Eighth Crown

Chapter 526: The true face hidden under that appearance

So far, the situation that Liu Xia can't see the future through the future has only happened twice, and both of them have something to do with this SE.RA.PH, no one believes it is a coincidence.

Lucia got a lot of information about this SE.RA.PH from Meltrilith, not only the present, but also the future.

In view of this, in fact, after knowing that it is impossible for him to see into Marble's heart and future no matter what, he has already guessed about the true identity of the other party.

And after telling Meltrilith about this situation, she naturally got the same answer as Liuxia.

"That woman...!"

Meltrilith reacted almost instantly, her face darkened, and a vague anger appeared in her eyes.

"keep cool."

Liu Xia glanced at her, "I'm telling you about this because I hope you will be vigilant against her and don't follow her way, instead of making you furious and running to the other side to give her head."

"……I know."

Meltrilith took a deep breath and calmed down her turbulent emotions, "You didn't tell anyone about this, did you?"


Liu Xia shook her head, "Eigong will not talk about it for the time being, but Fujimaru Rika can't hide her thoughts. Once she knows that Marble is suspicious, she will definitely reveal her secrets in front of her."

Although Fujimaru Rika is a bit of a miser, she is essentially a good-natured person who is willing to trust anyone. She is not good at lying, nor is she good at concealing, especially in front of that woman, even if she just shows the slightest unnatural expression, it is very likely perceived by the opponent.

Telling her the truth at this time would only hurt her.

What they should do now is to act in the dark as much as possible, weaken the opponent's strength and advantages, and do everything possible to steer the situation to their favor.

"That's good."

Meltrilith nodded, and then she felt relieved, "When the time comes, it will be difficult to know what you should know. As for that Emiya, hmph, let him die!"

Although she had already let go of what happened in the Holy Grail War of the Moon, she still held grudges against Emiya, and both inside and outside of her words revealed that she wanted him to die.

After a secret meeting, the two did not talk much and returned to the church.

"Sorry, the amount of ingredients is not much, and it's not easy to last for ten days, so I didn't make your portion."

There were only two bowls and chopsticks on the dining table, and Fujimaru Tachika and Marble had already sat on them and were feasting. Obviously, they did not prepare for Lucia and Meltrilith.

"Her needs are paramount."

Liu Xia didn't have any objections, and Meltrilith's face was as usual, and she didn't even look at Marble, as if the angry look just wasn't what appeared on her face at all.


Fujimaru Rika smiled apologetically to the two of them, the corners of her mouth were still stained with oil stains, Emiya's cooking seemed to be really good, and she didn't even have the leeway to care about her image.

"Nothing, none of us have that need."

Liu Xia shook his head indifferently, "Go and rest after eating, I'll find a way about the sakura coin, it just so happens that I won't be able to rest for long."

"Really? Thank you so much, Lucia-chan!"

The orange-haired girl suddenly cast a grateful glance at Liu Xia, while kneading the pair of calves wrapped under the black pantyhose, a look of pain appeared on her face.

The ghost knows how sore her legs are after running back and forth so many times in one day. Although it is not that she has not traveled farther before, but her physique is there, it will still be very tired if she is tired.

Although Liu Xia is teaching her how to breathe, after all, it has only been a month. Although she has improved, she has not yet learned it, let alone reached the state of [Comprehensive Concentration · Changzhong] where she will not get tired even if she exercises for a whole day. .

"That...even though it's just my guess, is it possible that this Alterego will rest in the church just like us?"

Marble looked at Meltrilith cautiously, and couldn't help asking.

There was a look of fear and rejection in her eyes, obviously not wanting to stay under the same roof with Meltrilith.

"Well, you're right, I do rest in the empty room at the back of the church."

Meltrilith faced each other with a pleasant chuckle on her face, "It stands to reason that I lived here before you, and there is no reason for me to go out to live in reverse, right? If you If you don't like it, you can sleep on the bench outside."

If she doesn't know the true identity of the other party, it's okay to let her rest outside the church at night. She doesn't care about this trivial matter, but when she knows the true face of the other party, she will never let Fujimaru Rika Under the same roof as her.

As long as it doesn't involve what she really cares about, she will only be that cold and trembling appearance, but when it comes to her inner scale, she will show an extremely terrifying will.

Liu Xia, who had read her heart and knew her past, had a right to speak about it, and also deeply knew her surging and fiery feelings that were hidden beneath the calm surface.

This is a woman who is somewhat similar to Esdes, but different.

However, although she already knew the true identity of the other party, Meltrilith still did not make any outrageous actions, did not take the initiative to provoke her, and did not release hostility to her, as if she had forgotten about this matter. It's just that his character speaks out, obviously he has enough calmness.


Marble lowered his head, and let out a low whimper, a little shivering.

"It's alright, Lilith is very talkative, you don't have to be afraid."

Fujimaru Rika turned her head and comforted Marble, standing in her position. Of course, she also hoped that Meltrilith would rest in the church with them. After all, there are beds here, so they won't sleep outside. Cold bench.

After being said that, it's not easy for Marble to make any excessive demands, not to mention that she has to rely on their breath to survive. With her apparent status as an ordinary employee, it is not easy to refute in front of the Chaldean envoy. what.

After dinner.

Fujimaru Rika, Marble, and Meltrilith all went to the empty room behind the church to rest.

After lying in the church for two or three hours, Liuxia rested properly, got up and left the church, and went to the area of ​​​​the chest and flank.

"Sure enough, it has been refreshed."

The hostile programs in the two areas have all been refreshed. From the periphery to the core, the strength of the hostile programs is still from weak to strong, without the slightest change.

Liu Xia spent about an hour cleaning up all the hostile programs in the two areas, and got a total of about 30,000 cherry blossom coins, and then returned to the church before the early morning.

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