
62 Chapter 62: Her Weakness

Towards sundown, he didn't notice anything strange. Which was the first mistake. He should've been able to notice it. The odd tension in the air. The lack of animal life. The total silence.

We were less than a day out of Larose. We should've seen plenty of other travelers. But we saw almost none.

By the time we made camp, I knew that something was wrong. The ground was wet. Salem said there was rain in this area. I knew there wasn't. None of the trees were wet. Only the ground. But he didn't notice.

And then: the smoke.

Smoke from a fire that shouldn't be there. At least not without magic. I sniffed the air. Something in the air. Something strange.

Salem got up. Told me to stay put. He went into the forest, into the darkness.

What to do…should I trust his luck?


Salem: I realized that I didn't know his name. We had shared drinks, shared stories. But I never asked for his name. He didn't ask for mine either.

I quickly recalled the story I told him. Half truths and lies. Which made the best kind of lie. Very convincing, easy to remember.

I also recalled that he had offered to work with me. Help me kill the witch for a cut of the payment. Lower the chance of death. Increase the chances of a successful hunt. Use the money to hire a doctor for my sister.

But I rejected him.

He looked at me. I looked at him. Recognition on his face. He opened his mouth. For a moment no sound came out. Then he said, "You're the witch hunter from Larose."

I said, "And you're the man hunting for that witch. You said she had silver eyes. What was her name again?"

Was he following me? Did he know that I had captured Elina? I felt the dagger at my side. Ask questions first. Then decide if I had to kill him.

He said, "Yes, Elina is her name. I have to bring her in alive."

He gestured for me to sit down. Offered me a drink and offered me his hand.

"We didn't introduce ourselves during our first meeting. But a second meeting is most auspicious. My name is Giorgio."

I sat down. Shook his hand and took the drink.

I said, "Salem Udell. It's a pleasure to meet a fellow witch hunter out here in the wilderness."

I breathed in. Breathed out. I wonder if her silver eyes were watching me. Listening to every word I said.

The drink was good. High quality wine. Giorgio said he brought it with him from Larose. A good drink on a lonely night on the road soothed the soul. But a good drink with a fellow hunter was even better.

Giorgio looked like a thin man. Pointy chin, hollow cheeks. But he looked healthy. He wasn't lacking in food. It was just the way his body was. The fact that he was still alive proved it.

I said, "You're still hunting that witch called Elina?"

He nodded.

"Is she in this area?"

Silence. He looked into the fire. Didn't look at me. Plenty of weapons on him. But most of them long ranged. Crossbow and throwing knives. I was larger than him. I could draw my dagger in a flash.

He said, "My sources have told me that she has been spotted in this area."

"You mean local villagers?"

He glanced at me. A thin smile on his thin lips.

He said, "I'm afraid I can't reveal my sources."

"I understand."

He then asked me what I was doing here. I told him the only story that made sense. Said I was hunting for a witch in this area. That she had been spotted. But it wasn't Elina. I told him I wasn't mad enough to hunt for a silver witch. I still had a life to live. Which made him laugh.

He said, "There might be an easy way to capture this silver witch. This Elina."

"Which is what?"

He looked at me.

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