
22 Chapter 22: Seduction Technique

I said, "You're not a merchant, are you?"

Behind me, I heard Elina sigh. With disappointment. Maybe I ruined her fun. Or maybe she wished I was more subtle.

Syrus said, "What makes you think that?"

I pointed out everything that was wrong with his lie. He smiled and nodded. In a flash he drew his sword and pointed it at my throat. His wife, Julia, aimed an arrow at Elina.

Fast. Faster than me. Instinct told me that he was a skilled fighter. Maybe better than me. But he took the initiative and therefore had the advantage. However I wasn't dead yet. Which meant he didn't intend to kill — at least for now.

I stayed still. So did Elina. But her eyes were curious.

Syrus said, "But your lie is just as bad...hmm, fellow witch hunter?"


"You're a witch hunter?" I asked.

"Mm-hmm. But the question is...why are you traveling with a witch and calling her your wife?"

I raised an eyebrow. Elina's disguise was perfect. She was the stereotypical towns girl. One out of millions. I glanced at her. No sign of magic. She was just like a human.

Which meant that Syrus was bluffing. But why would he try to bluff about something like this?

I said, "My wife isn't a witch."

Syrus wrinkled his nose. "Don't make a fool of me. Can't you smell it? Her magic is everywhere in this hut." He licked his lips. "I can taste it."

I glanced back at Elina. She shrugged and shook her head.

I've never heard of a witch hunter who could smell magic with his nose. I've heard of dogs who could do that, but not men.

He wasn't a dog, but I guess he wasn't bluffing either. No point in keeping up this lie if it has gone this far already.

I said, "Alright. Yes, she is a witch."

"And why would a witch hunter travel with a witch? Have you given into her seduction techniques?"

"I'm not that weak."

"Then why haven't you killed her? Even going as far as calling her your wife."

I said, "Put your sword down and I'll tell you."

He looked at me. I looked at him. We saw something in each other. Something we both recognized. Something neither of us really liked. A hardness in our eyes, a reason for living that would lead to death.

Syrus nodded. He sheaved his sword, but his wife kept her arrow aimed at Elina.

"Your wife is a witch hunter?" I asked.


"You don't see female witch hunters every day."

"You don't see a witch hunter and a witch calling each other husband and wife every day either."


I said, "Let's talk outside. Your wife can watch Elina."

I glanced back at Elina. "Do anything and she'll kill you."

She changed back into her normal form. Silver hair and silver eyes. But something was different. Her hair glowed and glittered without sunshine. Like the magic in her was boiling. Dying to kill.

Julia took a step back.

I said, "Don't worry. She's got gransia handcuffs on her. She won't be able to harm you."

Or at least I hoped that was still true. I still didn't know what happened to that green eye bastard's friend. The knight from the Church of Deliverance.

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