Banjila's sharp teeth bit down, and with a click, Jiang Chen felt pain from biting the land shark.

And this was not the end of it, after using the bite, Banjira swung his fist and struck the head of the fierce bite land shark.

The Super Bite Land Shark was almost knocked unconscious, and then Super Bangira grabbed the Fierce Bite Land Shark and jumped up, and threw the Earth Bite Land Shark down.

Then use Mount Tai to press the top, directly making the fierce bite land shark lose the ability to fight~ .

"Fooled. "

At this time, Xiao Luoxue also knew that the flaw just now was deliberately sold by Jiang Chen's Bangira.

deliberately gave her a flaw, her fierce bite land shark was really fooled, or too young.

If you are cautious, you won't lose your ability to fight so quickly, and you can still consume Bangira and create opportunities for other Pokémon.

"Go, Storm Salamander. "

After releasing the Storm Salamander, Xiao Luoxue directly made the Storm Salamander super evolve.

"The super evolved Storm Salamander, it should be no problem to defeat Bangira, and it took a lot of effort for Bangira to defeat the Fierce Biting Land Shark just now. "

Xiao Luoxue felt that her Storm Salamander had a good chance of defeating Bangira.

As long as Jiang Chen's two Pokémon can be defeated, it is enough, and Xiao Luoxue is not greedy.

"Super Storm Salamander, using dragon claws. "

The flying salamander was fast, and in a whirl in the air, it swooped down on Bangira on the ground, and the dragon's claws struck Bangira on the back.

Under attack, Banjira was staggered and almost unstable.

"Relying on the advantage of speed, it is right to get tangled with Super Bangira. "

Xiao Luoxue saw that there was an effect, and immediately felt that she had done it correctly, and the reason why the fierce bite land shark was unsuccessful before was because the strength of the fierce bite land shark was a little worse.

The Super Storm Salamander is very agile and difficult to hit in the air, and Banjira's previous continuous use of Destruction Death Light consumes itself a lot, and now there is no way to play like this.

"Now you can't do anything about my Pokémon, right?" Xiao Luoxue showed a provocative expression towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

It's true that Banjira has a hard time hitting the super fierce bite land shark, but what if Jiang Chen helps?

Don't forget, Jiang Chen is a waveguide ability, he has the ability to waveguide, and he also has superpowers, which can accurately calculate the direction and route of the super salamander's flight.

Originally, Jiang Chen didn't plan to use it, but since Xiao Luoxue was so arrogant, Jiang Chen felt that he also had to give her a little color to take a look.

Bangira's eyes lit up, and he suddenly used all his strength towards the Super Storm Salamander to destroy the Death Light.

At the beginning, when Bangira released the Destruction Death Light, the Super Storm Salamander was not in that direction, and when Super Bangira released the Destruction Death Light, Xiao Luoxue's Storm Salamander happened to collide.

It looked as if the salamander had deliberately collided with the destructive death light released by Jiang Chen's banjira.

went all out to destroy the dead light, and the super storm salamander had no defenses at all, so the super storm salamander was directly bombarded down with one move.

"Oh my God, Jiang Chen's Banjira actually predicted the trajectory of the salamander's flight and successfully hit the salamander. "

The narrators were shocked.

Including the audience who watched, they were shocked, this Bangira is so powerful, so it can be predicted.

"You did it, right? Use superpowers. "

Xiao Luoxue's expression was stunned for a moment, and then she thought that this must have been Jiang Chen's order to Banjira to successfully hit the Storm Salamander.

Although Jiang Chen did not speak out to command, Xiao Luoxue knew that Jiang Chen had the power of a waveguide and could communicate directly with Pokémon without speaking at all.

I knew that I wouldn't pretend to be in front of Jiang Chen, but I was directly sanctioned.

"Storm salamander, are you alright?" Xiao Luoxue asked the storm salamander.

Shot down defenselessly from a high altitude, the salamander's injuries were definitely not light.

Shook its head a little, and then the Storm Salamander flew up again, its defense was quite strong, the data of the quasi-gods were very luxurious, and the Pokémon of the dragon system were also particularly resistant to fighting.

Banjira's strength can't crush the storm salamander, and even the strength is still below the storm salamander, of course, he won't give the storm salamander seconds with one move.

"It's fine. "

Seeing the salamander flying smoothly, Xiao Luoxue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Directly use the Destruction Death Light to attack Bangira. "

"Oh, do you want to fight me? Jiang Chen also commanded Bangira to use the Destruction Death Light.

Dodge, there's no need for that, Bangira isn't a salamander, it's not that flexible, and if you want to dodge, you might just be beaten in vain.

It's better to play against each other.

"Even if it's a drain, I'm going to wear out your banjira until it's incapacitated. Xiao Luoxue said her purpose.

Bangira had consumed a lot of physical strength before, and if she continued to consume it like this, it would definitely be her Storm Salamander who had the upper hand, and she would definitely win in the end.

"Looks like you're trying to defeat me with a Pokémon again. Jiang Chen understood, but he didn't command Banjira to change his moves.

After his Banjira had gone through the previous attrition, it was indeed difficult to beat the Storm Salamander, even if he didn't have the consumption of the battle with the Fierce Bite Land Shark, he might not be able to beat the Storm Salamander.

After a five-minute stalemate, Banjira finally lost his grip and fell to the ground incapacitated.

However, in order to win Bangira, the salamanders have suffered a lot of losses, and now they have begun to gasp violently.

"What Pokémon will you use next?" Xiao Luoxue was a little curious.

Jiang Chen has too many Pokémon, and all of them are very strong, so it is really unclear what Pokémon Jiang Chen will use next.

"Go, fairy elf. "

"It turned out to be a fairy elf, did you deliberately restrain me?"

Seeing the fairy elves, Xiao Luoxue was depressed, and the goblin department was very restrained by the dragon system.

At least next, the dragon moves of the Storm Salamander are abolished, and for the goblin system, the dragon moves are ineffective.

Jiang Chen spread his hands.

Although the Storm Salamander is restrained in terms of attributes, the fairy elf is among Jiang Chen's Pokémon, and its strength ranking is also in the middle.

Even if the attribute restrains the storm salamander, at least Xiao Luoxue still has to fight, if the giant gold monster, Kuailong, and Shanaiduo are allowed to play, Xiao Luoxue will not have to fight directly.

"Yes. "

"Super Storm Salamander, use air slash. "

"Fairy elf, dodge to the right, then use the power of the moon towards ten o'clock. "

Jumping to the right, it just happened to slash past the air released by the Super Storm Salamander, and then the cold moonlight bombarded the Super Storm Salamander.

It was another predicted attack, and the super storm salamander in mid-air was knocked out far away, grinning very badly.

The strength of the fairy elf is not weaker than that of the super storm salamander, coupled with the restraint in the attributes, isn't it normal for the super storm salamander to grin its teeth.

"Completely seen through. "

Xiao Luoxue couldn't see where his storm salamander had been completely seen through.

Even if you fly in the air, you don't have any advantage.

The strongest dragon moves cannot be used, and it is also a limitation for the Storm Salamander.

"Fairy elves, use magic leaves. "

Magic Leaf, this is a tracking type of attack, there is no room to dodge in the face of Magic Leaf, and the Storm Salamander can't dodge it if it wants to.

"Don't dodge the salamanders, use a billions of shockwaves towards the fairy elves. "

Xiao Luoxue didn't let the salamander dodge hard, because the tracking move couldn't dodge, and it wasn't worth wasting his strength to bye, this move was hard to bear.

Anyway, the grass-based moves did very little damage to the Storm Salamander, and the Storm Salamander could withstand it.

"It's the right choice. "

Jiang Chen nodded when he saw Xiao Luoxue's command, if Xiao Luoxue made the salamander have to dodge the attack, or what move was used to counteract the attack of the magic leaf, this would be the trick.

"Fairy elves, use stand-ins. "

With a stand-in, he helped the fairy elf withstand the blow of the storm salamander, and the fairy elf successfully dodged it.

As long as you see the right time, the stand-in move is also very useful, and Xiao Luoxue didn't react this time.

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