Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 88: real-time tasks

Speaking of shopping malls, there may be items that can be temporarily enhanced in battle, as well as items that directly and permanently enhance the basic abilities of elves.

These two things are not what Li Shisan values ​​most. After all, even if the basic ability data can be permanently improved, the ceiling also depends on the racial value. If the racial value is too low, the drug will not be strong.

The most exciting thing about the department store is the move learner. Some elves have good race values, but their comprehension skills are too poor. At this time, the move learner makes up for it.

There is a place to buy a move learning device, which can be regarded as a free move in the true sense.

Of course... gold coins are enough.

The control game character looked around the construction site of the department store, and Li Shisan noticed that there were postmen in the store.

The mysterious postman has been very diligent recently...

Taking the package from the postman, Li Shisan found that it was steel mail.

I had obtained the dream email in the cave in Wanfu before. I hadn't figured out what this thing was for, but I didn't expect another steel email.

In fact, the difference between these two emails is that the style of the letter is different, the fantasy style and the hard style style, the role in the game is to let the elves take the exchange to the little friend, and the little friend can read the content of the letter.

In reality, I really don't know what to use it for.

The content of the letter was still thanks, and Li Shisan could only roughly speculate that Wan Rui was the trigger for this email.

In order to express his gratitude, Wan Rui gave a certification letter, which belongs to the same category as a letter.

"What am I doing with this thing, is it purely a souvenir of friendship?"

Mail is something that I don't understand temporarily. Another thing I don't understand is furniture.

The stall that appeared recently in the open-air market sells potted plants, which belong to the furniture category. When players find the secret base of the villa in the game, they can put things in for decoration.

But this thing... has no effect on reality at all. Could it be that they really updated a booth purely for viewing?

The control game character walked around again. The road behind the Forest Mansion was still not open. Thinking that the other two roads were still blocked, the mine had changed.

As the miners continued to dig, the mine extended a lot to the ground, and the random output increased every day, not only evolution stones, heart scales, but also props such as green fragments and blue fragments appeared.

You can only store the fragments first. These things are used to exchange with specific NPCs in the game, and teach skills that cannot be learned by the move learner, which consumes a lot of money.

Closing the game interface, Li Shisan excitedly grabbed his backpack and left the lounge, he had to start enjoying life!

I used my mobile phone to find a well-known hotel in Honghai City. The nearest hotel is An Yun, and the room price is 3000b.

"From the bottom 3000b a day? Enough for my quarterly rent plus water and electricity."

The most expensive guest room in An Yun Hotel is tens of thousands a day, decorated like a small garden, with guest rooms, tea rooms, conference rooms...

...and a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't work.

In Furong City's top Chuangqiao Hotel, Gu Fengzhe's guest room is nothing more than a large living room plus spacious master and auxiliary bedrooms.

Li Shisan's most satisfied guest room is limited to that model, and if it is further upgraded, the extra rooms are unnecessary.

I ordered a room for 4000b a night on my mobile phone, which provided services such as swimming pool, sauna, hot spring, and three meals a day. It also included a free shuttle that was limited to one trip a day, and the furthest to the airport.

I bought a few sets of casual clothes, and the bathrobe combat clothes are really not suitable for daily wear.

In the busiest place outside the clothing store, Li Shisan took out his mobile phone and called for a special car from the Anyun Hotel.

About half an hour later, a pure black luxury car worth millions stopped in front of Li Shisan.

Under the envious eyes of passers-by, the driver in a tuxedo and white gloves got out of the car in person, stuffed the mountaineering bag into the trunk, opened the rear door, and bowed slightly to invite the guests to get in the car.

Li Shisan sat in comfortably. The first impression was that it was the feeling that a rich man pretended to be a b. It seemed quite comfortable.

The second impression is that it took idiot B to call the car to such a congested place. No wonder the Anyun Hotel is not far from here, but it took the driver more than half an hour to drive over.

"Little Master, do you want to go back to the hotel directly?"

"Well, just call me Mr. Li and go directly to the hotel."

There is quite a lot of space in the back seat of the car. There are small table boards on both sides of the seat, and tea and delicate snacks are placed on the table in front.

Li Shisan comfortably opened a bottle of juice, and casually looked at the status of the students on the social software.

While struggling in the fifth restricted area, Li Shisan sighed with emotion that other classmates entered the university and lived a bright campus life.

This is indeed the case. Except for some extreme majors, most of the students are not busy in their freshman year. They only post photos of life and food, and some people have gained new relationships.


There was a software on the phone that popped up a push message. It was the mobile app of the Hunter Guild. Li Shisan had never seen this thing push, and there was a red dot with a message on it.

Click on the Hunter Guild APP, and the software scans the hunter badge and fingerprints before you can log in. The messages received are only for the logged-in hunter.

Li Shisan found that there was an official mission next to the original mission interface~www.wuxiahere.com~ This appeared after the hunter badge received the official certification letter, and the push message came from the official mission panel.

With doubts, he switched from the ordinary hunter task panel to the official one. Li Shisan had seen this place yesterday, and the announcements were all about secret tasks that required the cooperation of trustworthy hunters, and he didn't see any push notifications.

Now the top of the official task panel is called "Prisoner Tracking", which is a real-time task. Hunters do not need to sign up to take over. As long as the wanted criminals can be caught alive and provide clues, they can get the corresponding reward.

Li Shisan clicked on the mission details, and it stated that the prisoner escaped from the 6th district's prison. The prisoner number 196 was found in Honghai City, and then escaped from the pursuit and disappeared.

Locking prisoners is very dangerous. If an ordinary public task is released, not only can the poor hunters not be able to handle it, but they will also startle the snake, and even cause panic among the general public because of the battle.

Therefore, real-time tasks are released on the official panel, and the practitioners department will also send plainclothes forces to investigate. Hunters who want to track them wear rimless glasses or masks, and they are responsible for one, as an identification mark for internal personnel.

This mission is a bit interesting, it's like a spy.

In my heart, I thought secretly, anyway, unlike several other official missions, the hunter needs me to go somewhere after going out. The real-time mission is more casual, and there is even the possibility of meeting Prisoner 196 entirely by luck.

Unable to get rimless glasses for a while, Li Shisan knocked on the wall separating the cab and the back seat, a small window opened to the left, and the driver asked.

"Mr. Li, do you need anything?"

"Are there any masks in the car?"

"No, I'm very sorry, it's because we didn't think enough, we'll get you one right away when we arrive at the hotel..."

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