
Chapter 6. Reunion

Abel Turque's disposition was decided two days later.

The result is a parasitic take.

For Abel, who was no longer in a position to attend school without a special scholarship, it was in fact a result of his expulsion.

At the end of all of Lubach's classes, the student manager Samuel came to Judas' lodge with his hand Abel.

Judas' residence was a kind of dormitory in Lubach.

From nobility to emperor to student, however, there was no way that Lubach could provide the same level of boarding as a talent training school for ordinary people.

The dormitory was a basic one-person room, was guarded by security and magic tools, and constituted a comfortable environment with the latest magic appliances.

Well-educated fine maids are in charge of cleanliness and the cafeteria from the first floor to the second floor of the building was designed with open tables and soundproofed rooms as well.

Lubach's dormitories were four in each defence, among which Judas' eastern dormitories were the largest and most luxurious.

They met at the cafeteria's room table on the ground floor, not in the accommodation space.

Speaking of 'Lieutenant Abel Turque's punishment,' and what is to be handled in the future, Samuel left the office again as soon as Judas' request for delivery was complete.

In the only place left, Judas looks at Abel without opening his mouth first.

“ ……. ”

Abel secured a dry gray pupil to a bagel placed on the table. He was now fully aware of what he had done.

‘It's over. All of them.’

I can't even turn away anymore. The result of escaping reality was a spiritual runaway.

Abelle stretches her shoulders without strength, recalling her spirit that she had never seen before because she could not sign a contract.

A commander has appeared in every country, including the Empire, who has been designated a taboo.

The commander made his home as an offering. As if it were raining and flooding, everything was swept away. Clean it up.

I was surprised at first, then denied. He turns away and says he can't. Within minutes, hot anger takes over his heart.

Why me? ’

I fell alone at a banquet that everyone laughed and enjoyed.

Misfortune struck him in front of his eyes like a falling stone. When he regained consciousness, the surrounding area became a wasteland.

He instinctively noticed that the Spirit he called was acting in response to the suffering he was experiencing.

Though it was a moment, the thought of the Spirit filled his head more than the fact that he had lost his place to go back to.

Thank you very much.

And I was sorry.

Abel, who had empathy and fled to the Spirit solely for that one, felt gratitude and guilt at the same time.

Eventually, he failed to sign the contract, but it was enough that someone recognized his anger and expressed it instead.

I didn't even feel revenge for the commander who destroyed his hometown. He was humble and powerless to do so.

Revenge, it was also a resolution that the powerful could hold.

Abel realized his subject and bowed his head in front of Chadic reality.

‘It's just me, I can't salvage..... ’

He finally gave up. I didn't care what happened now. Whether you keep going to Lubach or not, there's nothing you can do about it.

“…… Sorry, I have to go. ”

So I apologized.

1I didn't know why the prince called himself. But I also thought that he would blame himself.

Abel was used to hillbooks and accusations anyway. There was no difference between those who heard more insults here.

I came to the bottom of the bottom. I could not see the floor going down any more, since it was the worst I had ever imagined.

When I put everything down, my heart became calm. It was a courage I had never experienced before, always restless and anxious.

Abel bows his head again.

“I'm sorry, I..... ”

When the reason for the tremor disappeared, I was able to speak more naturally. Abel gives another helpless apology.

“…… I was wrong. ”

“What kind of emotion is that? ”

“ ……? ”

It was a question I had never heard of. Abel looks at his toes with his head bent and dumb. There was a lot of dirt in the barrel of the turbulence and I saw dirty student shoes.

“I asked about your heart. Can you tell me how Abel Turke feels right now in front of me? ”

Normally, I asked him what he was sorry about with his head down. Laughter or violence returned if the answer did not meet their criteria.

No one ever asked how he felt or how he felt.

“ ……. ”

There was silence in the room for a while. Judas did not repeat the question anymore. I just waited for Abel to open his mouth again.

With that warm consideration, Abel chews up the identity of the heart that he thought was calm.

What should I say? Comfortable? Or is it harassment?

Neither did I. The expressions of pole and pole went around my head dizzily.

Then Abel spit out one thing impulsively.

“S, I'm sad. ”

“Sad? ”

Judas nods calmly and repeats what he says. It was a sign that you were listening well to me. Abel, who had the courage to do so, opened his mouth.

“…… Don't tell me you're sad, I'm afraid I'll laugh. ”

“ ……. ”

“No, I'm afraid I'll laugh at you. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't cry, and I just thought I'd smile. That's why. ”

The words that flowed out without hesitation returned to my ears. Abel clenches his fist, which he stretches helplessly.

“So……. ”

I couldn't say I was sad. But now I can't hide it.

‘That's it. Actually, I'm scarier and sadder than anyone else. I just can't talk. ’

The linguistically unintelligible memory rises to the throat and then sinks again.


Instead, tears stained over his fist.

‘...... coward. ’

Abel cries as he looks back at himself. I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself for not dreaming of revenge and hope. I tried to give up just because I had endured so hard so far.

Later, he realized that he had fled from himself. Admitting it was so simple, why couldn't I?

Abel grips his fist and cries like a child.

Around the end of the storm, Judas, who was still watching, called out to him.


Abel raises his head, brushing his shoulders, as if he were calling his brother. After crying, useless misunderstandings disappeared and I could barely face my eyes.

“Do I have any intention of learning spirituality? ”

“…… Yes? ”

He broke his neck and heard fifty voices, but Judas again gave him a choice.

“Abel, you have enough talent. Uncontracted spirits want to help you on their own, so they're hanging around you. I want to give you a chance to blossom my talents. ”

“I, the Spirit...... am still by my side. ”

“Yes, it's solely up to you to decide how to use that power. I just want you to go on a path that does not betray the faith of the Spirit who chose you. Why, Abel, will you meet your spirit? ”

“ ……! ”

There was one path left where I thought it was over. Being an spiritist and meeting your own spirits was also his long dream apart from home.

Abel was eager to hold the rope in front of his eyes, but Chimi couldn't help but wonder.

“…… why did you, to me? ”

No one does good without purpose. At least Abel looked at the world.

Judas slowly rises from his place, facing a shaken gray pupil.

“I had a kid who looked like you in the past. ”

In a way, it was the seed that he sowed. Abel was the victim, and so was Igreth, the blasphemer. It wasn't just because of the silk responsibility, but Judas spoke in a sorry face.

“It was a child who was wounded by my infidelity. Again, the child has left many wounded, including you. I'm sorry. It was rooted in my past, so I must have reaped it right. ”

The golden eye of the prince, who was telling an unknown story, killed his breath and looked straight at Abel who listened.

“I don't want to regret it again. Yes, I think it's a personal greed. ”

“ ……. ”

He couldn't refuse even if the offer was just a sweet-looking rat trap with honey.

Abel knelt before the First Prince.

“You, reap. You can use it with greed, and you will use it as a manure for what you are trying to do. ”

He held onto the last rope of my life.

“I will obey you, Your Majesty. ”

* * *

The next day Judas took the summons from the imperial court without further delay and went to the diocese.

The imperial stamped subpoena was recognized to that effect at once. He was able to obtain an exit certificate immediately after taking legitimate verification steps.

Abel also went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together and submitted a letter of resignation. It took me some time to process my resignation from Lubach.

After all, Abel, who had lost all of his talent and honour to remain in school, left without being foolish and followed Judas' back to the on-campus lawn park.

The short-grass grass, which grew dark green with spring ripeness, spread widely over the fountain.

There was a bench or smooth marble on which the students could rest. Judas turned to widespread marble instead of a bench.

Abel followed the well behind him, and the students who had been waiting in advance got up and welcomed them.

Originally, it was Cristina, Baikal, and Marzen who were in charge of Judas and Edan.

They were gathered in advance about Judas' Imperial Palace.

That way, a total of six people gathered in one sitting.

“...... You're going to the Imperial Palace? ”

Baikal broke his luck first.

“Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow. ”

“Yes?! Tomorrow now? ”

“Haha, not unexpected, but it's a little sudden. ”

Marzen takes off her uniform jacket with a chuckle. Sunny lawns were now temperate enough to hang their cloaks. Marzen with his jacket folded across his arm stares at Judas and opens his mouth again.

“Certainly now is the time for you to call. No, it's actually a little late. ”

Rumors of the White Emperor, of course, spread throughout the Empire in the eyes and ears of the noble undergraduate brothers who attended the festival.

It was almost a miracle, so the common man did not know, but there was no one who knew the rumors, from children to the elderly.

‘I was finally called by the Emperor. ’

The rumors eventually attracted the emperor's attention. Marzen's sentient eyes narrowed.

‘It means that the Empty Crown Prince will have a master. ’

It was not yet possible to determine whether it would be a first emperor or another competent emperor to sit with stitches.

But Marzen felt an expectation instead of anxiety. He believed in his feelings, and his feelings for the First Prince were very clear.

Marzen realizes that it's time for him to move.

“So while you were away, we..... ”

However, before his words ended, Edan, Cristina and Baikal opened their mouths with the expression that they were taken for granted.

“I'll accompany you.”

The three people who expressed their willingness to accompany the prince as if they were salty, kept their mouths shut side by side this time.

They said to each other, "What's wrong with you? ’Marzen was also embarrassed to see them sending their eyes.

‘…… What is it, these people. You're gonna drop out of class and follow me? ’

No matter how much permission and absence I received, I was disadvantaged if I dropped out of class.

It was flawed that he was underrated in a valuation-sensitive noble society.

This could have been even more deadly, especially for Cristina, who has been so thoroughly involved in sexual management.

Even if it wasn't for her, Baikal, who studied at night and held the top of the stone car, also needed more detailed grading as this was her first semester as a newcomer.

Judas, who knew about it, gently shook his hand.


* * Ballerina Top by Boutique

We hope that you will be able to come to the exam with a comfortable body and mind.

I hope you can finish the day with a smile regardless of the outcome.

First of all, as a senior who's been down that road, I want to knock you on the shoulder. In the meantime, you've really endured it.

And I hope that your readers, not the examiners, have a comfortable and happy day!

I'll see you tomorrow at this hour.

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