Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 95: Xu Yi is on the stage!

"Next, from "Madu University" to "Huazhong Elf Academy", please take the first battle trainer from both sides to the command seat!"

With the heat-resistant ball in his hand, Xu Yi stepped onto the trainer's seat without any haste.

The battle field is an advanced battle field for trainers, which is much larger than the junior field.

The site is 80 meters long and 40 meters wide. It is paved with hard soil, and scattered rock pillars stand in the middle for both sides to avoid and move.

After each battle, there will be rock elves coming to tidy up the arena. Although it is impossible to restore to the exact same, the difference will not be too much.

As Xu Yi stepped onto the trainer's command seat, the opponent from Huazhong Elf Academy also came to the top of the arena.

The two are more than 80 meters apart, and roughly they can't see each other's expressions, and even the commands they give are completely inaudible. Compared with elves, human hearing is far worse.

"Please prepare both trainers! Please release the elf from both trainers!"

The referee's meticulous and loud voice covered the audience.

Two poke **** enter the arena at the same time.

The high-speed rotating heat-resistant ball burst into the air while being thrown to the highest point.

In the center of the sphere that was divided into two halves, a group of bright white flashes of uncertain shape jumped out.

The white light wrapped in the increasingly huge fuzzy figure, and rushed straight to the sky above the arena-the heat-resistant ball, the white light condensed in the air-thrown out from the elf ball, and within 0.5 seconds of opening, Huazhong's side What the trainer of can be sure is that this elf is a flying fire system.

The heat-resistant ball instantly closed into a whole after the flash was thrown out, and then flew backwards toward the starting point according to the original flight trajectory.


The heat-resistant ball steadily landed on the palm of Xu Yi's raised right hand, making a crisp sound.


The white light shrouded in the body turned into debris, and the firebird, who had broken free of its restraints, raised its slender neck slightly, and issued a high-pitched, long crowing from the sharp beak.

As if reacting to this cry, the noisy arena suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's heart could not help but a trace of pressure surged.

The reason for this unreasonable pressure seems to be the surprise caused by seeing the firebird, and it also seems to be the instinctive fear of the creature's instinctive fear of the scorching sun-like figure in mid-air.

In contrast, the appearance of the dull hippopotamus released by the player from Huazhong Elf Academy seemed insignificant.

Although the opponent would be the fire elves as previously guessed, the original opponents were Pan Jiansheng and the fire-breathing dragon. Why did they become this firebird?

This firebird...

The Huazhong Academy players swallowed.

This exaggerated body shape, this terrifying aura, this staring look in the world.

He doesn't have any confidence to beat his opponent. If it is Pan Jiansheng and the fire-breathing dragon, then this trainer will still have the idea of ​​letting go, but when he faces this firebird that he has never seen before, he would rather give up .

After more than 100,000 spectators were quiet for a few seconds, countless wonders and doubts burst out instantly.

They marveled at the nobility and majesty of this firebird, but also wondered at its kind and name.

"It's a brand new elf! Fire bird elf!"

"It's been more than 3 years since the last fairy'Little Meteorite' was discovered. I saw another one today."

"I'm afraid this one is not simple, it is full of momentum."

Logically speaking, such a huge and beautiful appearance, as long as it has appeared in the sight of humans, it is unreasonable to be forgotten there.

The only possibility is that it has never appeared in history!

Therefore, it is not surprising that the audience burst into such violent discussions. Even most of the leaders on the scene and the king of heaven did not know that there was such an elf.

Xu Yi's current reputation is still too small. He is only famous among the freshmen of Magic City University, and even the seniors and the seniors don't even know him, let alone the bigwigs.

However, the Flaming Bird made its debut in front of these 100,000 audiences. From now on, Xu Yi's reputation will be the same among college students across the country.

The referee is the calmest person on the court.

In order to ensure the fairness of the game, the referee will check the elf of each player in advance.

At the same time, he also needs to confirm on the arena that the elf released by this player is the registered one.

Otherwise, if you register this one and release another one, or simply borrow someone else’s elves to fight, it’s all messed up.

"The trainer elves of both sides have confirmed, and fight..."

He raised the red and blue pennant in his hand, and then shouted: "Start!!"

The referee's voice reminded the players of Huazhong College: ‘What if the opponent is an embroidered pillow? No matter what, let's call it first! ’

Thinking about this, he immediately gave an instruction: "Stay hippo, use water jet!"

When the voice fell, the dull hippopotamus standing in front of him blankly opened its mouth, and the water column with thick thighs continuously rotated towards the flame bird in the air.

On the other side, Xu Yi naturally did not froze. After the referee's flag fell, he also gave an instruction to the flame bird at the same time: "Strong storm."

The water column rushed straight towards the flame bird, the giant bird's wings in the sky intercepted in front of him, and then suddenly opened!


The extremely powerful hurricane gushes from its flame-stained wings and turns into a terrifying storm.

The moment the water flow touched the hurricane, it shattered into raindrops in the sky, followed by the dull hippopotamus, which was unable to dodge or defend, and was directly thrown out of the field with the fierce storm.

When the Dazed Hippo landed on the ground less than 20 meters away from the auditorium, it had already lost its fighting ability.

[Win the battle, combat points +42]

The referee who had already guessed in his mind calmly raised the blue banner belonging to Xu Yi's side: "Stay hippo can't fight, this round will be won by the blue side."

Therefore, it's as simple as that of the flame bird.

This is the case with the dull hippopotamus, and the same is true with the people who follow.

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