
Chapter 12. The West End

Because of the fire that Carney had caused, the spider web that was tying the other women together was melting.

When Arachne's program was terminated, the women who were intoxicated came to their senses, groaning little by little.

“This is...? ”

“Huh! Spiders, what about spiders? ”

“Was it a dream?”

The women were still dreamy because they were losing their minds for too long.

Some were still terrified of spiders.

Judas, who picks up the treasure box, approaches them and asks for their condition.

“Self, focus. Can you hear me? ”

“ ……? ”

The gaze was unified.

Judas identified the focus with one eye.

They were puzzled faces, but fortunately, they were all looking at themselves without a big anomaly.

“My name is Judas. You may be surprised by the sudden situation, but I'm here to help you. We'll slow down for more details later. Let's get out of this box first. ”



“Are we... escaping from here? ”

The faces of the women became clear.

Judas opens the Treasure Chest, leaving them in front of the crowd with a lively gaze.


When the box was opened, the same white door was created as when the box entered the air.

Judas and Edan were sent out of the door from the women who were once trapped.

Then it was Chalna who was going out the last time.

"Igrett! The Indian of the Wind" that I left with a child called Cole earlier. Something must have happened outside.

At the same time as Uni's cry, a green wind draws a circle underneath Judas' feet.

Judas looks straight at Edan without panicking.

“I was in a hurry, but I guess we're a little late. ”

“The words are true. ”

Edan guessed the situation outside and nodded heavily.

“I'll see you outside. ”

Finally, Judas was immediately led out of the box by the power of the Spirit.

Outside, the women who got out of the box first hesitated to sit on the floor, looking exhausted.

For a short month to a year, the longest trapped person has not had outside air for more than three years.

It was a special space separated by magical power. It did not interfere with life activities without eating and drinking, but it was empty because it had no strength in the whole body.

Most complained of dizziness due to long periods of boxed side effects, and some women were unable to tolerate it and drowned.

Unfortunately, there was no one to take care of them.

Carla trembles as she supports Miriel, who has fallen into dizziness.

Blame it!

Cole bows his head and says to Judas, who is surrounded by the wind.

“I'm sorry. If I thought you were coming out right away, I'd wait a little longer. I think it would be dangerous if I delayed more..... ”

“Yes, I see it. Good judgment, Master. ”

Judas glances around and laughs.

In his compliments, Cole laughed in vain.


Then I heard a loud explosion outside.

The atmosphere that was peaceful immediately subsided.

Judas turns his head and glances at the side of the explosion.

Cole still blinks and releases the box he was activating, crawling into his arms.

Judas walks out to the entrance of the barn with Cole and Edan.


Sage called him in a happy voice.

It was a pity that I didn't feel like meeting you again in just 30 minutes.

Twelve relatives, including Baikal, were confronted with soldiers carrying spears outside the barn.

With the staff out, Baikal, who was magically defending his allies, turns around with a sigh of relief.

“You're late, Lord. ”

“Well, I'm sorry. ”

Edan raises his forehead as he looks at his superior, who apologizes gently for his subordinate's reproach.

I couldn't decide where to put the main relationship first.

As they behaved, an empty voice was heard.

“It was you, too. I knew it would happen to me. ”

Earl Raven stood behind the soldiers with spears.

Above his head I saw a deep dawn sky that had not yet gone dark.

However, apart from the dark sky, the barn was lit brightly.

The torch that was struck from all directions will cross like the tongue of a snake.

Earl Raven stares at Judas with cold eyes.

“Yeah, I've been wanting something back from the start. Just in case you want to hang an intruder surveillance system in the box. Good job. ”

“Huh. You're the one who's frozen. I hope it doesn't have to be front-to-back or back-to-back. ”

Baikal answered with a choppy ear.

At that time, the Earl hardened his impression, and sympathy erupted like cheer among the spirits who stood by Judas without materializing.

"That's right! It sucks.

"Hehe! You're so open-minded.

This is a rare human being. It's hard to cope like that.

…… It's bad to be nearby.

Even by the standards of the Spirit, Count Raven's soul was very cruel.

I would have been ashamed if I had listened to their audacity, but fortunately only Judas could hear the spirits.

Because of this, Judas awkwardly touches his shoulder as he calms down the funky uni.

“Even his men are arrogant. Now that this has happened, you can tell me exactly what is right without hiding it anymore. Whose order did you take and move? ”

Earl Raven asks Judas without resorting to provocation.

Judas merely looked down at him and did not answer.

It was Judas who was in charge of all this.

I wasn't ordered to, so I didn't have anything to say.

Earl Raven, who was unaware of the fact, twitched his eyebrows when he saw Judas with his mouth firmly shut.

“Hmm, you're being relentless. I don't care if you don't answer. ”

The Count pretends to raise his right hand.

The archers who came to signal this surrounded the barn round.

And I pointed the demonstration at the bow together.

“...... The dead have no words. ”

I'll keep you as quiet as I want, and the Count smiles low.

Judas remained tenacious, even in the instant of shooting a bow on all sides.

He handed over the coat that he had taken away from Edan and opened his mouth nonstop.

“Excess tax collected than the appropriation prescribed by law, land and goods taken from the inhabitants by falsifying the facts, and when I reported it to the top, I submitted a petition because I lacked funds to work for the poor people... ”


“They brutally slaughtered those who were not sinners, and imprisoned them in prison or branded them as maidens and enslaved them. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“The woman I like has been imprisoned for kidnapping. Among them was a woman of noble origin. ”

“Well, what? How can you --”

He was embarrassed by the sin of scouring, and even his lips trembled as he looked up at the women and collars of the six men who came out of the barn.

“That bitch...! ”

In a suspenseful stance, Carla is stunned by the fire and clings to her teeth.

“Embezzlement. Abduction and injury to nobility. In addition, the stigmatization and excessive punishment of criminals, even against civilians, is contrary to national law. Is any of this wrong? ”

“What? You rascal! I guess you haven't gotten a good look at the situation yet. ”

Earl gazes at his right hand, which he holds with a snort.

“What if it's against national law? Behold, I am like a king in this land. ”

“ ……. ”

“I treated you so nobly and you came back. Where did your father teach you so much? Heh heh, I don't see it anywhere. You ungrateful bastard. ”

Edan clenches the handle as he kicks his tongue.

However, Judas, the original party, was looking at the Earl unshakeably.

Earl Raven lowered his right hand and signaled, laughing at his stupid appearance.


Dozens of arrows flew simultaneously from all sides, pre-loaded and waiting for orders only.

Now that the group of the ungrateful boy thought he was going to fall into a hive, the white man turned around and couldn't take off his three steps and had to stop.

Why can't you hear anything? ’

I had to hear the blunt sound of arrows falling out of the barn because I couldn't scream or get hit by a bow.

But it was too quiet for the bow to leave the protest.

There was anxiety in the Count's head.

He turned around behind him.

An expensive black damsel fur coat ran along with his rough movements.

“What the..... ”

The archers who shot the bow were rubbing their eyes to see if my eyes were wrong.

There was no wizard or starter.

Just as it was blocked by an invisible wall, so dozens of arrows flew in the air and stopped.

Earl felt the creeps on his back.


I looked closely and saw that the green wind covered all the arrows.

It was the power of the uni sitting on Judas's shoulders, shining in a light.

“Spirit?! ”

Soldiers fluttered with someone's alarming cry.

It wasn't just a spirit.

The power to stop flying arrows was a task that required quite sophisticated controls.

But it stopped the arrows that were blowing simultaneously from all sides at once.

‘At least the power of the best wind……. ’

The Earl flinches his fingertips cold.

Before I even thought about it, I noticed spirits who began to materialize one by one beside Judas.

A little girl shining green, a girl with red jewels on her forehead, and a boy sparkling yellow and a blue wolf scattered with foam appeared one after the other.

One of them, a yellowish boy, nods lively! It was the moment to do it.


All the soldiers who were besieging the barn fell on their knees together.

“What the hell!”


“It's heavy...! ”

When I heard the scream, I thought that it was not an intentional act.

As Earl thought, the soldiers were all under heavy gravity by Tony's power.

Among the soldiers who fell on the ground, missing weapons such as spears, swords and bows, the Count stood alone on both legs.

When all the soldiers who would respond to his orders were kneeling on the ground, I felt the pressure of gravity.

The Earl stares at Judas, who is staring at himself with a white tiredness.

‘What's going on? ’

“What a pity. ”

Judas slowly approached him.

One step at a time, I heard the sound of a thump approaching my ears.

The Earl retreated behind the dance, sweating.

“You, you, what the hell are you doing! ”

“…… Are you still curious about that? ”

Judas, who stopped five steps from the Count, took off his hat and hung it on one arm.


Common brown hair was covered in virgin silver.

Judas, who looked down at the Earl with a glimmer of gold, took out the jade rod from his arms.

The Earl looked at him with a close eye.

It looked like a stick, but it was too small to figure out what it was.

At that moment, the tiny rod suddenly lengthened and changed to the shape of a gonbong.

Judas, holding the baton in one hand, pretends to point it at the Count.

“Is this enough to punish your sins? ”

As the cold wand touched the tip of the jaw, the Earl examined it with less trembling eyes.

Recognizing the body of a wand carved into a white prison and the yellow dragon clearly engraved on it, Count Raven ceased to have strength on his legs.

If it was a nobleman of the Lubarzan Empire, it could not be seen.

‘Huang Dragon Chain......! ’

The Huang Dragon that symbolizes the monarch and the name that means destroy it, the Huang Dragon Chain.

It is the monarch himself who can destroy the monarch.

The emperor's seal for generations to come was the Yellow Dragon Chain.

Even though Tony's power did not apply to the Count, his knees fell to the ground.

Earl Raven stares up at Judas in a daze.

“Huang…… Your Highness. ”

Everyone who was there tightened their heads to the owner of the Yellow Dragon Chain.


* * Ballerina Top by Boutique

So far today...!

Next vase, chapter 13. A 'reversal' will begin.

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