
48 Chapter 48: Boom. That's how.

Which made sense to me. But it meant that something else was true as well.

There were no ladies at the Jolly Tavern. Because nobody wants the company of a glum man. But like attracts like and so we all ended up here. One big unhappy family.

Took my drink and sat next down next to a guy. Black leather armor, bloody sword resting on the table, a tired look on his face.

I greeted him and asked him what brought him to Larose.

He said that it was none of my business.

I said every man in this tavern has a witch to hunt. And there were plenty of witch hunt contracts to go around.

He stayed silent for a bit. Then he talked. Said he had been contracted to hunt a witch by the name of Claire. Said that she was a little witch causing big trouble. Said that she was a just a kid. But the client wanted her dead.

I looked around. I asked if he knew why so many witch hunters had gathered here all at once.

He shrugged. An expression that said, "Don't know, don't care."

I finished my drink, ordered another one, then went to another guy.

Asked him the same questions. Got similar answers. But there was one thing that struck me.

The second guy was the skinny kind. Even with armor on, he looked kind of thin. Didn't see a thick sword with him. Seems like he specialized in projectile attacks. Crossbows and throwing knives. The agile kind.

He said, "Hunting a witch, but I can't kill her. Was told that I had to bring her in alive."

"Really? What kind of witch? Where?"

He gave me a look.

I said, "I already have a contract to fulfill. I'm too busy to be a headhunter."

He nodded. It made sense.

He said, "I can't tell you where she is."

I nodded. "I understand. What's her name?"

He said, "I'm looking for a witch called Elina."


ELINA: Gold and green and red. Like a festival. Blinking. Unblinking. Glowing in the dark, like orbs floating in the nightsky.

I closed the door behind me. My feet creating faint echoes on the stone floor. The witches looked intently at me. Like they weren't sure what was going on.

I said, "What do we have here?"

One of the witches met my gaze. Her eyes were golden. Her hair? Interesting. Her hair was golden. Not blonde. But like real gold.

My exact opposite.

"What's your name?" I asked.

She said, "Officer Rosewood, you already know my name."

I said, "Tell me your name again."

She looked at me. I looked at her.

She said, "Svenja."

I looked around. A long underground corridor. Several large cells with around three to five witches in them.

Svenja said, "Officer Rosewood, you better leave soon."

"Hmm? Why?"

"Because someone is coming to rescue us."

"Should you really tell me that?"

Svenja smiled. "The witch coming for us is powerful. I felt it when she returned our call. Magic beyond my imagination. She might even be a silver witch."

Then she pointed at me. "If you don't go soon, she will come and kill you."

I smiled back at her. I liked her. Her personality and voice were dreadful, but she had guts.

I put my hand to my face. Used a little magic. Melted off Rosewood's face and returned to my normal self.

I said, "Do you mean me?"

Her golden eyes stared at me. Other witches gasped.

Svenja said, "You took on his appearance?"

"I killed him first."


"Boom. That's how."

Svenja and the other witches got onto their knees.

Svenja said, "Oh great witch, we thank you for coming to our rescue. Words cannot convey our gratitude."

Heh-heh~ I liked this already. Too bad Salem won't kneel before me. But that was what made him adorable.

I said, "Why are you witches all down here?"

So she told me. About everything. Confirming everything Julia Abernathy told me and then some more. Why the Eisen Kingdom suddenly wanted witches alive. What they were going to do with the witches. How they were going to be used.

I listened to her. Nodded. It was good information.

Then I turned. Headed to the door. Opened it.

Svenja said, "Oh great witch! Where are you going? Aren't you going to free us?"

I turned my head. Grinned.

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