Rudolf always harboured wishful thinking that somewhere, in some form, his child was still alive. He was Samson after all, a man with a thousand plans and Ardehel's words only breathed life into his hope. He knew the woman would not joke around with a matter as serious as her daughter's life. There were many ways she could have asked Rudolf for help, but her forceful approach only added credibility to her words.

  As Rudolf scoured the midlands in search of the missing daughter, his faith in Ardehel's plea only grew stronger. just, as he leapt through another vast expanse, he suddenly heard a deafening sound followed by a shockwave, oddly similar to the mana discharge that Hans used on him during their weekend practices. A cold shiver ran down his spine because he knew without a doubt that it was Hans's attack. The same attack he had promised not to use unless his life was at stake. Now that his child was involved, the stakes had been raised even higher.

  With no time to spare, he leapt towards the source of the explosion and landed amid a scuffle between Xandor and an unknown man, surprising them both with his bold entrance. Xandor, already preoccupied with the mysterious figure, was now faced with an added nuisance which was a headache in his own rights.

  The Warlock let out a low, exasperated click of his tongue, stepping away from the chaos unfolding before him. The power of the Warlord's thunderous aura had already broken the pulling force of the mysterious man, so he got free without risking anything contrary to his initial thoughts.

  As Rudolf surveyed the desolate surroundings, his eyes fell upon Hans, battered and broken, lying helpless behind the mysterious man. He did not sense any malice from the man, he even appeared to be protecting Hans. Shifting his gaze back to Xandor, his fury surged within him, and he raised his sword, ThunderClap, poised to strike him while simultaneously guarding himself against the mysterious man with unclear motives.

"What the fuck did you do?" Rudolf bellowed, his voice seething with anger. "What have you done to my boy, Xandor?"

Xandor retorted, his voice dripping with disdain,
Don't look at me, Alastor. You're the one who raises monsters.

But that was not what Rudolf wanted to hear, feeling the absence of mana in the surrounding. He demanded, with increased aggression,
I'll ask you one more time, what the fuck did you do?

Xandor's response was nonchalant, delivered in a tone of relaxed indifference,
It wasn't me. That 'FAKE' is to blame.

  As Rudolf seethed with aggression, Xandor continued to evade his questions, leaving him with no answers. His eyes returned to Hans, and he knew without a doubt that his boy's life hung in the balance. No expert opinion was necessary to understand that it would be hard for Hans to maintain his life in this condition.

  The thought of losing yet another precious life of his child, ignited a fiery anger within Rudolf, causing his aura to reach new heights, thickening and condensing the air around him. He steeled himself to finish this quickly, determined to prove once again why he was known as Alastor, the feared one and take the kids away from this mayhem.

But before he could act on his resolve, the grim voice of the mysterious man interrupted him, his words devoid of everything.
"You have a choice," the voice spoke, cutting through the tension like a sharp blade. "You can save the boy or fight him to the d..."

Rudolf drunk in rage cut off the man's words in short, declaring,
I don't need your help. Stay out of this.

  But as the expected answer failed to materialize, the expression on the mysterious man's face shifted. He released a breath, and a presence so powerful washed over the entire Concordia bringing everyone to their knees. and Xandor and Rudolf were not exceptions either.

  As the sheer force of the mysterious man's will dominated everything around, Rudolf suddenly realised who this person was: the old monster who had been tasked with guarding Concordia's reserve. Despite the countless bloodshed that had taken place, this man had closed his eyes, remaining neutral, neither taking any sides nor stopping anyone.

  His being here only added to Rudolf's sense of bewilderment. But the man's presence was a favourable sign, so he decided to seize the opportunity. With a sense of urgency, Rudolf turned to the mysterious man and made his request, still on his knees. "let me take the girl as well,"

  As soon as Rudolf spoke, a fierce determination ignited within Xandor. He pushed himself beyond his limits, breaking free from the pressure that had subdued him just moments before. With a quick and calculated move, he seized Delimra and held her hostage for negotiations.

  Seeing that the mysterious man had not made any moves, Rudolf understood the extent of this man's generosity. So before Xandor could ask for a parley, Rudolf took out his subspace stone and projected out the spy whom he had stolen right before the Investigation Committee.

He locked eyes with Xandor and said,
You don't leave your man behind, do you?

As Xandor's lips curled into a sly grin, he couldn't help but feel amused by the situation and replied,
I like how well you know me, I didn't even have to threaten you.

  The exchange of hostages went off without a hitch, but the mysterious man remained silent, observing from the sides. As soon as it was done, Xandor couldn't resist a parting shot. "If I had known this pacifistic bastard was coming here, I really would have targeted your treasury. What a disappointment."

Rudolf was incensed by Xandor's callousness, clutching both children in each hand as he shouted at him.
Shut up, you bastard! You didn't even spare the child of the man you once served!

Xandor's anger flared up in response. "That is not a child," he spat, "He's not even human. Just a fake replacement."

But before Rudolf could retort, the mysterious man stepped forward, his face finally showing some rage. "Go now," he ordered Rudolf, "I need to have a chat with this child."(referring to Xandor)

  As Rudolf stormed off, Xandor couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of unease. This man in front of him was not one prone to anger, and yet the fury that radiated from him now was unlike anything Xandor had ever seen before. He watched in horror as the man finally let go, his rage turning everything red. The people of Concordia stood in stunned silence, marvelling at the spectacle unfolding before their very eyes like a curtain of red shrouding everything that they could see.

  But as if things weren't bad enough, a sudden downpour added to the grimness of the situation. The rain came down in a deluge of crimson as if the heavens themselves were weeping tears of blood. It was as if some vengeful god had decided to punish the masses for their sins.

  As Xandor watched the spectacle unfold before his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of dread. He had hit the hornet's nest, a nest so big that could swallow him whole. The ever-known pacifist was now turning into an aggressive man, and Xandor was the target of his wrath.

  As he stood there, sweat pouring down his face, he knew that there was no way out of this mess. The furious man in front of him seemed capable of tearing him limb from limb, and the rain of blood only added to the sense of impending doom.

It was then that Xandor uttered a warning to the world, a Parvian phrase that had been passed down through the ages, a phrase that he had forgotten.

When the blood soils the skies and Rain paints the land red,
A Parvian sun shall rise, filling all with dread.

"FUCK!, FUCK!" Xandor's anger boiled over as he confronted the mysterious man. "Why now? Why didn't you save Samson? You had enough power to turn the world upside down, you son of a bitch! He was also your blood!" His eyes were moist as he screamed, his frustration and pain palpable.

But the man before him remained unmoved, stoic in the face of Xandor's outburst. "He made his bed, he ought to see it through," the man said simply, already calmed after knowing Hans was safe from this maniac.

Xandor gritted his teeth, his anger still simmering just below the surface. But then the man fixed his eyes on him, and he felt a sense of dread settle over him. "I won't kill you," the man said, "but a lesson must still be instilled in a child (referring to Xandor) when he makes a mistake. So clench your teeth, kid."

  As the man moved, the ground beneath him cracked and split apart. Xandor tried to strike back, but his attacks were futile against the man's impenetrable defence. Each blow he received was like a hammer to the bone, sending shockwaves of pain through his body.

  Xandor knew that he couldn't take much more, but he also knew that he wouldn't be killed - not by this man, at least. He was biding his time, waiting for an opening. And finally, it came. After enduring a fifth brutal blow to the face, Xandor saw a glimmer of hope on the horizon. The twelve captains of Eclipse came back, finishing their tasks. As he stood up with the support of one of his captains. The man stopped for a moment and looked at them, some were familiar faces and some were new.

But it was not a problem for him, he smirked and said confidently,
Do you think numbers could help you, kid? You just gave me more people to beat.

Xandor retorted,
Screw you, you fucking 'Ancient'. A full-scale war was never my intention to begin with. My captains returning here meant I had achieved what I came for.

  Xandor smirked and cried out, "INGRESS!" Suddenly, a bright light pillar fell on the members of Eclipse and they vanished into thin air, leaving the man with empty hands.

  The man sighed and checked his fists. It had been a long time since he had used them, so long that he felt unfamiliar with the impacts. He uttered, "Why do these people still have the privileges of Osiris? Why is that God still protecting them?". He calmed down and the red expanse returned to normal. The downpour halted, and peace was restored to Concordia once again.

  After the exhilarating battle against Eclipse, word spread like wildfire that Concordia had emerged victorious without suffering any harm. However, with a heavy heart, the academy urged its remaining students to depart for their holidays as early as possible. This unexpected announcement caught Chris off guard, leaving him no time to bid farewell to his dear friends who were still lying unconscious.

  Delimira did not get any serious injury but the impact of three-step ManaStorm was too much to bear for the young elf. Hans, on the other hand, was healing quickly but his condition was rather serious so he was to remain in the medical ward but Delimira was shifted to her mother's private quarters. Meanwhile, Concordia urged the remaining students to leave as early as possible. Due to this, Chris had to leave without saying his goodbye to Hans and the quickening speed appeared slower.

  A week had come and gone since the incident, and the world had continued to spin on its axis as if nothing had happened. But for Delimira, it was a single moment. Although not seriously injured, she was still reeling from the impact of the ManaStorm. And then, finally, she had opened her eyes. At first, everything was a blur, and she struggled to make sense of her surroundings. But as her vision slowly cleared, she saw her mother sitting beside her, watching over her with a mixture of relief and concern.

  The experience of being abducted by Xandor left a deep and lasting impression on Delimira. Although she tried to hide it, the fear and trauma that she had endured overwhelmed her. She had fought with all her might when he came for her, but it had been futile. In the end, she was taken away helplessly, even her screams were not allowed by the man to be passed.

  At that time, fear had gripped Delimira's heart. Xandor was a notorious killer, known to have slain countless elves without a second thought. The thought of what he might do to her left her trembling with terror.

  To make matters worse, the memory of Hans abandoning her there only added to her fears, shattering her sense of safety and security. The betrayal had cut deep, leaving her feeling vulnerable and alone in the face of danger. She tried to let go of that horrendous memory as she was healed by Sierra but in her recuperating days, sometimes the memories came back to haunt her.

  And when it does happen, she found himself staring at the sleeping Hans in Medical care because there was something else Xandor said which does not sit well with her. she remembered his exact words

"It's in your blood to protect her, isn't it? You'll go to her like a moth to the flame, unable to resist your instinct to keep her safe, again and again, and again."




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