
Getting closer, riding Latina looked at the few small bugs below and roared angrily.

I saw that the two sharp corners that wrapped its mouth opened, and the large mouth exposed opened and condensed blue energy waves.

Dragon Fluctuations!

“Get out of the way!”


“The action begins! Goal, ride Latina! Try to use ranged skill attacks and kite fighting. ”

With Yang Junrui’s order, everyone began to command the elves to attack the riding Latina.

Ming Kai: “Fast dragon, use the Dragon Fluctuation!” ”

Shi Dangdang: “Hot monkey, use the destruction light!” ”

Gu Qingge: “Absolu, the fluctuation of evil!” ”

Yang Junrui: “Dragon head gopher, blow up sandstorms and obstruct the sight of riding Latina!” ”

The dragon gopher shrank and turned into a spinning electric drill and rushed into the ground, raising a sandstorm and floating in front of the rider Latina.


Boom boom~ Many attacks hit the body of the riding Latina, and a series of explosions sounded.

Ming Kai clenched his fists: “How is it, is there any effect?” ”

Riding Latina’s fierce wings, a hurricane of dust and smoke was dispersed, and his unharmed body appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“How is it possible! Eating so many attacks unscathed? ”

Shi Dangdang exclaimed in surprise.

How did they know that in this inverted world, riding Latina is an invincible existence! (Except for alpacas, this big guy is not counted in any unit.) )

Yang Junrui: “It has been expected, don’t panic, continue to consume the riding Latina like this.” ”

Riding Latina with a large mouth, the Shadowball skill is activated.

“Koga Ninja Frog, use the water cannon!”

At this time, the voice of the moon came.

A jet of water rushed into the air and detonated the Shadow Ball.

Everyone looked sideways at Xiao Ruyue, and saw that the other party had entered a fighting stance, and they were all relieved.

Yang Junrui: “Okay, that’s it, everyone do a good job of cooperating!” ”

Ming Kai: “Fast dragon, use the meteor group!” ”

The fast dragon’s mouth opened wide, and a golden beam of light hit the sky.

After a while, dozens of meteorites carrying fire smashed towards the riding Latina.

Riding Latina turned his head, the evil wave was launched, ready to crush those meteorites.

“Hugh, dragon head gopher, use the destruction light!”

The dragon gopher jumped into the air and the Destruction Light skill detonated the Evil Wave of Riding Latina.

Dozens of meteorites hit the body of riding Latina one after another, and riding Latina couldn’t help but fall down for a distance.


The furious roar of Riding Latina sounded in the dust, and then several shadow balls came towards everyone.

“Hot monkey, destroy the light!”

“Fast Dragon, Dragon Fluctuation!”

“Absolu, use the Evil Fluctuation!”

“Dragon head gopher, use the destruction light! Ruyue girl, it’s now! ”

“Koga Ninja Frog, use frozen rays on riding Latina!” ”

Yang Junrui and the others’ attack blocked all the shadow balls of riding Latina, and Yuruyue took advantage of the situation to order the Koga Ninja Frog to directly attack Riding Latina.

The Koga Ninja frog survived, and the freezing light hit one of the wings behind the riding Latina.

Seeing this, Yang Junrui’s eyes lit up: “Good opportunity!” ”

I saw that he took out a small remote control from his pocket, and then pressed the button on it to activate the brainwave jammer.


An inaudible sound came, crept down Latina’s ears toward its brain.


Riding Latina flew back and forth in mid-air with a frowning face, letting out a painful roar from time to time.

“Everyone, hurry up now! Dragon head gopher, destroy the light! ”

“Fast dragon, meteor swarm!”

“Absolu, Evil Fluctuations!”

“Hot monkey, destroy the light!”

“Koga Ninja Frog, Water Fluctuations!”

Another series of skills hit the body of the riding Latina, causing a violent explosion.


Listening to the roar of “pain” riding Latina, Shi Dan clenched his fists and cheered.

“Great, it worked!”

“Don’t be careless, it’s not time to celebrate yet…”

Before Yang Junrui’s words of reminder were finished, a destructive death light rushed out from the burst of dust and smoke, knocking Shi Dangdang’s fiery monkey out.

Everyone’s faces changed drastically.

Shi Dan looked at the fiery monkey who had lost his ability to fight in the ruins, and his face turned ugly and died.

“Damn it… Sorry Hot Monkey, I shouldn’t have been so careless! ”

He withdrew the fiery monkey and threw another Poké Ball.

“Go, avenge the fiery monkey, Heracros!”

Minkai: “That guy is so strong… ”

The picture of riding Latina to kill the hot monkey in seconds couldn’t help but remind him of the scene where his fast dragon was killed by Daiochisis in seconds.

Yang Junrui’s face was serious: “Don’t be careless, riding Ladina is not at the same level as your previous opponents, so don’t use your past habits to judge it!” ”

“I’ll cover the brainwave jammer and look for an opportunity to feint, and you guys continue to attack and consume its physical strength!”

“Okay, no problem! Koga Ninja Frog, come to the heavy rain and use the rain prayer skill! ”

With the activation of the Koga Ninja Frog skill, heavy rain fell out of thin air in midair.


Riding Latina roared, he shot a dozen shadow balls and smashed them towards everyone.

“Ming Kai, while the effect of praying for rain is not over yet, let the fast dragon launch an attack on the riding Latina, and we will cover you and the fast dragon!” ”

“Koga Ninja Frog, use the water cannon!”

“Heracros, use the seed machine gun!”

Heracros spewed out countless seeds like a machine gun, strafing the shadow balls shot out by Riding Latina.

Minkai: “Fast dragon, use 100,000 volts on riding Latina!” ”


The fast dragon screamed softly, and its body flashed with electric light towards the riding Latina.


Due to the rain prayers, the body of the rider Latina was also stained with many traces of water.

It instinctively wanted to avoid the 100,000 volts of the fast dragon.

But the brainwave jammer has been stimulating and interfering with it, causing its response to be much sluggish.

The 100,000-volt split of the fast dragon hit the riding Latina, and suddenly there was electric light.

Riding Latina roared in pain, and his blood-red eyes couldn’t help but look at the brainwave jammer.

It is because of this thing that he has been out of state when he fights!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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