When was Chirulian so easy to see, it was still a blue glitter.

Summer just took a look at the round land shark, and in the blink of an eye, he was confused.

"You two, who is my Chirulian?".

Summer asked, a little uncertain.

"I, I!".

A loli sound sounded in Summer's mind, and Chirulian in front of him raised his short little hand to indicate that it was.


Then you can't be wrong, the little one can tell him directly through telepathy.

It's just, what's going on with this other Chirulian, passers-by have been watching, curious to see the summer, this person has two Chirulian, or shining, so that no one can live?

"I, I!".

Another loli sounded, obviously not the same voice, and Chirulian in front of her left also raised her small hand.

Summer was really confused this time, he just thought it was a prank on the Changeling.

Now he is completely confused, he can't tell the difference at all, it's exactly the same.

By the way, if you look at the system, you can't always have the same values, right?

Just as Summer was about to check it out with the system, the two Chirulian got into a fight.

One chase and one run, they are all instantaneous, their bodies flicker, and they run fast.


I grass.........

But the two Chirulian kept flickering, and they looked at it again and again.

There's no chance to distinguish between summer, and summer is also up and down at the moment.

What's the trouble?

I just met Sherabi, this time it's a dream again, are all the mythical beasts so easy to meet?

Chirulian chased after her, running into a remote alley.

Summer finally caught up, Chirulian on the right was furious, and Chirulian on the left covered her mouth and snickered.

"Alright, Chirulian, I know it's you. "

Summer decisively picked up Chirulian on the right, and the little one was still angry.

"Dream is just joking with you, don't be angry. "

At this time, it is the turn of the dream to be stupid, how does this human know its true body?

In front of the summer system, the divine beast is not easy to use.

Of course, it's just the ability to discern!

"Interesting, how did you find me?".

Chirulian on the left shows her true form, and she is a dream.

Naughty asked about summer.,I don't understand that summer sees through it.。

"Dreamy, you're naughty. Of course I found out with my eyes. "

The dream is really cute, but it's a little naughty.

Legend has it that dreams can change at will, and it's really not covered, and if there is no systematic exploration function in summer, it really can't be distinguished.

Even telepathy can, how can you tell the difference.

"Then let it guess this time. "

The dream has become the appearance of summer again, and a telekinesis directly forcibly separates summer and chirulian, and summer constantly changes positions.

This time Chirulian was stunned, two summers.

For a while, it had no way of knowing which was summer and which was dreamy.

"Chiru... Chiru..."

The little guy was so angry by the dream that he was unreasonable.

Flying Leaf Storm waiting!


Summer quickly ran away, flesh and blood to hard steel elf skills, he is not a real new superman!

Dream also learned well, and he also looked panicked, and hurriedly ran out of the alley to hide.

As soon as Dream ran out of the alley, a round land shark just collided and bit directly into the dream of summer.

What a foolish thing is this, but you really dare to bite it, it's a first-class god, but fortunately, Dream is still a kinder elf


"Don't run, give me back my land shark. "

At this time, the trainer of the round land shark saw this scene from a distance and shouted directly.

Dream ran towards Summer with the land shark hanging behind him, flicking the land shark at the same time.

The dream of being bitten is also uncomfortable, and it directly turns into a body, and keeps flicking the round land shark on its tail.

Throwing it while flying, but the Hanhan round land shark just didn't let go, and was directly carried by the dream and flew over the wall in front of the alley.

Seeing the dreamy body fly away, Chirulian threw herself into Summer's arms, her eyes still watery.

For fear that the summer will be snatched away by dreams, that pitiful appearance is simply shrimp and pig's heart.

"Alright, alright, crying nose guy. "

Summer comforted Chirulian in her arms, no way, who wouldn't be soft-hearted when meeting such a little guy?

"Hey, where's my land shark? Give it back to me. "

Looking at the people at the entrance of the alley, Summer recognized that it was the trainer of the round land shark.

"Your round land shark was taken away by the dream and went over there. "

Summer looked at the beautiful woman in front of her and told the truth.

"Who are you fooling, obviously I saw it, it was you who took my round land shark. "

The woman was furious, and she was sure that it was the round land shark that had abducted her in the summer.

"You've got something wrong with your brain, I said the land shark wasn't with me. "

Summer is also speechless, it is a dreamy prank, what does it matter to yourself.

"And quibble, you say, are you a pixie hunter?".

The woman seemed to think of something, and her expression was serious.

In the summer, the face is black, what are you kidding, the elf hunters are notorious, and everyone shouts and beats.

If you carry this pot on your back, it will hurt the egg.

"You can eat indiscriminately, you can't talk nonsense, otherwise I will beat women. "

Summer is not used to her, and she did such a thing for no reason.

"Hey, the Pokemon Alliance Center, east of the city, on Ed Street, find the elf hunter. "

You're an ugly woman with your brain kicked by a donkey?

Summer is really hot, and I'll have to sue her for slander later.

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