean a wife?

Is it because she remembered it wrong, or the customs of the world have completely changed. Recently, "madam" is like a girl or a young lady, and can be used to refer to a woman who has never met?

But generally speaking, even if the mortal customs change, it will not become so fast. This is about, it's just that she has been immersed in Wangchuan water for too long, and she has an illusion, right? Yan Dan weighed it and felt that it was more likely that he had heard it wrong. He lowered his head in doubt and took two large sips of water. Suddenly, he heard the voice of the other party rise slightly, and then called out: "Madam?"

"...Cough, cough, cough!" Yan Dan choked.

She coughed a few times, barely held her breath, and turned to look at him: "Madam? You call me Madam?"

The man lowered his body slightly, with a look of surprise on his face: "What's wrong with you today? It's a bit weird. If you don't want me to call your wife, then I will change my name to a lady." His appearance was quite born. Sven, but the corner of his eyes was sharply picked, and a faint coldness appeared.

Yan Dan looked at him for a long time and felt that he was not deliberately making a silly joke, so he said seriously: "But I am not your wife. This is the first time I have seen you. It may just be yours. Isn’t my wife born a bit like me?"

The man’s face was never half of his anger, nor did he look at her carefully for identification. He just took the cup in her hand, turned and walked to the table: "Do you want to drink more water?"

Yan Dan shook his head and was about to speak, only to hear a woman's carefree voice from outside: "Mr. Zhao! Are you in the back room, Mr. Zhao?"

The man faintly replied: "I'll come out now." He put down the cup, and paused when he walked to the door, turning his back to Yan Dan and said, "Madam, you are not in good health, so you can cultivate at home."

Yan Danqijie, what the **** is going on with this man, she keeps claiming that she is a wife. She grew up in Tiantinghuaren, and then spent 800 years in Yewangchuan. How could there be an extra husband overnight?

The voice of the woman who vaguely heard Shicai's words came in from the outhouse: "Mr. Zhao, is Madam Zun's illness still not getting better?" I don't know what Mr. Zhao answered, the woman immediately said: "The heavens can see pity, Mr. Zhao Your kindness will be rewarded."

Yan Dan only felt dizzy. This Mr. Zhao looked so gentle and cold, and he was so calm and thoughtful in his dealings with others. It didn't look like he was mad. What the **** does this happen? She only woke up one day and realized that she had left Yewangchuan and came here. What happened in the middle? Here, where is it, is it still in the Netherworld?

Yan Dan hugged his head and thought hard, but was puzzled. Suddenly he heard two soft knocks outside the door, and then the door was pushed open. A thin and unremarkable girl was holding a piece of wood. The pan walked in, with a comb and a bronze mirror hairpin on the wooden pan. The girl walked closer, leaned in to salute, and whispered: "Madam, I'll help you comb your hair."

Yan Dan raised his head, slightly unbearable: "I am not a wife, you have admitted the wrong person."

The girl was taken aback, and then looked at her cautiously: "What are you talking about, Mrs. Zhao will be angry if you hear it." She put the wooden tray on the bedside cabinet, picked up a wooden comb, and stretched out her hand gently. Lightly lifted Yan Dan's hair, and slowly combed it to the end, with a light and delicate gesture.

Yan Dan didn't move, but stared at the image in the bronze mirror.

This bronze mirror is an old thing, slightly worn out, although the face in the photo is not so clear, it is enough. Yan Dan finally understood how Mr. Zhao and this girl would recognize her as someone else.

It’s not because of how similar she and Madam Zhao are, but—

The face reflected in the mirror is no longer Yan Dan's original face.

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